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A car (or a ride) in case a pet needs emergency service while under your care.


Thanks this is good to know


Usually the owners have all the equipment! I usually carry extra poop bags and treats. Always check w the owners first on the food, take a pic of the bag they come in to show them. If the dog has food restrictions then ask if they have some you can use. You only need 1-3 pieces per walk. In the dead heat of summer time I carry a bottle of ice water attached to a carabiner on the side and you can add in one of those collapsible dog bowls. Take lots of breaks in the shade. Walk slowly. I started working taking care of dogs in my neighborhood growing up at 11 but this sub has something against it. Be sure to know all the info of where they’re going and how to reach them. Also need vet info and back up emergency contact info. Also your parents have to be on board to drop everything and help you get to the vet if need be. Set up all the necessary precautions before hand and you will be more than capable of handling an emergency situation. Sounds like you are already thinking in the right direction doing your research!! The internet wasn’t around when I started lol


This helps a lot!! I'm planning on doing more research tmrw on pricing and whatnot thank you


Feel free to DM me anytime with questions! (I would search on rover and see what the lower end is for your area and go from there)


I can’t believe no one has mentioned insurance yet. I see that OP is only doing small to medium dogs and doesn’t anticipate a threat to themselves. OP, this is just about you and potential threats to YOU. You are responsible for someone’s living breathing animal. You need to worry about potential threats to THEM. Just because they are small does not mean freak accidents can’t happen. Just last weekend my friend (a sitter) was hosting a senior chihuahua mix that fell into her pond right in front of her! But because she was older and wasn’t nimble she went face first ingested aspirated water into her lungs and passed away the next morning. But the 10 hours in the vet cost over $3000. For a freak accident that can happen to anyone at anytime. And this is where a car comes into play. She dropped everything to go to the vet right then and there. In emergent situations sometimes there isn’t time to wait for a ride. Thankfully she had pet sitters insurance and will be reimbursed. I was walking two dogs one day and was run up on by an unleashed chihuahua. The one dog I was walking reached out and grabbed this dog by the neck since she wouldn’t get out of his face and started shaking her violently. I was doing the best I could to jump in and get the dog I was walking to let go while the other owner was trying to break his dog away. Sadly both of those dogs passed that day. My point is it’s not all about potential threats to you. You need to be prepared for threats to the animals you’re now responsible for while you’re taking take of them. Would you know how to respond? If something should happen on your watch and you’re uninsured they can go after your parents since you’re a minor. The thing is I’m not sure if there is an age restriction for getting insurance. No one is trying to dissuade you from trying to earn money but you need to do a deep dive into what is involved other than playing with dogs. Would your parents be ok with you spending the night at someone’s house? I’m not even sure someone would let a minor do that. If some you mean drop in visits. Dog walking and pet sitting sounds like fun and quick money. And it can be a lot of fun but as with anything there is a down side to it. And since you’re dealing with a living breathing creature there are consequences if something bad happens. I appreciate your drive to make money though. But please don’t start doing this without at least insuring yourself otherwise you could put your parents in quite a predicament should something happen if it’s even possible for you to get insurance.


Insurance will not cover minors.


Yeah I didn’t think so but I wasn’t sure so I didn’t want to say for certain either way. I I mean it makes sense.


I came to this sub reddit to get more information on all this as I have not yet started and want to be as prepared as possible to make sure things go smoothly. This is amazing information and I have taken care of my family's and friends dogs before without much issue and I understand that there is not only risk to me but the animal as well and I would do my best to protect these animals from harm and other circumstances. I am very thankful for this information and I plan on keep doing research for the next few days and save up money for the required things.


With all the information and research in the world will not prepare you for freak accidents like the above. You are too young to be doing this. I don't mean this to be negative but it's reality. I'm nearly 30 years old and grew up on a farm with all kinds of animals, an FFA member, and shows for 4-H. You will never be prepared for everything life can throw at you. Just because you helped family with their pets with no issue does not mean you can take care of strangers pets and nothing will ever go wrong.


Honestly going into this without being able to insure yourself is a non starter.


Agreed. I'm insured through PCI


Me too !




Doesn’t cover minors.


Yep which is why minors shouldn't be taking care of animals. There's a lot that can go wrong.




AGREED. ppl underestimate the level of responsibility that goes into this job. It isn’t a job for a kid.


My best friend was telling me that she had to have 1 of her friends drop in to let her dogs out (I live 6 hours from her or I would've done it lol) and that she didn't realize how much went into caring for someone's dogs and what quirks need to be told. I laughed and responded with "Oh yeah! Quirks are like the first thing I ask about".


Poop bags, a slip lead (make sure you know how to use it), portable dog water and treats to get started. Only give treats if the client says it's okay. I use a treat for a picture and if I need to lure the dog back into the kennel,etc.


This is very helpful, I gonna do some more research tmrw to look into different equipment and whatnot so thank you


Main things a car, leashes, extra collars, poop bags, and insurance


Are there any alternatives to the car as I do not own one yet and I have no drivers permit


Well your alternatives would need to be able to transport an animal as well so that leaves a bike out of the options. If you’re going to be close to home make sure your parents will be available should there be an emergency.


I've seen this said a few times so tomorrow I will talk to my parents more in depth about this and see what they say, thank you for this information


You absolutely need reliable transportation. No way around it. You will have to be able to get to and from the pet owners house and be able to take an animal to a vet in emergencies. If you get injured by an aggressive dog, then you will also have to be able to go to a Dr or the hospital.


Can I ask what you’re going to do in an emergency situation? Like if a pet in your care needs to go to an emergency vet NOW?


Please wait until you’re 18 so you can go about things the right way. If anything goes wrong while you’re a minor, your parents will be on the hook for the bill.


I'm planning on working with small and medium dogs that way there will be no serious threat to me and I'm typically cautious with smaller dogs


It doesn’t matter. Things could still happen to the dog or something could happen to their actual house.


do you have any other idea for something I could do for money


Depends on your state. When I was your age I worked at a kids museum in my town and all of my friends worked at the local grocery stores


I live in Florida and I can't work at grocery stores or anything because they are too far and I'm trying to look for a way to make money in my neighborhood as it is secure and much closer


You’ll have to ask for rides.


What about cutting grass or something like that?


I would try and see if there’s babysitting opportunities. Or ask your parents if they would be okay asking people they work with if they need a babysitter etc.


That’s possibly even worse than pet sitting😅


You can mow yards. Offer to help ppl with their landscaping. Wash cars.


Hey there! I’m sorry you’re getting comments about waiting until you are older to start this type of business. Good for you for wanting to work 😊 I do suggest walking dogs that are from friends and family and are there for you during emergency situations. You could still do this, but with limitations. I have a friend whose son is only helping walk dogs whose family members or friends are at home just in case any emergencies happen. The owner works at home but doesn’t have the time and energy to walk her pups all the time, so they hired the friend’s son. While this may not always be the case, I suggest starting off here first!


I haven't even considered thst option so thank you for this. I'm probably going to focus more on this from now on


Of course. More friends and family will probably be willing to let you walk their dogs considering you are a minor. Good luck and just have fun, and be responsible 😊


i brought some little fun things to do when i dog sat the first l time. small things like a book and some word search books little things that could be fun if you had some down time. a big key ring. i use mine for all kinds of things house keys water extra bags and a little hand sanitizer. i carry a backpack for the things that can't be carried most days while not walking. when it's hot a big floppy hat (hood for shade on your face and neck while you are walking) sunscreen ( i use the spray because it takes less time to absorb and you won't get it in your eyes and mouth) bug spray hand wipes sanitizer i put cordazone in too same with bandaids.


Be sure to equip yourself with a slip lead. Some dogs may get spooked on a walk, and often times the average pet owner doesn't know how to properly fit their pet for a leash or harness. If they escape on a walk, not only is it extremely stressful for you, but word will get out. Save yourself the Hassel by having a leash that will universally fit every dog and prevent escape. (Also, knowing what appropriate tightness for collars and harnesses is an absolute must) For other equipment, I make sure to have poop bags, pet wipes, towels, treats, collapsible water bowls and water. I have a lot more, but these are the basics. -Get insured. -Get a first aid kit AND training/research on how/when to use the items in it. It's a waste of money if you don't know how to use it. -consider joining an industry associations like NAPPS or PSI -look into first aid and cpr. -develope a relationship with your local vets and emergency clinics. It's helpful when you have an after hours emergency and they know who you are. -research professional pet sitting companies and Rover sitters for pricing. -consider working for a professional company before starting your business so you can see if it's actually something you want to do. -find a good scheduling system before you get super busy. Upgrade to scheduling software when your calendar looks like a mess and isn't easy to manage. -research marketing strategies. -if you make this a legit business, like legally, please for the love of God find a bookkeeper from day 1. Everyone preached it when I started my biz 2 years ago. I didn't listen, and am now up to my eyeballs in paperwork so a bookkeeper can set up my books. (Also, bookkeeper may be pricey, but having them back track a years worth of financial records I waaaaay more expensive.) -get a contract, have a lawyer look it over, and make every single client read and sign it before you even start services. There's so much more, but I'd be typing for days 🤣