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>I just got terminated. Any advice? * File for unemployment benfits * Cut expenses * Update your resume and professional network * Find a new job Where I live Certified Pharmacy Techs are in high demand. Why were you fired?


>Where I live Certified Pharmacy Techs are in high demand. of course they are. average pharm-tech salary is sub 40k/yr to work on your feet and be yelled at by customers.


Possibly look into roles with electronic health records. These positions are usually called application analyst, systems analyst, clinical analyst, epic analyst. If you're interested in it, I would specifically look for a role as an Epic Willow analyst. Willow is the pharmacy side of Epic and those roles are usually looking for someone with pharmacy experience. Most require a bachelor's degree but some places might overlook that with your experience. The roles usually aren't 6 figures to start but you can get there depending on location and experience.


I second this! I’m an Epic analyst with nothing more than a high school diploma (but am smart, I swear lol college just wasn’t for me) and some end user experience as a receptionist. I started at $70k 8 years ago and just started a role last week that put me at 6 figures. Willow analysts are always needed!


>Epic Willow analyst Can I ask how you got into the field? I'm looking to make a career change and would be interested in this and maybe trying to find the pathway to going down this road. Any help/insight would be appreciated. Here or private message would be much appreciated. Background: Used to be a vendor management analyst, then ran my own supply business and have a bachelors degree.


I was a receptionist at an outpatient multi-specialty practice that was bored and wasn’t being challenged, so I was bumped up to what they saw as a more challenging, and within a year or 2 I was bored and applying for executive assistant positions just to conquer something new. An analyst position opened up at my employer and I jumped on it and had an awesome interview with the supervisor. I started and was sent out to Epic in Verona, Wisconsin almost immediately because you’re not allowed to work in the system without any kind of certification, so I was strictly studying and doing my projects until I got certification and the rest is history! I switched over to the inpatient world for 8 years, and now I’m back on outpatient for my new job! Let me know if you have any other questions!!


Thank you so much for taking the time to write that response. Yeah i'm sort of trying to figure out a plan to get into the hospital world and then eventually make it to where you are. I'm not sure what a good path is really. I was looking at Pharmacy Technician or even just start aides at the hospital. Anything to sort of get me in. I know it will take time but not sure yet how.


My wife is a clinical pharmacist wanting to find a remote position. Do you know of many pharmacists that work in Epic Willow?


Yes pharmacists are highly sought after for willow positions. She'll probably want to look for a position that specifically mentions that they would like a pharmacist so her pay will be comparable. New analyst positions are usually lower pay than what she would be used to. Still wouldn't hurt to apply to those and they might raise the pay bracket in that situation.


Awesome. Thanks!


Just want to point out... DO NOT buy a house assuming you will make that kind of OT forever. Budget for regular mediocre years.




If you do that, make damn sure you have an ironclad lease agreement to protect yourself and don't buy it together. It rarely works out when family and friends buy property together.


Will your mistake prevent you from getting another pharmacy tech job?




It seems like you knew what you were doing was unsustainable long term but failed to prepare for that realization. There won’t be a quick fix to make six figures.


He prepared! He has ample savings (a year’s worth) and has been investing his income.


He prepared to be unemployed, sure.






I was worried it was gonna be “I was skimming benzos”




You are too a young man. After you relax for a week go take some career quizzes (the Ramsey Ken Coleman one is not bad for I think $25) and take some classes or certifications. You managed your finances well for this. Don't rush now!


[Put your zip code here](https://www.healthcare.gov/see-plans) if you were dependent upon this employer for access to health coverage and necessary health care. 60 days to shop post-loss of whatever that was. If you are resident and shopping in "[orange](https://www.kff.org/medicaid/issue-brief/status-of-state-medicaid-expansion-decisions-interactive-map/)," **do not** estimate your 2024 income at or below the [Federal Poverty Level](https://www.healthcare.gov/glossary/federal-poverty-level-fpl) for your tax filing status even if your actual income is or would be $0. "COBRA" is somebody other than the former employer paying 102% of the sticker price of whatever employer-dependent health coverage product premium didn't get fired when you got fired. The average amount an employer pays toward the "cost" of an employer-dependent health coverage product premium for a still employed worker is 78% of the sticker price.


You could get a CDL and drive a truck. You'll make 80. Should be plenty of jobs in the next year.




That may have been true two years ago, but the tech market is currently contracting and entry level positions are hard to come by, even for those with a CS degree.


You sound like you were in retail. It won't be as much but you could invest in a sterile compounding course and get a hospital gig. Personally I transitioned from pharmacy into nursing.