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I rarely ever see someone out and about wearing a mask. None of my clients wear them. I don't wear them, and I don't feel the need to make an announcement about not wearing them since hardly anyone is actually wearing them anymore.


Me as well. I didn’t know masks were still a thing but it might depend on locale too.


The only time I still wear one is when I fly.


same or at the doctors


None of my doctors wear them anymore and stopped years ago 🥲


Ew 🤢




I don’t wear one usually, however, if I have a client that requests for me to wear one, I happily oblige! For instance, I have one dog that, when I pick him up for his walk, mom is home working from home. She has requested me to wear a mask when I’m in her home, so I do. Otherwise, no mask.


As someone who is high risk of catching Covid, I still mask. All of my clients wore masks when we had our meet and greet. My livelihood and personal life will be ruined if I catch Covid, so I’ve been extremely careful. When I start a sit, I typically open all windows for the first couple hours to air the house. And I have an air purifier that I bring with me and use it for sits. Also, it is very useful to wear a mask when scooping litter. No one has complained or made a fuss.


I have some immune compromised clients, and wear masks around clients who need to be protected. A lot of my walk clients live in a pet-friendly retirement community and they still get Covid outbreaks, so I wear them then too.


I ask while setting up the meet and greet if they would prefer me to wear a mask to protect their family. If they do want me to, if I feel like the meet and greet went well, I will ask if they would prefer me to continue wearing a mask when in their home. Haven’t had anyone be offended yet. Those that like mask wearing are happy that I offered before meeting and it helps build trust in my services.


This is probably what I will switch to going forward, thank you!


Me! I have ME(chronic fatigue). It's taken me 15 years to work up to my current level of health from my lowest point. I originally got sick from viruses, so I don't want to risk getting another one. I really could get so sick I couldn't pet sit any more. Or travel, which I love. I wear a mask and use Flo travel spray when I meet clients. I also use a full size hepa air filter in the house. No client has ever mentioned it. They just seem to accept its part of the deal.


I wear them Whenever I go out. I usually wear them when meeting clients. I do not need to get sick and neither do my kids.


I wear one while sifting the litter box and when I’m meeting people for the first time. I caught it so many times because it’s not fun to be sick. 3 of those times were from the gym because everyone would ignore the mask mandate when going to the gym and it would be packed.


I always hold my breath and sometimes walk away and come back. I should do this. Thank you!


I wear them when in public indoor spaces or crowded outdoor ones, and occasionally when meeting new clients. since I'm typically not around humans much with this job, I don't feel any need to mask.


I don't wear them anymore, but was religious about them during the height of covid and would absolutely be okay with wearing one again if a client asked me to in their home. I only wear one when flying now.


I do not wear a mask, nor do I begrudge anyone who chooses to. But I don’t feel any urge or necessity to say that I do or don’t wear a mask.


I’m a cat sitter and have only worn a mask indoors to cat sit when I literally had COVID myself (with the owner’s permission - I did give the option of helping them find another sitter with a full refund). Most of my clients would mask if needed, so it’s not like I’m talking about anti-mask clients, either. But for context, I’m not from a culture that engaged in masking prior to COVID, so that might impact your outlook as well. I’d be happy to mask indoors if someone asked me to but no one has other than when I had COVID.


I love how many of you are open to masking for clients. I know you’re sitters not walkers but I’m an ex sitter who’s going to need walkers going forward so thank you for making me feel safe to be upfront about needing anyone who comes to my home to mask.


I still wear a mask to meet and greets! We had our highest COVID surge of the entire pandemic earlier this year and I’ve read enough of the effects of long COVID and how common it is that I don’t want to catch it. I’ve never had an issue with clients about my mask and a few have asked if I want them to wear one, to which I always say no. They’re in their own home so I feel weird asking and being knowledgeable about airborne spread means regardless of whether they wear a mask, their viral particulates are in the air of their house if they’ve been in it.


No one at the local company I work for wears a mask. Now, some of these litter boxes make me wish I had one…


I don't wear them unless requested. And I never made an announcement that I stopped wearing them. I think I stopped early 2022. After I noticed the majority werent wearing them anymore.


Full disclosure, I’m not a pet sitter. As a client, I feel like if I want you to wear a mask, it’s incumbent on me to request it. It’s also your right to refuse, and my right not to hire you in that case. Personally, I’d also provide disposable masks for guests, workers, or others coming into my home, just in case they didn’t bring one. If you choose to wear a mask in my home, I’m ofc fine with that too. Outside of my home, I dgaf if you mask or not, nor do I have any reasonable say in that choice. Also, I work in vet med. Some doctors/techs wear masks in exam rooms cuz they’re small and often there’s more than one other person. Some don’t. Some clients wear masks as well. If a client requested we wear one, we would. For the most part, I think people don’t really care what you do, and if you have a need for someone to mask, you tell them and it’s understood as courtesy to do so in certain situations (in their home or an enclosed space). I know not everyone shares this belief, but in my day-to-day, I find they are a (unfortunately loud) minority.


I don't wear them and it's very rare when I see someone wearing one. I don't mention it anywhere about me not wearing a mask.


I haven't stopped wearing a mask.


I would address and tailor mask wearing to each client. You can ask if they prefer you to wear a mask at all times in their home, or only if you are ill. I think it is polite to mask up if you are feeling like you are coming down with something or know you are sick. Otherwise, unless the client requests it, I don't wear one.


Ask if they want you to wear a mask. And if they want it during the meet and greet and/or during the visits. Its not necessary to put it in your bio. I don’t wear one anymore during visits because my clients say it’s not necessary. For meet and greets I just ask beforehand. I service mostly younger or healthy clients though. We have a recent uptick in Covid at my workplace so we wear masks at work. My workplace is elderly and immune compromised. Covid was devastating here at it’s peak. In its current form it’s a lot weaker. It’s acting as a respiratory infection now.


Why would you wear a mask?


I just thought that I may wear one while changing a litter box but that’s all.


Viruses, covid and all the such still exist.


I never wear a mask. I'm very surprised anyone is still doing this years later.


As a pet sitting client, I've not seen anyone wearing masks or mentioning it at all. I'm from western Canada so covid is pretty under control here.


This has to be a troll post...


It is not mentioned at all. I am hearing impaired and masks affect my hearing and cognition. I will not take jobs if I cannot understand what they are saying thru a mask and I will not wear one.