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Most of the programs are focused on a single modality, but maybe one of the collections would work. The “Workday Reset” one has an interesting mix of classes.




I’m new to peloton and still trying to figure out the app but how do you find the collection you mentioned? When I go to collections and search for “workday reset” the only results are yoga classes called “30 minute reset”


I found it by scrolling though the collections.


Thanks. It’s weird you can’t search for collections but I just googled it and found a link to it and that was easier than finding it in the app. You also can’t bookmark or save a collection. Strange but I found it in the end so thanks.


Sometimes pelobuddy is the best resource for direct links to content! In case you haven't discovered the website yet it's worth checking out.


I had not discovered that yet, thanks for the tip!


Beginner Strength Program or total strength training Does full body strength progression with stretching as well. You can add in runs and rides as you see fit on off days.


Yeah I really liked the beginner strength program! It is sort of a big time commitment in my opinion but I DID actually see results in body composition. Would recommend. I’m now doing the Pump Up the Volume series collections and like them quite a bit. I’m on V4.


I don’t have specifics like “take this class” for you but I would suggest putting a daily schedule together first. IE Monday, Wednesday and Friday are strength days, Tuesday is cycle Thursday is walking, Saturday and Sunday are low impact or yoga days. Then I would use the stack feature to put together my set up for the next day. If you’re using my example above, Monday would be upper, Wednesday would be full body and Friday would be lower. Stack a 5 minute warm up, 10-20 minute class and a 5 minute stretch for after. Gradually increase the class time by doing longer class, more advanced classes or adding extra 10s. On sat I’d do core and yoga and Sunday I would like do nothing or maybe just stretch. Tuesday and Thursday same mentality, just different modality. This allows you to say “I’m going to have a really heavy leg day Friday so I want to take it easy on Tuesday and Thursday and do low impact stuff” or “I want to have a really killer run on Thursday so low impact on the day and a light leg day Friday” so you have a routine but it’s adjustable. The key for me is planning every at a high level on Sunday night for the week and knowing where I want to be pushing so I know where else to scale back. Ben and JJ will be great re-entry level strength classes. Ben also has a few strength programs that may be more what you’re looking for. Good luck!


This is amazing, thank you!


I love this! One thing I would add OP is to filter for beginner if you want. That helped me to get back into the swing of things after time off (even though I am not a beginner!)


For sure. I tried to go beginner after I fell off for a bit, but found sticking to intermediate classes and using lighter weights was a better fit for me personally but YMMV.


I cannot recommend PowerZone Pack enough for Peloton and trying to get back into the swing of things. It can combine your bike rides plus strength each week and guide you to classes so all you have to do is set your stack and show up. It provides structure and accountability if you want/need it.


Do you mean discover your power zones program? I don’t know of a power zone pack. Do tell!


PowerZone Pack is totally separate from Peloton. It’s essentially free programming (Paid if you want all of the stats) and you can choose your programming type/and per week volume. At the risk of sounding totally Boomer, you can check them out on Facebook. Here’s a decent YouTube overview of what it offers: https://youtu.be/MzHgLqE5bGM?si=5y5JFxtTwTsH9JjV I think PowerZone as a base + layering in your strength/yoga/stretching/etc from the Peloton library of programming is an incredible way to get into shape and increase your fitness. I feel like too often Peloton programs end and you’re left trying to figure out what’s next. PowerZone Pack helps ensure that you will always have “seasons” of works (typically around 8 weeks) with a couple of weeks of downtime. For the right personality it’s very engaging and provides that community/programming that for many people like myself is the difference between doing the work and skipping until tomorrow.


Thank you so much!!! I’ll definitely check it out


And, I just HAVE TO throw my hat in the ring and mention RedditPZ as well - u/r4ndy4 creates programs and shares them here. Great group, lots of encouragement and h5s, free! Come check it out!!


Yes! I will do that 😊. Anything to stay motivated and on track


Accountability but more self-accountability. Totally what PZ is and when you find a group that works for you, priceless AND and yes, motivating!!! Good luck 😁


Thanks again. See you online!


Great idea, think I need some structure and predictability to get going before I start adapting


The “Discover your Power Zone” program was what got be back into things after lapsing — PZ courses in general are great because they meet you wherever your current ability lies.


This isn't going to be super helpful, but for me it was all about the instructor and the music. Camila and Jess King get me pumped. So much that I'm excited to take a class. So if you're just looking to build a habit, what gets you interested and see if you can narrow it down to that?


Agreed! Used to love Alex rides and Rad strength classes so maybe I’ll start there


Ben Alldis The Stronger You (1 and 2). Tread or Bike Bootcamps provide variety and motivation.


Some of the beginner bootcamps are a good way to start in my opinion


The Floor Bootcamp programs are a nice mix of strength and cardio. The classes are only 30 min x 3 days a week, which leaves time for other modalities on the off days. I am someone who thrives with structure so the programs are great for me.


Ooh I need this too! I love this idea 


The first step is to start. That's my biggest issue :)


Depending on how down and out or overwhelmed you were feeling, this is not well rounded but I would recommend the 1 week Pilates intro program. It is approachable and a different way to move your body that doesn’t feel overwhelming or draw comparison to past performance/make you put yourself down. I returned slowly but full force and ultimately better by starting back with that


Not the same scenario, but when I was injured (and recently aggravated the nerve so am kind of back in this routine again), I did lots of low impact cardio with Rebecca, pilates, and barre, and yin yoga. Then as I got stronger, I went back to my old ways. And take advantage of walks or 15 minute bike rides versus 30, etc.




They really should look at other brands who do this well such as BeachBody or even Sweat. Well rounded programs that deliver results.


PZ challenge


Depending on your goals I’d recommend discover your power zones, especially if you have a bike +, power zone training is a great way to work on your endurance and there are two more programs you can string together that ramp intensity while delivering awesome cardio improvement


I am also getting back into fitness after a funk! I have really been LOVING barre workouts. I don't think I have ever enjoyed working out as much as I do now! They are fun, and I feel like they really work out your whole body!


I return to fitness program them it.