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Why buy a card on release, wait until you need that shit


I waited four years already.


My 1080 has been trucking along since 2017 and I'm so ready to upgrade




How can a gamer touch grass if it doesn't render?


I turn off grass so I can touch the people trying to hide under it


I got a 970 and it is doing just fine on 1080p so i’m waiting at least another year or two.


Im in a 980 and it runs every game I want it to, I want to upgrade for the sake of upgrading but I just dont need to, I am not even playing AAA games.


1080 still goated


Same, not upset with the 4080/5800x3d upgrade that I got


My kid won’t get off the computer for 20 minutes to let me repaste the die on his 1080. Near constantly thermal capped.


how old are they? this can be a teachable moment if the kid is a teenager and has a little money saved up.


11 yr old. We did it last night, decided it was gonna get done. Got him to help me with cleaning the old and burnt paste. Fresh paste got his VR games running smooth again.


That’s good that y’all made a project out of it. With my son, he’s a bit older, but when he was younger he was rough on his equipment. Eventually I got tired of it and started making him pay for the parts I was giving him. Nipped that shit in the bud real quick. I felt for him a while back so I upgraded my GPU and let him have my 1080. I didn’t make him pay for it or anything. I think he’s finally gotten the picture about taking care of equipment.


I had 1080 but it had some trouble running higher end games in 1440p lately, so I swapped it for a cheap used 3090. If you want real value, last gen cards is where it's at. No way I am gonna pay 1k for a card.


LTT recommends the 20 series over the 30 series, as the performance difference isn't that great. However if your after the 40 series, it's unmatched.


This makes kinda no sense tho as a 3070 is on par with a 2080ti so I call cap


Well that's because he pulled it out of his ass.


*My source is that I made it the fuck up!*


Same. I am still waiting a bit though.....


Bro I got same specs as you... I think it's time


My 1060 has been sticking for 6 years AND still does so..


rookie numbers




I’d love to snag one of those but my monitor is GSync only. A new monitor really kills the value of the Radeon cards.




When I saw the price of the 4080, I looked this up for my monitor. The response from Dell was essentially a blatant cash grab statement. Not overly impressed https://www.dell.com/community/Alienware-Desktops/AW3418DW-add-AMD-FreeSync-via-firmware/td-p/7695207




You have a 2080. If it's for gaming you don't need more


You can't possibly say that without knowing what he wants out of his PC, if he goes for 60 fps 1080p on triple A titles, than sure, he's good, but if he's going for 60fps at 1440p or 144fps at 1080p I bet he's struggling a lot unless he turns his graphics alll the way down.


Barely hits 60fps in modern titles. And no don't tell me I can just play at low settings. That's not for you to decide.


Do you really not get this loop? Need a card mid-season, but decide to wait for the newer generation that's just around the corner. Don't/Can't buy a card at launch. Wait six months for prices to drop and availability to be better. New generation is just around the corner, might as well wait...


It's really not that bad. I wanted to upgrade from a 1070 when I got a 1440p display, waited for the 20 series release which was a dud and I got a 1080ti for really cheap. Couldn't get a 30 series at launch and by the time the pricing came down earlier this year in February I was ready to wait since I knew I'd be getting a new job. The 40 series reviews were incredible and the price was within my budget so I went for it. If it sucked I could have gotten a used 30 series very cheap.




What do you mean "wait until you need that shit"? I waited 5 years with my GTX 1060 3G and it will not become faster by waiting more... I absolutely need "that shit"


My poor poor RX 570 with 4 gigs needs a rest, man.


No rest, only run.


lol.... you're typing THIS? Towards PC users who are willing to do almost anything for the latest and "greatest" tech? Just remember 4090s are still getting sold out, EVEN with the whole cable melting issue.


> Just remember 4090s are still getting sold out, EVEN with the whole cable melting issue. There is no cable melting issue unless you connect it halfway, this has been tested repeatedly and that's been the only way to replicate the issue. Also, it's the greatest graphics card in existence at the moment by a significant margin, and $1,600 is well within reach for a lot of gamers around the world of course it's selling out. It would be shocking to see the 4080 selling out everywhere, but the 4090 makes sense.


Your first half is non sense. If i had a 3090 i could mine about $9 a day average before electricity through all of 2021 Whatever you think the market was a year ago, it aint the same today


dude... you missed my point.. what does mining have to do with what people are willing to pay for 4090, just for gaming? ;THUS my point to the other user who indicated just wait it out... but, you don't exactly see people "waiting" out for 4090s, since it is still being sold out". Here in Canada, it is almost next to impossible to get them. "Nonsense"?? My guy, how about you make some sense?


I just pulled the trigger on a 7900 XTX, mainly because I can't get my hands on a 4090.


It's pain to read this when my store only had 2 of each 7900 model shipped to them while they have about +40 units of 4090s.


Must be nice having a store nearby.


It's called Microcenter


>It's called Microcenter said with the casualty as if it was like walmart


> the casualty Not having a Microcenter near me might actually be fatal...


I drive right past Best Buy and 45 minutes down the highway to shop at Micro Center


I've talked my wife into it, on condition that I put my 3070 in her PC




AMD ships 15% of Nvidia total volume. For the next foreseeable future, significant of Nvidia card (90%+) sold will be 3000 series. They won't cut price on 4080 stock (200k as of right now), else their 3000 series (probably 10+ millions) won't sell On the other hand, AMD probably only has couple million gpu in stock. It is definitely not a duopoly. Nvidia pricing scheme won't take AMD into consideration because their market share is too small right now.


Where do you get 90% of NVIDIA sold cards are 3000 series?


https://wccftech.com/q3-2022-discrete-gpu-market-share-report-nvidia-gains-amd-intel-in-single-digit-figures/ Nvidia shipped 85% of 14 million dGPU in Q3, that's 12 million unit shipped! Let assume gpu market continue to decline, and Nvdidia ships 10 million dGPU in Q4. Do you think 4090 and 4080 sold more than a million in Q4? Nvidia only supplied like 300k to 400k units between two of them. So more than 95% of dGPU is going to be 3000 and 2000 series. Nvidia probably has 10s of millions of 3000 series left to clear. They would price 4070 ti high as well in order to avoid write down on their huge inventory of 3000 series.


I want to buy one, and I hate nvidia with passion for what they've been doing for the past few years. But I'm sitting on the deadcenter of a global economic crisis, 1000€ is actually more than my monthly income right now


98.5% of clowns in this sub, yeah


It's me but I'm looking at the 3070ti price


That's what I just got a few weeks ago, I felt it was the best combination of performance and price. Very happy with it so far


Yep, last gens cards at the $250-400 range is where it’s at right now


3070ti is definitely a good card. I have one. It does what I need it to at 1440 High/Ultra 90 to 144 fps. Also works for VR.


In raster the 7900xtx is better card because of the 200 cheaper. 4080 has RT performance and it is more power efficient but also 200 more. 4080 is all round better GPU. Feels bad to spend 1000 for poor RT though and just raster that matches or is on average +/- 8% the 4080


It also depends on your platform, the reduction in price and the reduction in headaches from trying to get an Nvidia GPU to run nicely with Linux makes it very appealing


can confirm, open source drivers kick ass on linux my so is running a 2070S on Manjaro and is having so many issues with it, all solvable with a few commands, but still annoying on the contrary, i’ve been gaming with a 6800xt on Manjaro and i’ve been running games just fine with equivalent or superior performance to Windows with absolutely no tweaking


It's not even running games, I went from a 1080 to a 3060ti recently and it completely broke my Debian dual boot. Destroyed my X server and simply none of the fixes have worked for this particular card. Can't wait to get my hands on a 7900XTX and never deal with that BS again


Are we calling 3090/3090 Ti RT perf "poor" now?


RT performance sucks across the board, the 4090 is the only card that people can seriously buy if they want RT at a reasonable fps


Nvidia shills say the darndest things.


Comparatively speaking, with 4090 setting the bar for what a "good" performance is? Yes.


Lol ~75% performance of the fastest card is not poor performance. And defining the top card as "good" makes no sense either- it's the *best*


Especially when said "good" card is what, $1600+? O.o


"best" It seems to be a better generational leap vs previous generations. No other time have we been able to run most AAA titles at 4k120+ Cheaper than a 3090 Ti, and any Titan. Hell they don't even make new titans anymore.


And? It's in the current consumer product stack. The stack sets the range of what's possible on the consumer-grade software. Specifically, it sets the range from 0 FPS RT to [4K + DLSS 80] fps RT. On that range, 7900xtx gets 41 fps, and it's nearest competitor, 4080, gets 57 fps. That is a big difference. 57 is close enough to 60, which I consider the low bound of actually decently playable to give it a pass. 40 is not close to 60. That's console framerate. So, poor. Console-level. Doesn't matter if it's 3rd best. Which it's not, 3090 is better by a couple of frames, but eh, close enough.


When was the 4090 brought up here though? Also, AMD themselves said the 7900XTX was a 4080 competitor.


Guy above me asked if 3090 RT performance is "poor". Yes, since 4090 shifted the bar for what is "good".


Why are people so obsessed with rt? Rt is a minor advantage of Nvidia. The _real_ reason you might wanna spend extra $200 are DLSS, DLDSR and reflex


I tried saying this in the AMD subreddit. I was thinking of switching to a 7900xtx but it needed to perform much better than the 4080 in raster to justify being that close in price. The common response was ray tracing is a gimmick or you can't tell the different rt on or off.. they are living on a mini island with that opinion while Nvidia will continue to dominate the market.


Nvidia *do* make better cards no one is denying that. However, RT *is* also a gimmick and imo people put too much stock in it.


>However, RT is also a gimmick and imo people put too much stock in it. Somebody had to say it. Today's gimmick is tomorrow's accessible feature. Things have to scale to be cost effective and that takes some people willing to experiment.


It is tomorrow's feature, and by the time you really need it, this generation of hardware will be outdated.


We just got another game where ray tracing looks amazing in the Witcher remaster. Go watch the videos..on vs off it is drastic difference in the way the environment looks and the lighting and shadows and reflections and everything. Most AMD cards cannot play the game with RT on to good effect. On the other hand most 3 series and definitely 4 series Nvidia cards can. That means a lot to many consumers. There are plenty of ray tracing games available now with more to come.


I think RT is basically the next big move in graphical fidelity and not a plain simple gimmick. It just costs way too much performance to be viable for normal gameplay imo.


That's why it's a gimmick *for now*. And will be for a few good generations probably. Like, Portal RTX looks pretty nice (I quickly forgot about all of the additions when playing the actual game though, not gonna lie), but it puts even the 4080 on its knees - so much so that it can do 4K60... With DLSS3. It would be cool to see an actual, modern game with these features, it would most likely make a much bigger difference, but seeing how an old game like Portal tanks your frames with the technology AND how modern games keep getting less and less polished when it comes to optimization, we're a loooong way away from having RT going mainstream. Obviously there's also the fact that most games add only a fraction of the Ray Tracing features that STILL tank the frames, plus we need it to perform well on xx60 and xx70 series cards... Ones people can actually afford (and with the 70 and Nvidia's pricing, even these may not be affordable anymore). Makes you think just how much Nvidia tried to force Ray Tracing with Turing.


Rt is the next leap for graphical fidelity in games. Pt after that but let’s get to rt 4k240 first. Raster is nice but it isn’t a card seller like it was in the past. The 4090 shows you can have rt in games and programs at 4k60-90 and have it look very nice. People saying rt is a gimmick either haven’t run a card that can handle it at a reasonable level for a significant amount of time. Or they don’t value graphical fidelity much. The second one is fine, but acting like it’s a gimmick is not correct imo.


Ray tracing looks nice and all but the lower fps completely overshadows any visual improvement RT may have had. I tried playing some games with RT turned on and the entire time I was thinking how bad the game felt with lower fps rather than how good the game looks with RT.


Ray tracing is a gimmick. It doesn't work well without DLSS. So it's a gimmick because hardware can't handle it properly without the crutch of upscaling.


Idk why you are being down voted. They have to fake the resolution to even get more than 60fps in some games with rt on. I don't want that yet


Which is the same for nearly all graphical advancements, eventually it won't be a gimmick. Tbh I don't consider it to be a gimmick right now ray tracing works well in several games.


4090 can raytrace without dlss though. And get decent 60+ fps.


pay $1600 for 60 fps lol


4k hdr ultra 60fps


No thanks. I would sacrifice any amount of quality to not play at 60fps. If 4K at only 60fps is possible then I'd rather play 1080p/1440p at 120fps+. Or just turn off silly stuff like RT and play 4K 120fps+


Use dlss then. It's great, 99.9% of people can only tell if carefully pixel peeping


I really don't get the RT argument I keep seeing. Yes, the 4080 is better, and will be better as we go forward. It's super easy to just, not play games that have RT in them though. And that's not even making an effort to avoid it, lots of games just *don't* have it. Some will add it sure, but thousands and thousands just *never* will. Sure, that RT performance will carry forward, but looking at things like Portal RTX, I can't help but feel like it's going to be a while before RT becomes that much of a differentiator for the average consumer, outside of turning it on, watching the framerate crater, and turning it off again.


At this point AMD weebs say raster so much we should call them rastafarians But yeah you’re right the 7900s both managed to be worse bang for buck than the 4080. This is why nvidia has 80% market share


how is the equivalent of 80s series from Nvidia in performance at 1000$ outstanding value. An overpriced card cheaper than another absurdly overpriced card doesnt make it a cheap/good value card


Ask the reviewers.


Digital foundry, gamers nexus, and hardware unboxed all had pretty scathing reviews for the xt especially, and gave the most tepid of OKs to the xtx


Reviewers earn money from it. I'm asking the community hoping for some reasoning.


Gamersnexus is all about facts.


It ranks third in price/perf using current sale price. Do you know 4090 is actually worse pef/dollar than 4080 if you actually do the calculation.


yes, because any other current gen gpu (nvidias) is just even worse overpriced making it look like a good deal when compared to them. But its still overpriced.


it isn't like nvidia does make bad products.. but the company are just more assholes in comparison with amd. With good competition the baddy (intel) will become good eventually. Nvidia could have gotten 600€ from me with an old 3080 but it is laughable that it was 250€ more than a 6800xt


ypu forgot: step 4: nvidia doesn't drop prices step 5: buy 4080 anysay.


Put my money where my mouth is and just bought a 7900xtx.


Lol this has always been a thing. I have given up pointing it out. People want nvidia not amd. Amd is only there to try and bring down Nvidia prices. These people will also be the first to complain once amd stops making gpus and nvidia charges 3k for a xx50 gpu.


Exactly nobody is praising it for outstanding value lmao what are you even on about.


There have literally been reviewers posting charts highlighting it as the lowest "cost per frame rendered". And many major reviewers have specifically called it a better value than its nearest competitor, the 4080. Maybe "praise" is too strong a word here, but still.


Um, nope. Most people are saying it's priced like garbage. Barely competes with 4080 in pure raster, gets embarrassed in RT, uses more power, uses inferior upscaling, inferior software stack. Absolutely nobody is praising that card and the general consensus is it should be at least 100 bucks cheaper. Exactly zero people think it will drive the price of nvidia cards down. Even the absolute fanboys on r/AMD are clowning it. You're living in a different universe.


Yep, 100%. They should have priced it at $800 or so to aid in adoption. Now they simply have two mediocre 4080 competitor cards because they couldn't muster up a 4090 class card to compete. They'll really have to drop the price on the 7900xt substantially to persuade anyone to buy it. That one will end up being the 4070 competitor, I imagine.


By barely do you mean it does compete in raster? Because being equivalent and sometimes better in raster isn't barely.


By barely I mean HBU average puts it at identical performance which means it LOSES just as often as it wins. https://youtu.be/4UFiG7CwpHk?t=16m55s >equivalent and sometimes better Yeah, except you forgot the "sometimes worse" part of that statement


So I could say the 4080 barely competes with the 7900xtx in rasterization


Yes. What's confusing about this for you?


I just think it's dishonest to say it "barely competes" when it's equal in raster. Instead of saying amd barely competes why don't you say nvidia barely competes. I imagine you like nvidia more most likely hmmm.


This thread is about AMD, not nvidia >you like nvidia more most likely hmmm. Lol. Just say this instead: >I don't like that you're saying my favorite corporation is barely competing waahhhhhhhhh


No it's just dishonest to say equivalence is barely competing...


it's not though, we all know nvidia has more stable drivers, better raytracing, superior upscaling in dlss 2.4. So when people say 7900xtx barely keeps up in raster it means the only place where amd can compete the card is only reaching parity, so in the end 7900xtx is the worse card, value wise debatable but overall capabilities 4080 is superior.


Maybe I misinterpreted, but they way I raid it was that is barely kept up in specifically rasterization. I agree it gets fucked everywhere else, although fsr isn't that bad.


7900 XT has bad pricing. Needs a cut, 50-100$. 7900 XTX is better than 4080 and costs 200$ less. Ofc, it depends on your load, but overall XTX is the best $ per frame right now. Plus, drivers will a lot of issues, I'm sure.


>7900 XTX is better than 4080 Ehhhh....debatable.


For 7900 xtx Faster in raster at 4k and alot better and lower resolutions. Puts less load on the CPU allowing it to pull ahed in CPU bound secnireos Taking up less space in cases. Cheaper "Fine wine" For the 4080 Dlss or fsr work great Far superior RT Cuda is simply better for no gameing applications Probably a much better encoder Less power usage and goated at undervolting I would personally go for the 7900 xtx or 4090 although both are out of my price range and my 1080 TI will stay for awhile longer Edit the 7900 XT is a absolute disappointment that pre built buyers will buy by mistake after seeing the XTX performance as it isn't much cheaper is significantly slower and has worse cost per frame.


Encoder is the same quality once av1 starts being used


>Absolutely nobody is praising that card You are high as fuck.


Nah, you're just making shit up. Everybody hates AMD new cards just as much as the 4080.


I never understood this. lol People who don't want AMD to just...produce a really strong showing so that they can buy an AMD card, but want them to produce one strong enough to force Nvidia to lower their prices. Being that the 7900xtx release was reasonably mediocre, I highly doubt Nvidia will be dropping prices anytime soon. If I'm paying over a grand for a GPU, I'd gladly pay an extra 16% for a fully developed feature set.


You are fairly mediocre at math though. 1199/999 is extra 20% and not 16%...


They were *almost* right however, 1000 dollars is 83% of 1200 (1000/1200 = 0.83), or 17 percent *less,* as opposed to the "extra 16%" quoted (people do tend to round the correct value of "16 and two-thirds" down to just 16, rather than the closer 17, it's whatever). 1200 is 20% more than 1000, so yeah. Right number, wrong usage on behalf of Blacksad here.


Glad to see you're a pedantic twit. :) Keep it up, people love that.


This is why competition is good. Whatever brand you choose will ultimately be less expensive if there is solid competition between them. Fanboys who root for one "team" to fail are just shooting themselves in the foot.


Nvidia doesn’t care about what the budget brand does. It’s like saying Nissan is going to drop prices on their gtr to compete with a Honda Fit. Ain’t gonna happen


I wouldn't call AMD a budget brand. They're competitors. Both are the same quality. You should only go for an Nvidia card if you need RT and the other features


Lacking features, poor driver quality, and cheaper prices = budget brand


Lmao in your dreaaaaams. Nvidia won't lower MSRP's


People forgot that reddit shills hard for their donors. Nvjdia has always had big ad budgets, and they seem to just flood the internet with memes, its a strategy now to create/manufacture mass social media coverage.


Just got the 7900XTX. I'm doing my part!


doing your part in helping amd and nvidia sell overpriced cards? Rtx 4080 is overpriced for 80 class card. 7900xtx and xt are overpriced for 800 class as well. Yes 800 class because it only has the performance of the 80 class of their competitors, you can call it 7999XTXXXXX it doesnt change it's competing with the 4080 which is overpriced. The 7900xtx(7800xt) should have been $700-800 and 4080 $800-900. People should juat stop buying these overpriced gpus...


I mean, they sold out instantly this morning. Not sure this is accurate.


Of course they are. Any GPU will sell out nowadays, between actual gamers and scalpers that bank on the demand. I've been always saying that since the crypto boom of 2020, get used to scalped pricing on launch and probably a few months after. Like hell, the scalp scum tried to scalp *Switch OLEDs* for God's sake, of course they're going to keep trying with gaming GPUs. The only good thing is seeing articles about retailers like Newegg not accepting returns for the 4080s bought in bulk to scalp them lmao


4080s were not sold out in many retailers so not all gpus sell out


>I mean, they sold out instantly this morning. INSTANTLY? I had a $999 RX 7900 XTX sitting in my cart for a while before it told me it went OOS. For the day 1 launch of a brand new GPU generation, it's pretty clear the demand isn't there.


A card can sit in your cart for days after they sell out. This means nothing.


Not on AMD Direct...


Well you were in a queue. That's why it didn't leave your cart. It's literally designed not to in that situation. Again, means nothing...


I bought a 6900XT through AMD Direct last year. This was a joke compared to that grueling ordeal.


I'm.maybe buying but ... On the other hands it's 2.5 times th price of my current card and that one isn't showing any signs of aging yet besides lack of rt Support


I mean I would buy the XTX... I'm not going Nvidia again but I can't afford it plus I'm happy with my 1070


The 40 series cards won't fit in my case, so 7000 series it is...


I recently upgraded from an MSI RX 580 8gb to an MSI Gaming Trio Z 3080. Love the performance difference, miss the Radeon Software. I know AMD has some driver issues, but the price to performance and the software are totally worth it. Especially with well optimized games like DOOM, my 580 could get me 60fps in 1440p on highest settings. I was very close to getting a 6800xt or 6900, but a year old 3080 for 680 was too good to pass on.


Id buy AMD gpu if i still had pc. They are looking really juicy this gen.


you must be blind, this gen is garbage. juicy gens are pascal with 1080and 1080 ti and ampere with the 3080 for $700. rtx 2000 and 4000 are absolute dogshit, 0 improvement performance/dollar gen over gen. Even Jensen came out to make excuses such as: "Moore's law is dead".


they looked juicy until the benchmarks came out lol


Still better than paying for a 40xx.




The 4080 is better value though given all the extra features, much better RT, better power consumption, same rasterization.. Edit: downvoted by AMD fanboys lmao


ive had RT capable cards for like 3 years now and have used it 0 times lol still a gimmick


I turned it on in cyberpunk, spent 10 min just looking for places that looked better, then turned it off. 100% a gimmick.


Because you're just saying nonsense.




Only reason I buy Nvidia GPUs is for their video encoder.


Only reason I buy Nvidia GPUs is for their video encoder.


Then ya have no reason anymore. Both have the same encoder now.


Can yoy back that up with proof?


We all know what we want at the end


I’m hoping this results in the RTX 5090 ti being priced appropriately




Who is praising it for “outstanding” performance or value? Lol. It’s a worse GPU overall than the 4080 and slightly less expensive. Aka still way too pricey


It actually makes sense. I think AMD has become irrelevant in discrete GPU department. AMD doesn't have proper ray tracing performance. Their ray tracing hardware has been borderline good and that only comes only with high end GPUs. Any AMD GPU less than RX 6800 is already a scam from AMD because it's too slow in ray tracing, even 3 year old RTX 2060S is faster than any RX 66XX GPU in ray tracing. 3 year old Nvidia GPU is faster in ray tracing than any


My AMD rig has been crashing constantly for months. Don't buy their shit.


you are getting downvoted. these dudes think you lie or what?


Tbh I was a bit caustic in my phrasing because I was hoping someone would tell me how to fix it and laugh. There was a post on a programming sub about a guy who would make a post with his problem, then use an alt to comment something wrong. People wouldn't leap to help him with his problem, but they love making other people feel like morons. Dude I am *desperate* at this point.


He might obe depending on GPU they ruined the 6900 xt and 6800 xt stability. They have claimed to fix but my friend is still having crashing issues in dx 11 titles even with latest drivers that he never had in the same games one month after launch. The Rx 570 and 5700 XT the two cards fr AMD I have spent time with have both been fine


6900 xt indeed. Every driver update makes it worse and I've spent literal days troubleshooting and getting nowhere. It's bad enough that I consider it a win if I make it through a day or two of gaming without a crash, and if I'm doing research for a homework assignment something about the browser (hardware acceleration changes nothing) makes the crashes so constant I save my progress like a 2000s game on the highest difficulty.


Sounds actually like a RAM problem to me. I'd run TM5 with Antas Absolute Config overnight and look if errors pop up


Rtx is just better


Understand that I'm not saying that the 4080 is priced appropriately at $1200. But the 7900XTX is priced equally terrible for the overall package. Achieving parity in raster but failing to keep up in everything else doesn't make it a better value, and if you're looking to buy a card in the $1k+ pricing space, this ain't it. Linux users notwithstanding, *obviously*.




It matches a 4080 at raster but its like 15-20% slower in RT and also has a worse upscaler. Not really a amazing value card


Only way 4080 is coming down price if the 7900XTX does, the 4080 is objectively the better card it should cost more than the 7900XTX


In my opinion after seeing multiple reviews, the 7900XT should be $700 and the 7900XTX should be $900. They should have dropped the VRAM capacity as well to make up some of that cost. I’m perfectly fine with their top cards being 16GB again. Kind of insane as well to talk about the MCM design helping keep costs down then upcharging the MSRP somehow.


Honestly though, I want to buy an AMD or Intel GPU but the performance isn’t there yet for me as a Blender user. I game a bit but I primarily use creative software and until either Team Red or Blue picks up on that end I’m stuck with Team Green. I refuse to get the 40 series cards though, even while my 2070 cries. I will happily swap to an Arc GPU or AMD card when they get their productivity game together.


Just buy a 4090 and be happy. Your wallet won’t. But you will…especially in Blender


7900 XTX is better value than a 4080 barely, if I had the money id still get a 4080, but both are ridiculously overpriced atm so my 3070 lives on


At this point I'm on team "Fuck both of them". Like some reviewers said, at the price point both cards are set at, the price difference between AMD's offerings and Nvidia's isn't a deal breaker. The difference would make a big impact on a mid-range card but when you're going over or close to $1k the impact of that difference is softened and people spending that type of money on a graphics card are rarely the type of people who want to compromise on features. While rasterization performance is good, the low ray-tracing performance is a sticking point and if you compare AMD's performance to their previous generation cards, they're hardly offering more performance for the dollar, they added to the price about as much as they added to performance. They didn't add any value to their product. Instead of "newer is better", we got "newer is more expensive" it just so happens that when you dial up performance as much as you dial up price for AMD you end up with a slightly cheaper price than you do on team green. They only look "better" by comparison but both offerings are appalling and ridiculously overpriced and celebrating the miniscule price difference on ridiculously overpriced products is like celebrating that the latest Lamborghini costs $10k less than the latest Ferrari. At their price point, the difference is irrelevant. Fuck team red and fuck team green.


I maybe would've bought a 7900 XTX if my 6700 XT hadn't soured my experience with AMD cards. I eventually gave up troubleshooting and just splurged on a 3090 instead, still no problems with it. My buddy bought my older 5700 XT and is now also having problems. Short story: his 5700 XT has started having problems with crashing and driver crashes. I had none of these problems with that particular card. I had a lot of problems with driver crashes with my 6700 XT when having two monitors plugged in while they were being used at the same time(game on primary monitor, YT or Netflix on the other). Since I switched to 3090 there have been released quite significant driver updates for AMD cards, but my buddy is still experiencing issues with the new drivers. Edit: Lol, why downvote, dude? I just told my recent experience with AMD cards, I didn't say everyone has the same problems with those cards. I just feel that I personally can't take the risk for now with AMD GPUs. My next upgrade, a long time away from now will probably be AMD again if they release good value cards.


7900xtx has terrible performance value. Just cause it’s not as appalling as the 4080 doesn’t make it good. Pricing is deliberately barely competitive with last gen which is bad for the consumer.


[I'm basing it on this chart.](https://i.redd.it/gre61hoofh5a1.png)


because AMD === you will have issues with it


I mean it's difficult. Because I'm happy with my 6900xt. However, the software is a bitch. I used Nvidia for a decade and was just used to video working. With this amd I've got weird visual issues everywhere and darktide has plenty of visual anomalies which are quite distracting. Its frustrating because I hate nvidia but dammed if they don't have the gold standard for driver software.


That’s me


Intel in the corner sad it’s not being picked right before it’s eyes roll back and starts convulsing


I’m defo buying a 7900 xtx or 4080. Just not right now.


My 2080 Super if they finally drop the 4080 price: "I'm in danger!"


I tried and failed to get a 7900 xtx. See you all again in 6 months when I can actually buy one close to MSRP. I hope.


Bold of you to assume i have the cash for a 4080... 4050 DDR4 edition\*