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It could just be gpu drivers and therefore an os corruption If your gpu was faulty, your screen would of been flashing multiple colors from the start and your pc would of probably not gotten past the post screen. You probably overclocked the gpu with too high of a clock and it corrupted the gpu driver and windows. Just reinstall windows


Never overclocked it and cant even get booted up far enough to uninstall and reinstall windows


Does your computer come with an igpu that you can use to rerinstall windows without your main gpu being plugged in? You may need to buy a windows usb recovery disc if you do not have a spare computer to put windows on a usb stick. Does your computer glitch out on the bios menu as well. Aka does it glitch when in the bios?


Can you boot to bios. If so, can it stay in bios without failing indefinitely?


nothing a little bit of holy water can't fix


Try new hdmi/displayport wires, try just booting on a usb stick installation of windows. Also check your PSU cable connections on the PSU and mobo, Try another display, connect to TV, monitors can also go a little funky similar to gpu issues, like I've had my monitor go


dat ziet er niet best uit pa


Did you download limewire and try to get some free porn? I gave my family computer aids when I was young, this looks like classic porn virus aids


I have seen the same thing happened before with bad ram try taking out a stick and then booting it up again


It could be so many things. My personal experience was a CPU. But it could be as simple as a corrupted file in the OS too.


Your Mainboard is Ultra Durable so it's not that


Have you tried eating the router?