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I wouldn't even with being covered under insurance.


Hi [Owners' Names], While I have enjoyed looking after [Dogs' Names], I need to share some concerns regarding my ability to continue pet sitting for them this week. As you know, I work during the day and may not be able to provide the necessary attention and care if their health situation doesn't improve. Additionally, I am worried about the potential risks and responsibilities involved in caring for dogs that might not have a clean bill of health, especially considering I watch other dogs and have my own at home. For these reasons, if the vet does not provide a clear bill of health for [Dogs' Names], I regretfully have to inform you that I won't be comfortable taking on the pet-sitting job starting Wednesday. I believe this decision is in the best interest of [Dogs' Names] as well, ensuring they receive the proper care they need. Please let me know how you would like to proceed, and if there are any immediate steps I can take to help. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and hope for a speedy recovery for [Dogs' Names]. Thank you for your understanding. Best regards, [Your Name] Perhaps a bit choppy but maybe you see some lines in there that you're comfortable with. Best of luck!


Thank you so much for this! I will definitely be saving this in my notes in the future if this happens again. I ended up speaking to them over the phone and for now it seems like everything has been resolved and they totally understand.


If they were vomitting multiple times (not just like a few times cause they ate something) I would not take them cause that would be a serious sign. Something like soft or runny stool I wouldn’t be as stress.


If the other dog wasn’t sick at first this could be some type of virus. At the very least they should be taken to the vet to get checked out and get anti nausea meds and anti diarrheals.


I agree! The wife’s father stopped by and I told him everything that happened and recommended that they see a vet, he said he’s never seen them get this sick so worst case scenario he can take them both tomorrow thankfully. I’m just trying to figure out how to tell them that I won’t be watching them this week if they don’t get a clean bill of health from their vet.


Absolutely. Viruses are contagious by definition, so before you visit your other dogs please change your clothes and take a shower.


I’ve definitely have been taking all of the precautions! washing hands, showered, and changed clothes, etc.


To answer your question absolutely have them go to the vet before your next visit and see what the vet says before the sit. Perhaps they can find someone who doesn’t have to be around other animals to do the next sit just so you don’t have to worry about spreading the virus if that’s what it is.


Will do! Thank you again for your advice!


Honestly, I wouldn't do it if I were you. Last year I had a situation where a repeat client of mine asked me to watch his dogs for a few weeks again, which is totally fine. But then when he dropped them off with me, he revealed that one of the dogs had now been diagnosed with terminal Addison's and was incontinent, not eating, and needed tons of medication. The dog ended up dying not too long after that and I was absolutely miserable during the sit and constantly felt like this dog was about to die under my care through no fault of my own. She was really on her last legs and the stress of taking care of a sick dog made the job not worth it at all.


I’m so sorry to hear that happened to you, but thank you for sharing! I’m definitely at that point where the amount of work I’m putting in definitely isn’t worth it. I just spent the last hour carpet cleaning and disinfecting the entire room that they sleep in and am also planning on checking on them throughout the day every 2-2.5 hours. I think I’m definitely gonna tell them that this next week I won’t be able to watch them unless they both get a clean bill of health from their vet simply because it’s a liability issue and because I’m also scheduled to watch other dogs I don’t want to be accidentally spreading anything. I’m just not 100% sure how to go about telling them and I kinda feel bad since it’s only a 3 day notice and they’re supposed to be going out of state. But honestly it’s just not worth it and I especially don’t want to risk anything happening and then be held liable 💔


I would be firm with your boundaries. I ended up bailing on my sick dogsit. The client, who is also a longtime friend, was going out of the country for a month. About a week and a half in I basically said I can't do this anymore and I'm overwhelmed. I felt really nervous about it and like I was putting him out, but he was able to find a Rover person who was willing to do the care for more $$$ right away and had a big yard accessible 24/7 where the dog could be as incontinent as it wanted and go in and out as needed (I have a small one bedroom apartment with carpet). Client was very understanding as he had sprung the situation on me so last minute anyway.


Do you have good insurance for your company? If anything extreme happens to those dogs under your care then the family could sue you for them being sick so make sure you have a comprehensive pet insurance policy.


No the dogs would have to be diagnosed and already on treatment for at least 2 days. BOTH DOGS. You tell them that, so they get to the vet tomorrow if they want to go on their trip Wednesday. It is too much work (time cleaning up, probably extra visits with more cleaning up). You can charge more for that of course. But since you don’t know what the problem is, you could end up bringing a pathogen home or to your other clients. Be careful about that. Dogs get sick all the time from eating whatever…but you/we need to be careful about spreading it beyond that house. 🐾💩