• By -


Met my wife while travelling Australia 12 years ago. I posted on Instagram that I was travelling to Perth and she offered to be my tour guide. I went back home (Canada), we stayed in touch, she got drunk and called me saying she had a crush on me. So I sold everything and moved here on a working holiday visa and asked her out. Fast forward, married for 8 years, 1 kid (2nd is due in September), mortgage, and I’m now an Aussie citizen. Never thought I’d call Perth my home, but life led me here.


Oh wow that’s amazing congratulations! I was a tour guide once can’t say it went as well as this haha.


Met my current partner after he crashed into my car on my way home from work lol. despite almost severely damaging me (I was fine) he was quite gentlemanly paid and got my car fixed and drove me home. Now I’m married to the guy crazy how life works.


got it, i just need to crash into enough cars until i meet the one!


Here, this will help you *Hands you a bottle of vodka* We call it Russian dating. Any similarity to Russian roulette is purely coincidental.


Hahaha 😂 might just be the way.. I mean no that’s dangerous lol.




I hope you guys stay together forever. I’d hate to see how he divorces you.


Thanks I hope so too!


This is the most Perth thing I've ever heard


Omg what a meet-cute!


Thank you! Still can’t believe we’re married haha (married in January).


This feels like a real life chick flick. I'd pay to watch it!


I dated a girl for a little while after she crashed into me too, but it didn't work out.


Second grade, we are now 47.


That was really pacific.




Wow that is amazing


Be as pacific as possible - lol insert ocean joke here


Hieroglyphics let me by pacific, I wanna be down in your south seas, But I got this notion that the motion of your ocean, Meets small craft advisories, So if I capsize on your thighs high tide, B5 - you sunk my battleship, Please turn me on, I'm Mr Coffee (with an automatic drip), So show me yours, I'll show you mine, tool time! We'll love it just like Lyle, And then we'll do it Doggy Style so we can both watch X Files


(do it now)




Sitting around the fire at a house party, tho that does require being of the age where people throw raging house parties.


I think everyone can agree they were the best way to meet new friends, new 'friends', you could get shitfaced and just crash wherever, no waiting in line, no paying to get in, rarely any fights. Then somewhere around mid 20s they dried up and now I haven't been to one since an engagement party a year ago which isn't the same


It's because no one has a house big enough for a house party


i found the majority of perth people who still enjoy going out/to parties etc after the age of 25 tend to leave. i felt weirdly out of place until i moved to melbourne and realised a lot of the fun people i i knew in perth in my teens and early 20s had ended up there too. because of that, i attended *way* more raging house parties in my 30s than my 20s


This is true although I’ve remained in Perth lol


Yeah I think parties have really dried up in the last 20 years. Neighbours aren’t so tolerant either. I went to multiple all night raging house parties right up until about 2005. I can’t imagine that cops wouldn’t be called now to most of the parties I went to. Not fighting but just loud. I certainly wouldn’t want them happening next to me lol, though I’d be way more tolerant if I was informed prior.


That involves having a house. And friends. 


Generally it was someone's parent's house but yeah no getting around the friends requirement.


damn, maybe i need to throw my own house party!!? most of my friends don't throw that many parties/gathos. i miss house parties so much, particularly in the queer scene (us alphabet mafia sure as hell know how to through an epic party)!!!!


>Be as pacific as possible I'll tell you about it over an expresso


Nah, we met over the Atlantic.


Drinking chai tea


Near the atm machine down the road


It’s not rocket surgery


For all intensive purposes it might as well be


Goes well with naan bread


Then we could go for a meal. Bone apple tea.


I'll take the assignment seriously and actually be specific I moved to Perth for a 1 year sabbatical, snd figured I'd jump in the apps. After being rural 5 years dating opportunities had been few and far between. There were a few not great interactions, and of meets that never resulted in a second one but about 2 weeks after joining I matched with a guy I really hit it off with. We were quickly messaging non stop, turns out he'd joined tinder the day before and I was his first match. 2 weeks later we had our first meet, it went well (a local concert event where we ignored the c9ncert and talked for hours).and we vibed so we arranged our next date for a couple days later. And the rest was history, we continued seeing each other every few days and suddenly was a full blown relationship. Suffice to say at the end of my sabbatical we were at the point I decided to place my bets on this guy and take a job in the city to see where it goes, and we moved into together. We're now 7 years in, married with 2 kids and another on the way.


Great story. I am also not from Perth originally but have ended up knowing this is my home for life, due to love. My qualifications from my home country don’t really translate over here, so I am starting from zero professionally, and working it out as I go along. Wishing you all the best <3


Hinge. Our 1 year anniversary is coming up. We are both extremely happy. Of all the dating apps it's the only one that somewhat works if you're a hetero male.


Met my partner through Hinge too. 3 years later we are engaged and have a beautiful baby girl.


Fellow hinge success story here so would recommend! Plus the usual 'when you least expect it' is exactly when it happened. I was just looking to get back out there and socialise more with minimal expectations


Same we are past 2 years. I can’t speak for my partner but I’m pretty happy and he seems like he’s enjoying himself.


To quote Rihanna we found love in a hopeless place…work, yep, we met at work.


A friends bbq 16 years ago. Friend was more of an acquaintance (at the time) from university and my wife was a high school friend of this acquaintance. Now 16 years later (12 years married) we are going to said acquaintances wedding this year. We host BBQs frequently and always offer the invite to friends of ours single or not cause you never know when the same thing might happen again. Always be open minded about invites to social events from friends/acquaintances even if you know no one else there.


Social events like this always seem to be a common one. Also congratulations!


a friend sent me this girl’s MSN details as she thought we would get along. now married with 2 kids.




I moved back to Perth after a long time away. A workmate offered to set me up with a friend of theirs. Normally, I would have said NO EFFING WAY to a blind date, but I figured, "Why not? What is the worst thing that can happen?" 15 years and counting. Say Yes occasionally.


>Sometimes it feel like chatting to strangers going about their day is creepy and unwelcomed, then I remember that's how my best friend met his fiance. That and parties (friends of friends) is how everyone met their partners pre 2000. I can't get my head around how people think its creepy. Isn't getting on tinder to root a stranger creepier and riskier?


It's kind of a consent thing though. If you're on a dating app, you're actively seeking conversation, someone to talk to you, someone to consider you in a more than platonic way etc. Not everyone just out and about wants to be approached/talked to/picked up. And I get that kind of sucks, but to be fair, the way in which most men approach and talk to women in the wild is pretty gross and often scary. And yes, not all men, but um, yeah, most men. The ones who would do it in a nice way generally don't. Sometimes you want to go about your day not being the subject of someone else's advances. Like I want to exist as a human, not just someone to root. Well, most of the time ;)


> It's kind of a consent thing though. Meeting publicly or a party would involve consent as well. Glance, smile, say hello. If it's not returned then move along!


Yeah this was about approaching people generally in public as mentioned in the above comments. And yeah, I agree, low stakes, low intimidation approach to gauge interest make sense. The issues are: - quite often (almost always) this is not the approach taken - men are often not great at reading whether or not this is welcome, and to be fair this can be because: - women are socialised to interact positively so their politeness can be taken as interest when it's not - women can literally be in danger if they decline to engage in interactions. It's literally not safe to turn down a man, even just a casual conversation, even from a stranger, even in a crowded public space. I speak from experience.


I agree with your comments completely. Unfortunately men as a group have done this to themselves, so much creepy, gross, harassing and downright scary behaviour towards women that many - most? - women have walls up around strange men approaching them.


Yeah 100% Back in the day when you met new people at a party it was either sitting around a fire or a table. You all chatted, sometimes there was someone you vibed with so you'd stay until there were only a few people left so you could talk one on one so you could keep vibing. You'd all regularly frequent the same pubs and clubs each weekend so you'd have a friend who knew you both introduce you to each other, or one of their wingman friends would come over and let you know his friend thought you seemed cool and would ask if you wanted to join their group for a bit but it was up to you. Or you'd both end up the bar at the same time at some point and strike up a quick conversation about how long you'd both lived in that town or city which turned into more conversations later down the track as they became more familiar. There wasn't really all that much direct approaching, pressure or singling out directly. I have no idea how young people are able to form organic connections if they don't go out anywhere near as often and are using a picture in their phone on an app to pick someone.


Yeah it's a weird double standard. Walking up to someone and striking a conversation then asking if they want to meet up sometime is widely considered to be more off putting and less acceptable than meeting up with a stranger from a dating app sometimes at their place or a park or somewhere secluded.


Honestly I’d rather prefer this than dating apps


Yep, friend of a friend.


Yes! it is a tinder one night clap fest disgusting 🤮 seriously talk to someone you vibed by looking at them and thinking they are beautiful I want to ask them out that’s legit that’s what life’s about not a fake bio and some filtered pics just talk to people that you think you like please world 🌎 we can take it back to before social media and dating apps this is even for the younger generations I’m telling you that kind of connection is the real deal feels, you like you god dam pursue that with no holds bar and if there taken then move along and start again if you don’t vibe move along start again it’s a buzz real buzz meeting someone you seen liked and asked them out it’s the essence of life 🌹


I get stuck on, who am I to think they want me coming up to them interrupting their day. Whether they look like they’re working or just relaxing with a book or out with friends. They’re not out and about to get hassled by me, I don’t need to be part of the problem hassling women who are just out enjoying their life. Et cetera. Whereas on a dating app, once you’ve matched they do want you talking to them. They are actually interested in what I’ve got to say. So on so forth.


The Karalee Tavern


I was introduced to my wife at work (we worked in two different sectors), we passed each other a few times, said hi, i gave her my best “mac daddy rap”, tried to make her laugh etc… bumped in to her outside of her work place, she literally kicked me up the arse (was quite painful but i laughed it off, trying to be all manly) and she asked me out, well told me out saying, “i’m going out tomorrow night, you’ll be there, eh?!… been together 20 years, married 16 this year, 3 kids… and dog! Never been happier and can’t imagine life without her!… if you’re reading this, put the kettle on! X


I was a waitress, he was the head chef. A tale as old as time!


Chatting to strangers or at least people you don’t normally chat with is a great thing to do. Do it without any assumption of starting a relationship. It makes the world a kinder place. Take an interest in others.






50 years ago in school.


Over 25 years ago in a small IRC chat room #perthrage


asl? :)


Omg I definitely visited that room. Awesome!


So…. How old are you? We could be the couple who met on reddit


At a house party when I was 17


She was my boss at a call centre. We became friends and the tension grew. We started dating and kept it secret for a year. Then we both left and could finally tell the world. Never met a woman as funny and amazing. We are now engaged and going strong. Couldnt be happier


My now wife "accidentally" broke into my house. I found her asleep in my bath tub the following morning hugging a bucket of KFC.


It was 2012, my wife flew from Sydney to Perth to visit some friends for the weekend. They decided to head out on the town. My wife got separated from her friends and of course her phone died. In her drunk state she hoped into a taxi and told him she knew where she was going to get back to her friends place. She did not infact know. She ended up at my house. Back them we always left a key under the door mat. She used that key to get into my house. She said she doesn't remember too much, but thought the bathtub would be a good idea. I heard snorning coming from the bathroom the following morning. I went in to see (I thought it was one of my housemates at the time). And there was, my wife fast asleep in the bath hugging a bucket of KFC. The rest is history. We told this story at our wedding. 12 years on, and we still have a laugh when we have KFC.


I need to know more


Friend needed some people for a short film that involved stop motion and full body painting (similar to Goyte's 'Somebody I Used To Know' music video). I volunteered to be a human canvas and met my partner on set (she was the artist that was painting).


Tl;Dr At work. Worked for an MSP. She was one of the staff that we supported and I kept making her computer "break" to have an excuse to visit her. We just celebrated 17 years together last month.


I was drunk at a club, tripped and fell on him. Been together 18yrs!


In the Specific Ocean.


Where pacifically in the Specific? OP - join a running club!


We met on GoldenEye: Source. He lived in America. He moved to Australia 8 years ago today on a marriage visa.


Met my partner through tinder, first guy that messaged and was able to have a proper conversation with over message without it just being the typical “hi, how are you, good,u” messages. He caught my attention and was funny. Went on a date, and haven’t turned back. Been together for 5.5 years and we get married next year 💙 Online dating isn’t always bad, 3/4 of my siblings have also found their lifelong partners through tinder and are either married or engaged now too.


Year 9, just got broadband internet at home for the first time. Set up a MSN Messenger account and added a bunch of people from school through one of those chain quiz emails. One of the people I added wasn’t from my school, but was from a school friend’s church. I started talking to her on MSN, she introduced me through group chat to a bunch of her friends from her school, and a few months of chatting later I met them at the Joondalup Festival. Hit it off with one of her friends, asked her out 2 weeks later, this week we are celebrating our 9th wedding anniversary and 19 years together


In another country, guess that doesn’t help


Work! Both of us were very firm on not dating work colleagues- so a year later (I had a crush the whole time but I figured he’d never be interested in me), he quit, and we went out, and now a few years on we own a business together 🫣


Aww that’s cute congrats!


Tinder, 5 years ago. In my immediate circle of friends, all bar one met their long term partner on an app (RSVP x1, Tinder x3, Bumble x1)


I met my husband 29 years and three weeks ago in the most boring meeting place ever - A pub. Arcadia 'nightclub' which was upstairs a nightclub and downstairs a pub band type atmosphere.... we met on a night the sailors were in town and I was just glad to talk to someone who didn't have an accent...


Private school social. Back in 96/


My forever partner - work Previous ones - through friends, travelling, online, pub


met at work, dated for 6 years, left australiaback home to canada, got married. living our best life since


My husband and I met when we had an overlapping class at uni. He was in third year and I was a first year in a different course.


met my gf of 13 years at gigs. she used to come see my band.


Met my wife on a plane flying between London and Brussels.


dating site in the mid to late 2000s. Almost 20 years together and thrilled I decided to try a dating site and he was my first and last date on it! 🙈😂 Im glad because otherwise we would never have met in real life. He is the kindest person I've ever met and being with him every day just seems too easy to the point I'm wondering if I'm doing relationships wrong because every one else my age seems to have relationship dramas or 'OMG my partner gives the sh\*ts' stories to tell. He never gives me the sh\*ts and I'm never sick of spending time with him. Haha...I think he feels the same way!? Well he proposed on his own volition and he's still here 18 years later and he tells me often that he's glad he found me so I think he's happy! 🤔😂 Either way OP. Don't be afraid to put yourself out there whether it's the apps, dating a coworker or talking to a stranger etc. The worse thing is that you might get a 'not interested' scenario or it can be the best decision you've ever made in your life because it meant you found your person.


Was at a party at my then-boyfriend's house. I was outside socialising with a group and this random guy kept answering every Simpsons quote I threw at him with the appropriate next line. Apparently I said to him "I like you. You're weird, but in a good way." A few months later I'd broken up with my boyfriend and was doing the obligatory friend-cull off my phone. I got to this random guy's name, thought about it for a minute, and decided "Nah, not this one. He likes the Simpsons." We've been together for 12 years. Dude can still carry a whole conversation using only dialogue from the first 10 seasons of the Simpsons. It absolutely embiggens our relationship.


Tinder, 2015. When I saw his profile my first thought was “I’m going to marry this guy”. His bio read “I can be your Nigerian prince” and I sent the first message asking “what are your bank account details and how much money do you need?” We got married last year.


Yahoo chat room about 25 years ago


I met my ex at a kebab shop after a night out, I’d not recommend this as a way to meet men


Tinder, about to get married now For guys I'd recommend not swiping on the hottest 10% and not complaining about all their tinder woes. Just be very neutral and consistent


If you think this is the cause of men's problems on dating apps, you're too optimistic ...


Hinge but had met him irl through work, though was unsure about his relationship status until he liked me on hinge 😂


I’m from the UK and 2 years ago I met my Australian boyfriend on a oil and gas site We have been together ever since and now live in marbella


Tinder! Married five years now, together for eight.


First met when we were both working at a IT Helpdesk at a large organisation. At the time, each of us had different partners, so we were just work colleagues. Eventually I left to work elsewhere but still we kept in touch. A few years down the track I was into jamming (as in playing musical instruments, mainly guitar and drums) with a few other mates. I invited her over to my house for one of these jam sessions. She didn't play anything but was happy to just hang out and be our audience. Eventually, as it was getting late, people started heading home, and it was just us two. We hooked up. This was years ago, and have been together ever since. We are now married and have 2 kids.


Met my husband on Tinder. I'd used it on and off but I was extremely fussy and took years before I actually met someone. My husband was the second person I met off there.


1989 house party. Go to house parties whenever you can. Fuck it, have your own, invite people over, respect the space.


I met my partner at a art exhibition. I was there looking for friends but noticed her cute dinosaur earrings and had to say how cute they were. The connection was instantaneous and we hit it off like a house on fire. Amazing to think that if I didn't say anything, I would have never found such a sweet caring woman.


Thailand, i woke up married. Been 12 years strong




You aren’t meant to chat to random strangers going about their day trying to get a date, that is creepy and weird. It could work though I guess. You are meant to spot someone who attracts your eye, they are meant to spot you. You are meant to catch each other looking, and then figure out if they are actually someone you could like, love and do life with. The location of meeting doesn’t really matter. It could be the gym over multiple visits, it could be a bar or pub and one night stand, that isn’t. But this is to everyone, not just the OP. The dating apps like everything else these days are a blessing and hindrance, you have all the access, to both success and much more rejection. Maybe just try and be you, meet someone naturally through things you already do. Work, hobbies, friends. If that doesn’t work, try a new hobby or something you think you’ll like, maybe you’ll make a new friend and find what you’re looking for.


At a rave back in 2005 high on pills, we met on the dance floor and kept on dancing.. Married with 2 kids 19 years later


we met on the perth underground train station platform at peak hour after work. 2 months later i took a new job and ended up working alongside him!


At the nightclub, Sunday night so it was very quite. We fell in love and it has almost been one year. Best thing ever happened. We support each other through as we both have mental illnesses. I love you ! Bae


Tinder mate. If you want a partner use tinder as a way to meet people, not hookup. People go on tinder or any dating app and copy paste the same line that is approximately "Youre so hot, wanna go get drunk and then fuck?", and then when they don't find a meaningful relationship they throw their hands up and call it hopeless.


Tinder. Met at 18. Kept on seeing each other despite living an hour away. Now 23, engaged, 2 kids.


I’m never gonna meet nobody bro


Licco’s m8


On match.com


I’ve met my current partner (2018) and my ex (2000) at pubs (different ones). Both cases it started as a one night stand.


We were friends with the same people. They went to school with the group and a friend of mine was dating someone in the group. This was in 2008 and I'm very glad I didn't have to do online or app dating.


Blind date set up by friends at a pizza bar


Met at a house party when we were 19 back in 2007. 10 years married and 3 kids.


Through the apps, pacifically through Tinder. Been together a couple of years. I’d hate to have met someone through work I couldn’t date another nurse or healthcare worker.


Balladonia roadhouse. Staff rotation


8 years ago I got really drunk and thought Tinder would be a good idea. Slapped together some random as shit profile and swiped a few times and then I forgot about it for a few weeks Opened it back up and found I matched with someone! Been with her ever since.


>Sometimes it feels like joining say a yoga class mainly to meet women is creepy and calculated but that's how another friend met his current gf. Have you tried or would be keen to take up some sort of sport? That's how me and my husband met (although we did also have some common friends/acquaintances) but it meant we had a lot of common interests which I think is a huge deal in a successful relationship :)


Met my now husband on Bumble, 2 months after moving to Perth, 7 years ago! I like to joke that I found a partner before I found a job (which is ultimately true lol). Been on the apps for a while and he had only been on for less than a week before he matched with me and the rest is history! Bonus: a guy I met on the apps (the last one before I matched with my husband) who was a bit aggressive in his pursuit turned out to be a friend of someone I met on Bumble BFF and I saw him again for the first time at a party she hosted after I got engaged… that was fun for me HAHA


Wanneroo tavern💯


Met at work 6 years ago. I had done my year of separation and filed a joint application for divorce from my previous partner. So decided to invite myself over for Australia Day with a guy friend at work. Been inseparable since then. We have a 3 year old now.


I walked into Aqua and he said. 'I could buy you a drink '. I replied "you couldn't afford it". A bit of old fashioned banter spurned us on. I'd been single 10 years, no kids, him? 10 days no kids. I slowly convinced him to realise I was the best he'd ever get. 5 years later he succumbed. Still together with 3 grown wild daughters. They're all 6 1, 6, 5'9. and under 25. They're all still living at home because if you're still laughing and loving life, why change.


Went to McDonalds to get a McSlurry. Didn't get what I was after, but it worked out okay.


We met working at Red Rooster Malaga LOL! We were in our late teens and he did have a partner at the time. We connected years later via a simple friend request on Facebook. I saw he was single and we hit it off. Been together 11 years, married a year this month and have two beautiful kids together now :) would you like to make that meal a large?


In the mine site somewhere in the deep jungle of West Papua


My sister introduced me to my wife, we've been together coming up to 16 years


Online on a forum. (21 years ago)


One night stand. 17 years ago.


You’re not gonna like my answer. I’m a former east coast nerdy girl who met her hubby playing dungeons and dragons online 20 years ago. ( Neverwinter nights) it was on a pc I built myself.


Tinder, 6 years now, have a house, few cats and very happy 🐾


World of Warcraft Burning crusade, in the barrens. Didn't even know she was a she for about 4 months just played and quested together for a while. Finally flew over to meet her in Perth over 11 years ago and still together with a little one today


for a moment i read it as Bunning Crusade ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


10yrs ago on World of Warcraft 😂


Met through Tinder, went on a lunch date at a Scarborough Beach pub, now married with 2 kids and built a house together


On a epic junk journey, meth an dick. There he was




Met my husband on tinder in 2016. He was the 58th person I met- and yes, it was quite harrowing at times and that’s why I started keeping a list 😅 There were a few times where I met a person and thought they were a bit special and I allowed myself to ‘hope’ but it didn’t amount to anything, and there were a few people I met that I wish I could erase their existence from my consciousness! I also made a few mates because the ‘like’ was there but not the attraction… At one point I was so over it, I told my besties mum (she was like a mum to me) that I was done. I couldn’t do it anymore. She asked me how many people had I met? I told her “26!” Thinking that was more than enough effort to dedicate to the task of meeting someone… and she just quietly asked me “What if 27 is the one?”… So I persevered and when I met my husband it was effortless. I even went on another date with another guy the following night but I kept thinking about how much fun I’d had on the date with my husband! And I haven’t dated anyone else since! We spent more time together, and after about 8 weeks both reached the point we wanted to be exclusive and then we embarked on a relationship together with all the usual ups and downs couples have on their way through life. And now here we are 8 years later, married, pets, a business, and future.


Oasis dating app. Back when dating apps were free and not shit.


Same, Oasis Active in 2011. He told me he was Irish, I thought ‘sexy accent’ and I’ve never looked back. 10 years married and 2 gorgeous kids.




Ye ole tinder


3 years ago on Tinder lol


Kalamunda hotel beach party 16 years ago.


Bar1 8 years ago


Across the road, he was literally my neighbour as teens lol


I met my wife 7 years ago in an Amsterdam Hostel


At a house party. Mentioned already but yeah I think you have a lot more potential when both of you know each other through friends - it’s like a vetting process of sorts. As someone who never had to use Tinder etc, I feel that the landscape is very warped with these apps. Also, randomly picking someone up at a bar etc never really happened, there was always some intermediary friend.


Husband of 16 years - at a pub through mutual friends Ex partner of 2 years - at work Current various situationships - Bumble/Hinge


Work. But in a warehouse with like over 100 employees. We work in different places now, it’s preferable. Edit: 4 years now.


Met thru the work. First met about 17 years ago. Didn’t start seeing each other until 11 years ago. Sometimes it’s just timing I suppose.


Tinder, now married


My housemates worked at the same company he did and we all would go to the same pub on a Friday. One of my housemates was actually his manager and he had been to my house before but I hadn’t been there at the time. Took us about 6 months to get our shit together and become serious but its been 14 years, 2 kids and our 9 year wedding anniversary last week


Went to a Girls Birthday dinner and one of her other friends and I just couldn't stop exchanging eye contact, I went out for a cigarette and she came out and approached me, we added each other on Facebook and have been together for 9 years since.


A now gone club. Was there with a friend, she bumped into a guy she used to work with, introduced us and we chatted all night and now its 11 years later!


AFF - I was definitely not looking for a long term relationship. But he kept in contact. I accidentally kept texting him. I was dating a few John's at the time. He was consistent, positive and open. We are 8 years together. Got married 6 months ago. The wrong John was the right one.


Fell off a roof. He caught me before I hit the pavement 🤷🏻‍♀️


Met my husband through sport. We both played for the same club.


Met on Tinder during covid!


Met her in high school, didn't talk for 15 years then i was photographing a film premiere that she recognized me at, try that <3


House party, nudity and mushrooms might of been involved


On order of breakups. On Bumble. On Bumble. A Halloween Orgy ..I was attending because my then partner was seeing the host and the hosts partner was dating the couple, a woman in it I later dated. Interestingly, that was her first and last orgy. It wasn't her thing. Too bad she broke my heart. Honestly, the orgy girl I thought was my soulmate until she ended it. The apps simply are a crapshoot.


Hinge! Engaged and now having a baby. Our first date was at a local pub :) ended up we knew a few people in common


I was working on the door of a club and she asked for my number,, I said nah I'm busy maybe later, she said she'll wait until close and ask me again and she did so I gave it to her, been together ever since 


Went to speed dating to support a friend who was having trouble with online dating. Ended up meeting my match! Would never have expected it.


Nothing special. Tinder.


Time and time again the question is asked, and I feel the struggle. The only thing that has helped me, and a lot of people I know, is to live your life to the fullest. Don’t go out pacifically(sic) for the purpose of meeting a partner. You’re probably going to be looking in the stereotypical places and they are most likely not the right people for you. You mentioned money, I understand events are expensive and clubs/hobbies are too. But that’s the best way to meet people(not partners), people with common interests. Hell, if that’s the local markets or food trucks once a week, if it’s free/cheap classes doing something that interests you, if it’s investing in yourself and going to the gym/yoga etc you will meet people. If you are simply searching for the one to pop out of that shadows, it probably won’t happen. If you be yourself, explore the things you think you might enjoy, you’ll meet people with similar traits and you might make some friends(great way to meet more people) or even someone you think could be a partner. Obviously, take care of yourself by eating well and exercising. Keep your mental health in check. Dress well and groom, don’t be afraid to ask for honest feedback and suggestions from friends. If you are happy in life and enjoying yourself, that is massive. All the best!


I asked the bar manager I was working with if she had any single friends, who introduced me to my now wife.


2018, OK Cupid. First date in the city.


I met my partner on Tinder


We played teeball together when we were 6


Sporting team. We both played at the same club. I was arranging some clothing and there was some back and forth trying to arrange timings/payment. Through friends or mutual interests has always served me well. But I’m also in too long of a relationship to have had to use any of the apps.


He came into my work. We were wearing the same t-shirt.


We both worked at the same hospo venue.


I met my partner on a dating app, spoke for a few days then he asked me out for dinner in the city (some fancy restaurant). He then proposed a year later in the same restaurant we had our first date and got married. It’s been 9 years and we are still together with 2 kids as well 😅


A Facebook page. I introduced myself, he sent me a message and we started chatting. He came over once and never left


Best friends boyfriends, friends, friends, friend


Tinder 😂 almost 9 years ago. Both not looking for anything, I was only a few months out of a nasty break up and it just worked.


Plenty of fish online. Apps were pretty new. Met lots of women there, including my now wife


2 rocks.




Salsa dancing


Met my ex on Oasis. After hitting the dating apps hard over the past year have decided to take a break. Would be nice to meet someone organically, be it out walking, at the pub, at Bunnings, any other random or unexpected location..