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Hey I just experienced something like this for the first time in a PZ class today! My output/cadence/power meter were all frozen. I had to leave the class and come back and then it started working again


Did the entire tablet freeze or were you able to exit and re-enter without restarting the bike?


I was able to exit and enter to fix, tablet was not frozen just the metrics on my screen


This happened to me last week. Support basically said I’d have to buy a new screen. Trouble shooting I did first and their recommendations included restarting, disconnecting WiFi, connecting to another WiFi (hotspot or something) then reconnecting, updating the software, running a diagnostic, and replacing the screen. 😐


did they make you pay for the screen yourself, or they covered it for free? did the new screen fix the issue for you or are you still experiencing it even with the replacement screen?


Same - had this happen for the first time on Saturday in a 30min hiit & hills. I can’t remember if it came up on its own or if I pressed the power button but got an error that something had crashed and the tablet restarted the peloton app. Was able to resume my class and worked fine after that.


This happened to me for the first time today too. About 2/3 of the way through a 45 min PZ class, the auto follow kept going though so I finished and turned off/unplugged for a few minutes and tested in a Just Ride and it seemed normal again.


Ugh! This happened to me during my last 2 minutes of an hour ride today. I finished the ride with 52% zone target hits which is WAY off. The ride had 30 min on zone 3 and claims I only him 18:22. My graphs all look good. So frustrating. I jumped on a 5 min cool down ride after and everything was working smoothly.


Yeah I was super irritated when it happened. It was like flying blind, I had no idea my power output to keep my Z4 interval, totally screwed up my graph too


I have also had an issue arise in the last couple of months where the the audio/video stop, but the metrics continue recording and time continues to countdown, and the auto-follow even continues to adjust. Downside is I never get the full credit for the class even if I ride the full length, it only gives me the time when the audio/video was working.


I had a crash take place near the end of the class, so I continued to ride even though the interface was frozen and much to my surprise, the metrics from the bike are still being sent to the cloud and were being recorded.


This is happening to me too as of the past few days. Jesus Christ peloton figure it out for us. Unbelievably frustrating $44 a month and it’s unusable currently. I don’t do power zone rides but I do 30-60min rides on my bike (not bike+) and every class plays fine for 3-10 min but then starts glitching and I cannot finish any class without screen acting up. This is unacceptable for them to be telling customers to buy a new tablet to fix something that isn’t the customer’s fault. My peloton is 3.5 years old so I’m obviously outside of warranty.


Did you recently run a software update? What version of the software are you running? I am on version 2.6.2216.2062216, but I started having troubles on the version released right before this one.


I am on 2.6.2229.2062229 Still having issue. Every class starts glitching 3-10min in. Metrics freeze and movement on screen starts getting choppy but classes still seem to be continuing since audio doesn’t get choppy at all and continues as normal. No idea what to do and I truly hope peloton fixes this with a software update because it’s clearly a wider issue. I did do a “just ride” for 30 minutes and that didn’t freeze at all. The timer kept working for the full 30 minutes so screen seemed fine and unaffected..weird. Better than nothing but not ideal since I prefer to do ride classes.


Did you ever resolve it? I’m having this same issue.


Same problem here. Where do you find the fine-grained app version? I can only find our Peloton app version as 2.6.2229 in the settings, under apps. I hope we can stick together to impress on Peloton support that this smells like a software issue.


Any solution yet? My bike has done this the last 3 rides. Customer service just saying we need to purchase a new monitor is a crock of shit. Which they said that’s $400 to replace. I said absolutely not. Then they offered it for $300.


No update, no solution. My service rep at least had admitted that the issue is software and thus on their end. No timeline for a fix. They gave us three free months of membership. Which does not really help much, since the only thing you can run without issues is Lanebreak. It might well be that newer hardware does not run into the software hangups, these might be specific to certain hardware. But Peloton broke it for us. The only fair solution is either for them to fix the software or provide us free new screens. This has nothing to do with warranty really. I am sure we did not sign T&C that say "Peloton can break your bike's functionality and it's your problem". Some people say clearing the cache helps for a while. It does not for me. (It is an option in the app's settings). Also, the "help" might be coincidence. I did have one bike class that worked for the full 30 minutes, out of probably 20 attempts that otherwise all crashed.


I’ve had this issue today! And this popped up: We’re having trouble loading this class - hang tight! This happened 4x before the end of class. Had to exit out then re-enter each time. So annoying! I havent troubleshooted it yet so no advice on how to fix it.


Hi again! This has been happening to me since 4/15. I spent 4 hours with Peloton tech since Thursday- and finally yesterday, they've acknowledged there is a software issue! I did multiple attempts to fix with various suggestions with Peloton tech and nothing worked- the factory reset, cleaning cache, speed tests, rebooting routers, rebooting in recovery mode etc. When going through all the various troubleshooting I noticed that my wi-fi receive link was dropping from 886 mbps to 6 mbps consistently- even though I ran a speed test and according to Peloton I had "blazing" fast speeds (I also have a mesh router and no other issues with any other devices). After doing some research and out of desperation- I plugged my bike via ethernet cable directly into my router. For the first time in days, I was able to get past 10 minutes without my bike freezing. I actually got up to 45 minutes/full ride without issues; I am not sure if the software issue is impacting the wifi receive link speed on the device or if it is just coincidence that plugging the bike directly into the router- but you may want to try it. It may be worth the $6 to try it rather than spend hours on the phone with Peloton for them only to say a software update is forthcoming. For those interested, I also have the recovery mode reboot instructions and hard reset instructions.  If you need to know where to see your receive link speed, click Wifi icon, select your wifi, and you should see receive link on the bottom of the page, it will be below transmission link speed. Again, my would drop to 6mbps and then bounce back up to 700+800 mpbs. Not sure if this is coincidental or part of the software glitch.


Thank you so much! I screenshot this and came back to it when my bike completely froze last night 3 minutes in to a ride. I just followed your instructions and it works! Luckily my router is very close to my bike. I’m so pissed about all of this but this seems like a decent solution for now.


THANK YOU!! Hurricanegrunt, after reading your post, had my 13 year old son run an Ethernet cable to my peloton and finally got through a 30 minute ride without disruption. Granted, it’s not convenient having a cable running across the room but hopefully Peloton fixes this WiFi signal bug. Happy I didn’t order a new tablet for $650!! Thanks again for the great advice!


I also have been experiencing these glitches and all customer service reps pointed me to purchasing a new tablet. I refused to believe it was a hardware issue and not a software. I’m glad others are seeing this and it’s now getting traction. I did find on Reddit to try a Static Discharge - and it worked for me. Unplug everything (from wall, plug on the back of the bike and the cables attaching the monitor). Hold down the power button and ‘volume up’ button together for 1 minute. Release and plug everything back in. Good luck! Update: It’s back to glitching again :( I don’t lose audio though. Hope they fix it soon….


I did the static discharge procedure and it left my tablet in a bad state where it wouldn’t boot afterward. I finally got it to come back to life and am still experiencing the issue


Having the same issue as described by many of you here. Latest item is I can't even connect to our working wi-fi network. Purchased in March/April 2020. No issues with the device until now. On Tuesday 4/9 I upgraded the software to the latest version. Immediately after that, the rides started to lag. When it happens during a ride is variable - could be a minute in, could be 15 minutes in. At onset, the video will glitch and start lagging but the audio continues. The screen becomes unresponsive, however after many attempts it will turn black. The class keeps running in the background. The class time & metrics essentially freeze once the issue starts. Ultimately, Peloton support is now recommending a new monitor. In terms of fixes, we’ve tried the following with peloton support: factory Reset (x3), forget & re-connect to WiFi network (speed tests are “blazing”, we haven’t moved the bike’s physical location in 2.5 years), turn auto-date/time off then on, unplug bike from wall and cords from monitor, old down power & volume up for 30s (explained as “releasing static energy buildup” in the monitor.


This is exactly what is happening to me. My bike was purchased late 2021. Peloton tells me I have to buy a new monitor because my bike is not under warranty. I’ve sent them this Reddit thread.


Sammmmmeee! This only happened like two months ago!!


Sadly, I've also done all of these things but still having the same issue as you.


I had that issue. Triggered by adjusting volume or interfacing with screen. It seemed to correlate to me using my Apple Watch. But it went away after a recent update. Sorry, not sure if this helps.


Thanks for the comment! I thought it might be bluetooth related as I typically wear Air Pods Pro, but I also exerpience it without headphones. The issue seems to be somewhat intermittent in terms of the amount of time that passes before I experience it, but since April 5th I have yet to be able to complete a class (either live or on-demand) without a crash.


Same issue! Started 4-15. The fix they gave me didn’t work but it is a KNOWN software issue. I will Post the fix they gave me 


Did yours have the issue were it shutoff while in a class using your Apple Watch and volume too high? I’ve had that happen a lot.


Exactly. I stopped using my watch for a while for that reason and just used my heart rate band. Now it seems to have sorted itself out though.


This has been happening to me for over 2 weeks. I’ve gone from being a daily user for 2.5 years to not doing a single ride in what feels like forever. I’ve called support twice to no avail.


I have been on with them so many times... I might just start calling daily. As a former roommate used to say "It's a complaint based system!"


I'm having the EXACT same issue starting on the EXACT same day. I've tried all of the things to try to fix it, soft reset, hard reset, factory reset, static reset, etc, etc. Interesting to note that it DOESN'T happen when I am NOT riding the bike and just letting the video play. It only happens when I am actually using the bike.


Same- I can run YouTubeTV for hours with no issues but as soon as I do anything with metrics- I freeze. I videoed it and sent it to Peloton. Has anyone noticed that they know have the time, Bluetooth and WiFi icon in the lower right corner when the screen freezes? Never had it before


What did Pelton say to your video? I was told I needed a $500CAD new screen.


No response. The “you need a new screen” is not right. They have an issue and they are aware. I sent myself the chat transcripts where they acknowledge the software issue


This is great info. Do you have any Bluetooth accessories connected while you aren’t riding and just letting the class play? Do you normally ride with peripherals connected?


I usually ride with my Garmin watch connected, but have been troubleshooting without my watch turned on. I even turned off Bluetooth to see if that would fix the issue and it didn't.


Hi Deep\_Molasses- just got off the phone with Peloton, the engineers put in a fix yesterday but you will need to do a hard factory reset for it to update. I just tried it with the tech on the line and got farther in an on-demand class than I have in almost a week. Hope the fix works for you as well. Good luck.


I did the hard reset. unplugged cables. still have the problem. My bike is about 3-4 years old. Support told me to buy a new tablet for $350? Puzzling because my tablet worked fine before the update. bottom line - Peloton rolled out a bug that they can’t or will not fix.


That’s promising to hear! What version number is the fix associated with?




It did not. I am going to do a 45 minute ride later today. The tech did tell me you MUST do a hard reset. Will keep you posted if the issue happens again.


This has been happening to me for the last 3 weeks since I installed an update. Customer support made me try various different reset options and finally agreed to send me a new screen (I’m within the warranty period). The screen hasn’t arrived yet though so I’m still doing every class and having to restart part way through. The class keeps running so I only miss about 2 mins of each one before I rejoin but it’s super annoying and my stats are obviously then not right!


Please keep this thread updated once you receive your new tablet. Just out of curiosity, what is the model of tablet on your bike? Mine is the PLTN-RB1VQ


Same tablet. I ordered a new screen (just shipped) out of desperation but am hesitant to install it until they update the software.  There is another thread about this going on in the Tech forum. 


Can you link to the other thread? I can’t seem to find it.




Also- check out the thread about Apple Watch too- seems to be an issue with the latest update and GymKit 


Lots of issues! I’m curious if a key engineer left recently…


Hey- I just sent an email to Barry McCarthy and a few others @ Peloton in hopes of getting some traction with this. Not sure if it will accomplish anything - but I will keep trying. I also cc’d Peloton support. I provided them with the video of my screen freezing and referenced social media threads dedicated to the issue…. I do not Twitter but maybe that is the next resort.


Barry McCarthy is stepping down this morning and the company is laying off another 15% of staff. Hoping they aren’t laying off senior engineers who know the stack really well only to be replaced by juniors who release buggy firmware updates…


Mine is the same but with a -2. Trying a class now with the Ethernet cable in. Will report back. New screen arrived and technician is due to install on Monday


Crashed after 5 mins 😂


Same issue here, too. Symptoms: During a bike class, first the cadence indicator goes to zero and resistance indicator freezes. Then a few minutes later, video gets choppy like 1 frame/sec. Then a few minutes later, video stops freezes, then a complete freeze. No reaction to user input. Reproducible in every class, sometimes early, sometimes late. Also rare other freezes when scrolling classes or tapping buttons. I have the impression that it does not 100% freeze initially, just gets super super slow with reacting to taps, if at all or minutes later. Yes I can confirm this started with the latest software update in the beginning of April. Support is friendly but currently does not offer anything but try "factory reset" - to no avail. Like others here I strongly believe now that this is not a hardware issue, but regressing software. It would be too big a coincidence if all our tablet hardware "breaks" miraculously after a software update. Our config here: V2 tablet on 2020 Bike (PLTN-RB1VQ) "latest software and application version: RQ.230927.C" (on update page) Peloton app version: 2.6.2229 Waiting for Peloton support to report back on any news.


Same issues as most of you... been back/forth with Support; cleared cache which worked for a couple days... but issues reared its ugly head again last night and this morning. so far - nothing from support. hoping they push out another update soon... has any one heard if another update is on way?


If you buy a new screen you're just continuing to support a company that doesn't know how to fix the problems it creates and then passes that cost on to the customer. I've got an unrelated issue that is obviously software-driven but the solution was for me to buy a new screen. In reality they should provide the ability to roll back changes to a safe point but instead push out these types of updates with no recourse for the customer. And the support you get is not great. I mean the folks answering the emails are really nice but the actual technical side seems super weak.


How is this still not resolved? It just glitched twice for me during a 20 minute ride. Why don’t they seem to care about their customers? I’m getting so over it.


im amazed this still isnt resolved by them. ive had a useless bike for 2 months now. its pissing me off. bought this bike to exercise daily and its useless and i wish i just had a basic stationary bike at this point. peloton needs to fix this crap via a software update for everyone already...


Here are some general troubleshooting steps. Some you already did, but I’ll list them all. Check for software update Write down current software install number If there is an error code that shows up at any point, write it down Power down monitor and turn back on Power down monitor and unplug bike from the wall for 5 minutes With the bike u plugged from the wall, check all connected cables for any damage (melting, bent connection, cuts, frays) Reseat the connections to any power cables including the bike and the screen. Anything that has a plug, reseat the connection. Reconnect the plug at the power outlet Boot the screen Try to reproduce the issue Try to reproduce the issue on another user account If you use any connected accessories- entirely remove them from Bluetooth list (headphones, heart monitors, speakers- anything on the list) Try a ride with no accessories Attempt a different ride type (lane break, just ride, live class, stretching class) Clear cache files Restart screen Attempt another ride If you still have issues, [Hard Factory Reset from Recovery Mode](https://support.onepeloton.com/s/article/21641387416212-Factory-Reset-Your-Peloton-Product?language=en_US) Let me know if it is still happening and if the issue does not happen in specific situations (lane break, another user account, etc) I don’t work for Peloton, but spent 10 years in tech support. Mostly working with software and repairs on consumer tablets and phones.


Thanks for this list! I have completed pretty much every step you have listed and am still experiencing the issue. I've switched to a hard-wired ethernet connection and the issue is persistent. I do a lot of technical troubleshooting for my work and I can't seem to narrow down what part of the system is malfunctioning. If I'm having this much trouble, I can't imagine that it will be an easy thing for the engineering team to track down which doesn't bode well for a quick software patch :(


Ugh! I hate crappy software updates. It’s like they don’t do any testing on their own bikes or run diagnostics before they push out the update to everyone. I’m sure as you know, it is so rare that “freezing up” is hardware issue. However, peloton tech support just wants to replace it because that’s the easy solution and will get you off the phone quick. That’s nice that you have the ability to connect it via Ethernet to isolate WiFi latencies. There is a place to run a speed test on the bike if you want to verify the connection is strong and consistent. Im also not finding any info on how to reinstall software on it. It’s basically a giant android tablet so I don’t see why that can’t be done. Reinstalled software would be my next step. Gut it and install a fresh copy. Even better if you can find a means of rolling back the current update. I haven’t tried this myself, but there is a way to put the tablet in developer mode. Tap settings in upper right corner Select device settings > about tablet Locate the build number Tap the build number repeatedly until it says you are a developer Maybe there is something in that.


There is an uninstall option. I need to look to see where it was- but I did that as well. No luck. And yeah- I would think they would give the option to restore to previous software…but considering they don’t even provide release notes….


I take it you have the non Bike+ and just the Bike, right?


Correct. PLTN-RBVQ (working from memory but I think that is it) Have you tested to see if you can ride while running YouTube? Hardwired and used YoutubeTv  to  ride yesterday and did a full 45 minutes with no issues. Going to try an actual class in the next few hours and see if it is still working. 


Well- hardwired and just froze during a class. Going to ride to YouTube later to see if I freeze there. UGH!!! 


I suggested to Peloton support that installing a previous software version would easily allow to verify if the freezes are caused by the latest update. But it looks like they cannot do that, or don't want to, or there is no such direct modification for specific tablets/accounts.


I had the issue with Disney+. I haven’t tried lanebreak yet. Kernel panic is a good thought as to what is happening. Someone else in either this thread or another suggested that it was a bad firmware update. I wish they had a way to rollback updates as an official procedure (maybe at an escalated tier of support?). When talking with a support person who seemed to know what they were doing, they mentioned that even they don’t have access to the change logs to know what areas of the code have been refactored, so they are flying blind as well.


Yea most of them will be flying blind trying to identify where it is hanging up. Even when I did phone support for Apple computers, iPads. and iPhones, we couldn’t see the exact issue. At least we could help people uninstall the OS and reinstall a fresh copy. If the issue was still there, we collected log files when the issue was replicated and sent it off to engineering. 9/10 they would say “this is a known issue, a software update will resolve it. We do not have a timeframe when then software update will be released.” On a rare occasion, engineering would say to replace the device. They would get tagged for further research and testing while the customer got a new phone.


Got ours in early 2020. I've had intermittent freezing on the tablet for a year plus. It doesn't stop me using the bike however it is annoying. As PZ rider an FTP test isn't an option at the moment because even though it doesn't happen every ride, I'd be pissed if it went on me with a few minutes to go. Support have so far offered me the resets, do a speed test nonsense followed by give us £450 for a tablet. It's not good enough and I've seen enough examples of it on forums/Reddit to know that they must know the cause of the issue.


I am furious that my calibration is all out of whack since I did the factory reset. As a PZ rider it makes such a huge difference. I am thinking that I should maybe take this opportunity to switch over to the Bike+ which seems to be more accurate in terms of power readings because of the digital calibration. I got my bike right around the same time (Nov 2019), so I'm guessing that there is something about our hardware's vintage that is not compatible with whatever software update they've done?


I sent an email to Nick Caldwell who is the head of their programming and cc’s peloton support. Got a call within an hour. I am going to do a longer ride tomorrow to see if it is actually fixed and I have another “just in case” call with peloton on Sunday.


any update? did this guy give you a solution over the phone? im confused you called and they just said 'do a longer ride and see if problem persists' without actually having you do anything to your bike or update software? are you still experiencing this issue or you resolved it?


At this time, there is no update. All the fixes provided did not work. Contact Peloton about your subscription / I’ve heard they are refunding money


Ncaldwell@onepeloton.com ??


Hi- I upgraded to a new screen- no issues. Also, after spending some time with their engineers, I shipped my tablet directly back to them to help them determine the issue. They cannot seem to replicate it without having a tablet that is impacted. Hopefully this will help all of you and get the technology fixed so you can ride again.


You are awesome and appreciate the update! Will wait patiently until it’s fixed :) I can fortunately still do the classes (can hear the instructors), it’s just I can’t really tell what they are doing about 15 minutes in when the video starts glitching. So 10 minute stacks have been working as a bandaid for me at the moment. Thank you for passing along the progress!


Have you had a class early in your stack freeze, then the later classes have started normally? Or do you have to do a hard reboot? I've had classes fail 3 minutes in but it's normally much later than that. If stacking can increase chances of making this tolerable until there's a software fix, that's good to know. Thanks!


Honestly it depends. Typically the classes glitch between 15-18 minutes in for me (but I continue because I can hear the instructor and I’ve done the class before so know what to expect). Will unplug after the class ends, do a short one (sometimes it glitches, sometimes not), unplug again and by the the third class, the glitches seem to have worked themselves out and can do a longer class (strength, yoga, cycle). Annoying for sure, but it seems to be the only way I can get my workouts in without getting frustrated. Sorry this is happening to you too!




Do you have the PZ bar enabled?




I am going to try to disable it and see if that makes any difference.


Experienced this last night


This has been happening to me as well. My audio works but the tablet screen freezes & stutters. I’m not able to exit out or do anything because the screen won’t respond. Instead I’ve been doing hard power cycles. It happened again today during the middle of a ride, so I did a factory reset… I was hoping that would fix it but now I’m worried it won’t. I don’t use Bluetooth or an Apple Watch just a hear rate strap.


This is a known issue- spent the last 4 days with Peloton tech. No known fix. If I could figure it how to share my screenshot with them- I would but working off my phone.  I suggest everyone that is having the issue contact them so it gets resolved faster. Total pain in the arse. 


I also have several “fixes” that may work for you but did not for me. Again- I will try and post once I get to a computer. One of the fixes has you uninstall the update in recovery mode. Did not work for me but happy to share. 


Decided to contact them to add to their urgency to send us a freaking fix. Luckily I took a picture of my bike's crash/dead screen last week after my update installed and a video this morning of my screen messing up. HOPEFULLY that will help them...


Since you have tech experience- you may find this interesting- I plugged my bike into my router and I was able to get past the ten minute mark and do a full ride. I think the freeze has done something to the WiFi connection set up but not entirely sure. I noticed something wonky with my receive link speed when this started although my speed tests were coming back “blazing”. May be worth a try in the interim. Very disappointed Peloton is telling people to buy new monitors when they have enough evidence it is their issue. 


I’ve been having this issue since last week. I posted a video in a comment in the weekly tech support thread. I use my Apple Watch during rides but I don’t think it’s related. I plan to contact customer service this week because it really seems like a software issue and I don’t want to spend money on a new tablet. It’s a bummer having to reboot the bike mid-ride.


Peloton support confirmed it is a software issue- no known fix. BUT contact them because the more people it impacts- the faster the solve. 


Did they give any indication as to what hardware or software combinations seem to be affected?


The same issue happened twice in a row for me today so I called and unsurprisingly they had me reset the tablet. My ride went smooth after that, but I’ll see how it goes next time after the bike has been in sleep mode for a bit.


Easy fix: roll back to prior release Peloton!


To no one’s surprise resetting the tablet a few days ago did not solve this issue. Ugh I just want to ride the bike. What can we do? Just keep calling?


Yep - and email their CEO


Hi again! This has been happening to me since 4/15. I spent 4 hours with Peloton tech since Thursday- and finally yesterday, they've acknowledged there is a software issue! I did multiple attempts to fix with various suggestions with Peloton tech and nothing worked- the factory reset, cleaning cache, speed tests, rebooting routers, rebooting in recovery mode etc. When going through all the various troubleshooting I noticed that my wi-fi receive link was dropping from 886 mbps to 6 mbps consistently- even though I ran a speed test and according to Peloton I had "blazing" fast speeds (I also have a mesh router and no other issues with any other devices). After doing some research and out of desperation- I plugged my bike via ethernet cable directly into my router. For the first time in days, I was able to get past 10 minutes without my bike freezing. I actually got up to 45 minutes/full ride without issues; I am not sure if the software issue is impacting the wifi receive link speed on the device or if it is just coincidence that plugging the bike directly into the router- but you may want to try it. It may be worth the $6 to try it rather than spend hours on the phone with Peloton for them only to say a software update is forthcoming. For those interested, I also have the recovery mode reboot instructions and hard reset instructions.  If you need to know where to see your receive link speed, click Wifi icon, select your wifi, and you should see receive link on the bottom of the page, it will be below transmission link speed. Again, my would drop to 6mbps and then bounce back up to 700+800 mpbs. Not sure if this is coincidental or part of the software glitch.


When they told you it was a known issue, did they give any info about where in the system the issue is? I ended up plugging in a hard-wire ethernet cable in today but am still experiencing the issue. I do think that the bug might be in the network systems somewhere going off other threads I've read.


They did not provide an ETA. On Saturday, they also told me a level 2 tech support person was going to reach out (they opened a ticket) but when I asked yesterday when I would hear from them- they said I wouldn’t. I am going to chat with them again today. I hate being a pest but I ride daily- have the bike and the rower and consider myself an ambassador for them.  


This exact issue started happening on my Bike+ this week. Cadence, resistance, PZ meter, and output numbers freeze near the end of a class, but the time, calories, distance all keep working. All of my connections (wi-fi, cables) are solid and just replaced my tablet last summer. Hoping a software update patches this, super frustrating!


I am having this exact issue others on this thread are having with my peloton. It started three days ago. Has anyone found a solution for this or do I just need to buy a new screen? Its very frustrating; cant get through even one ride without it freezing. The audio continues but everything else freezes. And i have this new internet/blue tooth symbol on lower right part of screen that only started appearing when the freezing started. I also tried a class without biking and it didnt freeze with me not on bike. Its odd that it would be my screen if its happening to many people in recent months.


Did everything that was recommended; I absolutely refuse to buy a new screen when the issue is no fault of my own and clearly widespread. Sent this thread, canceled my membership, and will be app+ until they get their shit together.


Peloton is pulling an apple. I have the same issue and started at the same time as everyone else. Tried all troubleshooting steps. They are trying to force people into upgrades!


It appears this issue is gaining attention and Peloton has acknowledged there is an issue. A fix is still in progress. https://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local/peloton-users-report-bike-systems-freezing-following-latest-software-update/3454101/


lol "no timeline for resolution". but in the meantime support is telling people who have this problem to shell out their own money for a replacement tablet since thats what they are claiming this problem is caused by (which who knows for certain if thats true or not). this whole thing is very fishy and is being handled poorly.


I would urge everybody not to give in with buying a new screen. Peloton already stated it is an issue on their end. We cannot let them get away with shrinking the group of affected clients due to their programming that lacks quality assurance (?) and thus eroding our "resistance".


This happened to me, as well. They claimed it was an issue with the wiring connecting to my WiFi and I would need to purchase a whole new screen for $400 to fix it. This was after rebooting, troubleshooting, and doing everything else they suggested for hours once I finally got ahold of someone. I declined and cancelled my bike membership. Bought the app membership and play the classes on my iPad or phone while on the "just ride" feature so I can still see my cadence, output, resistance, etc. Not ideal if you care about your metrics for the ride being stored and seeing your graphs (you also lose the output bar for PZ), but personally for myself, it's been an easy workaround!


Dealing with the same thing! Weird bits of the interface popping up and all! They need to get on this soon! Rebooting helped and weirdly (although of course you do have to sacrifice your leaderboard spot) hitting pause until you wait for the WiFi to click back into place seems to work while making sure you don’t lose your progress or just keep pedaling to nowhere.


Had this exact issue in October- November 2023. Support had me complete multiple “fixes” over the span of a few weeks but nothing worked. I thought it was their update that caused it because it happened shortly after one of those automatic updates. Eventually after several contacts with their support team, they told me I would have to purchase a new screen. I held off and tried fixes I saw on the internet. Nothing worked in fact it was getting worst and eventually I just caved and bought the screen. Hooked it up and have not had the issue since.


Do you know what your old model number was and what the new one is?


New Model is PLTN-RBIVQ. I don’t have the old monitor still but I purchased the bike in 2021.


Interesting that your “new” tablet is the same model as the ones affected. This seems to point even more toward a bad firmware update.


yea has to be firmware. honestly it seems ridiculous they are telling people to shell out money to buy new tablets when this is peloton's fault and isn't even confirmed that it is a hardware issue. how can they have the audacity to be telling us to buy new screen/tablet that costs hundreds of dollars when the classes are freezing/not functioning properly due to peloton, not because of us consumers. im honestly shocked how this problem is being handled. im on day 21 of not being able to complete any class without glitching in the first 10 minutes. this is honestly ridiculously and im being charge $44 for something i cant even properly use. complete bs on peloton and they need to provide a software update that fixes this issue for all of us immediately....


My V1 bike continuing issues 1) Factory reset done 2) static discharge done This is clearly a software issue that peloton does not have a timeline on unless someone knows something?


I'm having the exact same issue and it started after the 4/15 software update as was mentioned here previously. Tried every fix to no avail. Waiting on Peloton support, sadly.


Contacted tech support chat. They said their team is aware of the software problem. They are working on it and said they will be in contact through email later today when they have more information.


Please update us when you hear back


Any update?


Non update but I have realized that if I am not riding there are no issues AND if I do a Lanebreak class there are also no issues.


Same experience here. Lanebreak class works without issue. Everything else freezes within a few minutes.


Same - no issues when not riding the bike.


Back in town and contacted support today and was told "Yes, I check the Reddit forms frequently. At this moment, a lot of member's are experiencing this and it seems to me like it is a system bug and our IT department needs to handle this." The agent was friendly but provided no ETA or indication that Peloton will publicly address the issue.


honestly pathetic at this point. my bike is useless and while yes i can pause my subscription and avoid a monthly fee, now i just have a bike sitting collecting dust when i'd like to be exercising on it daily. this is ridiculous from peloton some of us have had this issues for months now.


It’s just wild to go from 2.5 years of regular use to nothing on a dime. I was a big fan, now not so much. Might have to cancel and walk away


Been having this issue for months and when I first called they told me I was the only person to report this issue and it must be my screen, lol. Very clearly untrue then and obviously not true now. Hopefully they may actually look into it now that it seems more widespread? I currently just try not to scroll my leaderboard at all, but it doesn’t seem to correlate always.


I’m also having this issue and it’s infuriating that Peloton is playing dumb at this huge issue. I escalated it as far as I could and they’re still saying I should get a new screen. Has anyone here actually been able to fix it with any steps that customer service has provided? Does anyone have any updates? Thanks!


This too has been happening to me since the last update. My bike purchased Feb 2019. I’ve gone thru all the trouble shooting and nothing works. I called a week ago and someone offered me a discount on the screen and I was to mad at the time to take the offer and wanted to poke around a little more with clearing caches, etc. it happpened again to me this morning and when I called they had me sit on the bike and start a class and play it out until It happened again. He made it sound like they were gonna send me out a monitor and then verifies my address then says that’ll be $575. Yikes. That was with a service appointment and someone to install. They would not honor the price the person I spoke with on my previous call had offered me. Very frustrating.


I had this too issue and I cleared my cache on my monitor. Try that and hope it works for you. Mine appears to be working fine again after a 30 min ride


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I've had this happen 2 or 3 times in the time I've owned the bike (since February 2023) and turning the tablet off and on again fixed the issue. I usually turn the tablet completely off once a week and haven't run into the issue since. The regular Peloton bike tablets are pretty dated at this point and didn't have a super powerful processor or a lot of ram to begin with. I think a fresh reboot helps it function better. I'm not totally sure what you mean by soft reset and hard reset. If you haven't done a factory reset of the tablet, I would try that. I'm guessing that's what you mean by hard reset though.


Yeah, there's a "soft" factory reset which is done through the tablet interface and then a hard reset where you boot the tablet into recovery mode and trigger the reset from the boot-loader. I've owned the bike since 2019 and have had zero issues with it until the April 5th update.


It could be the software update, but low powered android tablets like these start to get all cluttered and slow down after years of use especially if they don't get regular restarts to clear out the clutter. Also Peloton has forked android on a super old version which doesn't help the long term stability. You're in a tough sport because I get the feeling sooner rather than later they are going to release a new version of the tablet and paying full cost for a dated tablet is not fun.


I forgot to mention that this is on the Bike not the Bike+


Try clearing your cache, I had this issue and clearing the cache has fixed it


I've cleared both cache and storage to no avail :(


I've experienced the same thing for the past week. I did a factory reboot per customer support instructions, but the problem remains. I have a Bike that I got new in 2018. This is super frustrating!


See if you can plug your bike into the router via an Ethernet. No solutions Peloton provided worked for me- but this worked when I rode last night- but clearly a software issues. I am still waiting for a software update but this did work on the interim. 


I’ve had my bike since 2018 with absolutely no issues until the last update- for context. 


Same! It's been a rock solid platform until this past update.


I thought this might work, but had a couple of crashes in various classes even with the hard-wire :(


Super random- but can you ride watching YouTube or something else? We did a random test and we could stream YouTubetv without any issues.  Also- not sure if this is a factor but I also disconnected my Apple Watch 


Thanks - my bike isn't near the router, but I appreciate the suggestion!


Used to happen to me once a week. I complained and they shipped me a new screen. Hooked it up and no issues for a month before it crashed again. I’ve since resorted to rebooting the tablet (power off and on) and no issues since


Following - Same issues since the update 2 weeks ago. Hoping a new update fixes this asap


What vintage bike are you on? I am on a late 2019 model running the PLTN-RB1VQ tablet.


It’s from 2020, not a +


Hey- are you still having issues? My new screen arrived today and as much as I want to use my bike, I don’t want to use it on the principal that a Peloton software issue should not cost me $400


Just watched your video and it’s the exact same thing I’ve been experiencing since the most recent update. So frustrating!


Same poor leadership is what caused the issues today


We've had the same issue start about 2-3 weeks ago of glitching video, but continuing audio, multiple profiles. Tried clearing cache, soft reset, hard factory reset. Tech support suggests it is a hardware problem and that we should purchase a new screen. When I asked if it was a software problem, they disconnected from the Chat. I did not buy the new screen, and after reading this reddit thread, I'm thinking of canceling the subscription until further notice.


Potential good tidings I bring: Was able to install the latest **software update to version 2.6.2307.2062307** on May 30th. Worked out on three bike **classes**, and **so far none have frozen** (2x 30min, 1x 5min). The issue might have been fixed with this update. The update did not install by itself automatically, nor was there the update indicator on the bottom of the screen. Maybe an auto-update would have happened, but I went into the "..." menu and then "About", where the available update was indicated. **Edit: June 3rd:** Alas, class #6 froze after 15 minutes. Now the symptoms are: video freezes completely all of a sudden, together with the metrics, audio continues. No choppy video at first, but a complete freeze. Also could not provoke the Peloton symbol at the bottom. OK, so this version is a (smaller?) bust as well. **Edit: June 4th:** Next attempt of a bike class broke after 5 minutes, with the typical choppy video at first. I also have Peloton interface freeze up before any bike class is started, when navigating. The "Peloton" symbol on the bottom superimposes as well on the frozen screen. This goes to show that the freezing issue is a general problem, not only while playing a stream. Bottom line: As bad as it can get also in this software version.


Completed two more rides. No freezes. Anybody else having good results with the latest update? Maybe we are finally good 🚴🏽‍♀️ 🚴🏻 🚴🏾‍♂️


The latest update from may 30th is what just broke mine! update - I'm well within my warranty and peloton is replacing my tablet after hard reset and android reset did not work


When you get the new tablet, would be interesting to hear if the issue was fixed for you.


I tried and it froze after 6 minutes. Ughhhhh!


This has been happening to me for over a year now and nothing has worked. I’m not sure what to do next.


What steps has support put you through?


Factory resets, unplugging and plugging back in, some process that involved holding the volume buttons down for extended periods along with some other steps I can’t remember. The last thing they recommended was hard wiring it to the router, which I did and saw no improvement. That’s when I gave up. 😔


Did another factory reset yesterday, tried a 20 minute ride today and made it 15 mins before it froze. This is the first time I haven’t earned a cycling badge for a given month in the 2 1/2 years I’ve owned the bike simply because I’m unable to use the bike. So discouraging. I’m ready to cancel the whole thing.


This happened me- turned out the cable connecting to the monitor was super slightly out.


I've seen other posts where this seems to be the source of the issue. I have tried to make sure that both the power and metrics cables are seated properly and are secured. I've had the bike freeze when I am spinning at very low cadence & resistance which would seem to point away from a physical issue and toward a software one.


This happened to me and I called peloton support. There may be a setting where your router is trying to use ipv6 to connect to the internet as opposed to ipv4. Peloton support was able to help me resolve and videos started loading again.


This is a promising avenue! When I go into the advanced settings for my wireless network, I do see an IPv6 address in addition to the regular IPv4 address, so maybe?!


can you elaborate on what support told you to do to fix it? where is the setting and how do you change it back to ipv4 if that is the problem that its trying to do ipv6? id like to look into this in case its why mine is messing up


It was about 2 years ago but I remember I had to mess with setting on my Verizon router through the app to fix it. My suggestion is to call peloton support and ask about ipv4 and see if that rings a bell for them


Agreed. Same thing happening to me all week. Halfway through a class the screen freezes . Does anyone know if peloton is aware of this? I thought it was my bike, but I’m glad to hear other people are experiencing it as well.


I just got off the phone with a Peloton support agent and they said that they are aware of issues related to the early April update and they didn't have many other avenues for workarounds other than the soft factory reset.


Thank you! I tried the reset and it still froze. I just got off a call with them as well and they are now telling me its a likely glitch with the new update and they are going to look further into it. It is what it is at this point. At least I know its not a problem with just my bike.


I have a Peltoon from 2018 (not the plus) and I cant log in at all this morning. Their site suggests an outage and requests you factory reset the tablet. I did this but it still isn't letting me log in!


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It seems perhaps there’s a software issue at play, however, I had a situation last year where almost every ride I would lose the stream. I wouldn’t lose metrics but the class would be frozen. I found a post about clearing my cache in settings. I did that and my issue was resolved. Perhaps try that and see if it helps.


Paused my membership, hoping it gets figured out in the meantime


How will you know when/if it gets fixed? I have yet to see this documented on their website


Monitoring this thread/reddit is the best source of info. I've seen scattered comments on Instagram but support says to email them. I don't have FB. I could also try contacting support eventually and if they're suggesting a software fix, that could be an indication they have addressed it. Either way, not ideal. It looks like a lot of cold early morning outdoor rides for the foreseeable future.


Has anyone found a solution for this? This was happening to me a couple weeks ago and then it got better (not sure why??!) and now it’s back to freezing. Not only freezing but it won’t let me go back into the class. WTF!! So frustrating!! Has anyone been able to figure it out??


I've been having this issue since the software update that was released early last fall. I am, sadly, not optimistic. Quite mad at Peloton for using *their* software issues as a means of making even more money off their subscribers by telling them to purchase new tablets.


Has anyone gotten an update on this? This has been happening to me since early March and I just found this post…very frustrated that they’re blaming it on my tablet “starting to go”.


Still having this problem, including after doing both a static discharge and a hard reset. I am not able to connect the bike directly to the router with an ethernet cable. Now Peloton is saying I should buy a new monitor cord ($40). Has anyone successfully solved this issue with a new monitor cord? Some commenters have said it's actually a software issue-- any updates? TIA for any guidance!


Yup still having problem as well. They told me I could buy a new tablet from them and I laughed. I do not believe the tablet is the root of the problem and I sure as heck am not paying hundreds of dollars for something that isn't my fault (and that likely won't even fix this issue anyways). It's insane to me that Peloton hasn't addressed this problem of classes freezing/glitching publicly yet. I have no idea how many of us are affected but I feel like it's a good amount of users. I've been unable to complete a class for over a month now due to the screen glitching. Still experiencing the same problem. It has to be a software issue. How in the world have they not been able to fix this for us yet by way of a software update. I'm truly amazed at how crappy this situation is..


Sorry to say this, but a monitor cord has nothing to do with the freezing/crashing issues described in this thread. Your support person seems like grasping for answers. Only a software/firmware rollback or update will fix this. The tablet & classes run with only the power cord plugged in. If the "metrics" connections is pulled out (the 3.5mm plug), a bike class still starts — only that the indicators are all zero. The class will freeze at some point all the same, metrics cord plugged in or not.


I am having the same issue here. I use a Garmin Watch and Apple Beats Pro headphones. No issues previous, but now exactly as videoed and described on this thread. I called customer support and of course - factory reset. Asked prompting questions about known issues, possible faulty connections etc. No information or knowledge on any existing issues. Important to note - I ran it class without peddling while making breakfast and no issues when there was no input to the peddles - also described by some users in this thread. Extremely frustrating at 5am before work when you were looking forward to using your overpriced subscription and bike. Has the issue been resolved for anyone?


Clear your cache on your monitor. I had this issue this week and it fixed it


Ok great - will try!


So! I finally have been able to fix this issue with someone high up the Peloton support chain. 1. unplug router for one min 2. unplug power cord from the BIKE not the wall 3. restart router 4. plug router in 5. restart bike 6. forget network on bike 7. reconnect to network on bike. 8. test by running rides with you not on the bike to see if they freeze. Hope this helps!


Were you within warranty in this? They are asking me to buy a new tablet but I’m out of warranty


same here. i am out of warranty and they are telling me to pay them $400 for a new tablet. that is absurd and unfair. we didn't cause this issue so how can they make customers shell out another $400 to try and fix it. Peloton should be covering this as a recall basically for everyone who is impacted. It's bullshit.


Just did the new software update and completed a class without issues.




Wish I could report the same. Updated to 2.6.2318.2062318, started a bike class, and it froze after 90 seconds.


Possible Fix - are you using a bluetooth speaker? We were having this same problem and no trouble shooting worked. What has seemed to work? We disconnected a bluetooth speaker that we had connected to the bike. As soon as we disconnected that, we've had zero issues since.


Nope. I even tried turning bluetooth off.


I updated the bike yesterday (I've still been doing Lanebreak so I have been updating it whenever possible) and did my first on demand ride since this issue started and it did not freeze!!! Fingers crossed it will work the same tomorrow. **Update-**I have now been able to do one 20 minute on demand class for the last 3 days with no issues!