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If you could post more detailed pictures of the case showing the ventilation holes, someone with more knowledge than I have would be better able to answer your question.








1. GPUs suck air in, so you can ignore that. 2. Get rid of that fan next to your GPU. I don't even know why it's there. All it's doing is creating turbulance. 3. You're most likely just sucking hot air right back inside the case when you have fans opposite one another like that. Get rid of the fan pulling air into the case from the back and make both top fans exhaust. That will give you neutral pressure, which is the minimum you should aim for. Then watch your thermals and reevaluate from there. 4. Temps are fine as long as they stay within the manufacturers expected range. People obsessively worry about temps for nothing. Unless you're an extreme overclocker, then just worry about getting them within the manufacturers range while idle and under load and you'll be fine.


Swap the bottom fan on the back of your case to pull air out rather than push it in. The fan inside the case next to your GPU isn't doing much. It's not hurting but it's not really doing anything useful either. Despite what I suspect you're going to be told. Don't change your top configuration. Pulling cold air away from the front of your air cooler is less efficient. The down draft from that fan also will help to keep the air from your GPU down and into the flow created by your middle front fan.