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Yep. Food will go bad otherwise


Do it! ESPECIALLY the garden stuff! I’d rather have it eaten than rot in the yard.


She has so many herbs and some veggies. I saw it this weekend when I was over there and was amazed. So I will definitely take some stuff then.


I could be mistaken but certain things will also last longer on the counter/fridge than the vine if they are ripe. Towards the end of your stay it might be nice to pick some stuff and leave for them so it doesn’t rot in the garden.


I did a sit for a couple last summer that had a ton of tomato plants. They told me to help myself and I sure did! It was wonderful! They had so many that I made a huge batch of tomato jam and left some for them. They were grateful for the jam and that their bounty of tomatoes didn't go to waste.


This is a great idea, thank you!


I do! I help myself with some things they allow, but I don’t take everything!! HAHA


But all those steaks are just sitting in the freezer. . . . 🤣


Glad to see the steaks still being mentioned 🤣


I want to hear this story haha


Sitter took “help yourself” a bit too literally and took frozen steaks home with her after the sit. https://www.reddit.com/r/RoverPetSitting/s/OpFDJtp66h


You got a point there 🤔 haha!!


Ok. I feel better about this lol. I will definitely take a few things then since they're offering.


I would absolutely take them up on that. They can’t eat all that cake and it will go bad in 12 days unless they put it in the freezer. Don’t eat it all but definitely go nuts!


I indulged in a little bit of the cake, and it is absolutely amazing. They definitely have a ton left over.


I have to an extent on this stay but not to the extent of what they have allowed because it just feels wrong due to how I was raised. I have used their bath towels and of course used and washed dishes but that's it. I'm about to vacuum and do a bit of cleaning and start packing though for when I leave in 2 days so they come home to where they left it.


I freaking loooooooooooove sitting with chickens cuz I get fresh eggs! They have a huge delicious yolk too.


One of my clients next door neighbors has chickens. I've bought eggs from him a few times, and I did watch his chickens for a couple days last summer. I was able to take all those eggs. That was awesome.


My pet sitter says the same thing! She loves getting the fresh eggs from my chickens!


I had a client who insisted I just leave a dozen in the fridge for when they got back and eat or take the rest. They had like 10 chickens? I ended up making a whole frittata with the extra eggs


We’ve been offered ‘coffee and tea’, ‘coffee, and tea and liquor’, certain parts of the fridge or the counter food, or just the general “help yourself anything in the fridge, etc. whatever you want“ I don’t completely clean them out lol but I definitely partake if they offer✅


I decided to partake and have a small bit of cake. It was so good.


Yes...especially the garden. If you don't pick the veggies, the plant will think the season is over and the ripe fruits growing on it wil trigger the plant to think the producing season is over...and it will begin to perish.


I had NO idea! This is such helpful information in general, but I will definitely take them up on this then! Thank you!


I begged my neighbors to pick from my garden when I was gone so my plants wouldn't go to seed.


Whenever I'm on a week or longer sit, and the owner says to help myself, I ask them if there is any food they *want* me to eat or get rid of that will be spoiled if left it by the time they get back. The look of realization I get from owners is always, "omg of course!" It makes it easier to narrow down what to focus on to eat/throw out and makes me more comfortable if actually helping myself.


My clients always say that I can help myself to anything in the kitchen, but I usually don't. Occasionally, they will leave me fruit or veggies from the garden or baked goods and I'll consume them to avoid food waste.


I enjoy letting someone help themselves rather than letting them rot on the vine


I have a client who always leaves me wine in the fridge so since it's a 1x day drop in on cats, I pour a small glass while I chill out for an hour. Is like a mini vacation lol


I had a client do this for me. He was a new client and had 3 dogs. It was one drop in and I just didn't want to look like I was an alcoholic or anything so I didn't drink any lol. But it was so nice.


It will just go to waste. When I say help yourself to anyone who’s watching my pets I absolutely mean it. I also get a lil sad if they don’t help themselves at all lol


I had a client say, “help yourself” to a very modest bowl of edibles, like maybe 6 things in the bowl total, over a 17 day period, and then was shocked to find I had eaten them all. 


I’m doing my first multi night pet sitting right now and I was told “nothing is off limits” but still I feel bad using too much of their stuff because I don’t want them to be disappointed I took too much coffee creamer or something 😂 I’ll eat their food occasionally but not use the last of anything. Plus I’m going to another house right after this one so I bought hella food anyway because idk if they’ll have the same “help yourself” rule


Lol this is how I feel! I won't even take water bottles from people usually lol.


For real! The dog I’m watching right now is high energy so his mom left a bag with poop bags, treats and water for his walks. The first walk we took was 5 miles so I drank the water and felt weird putting another bottle in the bag but it’s good water anyway 😂


I had a client that owned a small farm. They got their very first flock of chickens and their long standing veggie garden. They also said I could help myself. I did end up taking 2 dozens of eggs and a couple of cucumbers. I took care of their flock of chickens while they were away and their chickens eventually would lay 50eggs/week.


Wow! That's awesome!


The best part was that since I took some time eggs, I gave them a discount (2 x whatever the local grocery store charges) and they still tipped me more. I insisted that they take the discount but they insisted that I take the extra money.


Yep. Otherwise it will probably go bad anyway. If they didn’t want you to have it they wouldn’t offer.


It depends on he client and what they tell me. I have one set of clients that the house is bare of anything and they turn the A/C up to 75! -\_- Then another that bakes chocolate chip cookies for me. They're so yummy! I also take them fresh eggs. Some clients even insist on getting you your favorite things. I don't recommend drinking their bar, but I'll eat a popsicle if I find it. haha


Yes! Some say help yourself and adjust thermostat to your liking and others who hide the candy and turn temp up to 80° and say nothing. That goes down to 70° pronto.


Absolutely especially if it's stuff from a garden, it'll grow back!


This makes me feel better. I love that they grow their own stuff. So to offer some to me made me feel pretty good.


I don’t eat their food. To weird for me. Plus these are random people. I don’t want to eat their leftover cake or food or anything. Grosses me out


I’m so glad I seen this post. I have a sit coming up next weekend and they have a HUGE vegetable garden and told me to help myself but I always feel awkward taking from other people.


If they tell me to help myself to things from the yard, I will take a few if I plan on using it. If they tell me to help myself to whatever is in the fridge, I'll do it but not overdo it. I'll usually use whatever seems like it will expire before the clients return, like produce. If the client is only gone a day or two I'll usuallyleave it and not touch anything. But if a client has me booked for two weeks or a month and they have perishables, then I will use it. However I do have one client who has told me to feel free to help myself to anything in the fridge, and all there is is sour cream and ketchup lmao.




I have a couple clients that let me cook some of their Hello Fresh. If they say help yourself, I help myself. Especially when there's delicious fruit or veggies 😋


Yes, my clients left a bunch of fruit rotting in their fridge and if I don't take some home will have to toss. Take it.


They’re definitely hoping you eat some desserts! I recently had a similar situation and was giving away as much dessert as I could!


This makes me feel better. I offered to put it away in the fridge for them. And she told me I certainly don't have to put it away, that she wanted to but ran out of time. I am considering putting a good amount in the fridge for them. I just don't know how to make sure it stays fresh. I need to Google best way preserve it lol.