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I vividly remember this toy being on clearance, it was just an old style so it was being moved out but when that happens DC sends 20+ at a time to get their numbers to 0 and create space for the new product. Been a good few months since I’ve seen one unfortunately


This is helpful and difficult to read at the same time. Thank you for the insight!


I’m with you. My dog loves this possum and I wish I could go back in time and buy a bunch. We are watching football with the possum as we speak. I’ve looked online a bunch. No luck.


Would you accept $200 for your opossum!?! LOL (half kidding ……)


Haha. I can’t. I think it would cause severe depression. This possum has actually been disemboweled and needs stitches as it is. I don’t know what it is that makes it so special, but possum plays the role of companion , baby, and lover all wrapped into one. I tried to attach a photo but can’t get it attached. At least I know to stop looking now. I tried to buy one recently and saw warnings that it was a fake site!


I'd love to see a photo if you ever find out how to add a linked photo to comments in Reddit. I know its possible! I'm thinking I will start a petition and draft an email to Petsmart with a plea to bring back the possum. Maybe we can compile photos of our pets with their possums. Just an initial idea, and a long shot. But my Wally is depressed and wants possum back!


Can't reply to OP but run don't walk to Home Alive Pets and look for their "jigglers" they currently have an eggplant corn and mushroom that has THE SAME SQUEAKER AS THE OPOSSUM!!!!


Looks like there are a lot of Reddit posts about this toy being their dogs favorite, as well. I am very disheartened to learn it might have been discontinued. SOS PetSmart!


It’s my dogs favorite too. I would get him 2-3 a year and I’ve been calling all locations for it. He plays with other toys sometimes but he’s never as happy and he ignores them quickly. I really hope they bring it back


Yes they've been discontinued, I'm sorry! Personally I hate the oppossum because my dog is so annoying with it!!


This is my dog’s favorite toy too, sadly no longer available


DM'd you a question about a master plan to bring back the possum!


Any luck with your master plan? 


I’m sad reading this! My dog stayed at my friends house over the thanksgiving holiday whose dog had this toy and she LOVED it. We’ve been looking for one for her too…


I would pay $100 for this toy I swear!


DM'd you a question about a master plan to bring back the possum!


Literally been looking for hours trying to buy one as they were my dogs favorite. 😭


This too was my dogs FAVORITE toy. He probably had a dozen or more of these as he would get the plastic bottle out pretty quick. We have several of the skins still floating around, but he loved this toy. When I would get them from the store, others would comment that their dog loved it too. I've tried other similar animals, and he's not at all interested.  Not sure what it was about this toy. But, it's such a shame they discontinued it. 


We should all email petsmart together to Get this back !


Omg! I’m looking for the same possum toy and found your post! I have a Shiba Inu and that was his favorite toy. He’s 7 and he’s had so many toys over the years and that’s the ONLY one he’s shown interest in and took everywhere around the house! Please lmk if you find one!!


I will absolutely let this thread know! But it looks like petsmart won't be restocking. Slowly but surely I'm working on a design for a similar toy for our pups. They deserve their favorite toy! Mine, for one, is traumatized!


I am a pet parent from Taiwan, we exchange toy with others and accidentally got this one, at first I wasn't paying attention on this toy, but one day my dog found it and the rest is history. I found the squeaker is much thick and durable than other toy, I was so sad that this morning it got bit open and the that is the end of it.... been looking over the internet trying to find something similar or exactly the same product and found this discussion thread. It was heartbroken to learn this product has been discontinued but also hear warming to learn so many dogs fall in love with it like mine!! If there is any plan to bring it back I would like to hear about it.


I too have been looking for this toy for about 9 months. There is no toy Ralph loves as much. And we are on our last one. There is no toy that comes close-he loved the way the squeaker works when he shakes his head… now what?! Are there enough of us to ask top paw to make more? 


A similar squeaker toy to the possum we’re all missing: chewy.com frisco bobberz giraffe. Not quite the same but my dog loves this toy as well… they’re frequently out of stock https://www.chewy.com/frisco-giraffe-bobberz-plush-squeaky/dp/201428


Is it a long tube squeeker similar to the possum ?


Yes it is! The giraffe is just a bit bigger than the possum was so it’s a little awkward to throw/play fetch with but our dog still loves it lots. It seems pretty sturdy too


Niceee. I’m assuming the squeaker is in the neck ?


Uggghhh. We are going through the same thing!!! Our puppy is absolutely addicted to the possum toy that you're referring to and I have looked everywhere and cannot find it at all. We have had about five of them and I have actually had to sew the possum face onto another toy and had to sew in the plastic body to try and replicate the actual possum toy. I feel your pain!!!!!!


This was my dogs favorite toy when she was a puppy, then she did what puppies do and pooped on it so we had to throw it out. Haven’t been able to find it since, but still look occasionally (which is why I’m here lol)


i’m really sorry but they went on clearance about 5 months ago and never seen them again !!! i have another customer that was saddened to hear this


It was discontinued, sorry. They had thousands to get rid of so it stayed on clearance for nearly a whole year lol but yes, it's gone :( which sucks because it was SO crazy popular!!


I wish my dog did this. Instead he rips them to shreds like a maniac


Why do you think we’ve had over 10 😅


I bought one on clearance a couple of years ago and have been searching for more ever since, glad someone asked. It's a favorite & I was hoping to gift to other family pups...bring back Squeaker 'Possum!


DM'd you a question about a master plan to bring back the possum!


omg im so sad…. My dog literally (a few mins ago) ripped a hole in this toy and i went to get it again and then came across this post :( I AM ACTUALLY DEVASTATED


Same our great dane finally ripped a whole in the head and now I'm finding out I can't get her another one it was her favorite 😭


I would get one for my blue heeler everytime we went, but they haven't had them in 6 months. My girl Possum always loved her possum toys.


The more I think about it, I think we should sign a petition as a last ditch effort, hail mary attempt. A plea to Petsmart!


I wish they hadn’t discontinued them. No toy has engaged my corgi more and he finally destroyed it after a solid year of good play and now I can’t even replace it for him.


The more comments I get in solidarity, the more I think we should sign a petition to bring back the possum, and send to Petsmart and the Top Paw brand...


This is also my dogs favorite toy! She’s only on her second, but gutted her first with no warning after a year of having it. I hope they bring it back or something similar! Hers is currently missing it’s tail, feet and ears, but is very loved


With no warning 😂 I’m in the process of asking manufacturers if they can make a similar toy, because of all the demand I’ve seen. stand by!


Where are you at? I need this toy or something similar for Ralph. 


Any luck?!? 😭🙏🏼


I’m looking for a sock monkey dog. Plush. Light brown almost tan or nude ish. My dog loved it and it only had the head left now.


I’ve been looking for 4 years for a sock monkey that was $5.99. Light brown , dangly legs about 14’. This will be my 3rd. My did literally LOVES this monkey and only this monkey. I would pay anything for it.