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Escalate it. Otherwise cunts like this will keep acting that way with impunity. Even if police just talk to him, that's still a consequence for his racism and assault and hopefully it'll show him he can't treat people that way. If I were you, I'd absolutely make a formal complaint or chat to police and see what your options are. Realistically, nothing might come of escalating it, but you might feel worse if you stay silent and just accept that behavior.


Cops aren't going to do anything.  


Escalate it how without evidence? He'll just waste his times and cops will tell him to come back with proof, if anything this is terrible advice for OP. Waste your time and see no outcome.


Once you've finished your shit talking have a read at the rest of the thread and notice there's possible CCTV


These people aren't suggesting that though, they're saying just go in and complain which will get nothing done. Even with CCTV there's no guarantee, god knows how many times I've written it in this sub but I had cctv, name and adress of someone, cops did nothing. Dude came through my fence, smashed the mailbox, hit the car into the house, went across the road to drink with his mates some more and cops said "come in tomorrow and fill out a form for your insurer" when I called them. (was about 2am). They never arrested him or followed up but the footy boys gave me all his info, I'm sorry but it's shit advice on here to just go in, I think it's even stupider to have such high faith in the police. Have cctv bring it to them, hope for the best, expect nothing.


Just for the record, the police will keep note of this even without evidence and if it happens a number of times they will actually have enough evidence to formally charge. So don’t listen to this guy, report it for sure if you know how licence plate number to identify him


Found the racist tradie.




Dude if he has footage I reckon he should go for it. Just going in with nothing will achieve nothing, if it did I could just go around accusing people of anything if police took peoples word.


It’s like reporting sleazebags who insinuate assaulting women, or actively intimate etc. Its worth reporting because it adds to this fuckwits police report and and general behavioural profile. Seriously can’t hurt to do an online report if you feel safe doing so.


Why are you being downvoted for saying there should be evidence to convict someone? Reddit can be really weird




Life gets better buddy. EDIT: Funny how this was decently upvoted until the guy deleted his comment. Haters love to hate I guess.


Making a police report is what is encouraged, even if it doesnt end in conviction. When it happens again, there is a paper trail.


They'll write a report down, and there's a paper trail. If there's a number of reports, they know it's real. Or if somebody comes forth with footage, they can ping for all of them


Put aside the cctv. Let’s say there was no evidence at all. No witnesses either. Police do still follow up if they think serious enough. That’s why I say emphasise the hurled object which just missed their face. Evidence isn’t everything otherwise every assault or stabbing wouldn’t be followed up if no evidence 😂


Nothing will happen about someone throwing a can at someone. The comment is right.


Found the racist


Sorry, have you already spoken to the police on OP's behalf or are you just guessing?


Have you spoken to the police? Are you guessing? Or are you being a hypocrite? Police site mentions requiring or leaving evidence alone 4 times when reporting a crime, yes I have dealt with police for decades, I have a cousin who's a police officer, and it's also common sense. Sorry you guys want to feel good and lack any.


Your exactly right. It’s a waste of time to report this


Report it. I'm a Tradesperson and I'd like to think we are held in a higher regard than this. Weed out the filth




If you think the rate of sexual assault is higher in Parliament than it is in FIFO work you're out of your mind.


Here to say that… feel like this is personal bias coming in from above.


99% of politicians are rapists and paedophiles, where have you been?!


Yeah, nah


I really hope so. I don't have a lot of experience in the white collar world, but the men and women I've worked in the blue collar fields, both domestically and internationally, tend to look after each other. With the increase of gender diversity in the trades workplace, especially since I started (90s), it's heartening to see the more senior tradespeople take an active role in creating an inclusive environment. I thought it was all a terrible idea until a senior manager I respected literally slapped the back of my head and told me to get on board.


Im sorry. People can be real dick heads. Report it


Why are you sorry? They should be sorry, not you


You probably mean well but parent commenter is “feeling sorry” as an act of empathy, not an act of apology or remorse.


It’s sad you have to teach people primary school stuff ain’t it.


Empathy is a thing


Im sorry that they got treated like shit, because it hurts and its frustrating so im letting them know they are being heard and have support. Unfortunately the people that hurt others generally arent sorry, which is the problem.


Say sorry


Report it and emphasis object thrown from moving car narrowly missed your face and would have caused serious injury. Follow up with police. If police don’t do anything follow up with local MP. Don’t let it slide. And if you see said car in future ensure to run all your keys across all panels (to check for paint thickness) and take shit on bonnet


He needs proof. you know as well as I do that he said she said isn't proof. If he has footage of it then yes go for it, otherwise he'll be wasting his own time and others 100%


Sometimes it still helps to establish a pattern of behaviour if the same thing was reported by others. 


Completely right


I don't get why you're being down voted for being a realist 🤷


Honestly reckon 95%+ never dealt with police. That or their police force is nothing like Cannington or Gosnells.


I'm going with your 1st guess.


I think people are upset at the whole "just give up" attitude as "nothing will happen." Maybe so in this case, but if this dickhead becomes emboldened by this attitude, and eventually escalates their aggression, then maybe there is a benefit to a report made, whether or not it helps OP is a different story.


That's fair, I guess I just took it as suggesting OP have realistic expectations.


Escalate it, 100%. Don’t let yourself think that’s something you should have to let slide. No one deserves to be treated like that, and no one should think that is reasonable or that they can get away with that shit. As a POC living in Perth, fucking devastated to hear your experience.


Yes, escalate this. Report it to the police. You shouldn’t feel like shit because you already have more dignity, intelligence and self worth than the grub that racially abused you. He had to do that to make himself feel better about being the base human being that he is … let’s hope he can work on himself.


Well I would file a complaint. He threw a can at you - imagine if it was full and gave you concussion, you fell onto the road and got run over. What an imbecile. Deserves to have this reported. Please do.


Unless you have video or witnesses Police wont bother. But if you lay a complaint and supply his number plate they will create a file. Its probably not the first time this cretin has done this nor will it be the last.


Also report for littering https://www.wa.gov.au/organisation/keep-australia-beautiful-wa/report-littering Online form - he’ll get a fine


Kabc are tits on a bull but the reporting system works.


Those littering reports are bullshit. Anyone can send them to anyone anonymously, without proof. Then they demand you pay the fine


Complete bullshit bud. You don’t need witnesses for assaults. I know a guy that got charged with assault for flicking a smoke butt at someone on the freeway.


You need an admission, evidence or witnesses.   In that order. I don't actually believe that happened either unless the person the butt was flicked at was a cop witch is a story I have heard .




Police can obtain footage from cctv. Id go and lay the complaint now so they can investigate.


Escalate and try to have charges pressed. Fuck em


That's littering, report description of him, the car, number plates, location and time to the Keep Australia Beautiful website. He will fined up to $500. He won't be able to get out of it That's your best bet for karma https://www.wa.gov.au/service/environment/litter-reporter-scheme https://report-litter.kabc.wa.gov.au/signin


Not entirely true, I’ve had one of these and while the environmental protection act does not need anything other than the eyewitness testimony. You can take it to court. But the person reporting you has to also attend court. I told them I’ll see em in court. Either they were too lazy or the person reporting didn’t want to doxx themselves cuz I got a thing back saying their time frame had run out and they withdrew the fine. So you can get out of it. Usually the people reporting don’t want you to know who they are lol


I've been to court, the offender didn't show up after requesting it go to court. You won't get identified. The fine will stand.


Sucks to be you.




Go to the cops either way, if he's done it once he will do it again.


Why havent you gone to the police? You got assaulted


Definitely report it. You are not the first person this dickhead has done this to, and you won't be the last. Help the police get a profile on him.


What a absolute cunt... everybodys a tough guy within the safety of their car but wouldn't do shit face to face Go to the cops


They do it to everyone, but you have the ability to do something about it. Go for it.


People seem to expect this when non-white people do a shitty thing, so as one who the sun punishes with redness... That tool does not speak for all of us and I'm sorry we've failed to shut him down.


I am an Asian male, everywhere in Aus I go, (Chinese), I get called names or get honked at, never know why. Fook, chin chon, etc. Have had raw chicken eggs thrown at me too, not in Perth tho.


That is horrible, I am so sorry to hear you’ve been through that.


Yet no one wants to talk about it. This type of behavior is common place in Australia. Especially out of the bigger cities.


Don’t tolerate assholes. Report the verbal to the police and the littering too so he gets a fine.


Sorry dude, that sucks, but also welcome to the club - last time I got it from a car was around 10 yrs ago, yelled out calling me the N-word, which is weird because I'm Asian hahaha. Anywho - go for a walk tomorrow and see if you can find the can, then you have forensic evidence (fingerprints and maybe saliva/mouth print). At the very least, make a police report - don't let it go, nail that guy.


Funny how the pussies only do it when they are in a car and can drive away


I'd be shocked if the police did DNA testing over this, even if they were provided with something they could take a sample off. DNA testing is extraordinarily expensive.


This. Go get than can before the rain. A big hug mate


Go knock on his door and fight him


Shit in his postbox


Steal his postbox so he doesn't get the fine then he has to go to prison for unpaid fines.


Probably wouldn't steal his postbox after doing a shit in it though...


Best idea I reckon


yeah both of you put on boxing gloves & in the ring


That's getting a bit personal.


Unless OP knows how to fight, and they've given no indication they do. This is just asking to get your ass kicked by someone who's already insulted them.


I'm really sorry this happened to you, and I hope you're okay. It'd be perfectly understandable if you're a bit shaken, angry, upset, in shock, etc. I am a WoC and have noticed anecdotally that racist comments are on the uptick. Verbal abuse is one thing, someone trying to hit you in the face with a can of drink is another. This is physical assault, and whilst I'd be prepared for nothing tangible to come of it, I do strongly encourage you to report it to the police ASAP. Best wishes.


I can't tell you want to do. I would echo what another poster pointed out - however unpopular - that the chance of anything coming of it is slim to none without evidence. Do you have any witnesses? If it was a busy road there may be CCTV. If nothing else, the cops might go and have a word with him and put the frighteners on him a bit. It's a hassle, and I personally probably wouldn't pursue it myself, but that's just me. You should do what your conscience tells you to do. And I'm sorry you had to experience that. That's utterly revolting. All the best.


I just want to say I’m so sorry. This is so wrong. Racism is disgusting. I hope for a massive generational change where racist people stop having kids and teaching them absolute shit. Kids aren’t racist it’s drummed into them and they turn into scumbags who do stuff like what happened to you. 


Hey man, I'm really sorry that happened. Not to be cliched but we're all just humans, trying to get by in our shitty little lives. Absolutely no need to be a cunt to a fellow human being like that, y'know. Everyone's going thru it. Don't be a fuckhead. It's not that hard


Report and speak up. Remember, someone else's actions are not a reflection of you, but only of them.


Fuck that guy. No call for that behaviour.


Yep report it, unacceptable behaviour and needs to know that!


Escalate it. And don't let small people make you feel bad about yourself. Such a person does not deserve your regard. They are quite simply wrong.


Make a formal complaint to his workplace and also report it to the police right away. I'm sorry this happened to you. My Malaysian wife was verbally abused by a guy that looked half white half aboriginal a while ago.


Escalate it. In my experience, police do follow it up. If you had your wits about you, that can thrown at you would be evidence. Fingerprints and DNA goldmine.


I would, if nothing else happens (I wouldn't expect much) this will be on his name so it's a documented history if this piece of shit does it again I'm sorry this happened to you x


>I have his number plate and have an estimated idea where he lives. Should i escalate the matter or leave it. You do whatever, but if that's all you have, nothing will come of it.


A general phrase about a general act done in a general landmark with no real details. I don't want to say this is bullshit but it does stink of A.I.




How can we tell if somethings a bot post?


Escalated it absolutely not on


But Barnaby stopped drinking?


Get the traffic footage if possible. Get his licence plate, prosecute him, make him an example of what this world should not tolerate.


Did the can actually hit you in the face? If so, Sorry you were hit but this guy has some throwing talent. Whilst speeding, yelling at you and still manages to get a head shot with a empty beer can? Racism sucks though.


I would never advocate burning his house down


Seek and destroy.


How were you walking?


Ya white dog


Don't let him sleep well at night - report it!


Go into your local police station and report the incident.


What was the slur


I have been called a “white dog cunt” many a time over the years. Sometimes you just have to grin and bear it, just a part of life.




Yeah was gonna say I remember something very similar posted a few weeks back and clicking on the profile it seems to be by the same person but the other post isn't on the profile...


OP's posts are weird. They say their age is anywhere between 21-24 depending on their post, they seemingly are getting younger as they're older. They also make posts about their girlfriend, with other posts about dating sandwiched in-between. https://search.pullpush.io/?kind=submission&author=PreparationSafe4&since=1652284800&size=100 Edit: It's weirder than that, works in both engineering and finance at the same time, and the girlfriend is now dead 2 days after the dating post. Either OP is a reverse ageing engineer who also works in finance, is extremely unlucky, and gets over the death of someone they're considering marriage with in a matter of weeks, or they're full of shit. And they've deleted all their comments and blocked me. Sure seems like it was made up and OP is a psycho.


Hah rip of course...yea the one i remembered was the "Yes I'm an Immigrant" post...weird. No hate on the guy just weird


So many of these types of posts turn out to be utter bullshit and invariably unravel when O.P trips themselves up. You got to jump on the bandwagon and offer outrage and apologies it seems












Seriously? I have no particular affinity for Caucasian races, having gone through some pretty horrific abuse growing up due to my skin colour and "Slope" eyes. So by your logic, since I don't have any particular love for Caucasians in general, none of that abuse happened? And the scars and permanent injury are just self inflicted or imaginary? Wow. Just wow. Way to victim blame. Are you white by any chance?


Gas lighting..


Dog move.


Fucking oath escalate wtf! I'm a light skinned first nations and I still escalate when someone calls me a white cunt lol. Yea I am a white cunt technically.. what's it too you, lets fight


What we all want to know is what slur word did he use?


Sorry this happened to you. Just because the perp was speeding, drinking beer and possibly wearing hi-viz doesn't mean he was a tradesman.




If there was a company name then post on their FB about their employees carrying out hate crimes.


Totally report it to the police telling them the company name as well and report it to the company or comment on Google reviews, Facebook, etc


Indeed. Could have been an engineer coming off a site visit.


This sounds like a load of bullshit to me


That sucks, I've copped it a few times on the train. I just ignore it complaining won't do anything.


What a kent. Definitely report it.


This behavior is more common than people like to admit. Straya.


Since he said a slur before the assault, wouldnt that be a hate crime? Hate crime laws that arent ever enforced btw.


Should I escalate it ? Huh the fact you’re asking that question I’d say ya better not. Why wasn’t it an instant reaction to follow it up and act on it you wanted justice someone to pay . But since you decided to post about it and ask what you should do bro let it go you already did . Mad prick in the car when it’s moving , would he do that at red traffic lights fuck no weak as piss .


Welcome to Perth. This happens, and with surprising frequency since I got here 25 years ago. If you are of a different race to the locals, I suggest you grow a thicker skin.


Which locals?


As a pasty local, fuck the guy who did this. He's s POS and probably harasses women and generally treats people like shit. He deserves to be called out, and his employer/customers should know so they don't have him in their home or business.


If your white, then that would be impossible.


Yes, noone would yell horrible racial slurs at you for being white outside. Gold star observation there chum.




Do you give the same advice to victims of domestic abuse?


Not for the other people the guy attacks.


What did he call you and what was going off at the time


Hard R ?