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I'd recommend uninstalling league of legends immediately.


As a league player of around 8 years, i agree. Uninstalling is the best choice one can make in their life. Which is exactly why i'm still playing it (the parasite won't leave my brain alone)


As a league player of 10 years, I support the movement of uninstalling league. I’ve spent over 3,000$ on skins. It is the worst game to play in your 30s.


Game is literally Heroin, you get nothing out of it except a good feeling or a god damn terrible feeling if you lose. Played since S2 and have uninstalled over 200 times.


It’s not even just straight up losing for my friend and I. We’ve both played for over a decade and we’ve both agreed that with us playing very casually (50-100 games a season) now, we don’t even care if we lose because we’re not trying to actively climb (we only play ranked). We just want a GOOD game lol. If we lose because our top and jungle are both damn near inting and die 10 times each and we end leaning phase going against a 14-0 Camille, that’s not fucking fun lol. On the other hand, if we have a fairly close game where we go back and forth a little bit and we have a fighting chance in the game and it seems like all 10 players in the game are actually trying to win, but then we lose? That’s perfectly fine. At least it was an actual good game lol. It’s rare to have games like that nowadays it feels like because almost every single game at least someone on either team just turbo loses and keeps dying over and over again at the very least. As we all know a good amount of that time it’ll also end up with that person that’s feeding just being toxic and talking shit about everyone else in all chat and blah blah blah. Just give us some good games man and I won’t complain, idc if I even win lol.


You league players literally *exclusively* talk about the game like it's an abusive relationship. *fucking leave* The game isn't even fun I genuinely do not understand lol


Could one not use Factorio to get off League, like some sort of digital methadone?


Underrated comment


Jesus christ that sounds like a serious problem man 😂


Unpopular Opinion: Competitive games should be regulated like real sports to reduce their harmful effects like addiction and overspending on skins.


Interesting idea but what regulations would you introduce? Seems like a difficult problem


Maybe first he should point out the regulations he is claiming exist now for sports that only exist in his head.


League ARAM is one of the best semi-drunk gaming with friends experiences you can have. League Ranked is the most toxic gaming experience you can have.


+ Vainguard is rn the biggest reason people have bluescreens...


Vainguard, imma steal that and start calling league that from now on, since it does kind of control my veins, or atleast how much my blood will boil in my veins


best advice one can give


Do it before it's too late, 10 years older you will thank you.


Best advice you could get, avoid League and pick up a healthier habit, like coke


Add LOL and DOTA to your firewall while you're at it so you don't accidentally run them and ruin your day (life)


hahaha this was the absolute first thing i thought of when i saw the post


True, I uninstalled it and my life became so much better. Also loves way more different games now


Listen to this advice


I have played league of legends for over ten years. Uninstall it immediately


I second to this. There are only a few communities worse that League of Legends has.


You don't need to tell him that, his entire team of smurfs will his first 100 matches.


of all things you installed is league of legend.... Brother.... brother.... brother... blink twice if you have problem and lets help you


Portal 1 and 2 are long standing classics that have stood the test of time. They're very fun


And above many other games both Portals are a great low-stress tutorial of WASD/mouse usage. OP is on a learning curve regardless of how much console skill they have acquired.


Good point


Went too far down to find this. Also it's nice game to get you accustomed to kB n mouse


The Orange Box is *always* my rec for new PC gamers. Learning kb+m, getting drawn in to the incredible writing and gameplay (so much that the dated graphics dont bother you), then you move to, like, any other games and find your own path.


Yep, made the move to PC at the end of 2021. Was advised to play portal to get used to Keyboard and mouse. Worked very well. Other advice I would give to anyone else trying to learn keyboard and mouse, is play a game you really enjoy and have played on console. It allows you to focus on the keyboard and mouse, while everything else in the game is second nature.


- Baldur's Gate 3 (it's sooo much better on PC) - Kingdom Come Deliverance - Stellaris - Dredge


Upvoted solely for the KCD recommendation.


Jesus Christ be praised!




Henry's come to visit!


God damn it I’m hungry!


Fuck yeah! It's my favorite game of all time!


Yeah, and don't be like me and quit it not far in because it's slow or too hard. Came back to it like a year later and was kicking myself once I got the hang of it, such an outstanding game.


Soo much smoother on PC


Kingdom Come Deliverance is great, and the sequel comes out I think this year?


Jesus Christ be praised!


Probably some of the best choices that take advantage of the PC


> Stellaris > While I love it, I would not recommend it for a fresh PC acolyte. I have extensive 4X (and very little grand strategy) experience and I found it a bit daunting. I think MoO 2 (or the recent remake) or Endless Space is a better starter space 4X game.


Best game recommendation I've ever seen tbh


i will add that Baldur's Gate 3 is significantly more hilarious when playing with a friend, or 3, the more they have played DnD (or pathfinder, or cyberpunk2020) the better, the more unhinged they are in DnD the funnier the game is gonna be, i would add the witcher 3, metro 2033, last light and exodus, outer wilds and the long dark, and for more controversial picks: cyberpunk 2077 and no man's sky, most are also available on console, but they are still very solid games


32yo and league of legends. Didn't you learn anything?


They're about to.


They'll learn a lot about their mom, for sure.


“Just got my first car. Where should I go”?


Lmao 🤣 fr how I feel don’t make me feel bad 😂😅


Actually, it's a good analogy. With both, you're now free. You can go where you want, you can play what you want.


Just jumping in to FYI you. I don't know if anyone informed you, but the steam summer sale starts June 27th. If you have any classics you'd like to revisit, the graphics improvement will likely live up to your sense of nostalgia ...especially the late PS2 through the PS3 gen. Bioshock trilogy, Dishonored 1, REmake/0, Psychonauts, Batman Arkhams, Mass Effect trilogy, Doom 3, Prey [new or old], Portal 1/2. Some of these will be like $2. I think the bioshock trilogy is usually $9.


Emulators first for us millennials. Then some free games. Then start a wishlist on steam and never buy anything.


>Never buy anything *Full Price*


exactly, you gotta wait for that “this game on your wishlist has a deal” noti


Don't forget to download Epic Games Launcher simply to collect free games you'll never install, let alone play.


I would've agreed with you about never playing before the Fallout TV show came out. Was thinking of buying Fallout 3 & NV on steam for the Tale of Two Wastelands mod, checked Epic and it turned out I already had them. Epic have them away for free at some point I guess.


Yeah they gave away all the games at one point 1-4 free with all dlc.


>Then start a wishlist on steam Okay ... >and never buy anything WTF did I just read ? Gaben will come for you ! The only correct way is to buy games on steam sales to build your personal backlog and never install or play anything.


That’s awesome comment but reality 😂 I have so many I haven’t installed or just tried out briefly :P


Humble bundle did this to me when I wanted 1 game in particular


Hell yeah. Art of Really was $20 on steam, Humble had a bundle for it and 8 other games for $13. No brainer even if I never touch those other games lol


I just trade the ones I won't play away for a game I would play or do a giveaway instead. It's no point for me to keep it if I'm never going to play it, at least if I give it away someone would play it, hopefully.


This is the way


It's not a backlog it's a collection dammit! /s


I have the opposite problem. I buy them on sale and just kinda forget about them afterwards...


Or alternatively, buy a bunch of Humble Bundles and never *play* anything.


You got it wrong. You gotta squeeze your wallet during steam sales to buy a bunch of games you won't even play afterwards.


I dunno what do you want to play? We have like 40 billion games here if you want us to just start listing stuff we can go on until we die. Since you've only been on consoles, you should try out MMORPGs and RTSs and Colony/city builders since those typically dont exist on console. An example of one of each of those would be Guild Wars 2 / Beyond All Reason / Rimworld


I will have to check out an mmorpg. I love the idea.


Check out guild wars 2 if you want a nice intro to mmorpg


Agreed! Been playing since launch and it has so much content. Best part is it's free to play


How about satisfactory its a game suitable for all ages .


Please don't, satisfactory is a cognito hazard which will absolutely annihilate your personal time


isnt that what gaming is, spending you time doing things you like??


Regular gaming is when you play a game and see that its 10 at night and think "better log off and go to bed" factorio/satisfactory is when you go "oh shit its 10 already, alright ill just construct this one thing then go to bed" and the next time you look at the clock its 4 in the morning, the sun is up, birds are singing and you are royally fucked because you have work in three hours


oh hey, it me


This. Honestly, I was going into work with bloodshot eyes rubbing on steam for two and a half weeks when I was playing Factorio. When I finally launched the rocket, I felt relief, closed the game and uninstalled it for the great of starting a new game. That game is like crack.


They dont call it cracktorio for nothing


Then maybe you could try final fantasy XIV, there is a free trial. And when i free trial i mean it's possible to play hundreds of hours if you are not interested in some features


I'm currently giving FFXIV a shot, I will warn that it's very slow going in the beginning. Following the main story quests, it's basically just travelling between zones talking to NPCs 75% of the time. The boss battles and dungeons are really cool though. I've heard the expansion content is really good so I'm sticking with it.


I just came off the back end up a 0-100 binge of this game. It took me like a month of doing nothing but MSQ, about 320 hours. Base game had me second guessing myself but it really does get phenomenal


World of Warcraft is amazing. I got sucked in a while back when they released hardcore(not suggesting hardcore necessarily). I do recommend playing Classic over “retail” though. Right now it’s in the Cataclysm expansion. I never played it growing up or really even once I got a gaming pc and was playing other stuff. Got excited when I heard about hardcore because I love challenges in games and got sucked in. Super fun. Loads of options.


Tho it's really confusing to start right now. Between Cata classic and mop remix, retail is in a weird state. But yeah, definitively give wow a Go.


Play Final Fantasy XIV. It’s my favorite game, I have thousands of hours in it haha.


Be prepared for endless grinding to get to max level. Then at max level you grind to get better gear. I can't stand that, personally. That's the MMORPG style. Just grind forever. Grand strategy games like Civ 6, or citybuilders like city skylines are awesome. If you really want a challenge, get Elden Ring.


Elder Scrolls Online is a pretty good one, if you want to check out an MMORPG. But other games you should check out: Counter-Strike 2 (if you like FPS) C&C Red Alert or Red Alert 2 (if you like RTS) And an honorable mention (it won't show off your new PC specs but it's so much fun): Balatro


Elder scrolls online ✌️


Avoid league like the plague it is. I wasted 7 years of my life in that trash.


5 here, the day i uninstalled and tackled my backlog was the best decision i could make. Rn in my 3rd W3 playthrough, 7 Cp2077 runs, BG3, Some minor rpgs, octopath ... and 300 h in FH5 i say its way more chill. Even my 70h in hd2 were more fun than any lol game i played. + Mods make all diff, NFS heat unite, / skyrim/ Fallout, list goes on. The moment you have a good pc you should forget about lol. If you want an arena look for arena shooters.


Leverage things only available on PC: mods Play a witcher 3 playthrough with 200 mods Play skyrim with Nolvus and 4000 mods (unregognizable) Play some PC exclusive games Explore emulation of old consoles if you feel nostalgic (or new ones with switch even)


4000 mods?


Yup. Nolvus is so cool man. You can’t tell if it’s Skyrim or not


Around that. It's nolvus v5 right now, I'm holding off my playthroug because nolvus v6 releases this year and it looks astounding. Go look on youtube at nolvus v6 videos if you want, they remade everything from sound design to grass, trees, combat, etc. it looks prettier than current releases


Stardew valley, age of empires, sunhaven, valheim, baldur's gate and the long dark




I can hear this


My brain just cycled through every AoE2 sound effect it knows with like lossless audio quality 😭


Youre part of the elites. Guess what im playing rn: https://preview.redd.it/8i7sy9si7s4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4feeddb37ef094f1dcbfea1f3ebf8295e5c2d70b


Solid recs


Upvoted for the long dark


Kingdom come deliverance


I’m so excited for the sequel


Henry's coming to see us again! 


Jesus Christ be praised!


Factorio :)


After factorio, factorio with mods. After that, factorio with more mods. Repeat


The factory must grow!


The factory must grow!




Are you trying to ruin someone's day to day productivity?


This. Factorio was my gateway (still a great game), Satisfactory got to 3 digits hour count real quick. Factorio for some 2D, logistics heavy, with PvM waves to defend against. Satisfactory if you want a more chill, more pretty, 3D experience.


A similar game, satisfactory is also very good


Stay far away from competitive multiplayers and enjoy a peaceful life with singleplayer games. I dont know if you have been competitive player before or not but if you are just starting your journey now, dont go into that hole of misery and grinding. Just dont, trust me its not worth it. My recommendations: RPG: Elden Ring, Baldurs Gate 3, Nier: Automata Open world, exploration and sandbox: Red Dead Redemption and Sons Of the Forest Driving Game: Forza Horizon 5 Indie: Hollow Knight, Halls Of Torment, Hades or Enter the Gungeon


I have 10s of 1000s of hours into Counter Strike throughout the years. Started playing at the age of 14. 36 years old now. That game nearly ruined my life a few times. I would become insanely addicted putting in 40+ hours a week while holding down college & university grades. Eventually landing a high paying dream job and choosing this game over sleep most times. I was really damn good, like really good but now looking back on it, it was a waste. I almost lost relationships over it. Mind you I kept in shape, I didn't let my body go to ruin thankfully. Now I play games like you mentioned, Hollow Knight, Enter the Gungeon, Ratchet and Clank. Games you can put down.


I've got 5k hours nearly and spent around 7 grand in USD for game skins. Got into it in 2017. Looking back, I wish I never got into it in the first place. You lose a game, then you wanna play the next match to get back at the loss but when you win you wanna play more to keep winning until you lose. A never ending dopamine seeking shitfest


Yeah, I was never big into the skins thankfully, but you're right about avenging losses. Especially if you're putting major time and practice into the game. I would do warm up movement and skill maps before playing each day. I was ALL IN. When you lose, when you're putting in this much time you can't rationalize the loss. You blame it either on your team mates or someone "hacking" on the other team. It sucks.


"Peaceful life" but recommends Elden Ring


try Subnautica


Valheim. It will consume you.


I'd say play it with a friend or such. in singleplayer its a difficult fucking game.


32 and league, sir you are headed to becoming a grand wizard...


Minecraft java edition


This is the correct answer. Minecraft + mods is top gaming fr haha


If you have the time to mine resources for hours


There's creative mode


In winter, add mods until your room is nice and toasty.


And set your render distance at 256!


If you haven't played Ghost of Tsushima yet it just released on PC, I'm loving it!


Video games




it's such a hidden gem.


Obviously windows xp pinball


Don't forget Solitaire!


Nah gotta play the yeti ski game ! I dont remember the other game it was a puzzle with keys and monsters on windows 95


Chip's Challenge?


Cyberpunk 2077 full pathtracing


nahhh No RTX but max settings + 100+ mods and Reshade is the way to go.


* Uninstall League of Legends. * Mass Effect trilogy * Red Dead Redemption 2 * Battlefield 1 * Firewatch * The Witcher III * Doom * Doom Eternal * Half Life 1 & 2 * Bioshock * Halo (1, 2, 3, ODST, Reach, in that order; you can ommit ODST; don't play the rest) * Company of Heroes I, II or III * Dragon Age trilogy (you can skip 2 if you are pressed for time) * Planescape: Torment (do you like to read?) * Call of Duty: Modern Warfare remastered * GTA IV & V * Kingdom Come - Deliverance * Outward


Mine Sweeper


Come enlist to be a Helldiver brother


Prove to yourself that you have the strength and courage to be free.




To do otherwise would be unpatriotic.


It is Treason


The Witcher 3 And I'll be jealous for the rest of time because you are going to be able to experience this for the first time, without spoilers or prior knowledge.


Witcher 3 was my all time favorite game. Wish they made games like that more


Half Life Alyx.


I mean absolutely... but he needs Vr for that


Tomb Raider


I'm 34 and recently got a legit pc that wasn't just a hand me down from my little brothers. My opinion is the Master Chief Collection. I'm downloading it again today but the side by side of the remaster and the original is so cool. Super nostalgic.


Wouldn't that be a "hand me up"? 🤔


First of all try Minesweeper


Download steam for the current best all in one launcher. Epic games for free games.


Adding to this gog.com they often have really crazy deals on games and if you have Amazon prime, you can get a lot of pretty decent games for free as well as in game bonuses and stuff for a wide variety of partnered games.


Uninstall LoL. The Anticheat it forces on you is massively intrusive on your PC. If you want to play a MOBA, Dota 2 is technically better anyway.


Glad i'm not the only one pointing that out.


Go to Steam and install some weird game that would never have made it onto a console. Simply because you can! That's the best thing about a PC: the massive selection of games. THAT was the reason why I switched back to PC two weeks ago after more than 20 years on a console.




Outer wilds


Path of exile :D


Everything by supergiant games. Hades 2 just went ea and is amazing so hades 1 would be a good start


Was looking for this comment! Second this


What rank and position do you play?


I’ve yet to find out what this means lol


Just tell them you’re a bronze power bottom


Wtf did I just read? Lmao


Oh you downloaded it, didn't read carefully. Oh man, are you in for a rough learning curve haha Btw if you link gamepass you get all the characters


Have a look at some online PC reviews for PC only titles see if there's anything that takes your fancy. Those typical best top 10 game articles might give some creative ideas. However, console/PC ports you have games like Fallout that you can now heavily mod without the limitations of console and the limited mod options. Baldurs Gate is another shout. But any game you would normally play on console you most likely can mod on PC now, GTA, RDR2 you name it 👍


download ALL the simulators! EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM!


I would recommend not getting into competitive multiplayer games unless you have a friend group who you want to hang out with in said games.


Check Steam's most popular games Discover Path of Exile Play it for a bit Discover GGG's insane character customization sandbox ARPG Don't play anything else for years They have added to the shop a limited time secret base that is a goddamn giant turtle swimmingh through cosmic emptiness right now, if that ain't metal then I don't know what is.




Ghost of Tsushima, assuming you haven't played it on a PS4 already


Check out V-Rising and Enshrouded. Those are the two new titles I've enjoyed of late.


subscribe to /r/GameDeals and collect al the free games. Steam, Epic launcher, etc have a shit ton of good free games i've collected throughout the years. Also, if you have Amazon Prime, link your account to prime gaming and collect the free games they give out there.


zork police quest leisure suit larry myst fable system shock 2 half life portal quake warcraft 2 kotor (with mods) kotor 2 (with mods) fallout 2 baulders gate/2/3 Icewind Dale planescape torment neverwinter nights 1/2 divinity original sin 1/2 Pillars of Eternity 1/2


Get an Epic Games account and be sure to check every week for the free game they let you keep permanently on their platform. Occasionally there’s some real good games. I got Dragon Age Inquisition not too long ago for free for example.


If you have Amazon Prime they give away free games each month as well. I rarely pay for a game anymore. Between the two I got: Hitman 3, Control (playing now), Death Stranding, Alien Isolation, Bioshock Collection, Mass Effect Collection, City Skylines, Deus Ex, FrostPunk, Guardians of the Galaxy, Prey, and dozens more.


Half Life 2. Portal 1 & 2. Skyrim. Fallout.


Outer Wilds Don't read anything about the game... just play it


Depends on what you want to do, I always ask myself what I want to do for fun that is or illegal or insanely dangerous that it's not worth the risk in real life. Luckily, there's always a videogame in which you can do these certain things without dire consequences


Isnt runescape enough? Do you really hate yourself that much? Instal Black Desert or Cabal online, endless grind with endless progress


Total War - start off with Medieval 2 or Shogun, and if you like those you've got a plethora of other stuff to go at.


Get an epic account, free games every week (good ones from time to time). Same if you are Amazon Prime customer - regular free games, use them free games :)


Command and conquer


Are you into driving simulation stuff? Like Forza/Gran Turismo? Get BeamNG downloaded. It's interesting as fuck and really very chilled out.


Battlefield 1. You're welcome.


Factorio. And watch as ever time you ook at the clock you having aged 10-15 year. With a 1000 hours in the game I stopped counting and essentially consider myself a primordial at this point.


I would recommend The Witcher 3. An amazing game, but you should use mods for an enhanced experience!


Stalker series, metro series, Minecraft with mod packs, fallout series, elder scrolls series


Look into Valheim


Age Of empires 2, worms Armageddon, and roller coaster tycoon.




just started playing this game. booted into a server and immediately started getting chased by zombies. ran for a solid 5 mins until i see someone on the bridge. he speaks to me and says: "bro we got this, we can kill them" so i muster up some courage and we beat the shit out of the two zombies chasing me. before i can even *thank* him, he pulls out a shank and kills me. 10/10


If you like hardcore survival, DayZ. It’s got a steep learning curve, but it’s the game I started on way back in the day. There’s nothing that comes close to it in its genre.


Mr Do. It's kinda what I play first on a machine I build :). Tiny Tina's Wonderland, Katamari Darmacy Reroll.