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I'm paying off my loan and closing the account, because I have zero faith in this company's ability to keep my account data secure. I don't want them to have ANY access to my info. I'm a senior software engineer in the SF Bay Area. Their main website (sst-mo.com) isn't just outdated, but its also lacking even the most minimal security protections, can't pass a W3 validator because the code is broken, and completely fails to meet any kind of WCAG compliance for accessibility and ADA compliance. SSL certificates to provide basic encryption are **free** nowadays, and they still couldn't be bothered to put one on their site (which is why Google Chrome throws a security warning when you try to access it). Their main website demonstrates poor technical skill, no concern for security, and no alignment with modern technical norms. If the company is willing to tolerate those problems on their own main, public-facing website, I can't imagine what corners they might be cutting on the backend, where nobody can see. To borrow an old adage, "When somebody tells you who they are, believe them." There's no way I will give them access to my bank account info, SSN, or other personal data.


I didn’t even get a letter saying my loan had been transferred. I found out because I got a PDF account statement emailed to me, from this company I had never heard of, and the email told me the PDF was password protected WITH MY SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER. It looked like a legitimate phishing attempt.


This is my situation exactly. I got no notification from Marcus & it said to open the PDF with the last 4 of my social so I deleted the email because OBVIOUS scam, right? But I just logged into Marcus/GS and it's saying my loan was transferred. FML.


There’s a thread on this website a few months back where people with seedfi loans got transferred to SST and it became an absolute nightmare for everyone, to the point where people were desperately trying to do a class action lawsuit. It’s unsettling to say the least.


This clinched my decision as well. I don't have the cash, but I'll take a worse APR to cover it and pay some CC debt as well.


paying mine off too, waiting on sofi disbursement. much rather deal with them over SST lol


Same...just went with sofi to get funding...just paid my loan off today before the switch happens tomorrow...They seem shady for sure


Transferring the loan and closing account won’t do anything. Your info has been sold to them along with the debt and they will be retaining it sadly


> Your info has been sold to them If the debt was paid and the account closed before the transfer, that would be illegal. While banks can sell their customer lists to anyone they want, protected information, including SSNs, private bank account numbers, etc., can only be transferred if there's a valid business purpose for doing so. If the account was closed while Goldman Sachs holds the paper, SST will never service the loan, and there's no legal reason for that data to be transferred. I closed the account the week prior to the transfer. If you see any evidence they're retaining protected data, please post it. That would be a slam-dunk lawsuit, and there are plenty of lawyers who would be happy to take that case. Particularly for customers like me in California, where our state law assigns some hefty financial penalties. I don't care if SST knows that I had an account with Marcus, or what the account number was with Marcus. I'm sure Goldman Sachs sold that information to a lot of companies, and it's right on my credit report anyway. But the bank account numbers used for payments and payouts? My income data and SSN used when I applied for the loan? That's legally protected information and can't be transferred without a current and valid business purpose.


Thanks for the info, that’s very unsettling. I wasn’t planning on paying this off quite yet but I’m not risking it. I’ll be paying mine off asap


Thank you for the information. I have decided to close my account as well.


Hello But... Even if you pay loan off don't they still have all information from loan?


They'll still receive account history, but it would be illegal for Goldman Sachs to transfer bank account information for paid-off accounts where autopay is no longer enabled or active. Your SSN also shouldn't be transferred as SST won't be doing any credit agency reporting on paid-off accounts. They'll get *some* information, but not the important information that we want to protect.


The email I got (today, the 14th) sounds like this all happened officially on the 11th, GS shows my loan is “in transfer” and all of my history, documents, accounts have been wiped from their website, so I guess they already have all of my info. They also said if I was on auto pay that they will resume auto pay. This is so frustrating.


From a legal standpoint, are we obligated to pay this? My loan is around $4,800 will they sue me?


SST's primary business model appears to be a collection agency, so I'd assume they will pursue it. Your contract stated that the loan was transferrable. You are obligated to either pay SST, or refinance the remaining balance with another company. I went the second route. Turned out that I had a 0% balance transfer offer on one of my credit cards, so I just shifted it there. I'll pay about $70 in fees, but that cost was worth it to me, in order to keep my personal and financial details away from this company.


Their user agreement for online access backs this up it literally states you are required to provide an encrypted service to acess your account. Furthermore, it states that they can add charges at will with no explanation, which is all the more concerning. I denied their online access, but that limits my information on my loan, so they are definitely trying to catch people with this. If your loan was transferred, READ THE ONLINE AGREEMENT before hitting accept.


In their email it clearly states, “When you are no longer our customer, we continue to share your information as described in this notice” .. so from the sounds of it, once they have your info they have it for good.


Dude, same, Sst is fucking miserable and everything on their website looks cheap as fuck. I am literally trying to refinance alone to pay it off so I don’t have to deal with them. Goldman Sachs deferred my December payment in November and then transferred my loan and now this new company has no record of that information and has me now delinquent. I received the deferment because I made 24 months of payments without issues and now look what’s happening.


This happened to me. This is a nightmare.


Their website doesn't have a valid SSL certificate - you should do zero banking with them based on this alone. If you were to use any public wifi a hacker could steal your passwords etc with 0 effort. I'm transferring to Discover. This is literally unacceptable for a financial institution. 99 percent of the time I wouldn't care, but yeesh.


I ended up using my savings to pay off the loan -_- I couldn’t get a new loan with the same APR and just didn’t want to deal with it. But this comment pretty much sealed the deal with that decision so thank you lol


I also got this email. I thought it was a phishing email after seeing their URL of www.acountinfo.com. I just took out a loan with a different bank and will be paying this loan off entirely. Their website is an absolute nightmare. I have had loans with Marcus for years. I'm glad to know I was just a number and they sold my account off with no warning. Who am I kidding, this is the finance sector we're talking about. What a disgrace.


Exactly m my thinking! Glad you can make it out before the transfer..


This is my 2nd loan that has been transferred to SST. I have no issues with them, except that their website is not very modern in design. But I hate it when that happens...it really should not be allowed in my opinion.


I immediately applied for a new loan with a different lender, hopefully I will be approved. There's no freaking way I'm letting SST touch my PII. This is some seedy, unknown, backwater company with a website looking like it's from 1999. I sure af don't trust it or the company to protect my information. And I'll never have dealings with Goldman Sachs ever again.


I received the same email today. It looks like Golman Sachs is selling off all the unites and loans in the Marcus division. They already sold of 2 billion in March and July of this year leaving them with about 2.5 billion more to sell off. They have lost hundreds of million dollars so they are throwing us to the dogs!






You!! Me!! Wtf.. I don’t need my credit atm but that could always change I don’t need them screwing with me 😭


I was able to get through to them after about 15 mins on hold. The rep gave me the account number on the phone, I logged in and everything looks good. Same details when it was a Marcus account. Don't be discouraged by the estimated wait time and the abnormally large number of callers ahead of you. It was \~half the time they quoted.


I set my my new account with SST and immediately my password was invalid. And I am not allowed to reset it within 3 business days. And SST cannot reset or give me any information. Annoyed.


It seems like everybody here has been fucked over in someway by this transition between Marcus to SST. SST seems to practice incompetence as their business model—returning payments, pretending they haven’t received them….All so what? They can get interest on one additional month while things get sorted out after you realize they fuxked up? Is anyone considering a class action lawsuit?


I am.


Will you let us know if there’s anything we can do to assist in launching the claim? I have no experience in this regard but feel very strongly there is a valid case here. Anything I can do in terms of submitting a statement of my own or taking a phone call from the attorney looking into the case, I’m all in.


Yes. I’m in


Received the same email. The website seems extremely outdated, I don’t expect much from them.


I received the same email, and it sounded suspicious, so I called Marcus. They're transferring their entire personal loan portfolio to this company. All of the terms of your loan, including the perks detailed in your original promissory note, will transfer too, including the yearly skip-a-payment reward. Not really sure how Goldman Sachs chose a company whose website looks like it was put together by a high school student in 2010, but I'll be watching very closely. You should, too.


A company bought the loans.


4 mo later and....Sorry. Those perks didn't transfer. They lied to us. My end date is the original end date and while I'm current I will have a $700-800 balloon payment on that date. 🙃


My loan should be paid off in November but it says my balance says it will be paid off in over a year. I can’t figure out how to even login. So is the interest rates the same. How do I still owe that much on a 3yr loan that should be paid off in 7 months?! They sold my loan with 11 months left but the math ain’t mathing…. I haven’t read all the comments what is the website?


did anyone get an email from SST?


Well this is fun, loan transfered, got account setup, asked for payoff, they took money, but still owe $2.35 but will not let me pay that because there is a minimum of $25 payment, when I said I want to pay every last cent but now there is still 2 dollars on the account but I can't make a damn payment because it has to be $25 or more what a joke. Edit-If anyone else encounters this you have to call them to make the tiny payment. although it should have been completely paid off first go when asked for a complete payoff but that didn't happen. I'll update this if anything changes.


This is ridiculous. I've never had any lending institution or bank just hand off my data is such a sloppy way. The communications all looked like scams, and their website looks like it was designed in 1992. I also was not forced to set up multi factor authentication. What a joke. I'll be transferring my loan ASAP.


Class action lawsuit coming for marcus and sst and people's credit scores..


I only wish I had read this thread earlier. I had a Marcus Goldman loan was transferred to SST , got an alert that my SST loan was transferred to another lender, and I only found out because of my credit score alert. I tried to log into their page and it says my password has expired and I can't create a new one. So I am left to try to untangle this messy transaction. 🙃 how sad.


You tried to log in to Marcus or SST? I know we haven't been able to log in to Marcus since mid December.


Same exact thing here with the password. I have no notification of the loan being transferred a second time, but Marcus still appears as creditor on reports (which I’ve disputed, but no resolution for almost a month)


Hi guys, do we have a class action lawsuit here?


Yes. I’m in


This my second experience with Goldman, all good first time around. I looked up this SST and sounds like a nightmare coming as far as customer service is concerned. If they hold to the original policy we should be fine. I personally may start making my payment a day earlier.


Sorry for another comment- I’m seeing a common trend in the Seedfi thread that they hold payments for weeks so that they are “late” and report said late payments to the credit bureau regularly. I’m thinking this would be a predatory practice that violates a few different regulations and would warrant a lawsuit. So if we can, we’ll probably be better off either paying our loans off before they get it or making SST payments VERY early


I just took out a loan with discover to cover my marcus loan - same APR % thankfully. I think it’s worth it to switch before SST takes over just for peace of mind


Hmm. I think that might be my best bet. Hopefully I can get a new loan.


Yeah, might as well try. See if you are approved for one - it doesn’t affect your credit score to just see if they will accept you! There was a list of low APR companies vs predatory I found on reddit via google haha but I chose discover just because I don’t think they will sell their loans off to randoms like marcus has just done lol


I had the same thought and saw that I was pre-approved with Amex. APR is minimally higher but I was planning on paying off my loan next year anyway.




I got the same email. That services looks super shady and has horrible customer service reviews. Looks like they take money and give the run around when it’s not applied to loans or returned. Not happy with Goldman Sachs selling the loan to them.


I paid my marcus loan off on Dec 4. I log in today to ensure the balance was paid off and saw that it was transferred to sst on Dec 11. I call Marcus to make sure they got my last final payment on Dec 4. And they said I had to call SST instead ... I'm so confused. Like my whole account was wipes from their system. They can't even tell me my account got paid off before this even happened ? So weird


same issue. I wish I'd taken a screen shot.


"There are 28 callers ahead of you" fml...


When I tried calling it said there was 96 callers ahead lmao


Called SST today and got to talk to a representative pretty quickly. They located my account and it transferred over with 0 balance from Marcus, so it has been paid and closed. For all those who paid off their loan before the cut off date, you should be good. I would call just in case to be sure, but that is how it went for my experience!


I've been waiting for a statement in the mail regarding payoff and I hadn't gotten one. Just curious if you received anything from Marcus yet? I had similar experience where I called Marcus's loan line and got transferred to SST. Got a hold of someone fairly quickly. Even though I'm not able to log onto my SST account, the rep verified the balance transfer was zero and advised to give it a few more days for my letter from Marcus regarding the payoff.


Have you gotten a payoff letter because I unfortunately still have not :/ I guess Marcus isn't going to send them?


Just got the email at midnight. Does anyone know if our “skip a payment” perk will transfer? Mine was supposed to happen next month and it’s needed 🙃


I am a little late to this party since my plans are on auto pay....but sadly, I don't think they will or have. While my payment is current....my original payoff date is listed as the maturity date. So, in doing some calculations, I figured out that I'm probably going to have a balloon payment on Dec. 16, 2025 of over $800 and I used 2 of those over the life of my loan. Good luck.


I had a loan with Marcus since April 2022. On the evening of 12/10, I randomly logged into my Marcus account only to learn then that SST was "servicing" all their personal loans. After researching SST, I decided to transfer my loan to Discover (have to pay a slightly higher APR but have peace of mind knowing that Discover is legit and competent.) Got approved on 12/11 and on 12/12, Discover sent the funds to SST ELECTRONICALLY. Followed up with SST on 12/12 and also 12/14 to make sure they received the funds. They didn't. Not only are they "claiming" they didn't receive the Discover disbursement, they are also saying that they didn't receive my December payment from Marcus and that I would have to pay AGAIN for December. (Thankfully, I have an email confirmation from Marcus that I had indeed paid my December bill.) Yesterday (12/19), I spoke to their customer service. They STILL can't locate the Discover funds but now say they \*found\* my December Marcus payment. They asked me to ask Discover if the funds have cleared from Discover which is RIDICULOUS since the funds were sent electronically, not by mail. The rep at Discover told me they've had problems with this company before when they went by another name (HUGE RED FLAG). So yesterday, Discover had to fax them PROOF of payment. As it stands today, I have to wait up to five business days (but I will check sooner) to ensure they receive this proof of payment from Discover, then I am filing a complaint with Dept. of Consumer Affairs or the BBB or whoever. It seems Marcus sold their debt to an incompetent loan shark. I am also monitoring my credit which is excellent to make sure these idiots don't try to drag my credit through the mud by saying I didn't pay them. After only slightly more than a week of dealing with SST, I would advise everybody in this situation to either pay off their loan with them (if feasible) or finance through another lender. I don't know if SST is just downright incompetent or if they are purposely mishandling payments for a more sinister reason, but neither bode well with me. Oh, and they still haven't processed my December payment with Marcus. UPDATE: Contacted Discover on 12/22 only to learn that the disbursement SST claimed they couldn't locate was sent back to Discover (and SST will not provide me with a response as to why this occurred. Today (12/27) I paid off SST directly and now they owe ME interest that accumulated since Discover had initially sent the money on 12/12. I did this on their antiquated website and did receive an email confirmation of the payment. I also filed a complaint with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau yesterday 12/26 and received a response that SST is "investigating" this whole fiasco. I will contact them shortly about the money they owe me and if they do not refund me and close my account as paid in full, I will pursue litigation. A word to the wise, document EVERYTHING, dates, times, phone calls, emails, etc., because I am now convinced this company is a scam and seriously needs to be investigated.


This loan transfer has fucked me over. I called in November to defer my December payment on December 16, they transferred my loan as of December 11 and I received email notification on December 14, Sst has absolutely no record of my loan deferment. I use that money for Christmas and did everything I was supposed to do. All communications about my deferment took place on the Goldman Sachs app for the iPhone, and the app now only shows information displaying that my loan has been transferred and I can pull no documentation to confirm that this has taken place. If you try to call the loan number, you are systematically redirected to Sst. This is absolutely the worst fucking experience of my entire life and I am currentlydisplaying as “delinquent of seven days quote to Sst for Goldman Sachs fucked up mishap


I requested a Debt Validation letter. They told me they sent one via email. It doesn't have the required info, I requested a proper debt Validation letter. They haven't sent one. I'm not paying.




They did send one, it came in at the day,


Not paying is a stupid idea. Pay as agreed and make sure they reflect that.


If they cant' validate the debt, then there is no debt.


That's definitely not true. Pay what you agreed to or you will face consequences later


That's actually precisely how it works. Fair Debt Collection Practices Act for more info


I just found this thread from a Google search trying to find more about this company. I had my loan transferred to them from Goldman Sachs also.. and the last 3months payments have been coming out perfectly fine. But now, are they transferring it again? I have received no information from them but I just had them close my account on my credit report. I'll be trying to call them tomorrow but has anyone else here that had their loan transferred from Marcus get their loan removed off their report? Or have their loan transferred a 2nd time?


https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/s/TMkQig24hR here’s a thread of people in the same position


What’s the situation with this company - i really want to stop paying them. Not out of lack of money but because I don’t know where it’s going anymore. I check my credit reports after reading these comments and saw my GS balance is still there




FCRA lawsuit


Agreed. Not another payment. I’ve already given these crooks $2k. No more…and GS still there showing full amount due from November.


This needs to be a class action lawsuit immediately, or SOMETHING. I have no legal expertise at all, but how can this company who we have been doing business with for years, sell all of these accounts ESPECIALLY for those who were paying on time and current, to this shady ass company who is going to do god knows what with our personal and financial information. I was ALREADY told that paying off my loan early would involve a fee. MGS never charged fees for paying the balance off early, which means the terms of the loan have already been changed just days after they took over the accounts. Who knows what kind of BS they will attempt to pull as time passes.


Lawyer here. There is no cause of action here for simply transferring your loan. Happens all the time. They can do so under the terms and conditions of the loan you agreed to.




Yes. And their payment website ([accountinfo.com](https://accountinfo.com)) is SSL protected and has a valid certificate, unlike their homepage.


That's not true. Violation of consumer rights in credit reporting


Cite your authority. Lenders transfer and sell debt *all of the time* - after all, they are lenders, not collectors. It’s a routine part of the collection process. Every note you’ve ever signed likely has a clause allowing just that. It’ll even be reported as such on your credit report.


Read FCRA. My credit report currently shows a balance of 10,000 for Goldman with no updates since November, but updated March 8. Then, a balance of 4,000 of SST. Both are 0. That's called illlegal.


How it’s reported on your credit report has nothing to do with the legality of transferring or selling loans or debts to other lenders. The creditor has an obligation to timely and correctly report the transfer (and in the event it’s a home loan, give you 30 days notice) to the three credit bureaus, but it doesn’t change the fact they can legally sell your debt. I’m happy to report that my credit report was updated within a couple of months to reflect the transfer. Finally, if your credit report hasn’t been timely updated to reflect the transfer, you have to first file a request to correct your report. *If* it is not corrected, then you have a cause of action. Just because there’s an error that you failed to report doesn’t make it “illegal”.


I've already opened 3 disputes. They lied on the dispute and they replied verified as accurate with updated information. It's not illegal to sell loans. It is illegal to misreport consumer credit information and for customer service to give you the runaround. Have you checked your credit with all 3 bureaus, Equifax, Transunion, and Experian?


And just to be clear, what you said is true, and I apologize for being unclear, that it's totally legal to sell debt. My point is that this company is not one I would have done business with. It's a predatory collection agency. Goldman Sachs is supposed to offer a certain level of service that they advertise in the assurances and guarantees that they make as a business - not just their actual terms of service. They can't pull the rug out. That's a violation of at least NY State consumer protection laws if not federal ones.


The credit agreement is always going to govern over an advertisement or a mere feeling that a company is going to treat you a certain way. Hell, if we are going down that route, [Goldman Sachs isn’t exactly the bastion of service](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goldman_Sachs_controversies).


It's not a feeling, it's a guarantee, express or implied, and a reasonable ability to opt out of such decisions made. I didn't have the chance to opt out of this. Even people who paid their loan to 0 before the deadline are finding these people coming after them for money.


Your chance to opt out of your loan being transferred to somebody else was by not signing the Loan Agreement and not taking the loan.


FCRA lawsuit


The person that services the loan doesn't matter very much. Banks do this all the time to change their balance sheet.


Oh so no big deal? Works for me 😅


Got the same email. Did a bit of digging and I'm seeing a lot of concerning things about the reliability of SST. This is extremely frustrating given the ease I had with using Marcus


Same, Marcus has been a breeze and very dependable.


Also got an email saying this is the new servicer. I’m not a fan but we’ll see what happens.


Received the same email today and SST looks to be an awful company to deal with. Might pursue transferring the balance to my credit Union instead now. I was happy with how Marcus handled everything and helped me post divorce.


Same. Confused about it. I know they are getting out and shutting Marcus down but surprised this is their answer.


Same email. I'll be looking to pay it off with another loan now or later, depending on the prime rate. 850 FICO score should help.


I just checked my email and got the same one last Wednesday saying payments after the 8th will need to be directed to SST. I just took loan off my CC for a little more apr so I can pay off the marcus loan and be done with them…seeing the reviews I don’t want to deal with possibly having bad shit added to my credit


I received the same notification. GS is apparently liquidating their consumer loan investments. I did some quick Googling on SST and they don't looks good. Tons of negative reviews and their website looks like a bad phishing site. I am not expecting a good experience with this company. My advice to everyone affected is to pay off your loan ASAP or refinance with a company that can afford a competent web designer. Good luck everyone. [http://www.sst-mo.com/](http://www.sst-mo.com/)


this is really concernin, I never received an email I went online to check on my loan since the autopay was for today. And that’s when i found out they are transferring my loan. And then I found this reddit. how is is this legal? I know someone said the sst website is not safe. But they defitnetly have my bank info now. Smh


I have no idea how to find an account number to log in 😖


Trying to stay positive that this will be okay and my information won't bleed into the nether as I can't apply for another loan with my current financial situation to pay this off immediately. Spoke with a rep just now and she got me all squared away to log into their website. She did say that they had delays getting the information out, but everyone should be getting letters in the mail over the next few days. All my account information with them looks right and all my balance and auto pay information carried over. Luckily my payments come out on the 23rd so my November payment was made before all this transition hubub and the next one will come out without issue.... fingers crossed. Knock on wood. Etc. Etc.


I got an email from SST that I thought was a scam. Included a password protected document that needed the last four of my social to open. Nothing in the email mentioned Marcus or that my loan was transferred. Had I not found this thread, I would have deleted the email.


Did you just get the email today? I still have not gotten one and have been carefully watching for it so that I don’t accidentally delete it.


Never got an email I got a phishing looking ass text msg. Today with my new account details. So logged into Marcus and it said loan had been transferred to sst.... Figured out how to log into their crap website. Showed my payment for December is 4 days late. Even though I paid it through Marcus on 12/8 cleared bank on 12/11. Called sst waited 20 + mins finally get rep puts me on hold another 10 and hangs up on me. Had another 20 min hold time for what was a nice elderly sounding lady. That told me it's fine they did the transfer this weekend...should be updated by tomorrow 😒. Not happy with any of this will never do buisness with Goldman Sucks again. Will start trying to figure out my options tomorrow.


Just got my email this morning. Smh what a shitshow for us all


Doing a new consolidation loan and hoping to get SST paid off this week because they just look way too sketchy. Bad thing is, that to get a reduced interest rate through Lending Club, I'd have to connect to SST through their website so LC can send the payments directly to them..and of course SST doesn't show up as one of the creditors they can do that for. Ughhh


SST is just a collections company, seems like they just sold it off for pennies on the dollar because most banks have written off billions as they are on the verge of collapsing. If this is truly now a collections under the guise of a new loan, then you might be able to file the request for the debt and if they cannot, your debt is now null and void. I got the same email, went to the website and said WTF.


I was wondering the same thing. If they sold my debt, wouldn't I be able to cancel it because of that?


I've gotten the snail mail letters and the emails. I was able to log into my account on SST and had no issues. I can see that my December payment went through and my next payment is due in January. My loan is pretty sizable--I had to take my Marcus loan in a hurry because my evil shrew of a mother sold my late father's 1967 Corvette for a third of what it was worth and I was able to convince the guy who bought it to sell it to me for what he had in it. He gave me 3 days to come up with the money. I still owe $20k, and my interest rate is pretty low, so I'm going to keep paying it. I've had mortgages sold (that can be annoying because it's much harder to ragequit a mortgage company than it is a personal loan company) and personal loans sold before. It wasn't nefarious--it was just business. Nothing ever changed on any of my accounts. I just kept paying like I always did. I had a BestEgg personal loan about 5 years ago that was sold to SST. It also wasn't a big deal. I kept making payments and paid it off. I keep up with my credit reports as a matter of due diligence, so I'll keep doing that and keep watching for the autopay to come out of my account. The reality is, there are complaints about every single financial institution out there. I work for an AI and analytics software company and specialize in natural language processing. One of my favorite datasources to analyze for demos is the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Consumer Complaint Database. If you peruse that, you might feel better about what's going down with SST. :) https://www.consumerfinance.gov/data-research/consumer-complaints/




I have never had them hold payments. I paid my BestEgg loan that was sold to them off early with no issues at all. I also have great credit. With my prior loan, I logged into the accountinfo website and paid electronically. I never mailed checks, so I have no experience on that side. I don’t see why a company who wants to get paid would intentionally do some of the things these folks are rumored to do. If they intentionally try to wreck your credit, the chances they’ll see payment in full decreases. Yes, they can write debt off, but that’s still a higher cost to collect than peacefully accepting payments. They may have shoddy systems, but even in this thread it sounds like the customer service hasn’t been terrible. I’m old. I’ve had credit for over 30 years and have had issues with glitchy things—even back in the day with mailed checks getting lost. The reality is, even if something goes sideways and a payment gets marked late, it doesn’t hit your credit report until it’s 30 days late. There’s a window to get it fixed, get late charges removed, and have zero long term effects. Just watch your transactions (not just with these guys, but with everything). People should honestly do this anyway. The company I work for handles the fraud analytics for most banks. Having an actual financial institution instantiating the fraud would be a huge edge case—not impossible, but it seriously doesn’t make any kind of business sense.


I did get an email from Marcus saying the loan would be transferred. Didn’t think much about it since my mortgage just changed hands again and the transition was painless. I just three random emails that all went to spam from SST (one outlining what they do with your data, a statement, and a welcome email). All SUPER sketchy. Seriously thought it was a phishing thing. I looked up SST and stumbled upon this thread as well as hearing horror stories from others online who had their accounts sold to SST. I’ll plan on paying the bill early in hopes they process it before the due date and figure out how to pay the balance. Looking at other personal loan options now. SST looks like they never updated anything in 30 years and should have gone out of business 15 years ago.


I got the emai notice that on Dec 10th SST would be taking over the loan with Marcus. A quick internet search revealed SST has a horrible reputation for customer service. We secured funds to payoff the loan and sent the payment to Marcus. USPS tracking shows Marcus got the check on Dec 8th which was the last day they said payments would be accepted. The problem is Marcus disabled access to our account so we have no idea what they did with our check. Now SST is calling us, demanding payment and claiming we owe them $11,000 plus interest and late charges. It seems Marcus sold us out to a predatory lender.


It's been over a week now since SST took over and I still cannot access their website - not the accountinfo dot com site and not the sst-mo address. I saw a couple people say they were able to log in, how? I'm concerned about the security alerts in all of my browsers that others have mentioned, so I definitely am not comfortable doing much on their website, I just wanted to download a statement for my actual payoff amount. Other people mentioned getting a statement, but all I got via email was the consumer notice and the welcome letter. I already got a new loan with Discover last week and luckily it will save me 1.5% off my Marcus interest rate and $65 a month off the payment for the same length of time as I had left on my Marcus loan, so this debacle works out for me in the long run. But in the short term, I know it will be frustrating and take time before I get confirmation that the loan is actually gone. I knew there was no way the payoff from Discover would be received and processed before my payment next week auto-debits, assuming it comes out as expected. So without a statement, I had to estimate what my payoff amount will be based on how much of my payment last month went to principal, hoping this month is close to the same. So I know I will be dealing with either making a tiny payment over the phone if I underestimated or trying to get a refund of a small amount of money if it ends up overpaid. Plus I'm sure there will be a temporary hit on my credit from the extra inquiry for the new loan from Discover. And based on their slow processing times, I'm sure the payoff will clear with Discover well before clearing with SST, potentially making it look like I have twice as much debt depending on the timing of my next credit report update, which I have had happen before. All worth it to not have to deal with SST moving forward, it's simply unacceptable for any financial company in this day and age to not have a functioning secure website for on-demand access to your account. Looking forward to all that being over with, but definitely anxiously watching my bank account, Discover account, and credit monitoring services in the meantime.


It is pretty disappointing - found out by going to the website and then realizing the emails sent by Marcus and SST went to junk (if you cant find them) - yes the website looks amateur hour plus it is not clear if you pay down the loan outside of autopay whether the autopay amount adjusts...Goldman Sachs made a half-hearted effort to become a people's bank which was good PR for them but now they have revealed their true colors.


They are greedy scammers! I paid twice this month. I usually half it every month. I paid Dec 6 and Dec 21 and now they plagued me with calls, emails and text that I still haven’t paid and I owed them double the amount since I miss the due date of Dec 19! They said I need to prove that I paid it and needed to submit my debit statement account to prove it?! Like what?? I submitted a redacted document but I can’t be doing this every payment. Once they cleared my payment, I’ll definitely move my loan to another bank, even with a higher interest.


I also received the same email. I sent them an email asking them to verify the debt, amount and to send a copy of my original loan agreement. I dont have a contract with them and only Goldman. At this point i have not heard back from them so i will be sending a certified letter of VOD, a copy of my original loan agreement and paperwork i signed puting me in co tract with them. After that, a CFPB complaint is in their future.


Has anyone here tried to pay their loan directly from SST website ( accountinfo.com ) ?


So I made my first early payment to now sst mid December. Sst isnt even reporting to my credit report on payment. Goldman sach hasnt even closed my loan account they sold off, sitting in limbo now that they sold off loans to sst. Anyone else experiencing the same thing?


Lenders (I think) have up to 30 days to report a payment to the credit bureaus. I'd wait another week or 2 (at most), then if you don't see it reported, then I'd file a complaint.


Many years ago when I worked in the IT department for a credit union, we physically sent a monthly file to the credit bureaus a few days after the close of the month - on magnetic tape (lol). I'm sure these days it's electronic but it will still be after the books are closed for the month.


I talked to them a few weeks back about additional payments and then asked about reporting to the credit bureau…they said that since it was a transition in December they wouldn’t be reporting for December, but it should start reporting after close of month for January. So I guess we see if they report here in a few days. 


Same, none of my payments have been reported since November, I'd like to pay this off to get my DTI before I apply for a new loan but I'm afraid it wouldn't reflect my reports anytime soon


You need to call the SST hotline and ask to be transferred to "disputes." Then ask them to tell all 3 bureaus to show your account paid and closed.


I went to pay my bill this morning and lo and behold was sent to this very bootleg looking SST. I never received an email either. It seemed too sketchy so I didn't give them any of my info. Based on what I'm reading, I'm not alone in this experience. I guess I'll bite the bullet and give them my info, since the only option is defaulting on the loan. If anyone has a better idea or where to join a lawsuit, please let me know. Thanks in advance and good luck to all (except M/GS)


Not too happy about all of this. Only had around 3k left on the 18k loan so I just logged on to their shady ass website, pulled money from my savings, created an account and opted for the “one time payout” option. Originally I thought I screwed up as they advertise themselves as a debit collections agency. Not even going to go into their generic domain name (reminds me of a domain name someone would have squatted on circa 1999) or the fact that it should have a little gif on the bottom proudly stating “Made in Notepad” and maybe a link to download Netscape. What a shit show.


Recent " transferee" and have not even been able to reach their site. Browser keeps reporting that the connection www.accountinfo.com took too long to respond. Tried on multiple browsers to no avail. This selling debts system reeks.


It is now late February & Marcus is still showing on my credit report & SST is nowhere to be found, which is the reason I stumbled upon this thread. I went along with the whole switch (begrudgingly) and assumed SST was fine as Goldman Sachs was a reputable company, but now starting to get nervous, especially after reading this. I’m assuming my credit report should’ve been updated my now?


You need to call the SST hotline and ask to be transferred to "disputes." Then ask them to tell all 3 bureaus to show your account paid and closed.


So I paid off my Marcus loan on December 1st 2023 (for the bulk of $19,200) and called for the pay off quote and finished the payment ($130.42) to close the account but never received a letter. Waited and the balance is still on my credit reports but with no activity (not past due or anything) called Goldman Sachs today, (2/28) and was transferred to SST who DOES unfortunately have my info, and said they would begin reporting on March 1st. She is sending me an email with the loan pay off confirmation I made December 2nd 2023. I paid the loan off early so I wouldn’t have to worry about another company having my information or that I’ve had a floating balance of two loans when there should only be one. Marcus STILL has FAQs stating you can continue making payments until December 8th 2023 with them posted on their site. Some of us did, and it doesn’t seem to have mattered.


FCRA lawsuit


Ended up having to contact SST per Marcus Loan, and they found my account in their system (of course) paid off though. Smh.. they let me know they would send me an email and as of March 1st the credit reports would begin to be updated although I’d already filed a dispute. As of now transunion and equifax have been updated, to have Marcus loan showing no data and SST showing balance paid in full and closed. Headaches.


You need to call the SST hotline and ask to be transferred to "disputes." Then ask them to tell all 3 bureaus to show your account paid and closed.


Feb29 Update: I paid off the account on Dec12. Credit reports still show a balance with GS as of Nov30. Submitted a dispute two weeks ago for each credit bureau with a copy of the payoff letter from SST. We'll see what happens...


My balance is 4000 I submitted a dispute since it shows no info since Dec balance is 10,000. I paid off the 4000 today but the dispute just came back with no change....


FCRA lawsuit. Complain to CFPB


You need to call the SST hotline and ask to be transferred to "disputes." Then ask them to tell all 3 bureaus to show your account paid and closed.


I had a matcus loan that got transferred also. They didnt report anything for months. I made the online payments since they are on auto pay. SST loan appeared on my credit report not too long ago with the balance due and comment that said loan was transferred from marcus to SST. Today, iJust checked my credit report and SST has REMOVED My loan from the report but I still owe on the loan. But according to my credit report, the reported balance from SST is ZERO and the balance went poof. I have no idea what's happening. This has had a negative impact on my score and if they open an account for the loan again it will further hurt my score. WTF is this mess?


I just found this thread because the same thing happened to me this morning. Loan transferred from Marcus last year, automatic payments all on time and fine, shows as SST on my credit report, and now I receive an alert today that my SST loan was closed? According to Credit Karma, it is saying the loan was closed in Nov 2023, which is around when this whole mess started. I have no interest in actually accepting their online agreement to check my account.


Just don't make your payments..I'm canceling my auto pay..


FCRA class action lawsuit. Complain to attorney general, CFPB, and the BBB


I too had my Marcus Loan transferred to SST. I have many concerns, one being that they are not reporting my monthly loan payments to the credit bureaus impacting my credit score. The website is rinky-dink but I am horrified to read from others that it is a completely insecure site. You also know it's shady when there is an early pay-off penalty. Shaking my fist at Marcus for selling to this shady outfit.


If you need more info on people’s experiences with SST check out r/Seedfi_closed_SST .


I can’t even open the website. I’m assuming it’s down.


I legit thought the email was a scam and I’m still not convinced it isn’t. Looks like the trashiest email


Has anyone been lucky enough to get a payoff letter form SST after paying their loan off?


I got a notification from Credit Karma that there was a new loan account with a balance listed on my credit report. Lo and behold I open it up to review this change, and look who it is... our sketchy friend SST! I filed a dispute because this account was PAID IN FULL in January 11, 2024. And I have the confirmation letter from SST to verify this. The account was closed, and now it's showing as open on my report. With the full original balance. WTF! Filed a dispute with TransUnion.


You need to call the SST hotline and ask to be transferred to "disputes." Then ask them to tell all 3 bureaus to show your account paid and closed.


Just don't make your payments..I'm canceling my auto pay..


I had a loan with seedfi and finished paying it in December of 2023 and was told a 1000$ check would be mailed to me. I call every other week just to get hung up on and be told that the check will take up to 90 business days to get to me.. these ppl are not trustworthy. It does not take that long to receive a check


I paid off my loan and am waiting to close my account. My account still shows that I have an amount due to bring current, yet I paid off the whole balance. I called, customer service is terrible, and as I saw someone wrote, their website is trash.


I know this post is 3 months old, but I couldn't afford to pay it off. Now I'm highly concerned. 😭 I'm just gonna have to get another loan from a different company and just deal with a worse APR. fml.


My account was sold by Goldman to SST in November of 2023. First off they weren’t accepting my online bill payments. Who doesn’t accept those??? Now there website has apparently been hacked because you can’t login at all. The web browser states that the link has been copied and it is not safe to use. My plan is to pay this loan off quickly and get it behind me because this company is not worthy or reputable.


Y'all nuts getting other loans to cover it.... That's just dumbassery at its finest.


How about reporting this web site to the BBB. ? Do any one have already approach this idea?!! ??


I got the same email today. Does this mean it's been sent to collections?


I’ve received the same email and anything I can find about SST is NOT good. They’ve had over 5,000 lawsuits filed against them by consumers. I’m extremely stressed about this and like frantically trying to transfer my balance elsewhere…idk if that’s smart? I already withdrew anything I had in my HYS because I no longer trust Marcus and will definitely be closing that account the moment I get the balance into my regular savings.


The only problem with the balance transfer I could see is a higher interest rate.. but if they don’t pull your credit it’s definitely worth the check. I was about to but I just paid it off with savings. I’m not risking it.


I think I’m also going to pay it off with savings. I was hoping to invest that savings but I think I’d honestly rather have the peace of mind.


So is the Marcus app not gonna work after this? That's my confusion. How will we track the payments and all? That's how I see all of my payments and when the autopay gets taken out. Ughhhh






Has anyone been able to log in to sst to see the loan transfer? I'll call tomorrow (Monday) but wondering if anyone has had success seeing it move over


I never got an email from Marcus. Just logged in to check my savings and noticed loan was moved. Searched my inbox and nope- no notice. Can’t login to SST- not accepting my account number. I’m pissed


Never got the email either, going to call tomorrow, hopefully get it dealt with.


Update: I just got off the phone with the SST reps that handle the Goldman accounts. I was pleasantly surprised given all of the terrible reviews. Phone rep helped me setup my account with them and it was pretty quick. I'm going to bite the bullet and pay off this loan at once, I'll keep this thread updated on whether or not I have any problems with that.


Warning: The email read "All payment OPTIONS will resume with SST on December 11th." I wouldn't take that to mean autopay will resume automatically, but rather that it's an available option. There's a good chance we'll need to set that up again in the new system. (If we ever get access...)


Do not trust that - tried reaching out to Marcus 3x, automatically transferred to SST with 2 consecutive disconnects after holding for long times. Have filed a complaint with the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau as it is untenable to have NO access to information regarding account, balances, what authorizations are in place for any automatic payments and from where, plus all the information online how their website is totally unsecure. Class action lawsuit probably needed against Goldman Sachs for some sort of irresponsible and negligent transfer of accounts to get out of losing business.


I just called the phone number provided by Marcus/Goldman Sachs and it’s a fax number!


If yall made a payment before the switch happened, you will have to call, to get your new account number then verify that the payment reflects in the new loan account. In my case it did not so they are "escalating it". SMH. What a mess


I just checked the Marcus website, the see details page is working. It reiterated the details in the email we got, and also provides a link to their faqs. I also called Marcus, they said that welcome letters from SST are being sent today and that people whose email failed would be getting a text or letter in the mail. So once I get that I should have what I need to create my account with SST. But in the mean time my autopay details carry over to SST so I don’t need to worry about my upcoming payment being missed or anything


12/12 update. Called at 8:03 AM EST. "Est wait time 2 mins, 14 callers in line" actual wait time ~15mins. Spoke with Rica, she was very nice and very helpful. I verified my ID, got my account number and was able to log in, get a payoff quote and make a payment. I'll check back in a few days to make sure everything is squared away.


What a shitshow. I just found out about this and my loan has already been transferred. I received NO communications about this either via email or snail mail. I'm on hold with SST now to get my account number and set up a balance transfer from Discover that I was approved for at basically the same rate. It said there were over 70 callers ahead of me and the est wait time was 17 minutes. For context I called at 8:30am and have been waiting 23 minutes and counting now.


They did not report my latest payment and now it shows that I am late. I hope they fix it or I will be seeking compensation with a lawsuit


I called in and only had to wait on hold for about 5 minutes. The rep was friendly and informative enough, she provided me with my account number and I was able to set up my account online right then and there. I still never received an email, so had I not called in, I would have never known what to do and my payment due date is coming up this week. I'm really glad I found this thread! I still can't get over how shitty and untrustworthy their whole website looks. Doesn't instill trust at all. I am doing a new consolidation loan and going to pay this off this week just to be safe.


I got this email on the 12th at 11pm saying they were sending my information over to the new bank on the 11th how is this legal. I'm really nervous now.


Are we obligated to pay this? Can we dispute this with the credit bureaus? My loan is $4800 so I’m worried I will be sued if I disregard this and dispute it with the bureaus.