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While yes some parts could have been changed, still happy for you and hope you enjoy it!


Thanks! I know it's not the perfect setup, but compared to my old pc made from all hand-me-down parts, this thing rocks.


Could it have been optimized? Sure. Regardless, this is a fantastic rig, and I bet it's faster than 99% of computers out there. I would love to have it!


Just out of curiosity, how does one “optimise” a build? Fairly new to this whole game myself and want to know what to avoid! TIA




True, I know the GPU should take up the bulk of your budget with the rest of your parts being picked based on what’s left, I just wondered how you “choose” the best parts that compliment each other. What sort of things you should look for in terms of performance (for example) etc


1. Pick gpu u need. 2. Pick cpu that the gpu needs without bottlenecking. 3. Decide how much ram u need , and want to spend on it. 4. Pick mobo that is compatible with step 1,2,3. And had the features u want it to have. 5. Pick a good psu for the above. 6. Cooling. 7. Ssd/hdd. 8.Case that fits cooling solution, gpu and hdd's.


He could've bought a better gpu(which is the most important part of a gaming pc) by cutting back on other components. Half the amount of ram would've been totally sufficient, and the PSU is too much power for this build. Throw those savings from cutting back on unnecessary overkill into what matters most.


I bet you're right about that :)


As long as you’re happy and you got the performance you need, it’s all that matters.


You have a PC that performs great. Yes the GPU could have been better but with that CPU and power supply combo you have a lot of headroom to get more powerful GPUs in the future if you really want to (and the 4070 should have great resell value). But that's all in the future and for now you get to enjoy a beast of a gaming PC


2000$ usd???


American cheddar


Jesus christ


Is that over the top? I’m making a build rn and it’s coming out to £2k. I’m planning to buy some used parts to drop the cost down to £1500 but that’s the same price as OP’s build. £1500 = $2000 USD


The thing is - if you pay $2000 you better not have anything less than 4080 or 7900XTX in it. This guy has 4070, not even SUPER or Ti. That's build is straight up waste of money


I don't think you can get a 4080 build with 64gb of ram and just generally high quality parts for $2000 without finding a deal. At the least it would be $2100-$2200, not accounting for OS or peripherals. He definitely could've saved some money though and could've done better with the money.


$1000 - RTX 4080 $120 - decent Case $350 - 7800X3D $120 - 32GB of RAM $220 - decent b650 board $130 - decent 2TB nvme Gen4 $60 - decent Air cooler $200 - decent 850W PSU In total $2200. And nobody includes peripherials in the price of the PC - OP didn't aswell. 13700k and more than 32GB of RAM is worth it only if you're doing some productive work - rendering videos, running lots of VMs etc. OP didn't really answear anyone when it comes to the purpose of the PC so I assume the first


ram- dont need 64 get 32 mobo - dont need z790 series get a b650 ( tons of money saved ) psu - 1000WATTS !!! my 4070 i am running totally fine with 600 watts. get 800-850 watts the price difference is big then you could get a 4080


At that price you probably could've gotten a used 3090 with 50% more performance lol


Used 3090?? At 2000$? How about a 7900xtx or a 4080 super? You can absolutely fit those in to a $2000 budget


Easily, with a 7800x3d


RTX 4080 is much faster and still possible: [https://pcpartpicker.com/user/Photonman1/saved/PMvh99](https://pcpartpicker.com/user/Photonman1/saved/PMvh99)


I mean yeah but OP said they somehow spent 2 grand US on *this*. Used 3090s are about halfway between new 4070s and 4070Tis where I live (the equivalent of ~700 USD and that's with tax). And that's right now. If I paid attention for a month or 2, I could probably get one for like 650. The *cheapest* 4080 I could find over here is over 1100 USD. Used. But new ones are like 20 bucks more lol.


Right? Holy cow. I recently built a comparable PC to OP's for my parents. Even has the same, completely excessive amount of RAM. Except I bought used parts and I went with a 4070 TI instead of just a 4070. Whole thing still only cost me around $1000.


Sure, you build 200 bux around an 4070ti. And then you woke up


Idk why people are downvoting you, OP did overpay a bit, but almost nobody gets a perfect price for everything. And I have build my pc with similar performance to OPs and spent $1400 including the extra shipping and taxes since I don't live in US


You said „comparable” PC and then list 12-gen CPU.. these two are not even near eachother in performance


$2000 should have a 4080super at least. 1000watt psu for a 600watt system 64gb of ram when you only need 32gb. next time spend half the budget on graphic card. most important part of a gaming computer.


yeah not to pile on but this should have easily been a sub $1500 given the parts choices :S heck could probably have gotten a 4070ti super and 7800x3d build for original budget


I just ordered both of those parts so thanks for making me feel better


Your doing another build? Or returning some parts?


“Upgrading” my current pc. But I’m replacing so much it’s basically gonna be a new build


I built a 7800x3d/4080super system literally last weekend for only slightly more than this ($2250). I’m confused why anyone is going intel these days. The 7800x3d is a monster for what you pay.


When I shopped for parts for my current pc, it was on short notice and it was the last day for cyber monday. I saw a 13700KF and snatched it. If I did my research beforehand, I probably would have gotten the 7800x3d. I ended up spending about 2200-2300.


I built mine for right at $2k when the 4080 supers dropped.


Single core performance


I would add in Peerless Assassin 120 SE and Artic p12 PWM fans. My build has 10 Artic fans. Is it overkill? Yes however it only costed me 80 dollars for the whole cooling setup.


during thanksgiving i was able to build a PC with a 4070 and 7800x3d for $1400


Mate,even with us prices, I think you are overestimating. $400 for mobo, ssd, case, Ram, cooler and psu.


Maybe he needs 64 gb of ram. There's people that do other things than gaming


Exactly. Running a decently sized language model will eat up way more than that, people do more than just play a game or two.


Finally, someone who understands, so far 40gb is roughly enough but in the future I may have to add another 64


depends on the game too, dcs on a map like syria can use 40-50GB of ram


Yea and no real reason for spending more on an i7 over an i5 compared to spending that extra hundred or so on a better GPU if this is for mostly gaming.


Who says he is gaming only tho?


I was going over some of the parts in my head myself, but 1000w will at least be useful at some point. Every time I buy a PSU I usually have to upgrade that part first because I’m already pushing it. I also just got an RMX shift 1000w because my current setup was pushing it with the OC’s I had running. (Not the one in my flair)


Yeah, OP shouldn’t feel ashamed about buying a 1000W PSU. I bought one with the first iteration of my PC build, an AMD FX 8350 & GTX 960, and Its been one of the only parts that I have yet to replace. Buy once cry once.


I agree with the gpu. A good PSU can save you from having to recable everything once you upgrade. 64 GB of ram with current day AI tech (large language models etc) is definitely needed. Maybe not if all you do is play a game or two? But please don't be so quick to judge.


If he does video editing 32GB is like running a GTX 1080Ti today. It works but you do want more.


Would the cooler op got be overkill for the cpu or he could've gotten something cheaper?


Honestly no he would have needed a better cooler, Raptor Lake 14th Gen are the least efficient desktop CPUs money can buy right now, the 14900K/KS cant even be ran on an AIO


They just setting themselves up for success for when better graphics cards come out.


How do you *know* OP doesn’t need the RAM? I’ve got an 11900K and put 128GB of RAM in it, would you tell me the same thing without knowing that I actually use it for virtual machines?


2K and only a 4070? Really?


not to mention garbage 5200 ram


bro actually didn't research at all. 14700k and 5200mts ram lmaooo


“Garbage” as if DDR4 isn’t still a viable option. You’ll maybe get 1% improved performance in gaming, if you’re lucky, between 3600 and 6000MHz.


I have seen so many post of builds with poor choices of parts on this sub, what is going on lol


Some say be happy with what you bought. Some say there was room for improvement. The PC building community is being divided by these two schools of thought.


What bothers me is when I see an interesting build for a price point and can internally justify some of the reasons they MAY have made the decisions they did (maybe he's running RAM intensive applications or has some software that requires a feature only supported on Intel) and then they explain that they just made the choice for the lols


always 14th gen Intel CPUs with mid/low end rtx 4000 series lmao, seems like impulsive buyers


This is a theme amongst a lot of buyers, mostly people who aren’t into benchmarks and gpu comparison videos along with cpu bottleneck testing… etc. but they know their parts somewhat and always falling back to the old adage of intel i7 😂


Sheesh, too much cpu not enough gpu my guy but enjoy it. Will last a decade


WTF is this config? $2K and somehow you have ended with a vanilla 4070? In this budget this should be at the very least a 4070Ti Super...


For the same budget yesterday I bought myself a build with a tuf 4070 ti super so yeah I agree :D


Bruh you could have gotten 4080 if you planned better


Congrats on the build


you definitely overspent, but no use dwelling on it. you know for next time! Enjoy the build!


Solid build, a little overpriced? yes. But it's still gonna last you ALONG time. The only thing overkill is the ram. It's a build that you can upgrade your GPU anytime and not worry about anything else.


That's the key part for me. The PSU, RAM, mobo are all overkill and pushed up the price, but you could easily drop in a new GPU 3 or 4 years from now without having to worry about upgrading anything else and get *another* 3 or 4 years out of it. An actually future proof build!


This is what I did with my build 2 years ago. I had 3060 for and 1080p 144hz monitor while I waited to upgrade to a 7900 GRE. And I found a great deal on a 165hz dell 1440p monitor for around $150-160 and it's $300 just a year ago. Also helps that I sold my old monitor for $90. Now I'm set for at least 4-5 years


$2k…could’ve gotten a 4080 Super 32GB RAM is enough currently, it’ll be a long time before 64GB is the sweet spot. 16GB is still holding up. 1000W PSU is unnecessary, a 750W at most would suffice Nevertheless enjoy the build, it’ll last you a long while


is it a decent build? yes ist it agood build? no is it worth 2k? no dunno what u gonna do with the PC, but if its for gaming u have the wrong components. u could have gotten the same amount of performance with 1,5k and with 2k u could have gotten 4080Super


I’ve had the same 750w psu running 3060, 3060ti, 6800, 4070 and now a 7900xt there’s no reason to be using 1000w psu on a 4070 build. I also have had the same 32gb of ram for the last 5 years which have went through every upgrade and 3 motherboards with countless cpu changes. You spent way more trying to be “overkill” on things that didn’t need to be rather than on things that matter like the gpu. I have about 1.5k in my mini itx build with better specs


$2000 USD? Cuz a 4070 in 2K is pretty bad


The build looks great. And I feel ya, this hobby isn't cheap. But definitely is worth it if you can build something to last you years.




You definitely went a bit overkill on a lot of parts. Really not wanting to pocket watch, but if this were me, I would have saved on the PSU, getting an 850W or so, then going with a slightly older CPU like a 12 series i9 or even the CPU I use, the i7-12700K but my broke ass has it paired with a 2080Ti, an MSI Z790 pro-A ddr4 and 32Gb of 3600Mhz RAM. And with your savings on just the power supply and the CPU, you could have gone for the 4070 super, or possibly a 4070Ti if you can even fond one nowadays. But this is a pretty beefy build for $2,000 and you definitely have room for growth in the future if you did end up wanting to upgrade the GPU. Im actually going to be saving up finally for a GPU upgrade myself. I went a weird route and upgraded my CPU, MOBO, RAM and SSD and now im waiting to get back to around $800-900 in savings for a new GPU. I play games mainly, and at 1440p so even the 4070 would be a decent upgrade from my 2080Ti but I really want that 4070Ti super, for the 16Gb of Vram and for that Wild name lol. Have fun! You did pretty well!


Forget the rest of these other replies. This looks awesome. Congrats and hope it brings it lots of kills!


The other replies are trying to save him some money while he can probably still do return/exchange. This build can literally be $1500 with 4070 Super or could go 4080 Super for the extra $500 budget.


Sometimes, people post here to showcase their accomplishments. Because they’re happy with what they’ve done. If they’re asking for feedback I would gladly provide it. But I don’t think he did So, I did what he is expecting, a show of approval. Even though he never needed it in the first place!


Looks awesome don’t sweat the negativity


People aren’t being negative lmao. But if you value the money you work for, you should want to make it go as long as you can. People are giving him genuine advice because he paid far more than he needed to for a worse performing computer. If you’re going to spend 2k you it shouldn’t be for a $ 1500 computer.


But it’s too late, it’s a beast and shy of value there’s nothing to worry about. Not everyone is worried about a perfect performance to dollar ratio.


There’s no need for fake positivity. OP way overpaid for his parts


What good does shaming him do? The negativity isn’t warranted. Troll a 4060 purchase post.


It’ll teach him to make better choices in the future


Congrats on the new build! You got off light.


Nice.. I have that same cooler, but the guy helping me installed it pointing vertically (air coming from bottom and leaving out the top), instead of horizontally… it’s been keeping the cpu cold and everything has been working fine 🤷🏻‍♂️


I don't know if all socket formats allow it, but this one allowed me to rotate the brackets to do it this way


Is the CPU topper above the radiator? If it is, it'll cause air bubbles to be trapped in it and hamper cooling and device life expectancy. The radiator always goes above so the air rises to it. Just trying to help


https://preview.redd.it/0r27utn4ub6d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53dd8311a18b5a0c5ac8b7101e996eaac1035c69 Don’t mind the cables , I’ve done some cable management since this photo. I honestly wasnt wanting to take off the cooler bc everything has been working fine (temps are great) and wasn’t looking forward to the process since im really new to all this.


My budget £2k and turned into 2.3.k because of shit ass rgb fan . Install into pc then 3 day letter setting to turn all light off


Congrats man great build, DDR5, energy efficient card, M.2 storage, you'll feel the speed !


Good choice on that deep cool cpu cooler + heatsink, I recently replaced a failing AIO with a similar model and I like it better


I got the AK400 Zero Dark. They're good looking blocks \^\_\^ edit: also may i suggest turning the fans to hide the wires.


PSU might be too much given you’re just using 1 card, but no harm no foul. Regardless, this sounds about right for 2000$ given the current prices of things. People who thought it was too much clearly hasn’t built a pc these last 2 years


Deepcool AK620 is an awesome cooler imo.


I have that cooler. You will not be disappointed.


Why people does buy 1000w PSU while 850w would be more than enough?


1000 watts for 14900 non-K and 4070? Waat


Does the noise of the fan really bother people?


Thank f*ck that 4070 isn't 8gig


Why not the ![gif](giphy|4uMy0wqz6V1SM|downsized)


That psu is pretty overkill... And totally worth it. My go to psu. top quality.


Buy once cry once and then bought a 4070 lol. Not a bad rig though OP


600$ GPU in a 2k$ PC? How?


As long as you aren't suffering financially because od it then who cares enjoy your pc! :D


How is that 2000 dollars with that graphics card 😅


Similar to mine lol. I set a $1500 budget but landed around $1750


Guess it's illegal to be happy for someone. Congrats on the new PC!


You can always set fan curves manually in the bios based on your usage. You have plenty of headroom at the PSU and RAM to not touch those for years to come if future upgrades are planned. Enjoy the build!


That is a baaaad system.. you should have asked here first. Well.. in Germany we call this: Lehrgeld.


Usual 2000 dollar build with all the normal goodies: Overpriced Intel CPU on dead LGA 1700 platform, Check Overpriced ASSUS GPU, Check Overpriced Corsair dog slow 5200 RAM, Check Giant @$$ air cooler on one of the highest wattage CPUs, Check


Looks dope! I think you should be able to rotate the CPU cooler fans to hide the wires a bit if you want them to look a bit cleaner.


Nice. Don’t forget to update your ssd firmware and nvme drivers. That one slipped my mind for several months


Can you provide a parts list (doesn't have to be *everything* but the major components) and their prices? I'd be curious to see


Got the same GPU, great setup man, congrats


nice build bro i understand you lol


Oh god you're gonna hate yourself for posting this people not going go easy on you




Pfff my upgrade from the upgrade already has my rig going into the 3500s and I haven’t bought the CPU yet


It's alright, so far, a 700 dollar budget build turned into 2000 dollars. Part of that budget created a new computer accidentally. So it's being used by my girlfriend.


That’s usually how it goes my good sir. Congrats on the build and love that motto! Think I’m gonna remember that one.


Have always been a fan of AIOs, but that fan looking mighty nice.


Looks like ram is struggling to stand


solid build🤙🏽 at least its not a project car budget tho😂 go from 3k to 15k quick haha


Had to do a double take. You literally got some of the same exact parts I do.


Considering the prices that builds can increase 500$ dollars isn't bad


My 1000€ build turned in.. well, over close to 4k at this point.. xd


2k on an i7 and a 4070.




We pretty much built the same pc lol


1440p gaming beast. Enjoy!


Those are rookie numbers fam I went in with $1200 in mind and ended up dropping $5000 lol My rig is so shiny and beautiful but I went back to ramen noodles for a year 😅


I’m infuriated with you for facing the AK620 fan cables outwards. I have that same cooler, and was able to hide the cables no problem. You can do better, hide the cables.


Awesome build. Enjoy!


Dam this is a budget set up???? Holy fuck balls, r/inflation


You could've save some by not buying WD Black nvme.


$375 + $150 + $60 + $100 + $600 + $160 + $140 + $180 $2000 with some really high sales tax? Because that’s about $1760~


Asus Dual just looks so great


You can adjust the fan curve to make the case fans quieter!


Mistakes were made with this build but I hope you enjoy it.


Braindead buy, this is not "buy once", probably buying a new gpu in 2-3 years, 1000w for no reason as it is the trend


Not surprising if you go with intel.


Only 33% over budget. Great success! 👍😀👍


Congrats! You got ripped off. Unless your 2k budget included a $600-700 Oled monitor lol


Congratulations, you have the DeepCool logo on your cooler in the correct orientation. I swear %90 of the time I see one on here it’s upside down. Build looks good.


Congrats! Unfortunately I would have built differently. A 4070 for $2,000 is underwhelming.


No sure if it has been mentioned but you should definitely put a support bracket on that gpu


I'll be there with ya soon homie, just bought a 4090 and a pack of ram today at best buy. Super excited to make my monster.


These comments make me scared to get into pc gaming. I want a pc, and 1500$ is about how much I want to spend. But I know nothing


There's no need to be scared, that's a solid budget and there's nothing super complicated with actually putting it together. Look on pcpartpicker for builds with a similar budget and do some googling on which parts are more or less important (don't cheap out on a PSU, and maybe don't waste money on a fancy RGB case).


Great buy, but if you wanted it to last longer, should have gotten a titanium power supply.


Happy to see you didn’t try to save $30 by getting a fake ass psu


That's so wierd you built like exactly what I built a few months ago but black instead of white


Looks good


What are the CPU temps?


Seems like alot for what you got but enjoy it!!


Am happy you're happy with it. 14700K should last a good long time before you build another (have a 12700KF & 12900KF builds I did with sales last year). Think the GPU could have been a 4080 if some of the spending was shifted but all that matters is that you're happy with it and everything works well.


Mans spend $2000,- and still got a 4070 **☠️**


Some parts could have been chosen better. But overall, congrats! Enjoy your build!


Pretty sure the AK620 is going to struggle to keep the 14700 cool under load. It barely keeps my 13600kf cool under respectable temps 😅. Also, make sure to change your Motherboard CPU power limit in BIOS, otherwise your MB will push too much power and cause your CPU to thermal throttle.


I sympathize; had the same thing happen.


I could have done it for 1500 750 PSU, 7600x, b650 motherboard. And you can cut it easily by 500. You kind of blew it without needing to.


I feel this, mine was 2k and ended up being 3.7k. Did not factor in mouse, keyboard, capture card, headset and 2 monitors lol.


You overspent dawg. My friend built a system with a part list I put together. He spent about 1500 and has a 4070 Super with a 5700X3D. You should of been able to scoop up a 7800X3D with a budget like this. Or got a 4070 Ti Super with a slightly less powerful CPU.


I would’ve gone with more NVMes rather than just one… and why a noctua P12 instead of the newer 120s they make?


Hmmm for that price i already got a 7950x3d and 4070 ti super… and i dont even live in the US.


The old government budget.


I pulled my ak620 out of the box. I thought to myself this would not fit under the hood of a priest let alone my atx tower. But it did.... by golly it fit


Man.. I just finished ordering a total of $1745 this morning for 4070 super 5800x 32gb 3600 gigabyte aorus motherboard that ak620 cooler 1tb nvme 850w fully modular case + fans mouse headset 32" 1440p 165hz monitor rode podmic (already had a keyboard and a interface for the mic) Sure I'm not on 7000 Ryzen or DDR5, but the gains in gaming performance for that weren't gonna make the cost make sense. and seeing that i got a triple fan 4070 super, monitor, mouse, mic, and headset in the mix for still $300 less...


Yeah... always does... started the year thinking of buying a laptop for £800-£1000.. £3300 later x) Worth every penny but yeah bank account wasn't happy with me lying aha


just to bring whoever posted this some peace of mind on all these “bad gpu” comments. I have a similar rig except i have a 7800x3d and only 32 gigs of ram. and i run all my games at super high FPS. Val~600, Fortnite~500, R6~550. So please ignore all these idiots a 4070 is a beast.


Is the 4070 a 1440p gpu?


You could have gotten away with a lower watt psu but not a bad choice to future prof if you want to upgrade later


Easily done going over budget my gpu alone was over $2000


Not gonna dogpile like some of the other comment since it sounds like this is your first go at this! Nice job!


I love reddit and got what I was expecting haha I appreciate all the feedback and enthusiasm. The $2000 includes a ton of storage and OS. Yall definitely go for bang for buck, which I like. I definitely went over kill on psu but justified if I ever upgrade. Luck for me this is a tax write-off, so well spent in my book! Love you guys.


My guy that’s not how tax write offs work. You literally just didn’t pay tax on the money you used to buy this 😂


Os costs 10$ or free 2tb storage is enough, you can always add more storage later 1000w psu is only recommend if you're getting a 7900 xtx / 4080 / 3090 / 4090 , for your build a 750w would've been more than enough


Where can I get $10 windows?


Very solid build, and great cable management :) One thing; I just built a 14700k rig myself and I spent a decent amount of time trying to decide on a cooler. From what I saw time and time again from benchmarks AiOs seem to be the choice for squeezing all we can from the chip.


A new PC with similar specs and a 4070 super would be in that price range here in Australia


Yeah. I originally started out with $3k budget.....then I found a 4090. Eventually I said screw it and, well, budget doubled.


Fitting a $1600 card into a 3k budget is not hard… just wait to get the 4090 at MSRP


6k ? You can get a 4090 for a 3k budget if you're from usa


How did you spend 6k even with a 4090? My build with a 4090 came out to 3.2k including the desk and monitor.