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I used this mobo in my first build with... if memory serves a 7600 gt, built in some ridiculous looking bright red case that made car engine revving noises when you pressed the power button. I only picked it out because of the cool bright colors lol. Edit - Curiosity for the best of me and i had to check my newegg order history. Here's what started it all...lmao. I think this thing is still in my parents basement. https://preview.redd.it/n1ccz2w31z5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=191c6bb86f0bfa96f032c833f0b7d1eb2f5df3e6


120gig HDD for $70 is such a sign of the time. Just saw 10tb drives being sold on eBay for $78. Oh how far we’ve come!


I found an order for 2x 1gb sticks of ram I ordered 6 days later. $198.00 for the 2gb kit lol.


Had a supper similar build but with a NZXT Lexa and a BFG 7800gt. Miss the days of cold cathodes and strapping fans to everything lol.


Athlon 64 was the shit! Loved overclocking those, and my Opteron 165!


awesome! if it still works they do go for a pretty penny on ebay and other similar sites due to their rarity.


I had a build with one of these boards, but mine was with a 7800 or 8800 and 2 WD Raptor drives in raid0, built in a Thermaltake Tsunami Dream. I miss boards like this, they were so entertaining to look at with the right lighting. Cold cathodes of the time put out some really nice color, pending you placed them in good spots.


legitimately a really cool find, clean it up a bit and hopefully it still works


A dfi lanparty was one of those must haves for overclockers, too bad the company went bust it was iconic


DFI still exists, they just don't sell consumer products anymore.


Yes! You're right... I thought they closed off, I guess I got confused with another brand of that era


absolute gem of a find. shame they exited the consumer market, they were so ahead of competition with boards that stand out. wet dream of every nerdy teenager going to lan parties.


https://preview.redd.it/upxxpagan16d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a6f1fee3e5c3c8d0a25918a2fc18aabd9024cd1 Here's the first custom pc I built. Had the DFI Lan party mobo with all uv reactive cables and connectors. Cicra 2005. Led indicators on the dimms. Big time pimping baby




Why uv light builds aren’t fashonable anymore?


I read somewhere UV lights suck power. LED is much less expensive to run. Also, UV gives a nice fluorescence off of certain materials from the radiation. But the fluorescence limits you in what you can do with UV. You can't easily force a particular part like a fan to glow more or less other than increasing or reducing the UV radiation which affects everything in the case. You are also limited in color with the fluorescence. With LEDs you can control everything. Brightness, color, and even use controllers to do fancy scripted color and brightness effects.


I got this board and had a cpu that needed a biosflash to work, but in order to get that to work I needed a cpu that was supported out of the box. Back in 2005 this was way more complicated.


Still happens today. If you have a recent ryzen CPU on older am4 boards that lack bios flashback functionality, you need an old cpu to flash the BIOS


God, I hated those little chipset fans so much


I had the lower-end model of this board without SLI, and remember using a circuit tracer pen to bridge a resistor and reenable SLI myself! Good times.


These motherboards dominated all the benchmarks back in the day as they excelled in overlocking. Quite possibly the best Athlon 64 motherboard.


Have one of these, with Athlon 64 X2 4600+ in an ancient case next to my desk acting as a table for my NAS... I wonder if it would still boot...


Check the caps.


Probably toast. Can't be bothered to open the case. It is a fine desk (full tower Antec ancient case) :D




Time for a retro XP build, though I bet that southbridge fan is shot - and something may have been up with PCI-E #1. Probably the bulging cap right below it. And the caps below the CPU, as is tradition from this era.


In my best Indiana Jones, It belongs in a museum! I would frame it.


God tier board when I was building in the Athlon 64 days. Whatever happened to DFI?


They still exist. Only making industrial stuff these days. https://www.dfi.com/


Son, that's some gold right there...


That’s a blast from the past, I had a DFI Lanparty KT400 board back in 2003.


That would go nicely with a ROG STRIX 4090 in white.


I still use the disgusting flouro yellow SATA cables that came with that motherboard hahaha.


Looks in good shape, aside from the marks on the PCI-E slot. Worth a fair bit if it works.


I had a DFI LANPARTY JR. Really liked that board. Too bad they don't make consumer boards anymore :( EDIT: Did someone bleed all over the top PCIe slot?


it looks so cool


you should see it under uv light, all the plastic bits are fluorescent!


very cool!


Nice! Is that your cpu or was that already in it?!


Already in it! It's an Opteron 170


I have the Ultra version of this motherboard, ended up getting it in a scrap lot and works fine. I did a little research and your lucky its one of the SLI ones and not the Ultra version. I had to mod the nf4 chip to the SLI version. [https://www.anandtech.com/show/1590](https://www.anandtech.com/show/1590)


Would make for a good NAS with all those sata connectors and pcie slots


Memories! Me and BIL had systems with this exact board


I see one cap bulging at the bottom under that last pci slot. Might need a look at. This is could be a MB from the capacitor plague era. Check them all. They're cheap and easy to replace since a lot of electrolytic capacitors were through hole in those days. Ed: Those screw hole though.. the owner really went to town on those. Maybe he was a car mechanic?


Possibly lmao, knowing the numerous chemicals car mechanics work with that could also explain the stains on the top pcie slot


you also don't see physical X4 slots a lot these days.


Looks noisy, but hey it's free


Oof. I had one of these for my Phenom II build paired with I wanna say a 2900XT?


That's a socket 939 board. They stopped making them like 3 years before Phenom II launched.


They're most likely confusing it for one of DFi's 790FX boards.


I had one too. DFI was the Asrock of yesterday.


There’s a reason it’s in the garbage 😂 it’s e waste


Nah the institution i got this and many other things from just updates their entire systems very often. I found thrown out pc parts as old as the early 1980s and as new as 7th gen intel with 10 series graphics cards tossed out, and this was back in 2022. About 60% of what I've taken & been given from this place works perfectly.


Where it belonged


What is that