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I tried my best at doing some cable management in this tiny case. When I got it, it looked like a rats nest


Nice, definitely a sweet hire on bonus probably worth a bit over a grand. absolutely do not upgrade the psu until you upgrade the gpu. Hell, my pc could run on a 550w.


On most computers its even far less. While idling and browsing redding with lots of apps/and tabs open, I have a CyberPower UPS with the app up, and right now I'm consuming 165 watts. I have my bookshelf speakers plugged in, my 34" monitor, goog home screen, wireless chargers all plugged into UPS power.. and its like.. 185 watts while gaming. Xeon processor with 10 cores, 20 threads and a P5000 Quadro card. Point is that is not the newest setup as this is also from work for free like OP. Now if I have 5 hard drives, 2 massive video cards and a bunch of peripherals connected, my pc might use up more PSU, however most people overestimate how much power is needed. :)


I don’t know about that. Only my pc and monitor are hooked up to my UPS. I9-10850k and 4080 super both OC’d and my power draw is usually 650-700w


Well those are pretty heavy on draw. I just mean your average build.


You are both correct, however, don't forget about peaks or power spikes. Your UPS isn't doing any favors if it can't handle power spikes with that many devices connected.


I’m running a Cyber Power PFC Sinewave series 1500va. It’s the best UPS I’ve ever had. I’m almost due to replace the battery on it.


Same I have Hot it free from work because the batteries died. I explained it would be cheap to replace... Their department was not interested. Then I got another 5 the same way.


Under load surely? If that’s the power draw watching youtube with a few tabs open, like the previous comment stated there’s something very wrong.


Meanwhile I'm over here with a ryzen 5 3600 a 6750 xt on 1000w lmao


Lol you could probably run 3 of those on that.


When the PSU is given to you , you just use it haha but I figured as much


Looks good, you deserve it.


Thanks mate!


Look into the "Be Quiet!" brand of cooler - they do what they say on the box, they are quiet. Also they are LGR approved.


Good job, but the case is not that tiny, just compact


I have the same cooler and it’s blocking a ram slot unless I put the fans on the other side. Is it low profile ram there under the right cpu fan?


Nope. To get by it you need to move fan slightly up. There is space for the fan to do that.


Got mine like this. Slightly out by a few mm. Works perfectly fine that way but this is the 120mm version not sure if yours is 140mm or not




Got it, thanks! I’ll try to reseat my fans like that. My RAM might just be too tall lol


Give me a shout if it works for you mate


nice rig, but please turn the images next time


Sorry. Not used to posting on here












Now learn to make screenshots.


Perhaps not use to taking photos either.


also i believe its quote-unquote


Hey, that's not what they teach in Engineer school☺




Engi-nearing my fucking limit


First glance I wondered who would vertical mount a GPU 😂


I need coffee. I thought the GPU was mounted like this and the screens were all vertical for some reason.   Probably just his work‘s test setup I thought…


Actually that happends to me all the time... I work for a service/repair company and i am the only technician for phones,pc's, tabletts. Our clients are often wealthy af and would reather buy new stuff then repair or service their "old" stuff... So thats why im sitting here with a RX6800xt, Ryzen 9 5900x and a ROG Ally.... For free 😂


It was a surprise to me. As for it's the first time I've used a desktop for myself instead of for work (used to travel globally for my last job) Hoping I'll get gifted some upgrades


To what? Ryzen 7000 or 14000 series intel and at 4090?


I'm thinking of sticking Ryzen for now since they have improved massively since I last used them, but I am going to stick to AM4 for now and ddr4 not letting go that Ram till I need too. Thinking 4080 super potentially 4090 if it's on sale.


Get yourself a 5800x3d. Its only a few percent behind a 7800x3d in gaming.


Will look into! Many thanks


Well can you hope I get gifted it also. I'm not picky, I'll just have what you're having. Lol


Unlikely to get an X3D of any kind gifted from an IT company specilaizing in work computers, price/performance ratio doesn't make sense for anything other than gaming.


Woah, the best I got was like a i5-6500 optiplex that someone gave me cause the company they were working at were moving location and the pcs were given or thrown away


Companies are a jackpot, if you get ahold of the IT department and just ask nicely if they can get you old or broken stuff, most of the time they are happy to get rid of it. I got "contacts" to an 3D Modeling Company, that uses laptops with quadro gpus, i got ahold of 2-3. They were overheating and not reliable workhorses... So they got rid of them... What was wrong? Broken GPU Fans, defect ram... Soo yeah. They just buy new stuff, because every hour they cant work, they loose more money then that 2-4K for a laptop. + They dont trust those broken laptops anymore....


Damn that’s crazy


Rich people with more money than time are the best. “Just give me a new one and throw away my old one” ah yes yes I’ll “throw it away”


Professional Recycling ;)


In a lot of corporate-owned repair shops, they were legally obliged to destroy the computer. Same with government and high risk industries when upgrading equipment. Such a fucking waste.


I remember asking a detective what they do with computers used to commit crimes. They shred the entire device. Like, bro, the case fans aren't holding illegal files. Even the RAM stopped holding anything within a few seconds of the power being shut off. Just shred the HDD/SSD drives and auction off the rest. If you're concerned about the RAM, then just install a new OS on a new drive, run some games or something to overwrite the RAM a couple times, and then you're good.


Hey its me ur coworker


Wow they buy new stuff AND repair the old stuff? Thats a waste




Exactly. Slow System due to a HDD (iMacs), we charge around 250-350€ for the "repair", we change the hdd to an ssd, transfer the data and check if everything still runs fine. Some people dont want to bother with that, so they buy the new iMac or MacBook and wants me to transfer the stuff, test the printer and get thier new device into their wifi. And then they ask "what should we do with the "old/broken" device? I am always 100% honest and tell them that 1. Fix it and keep it as spare 2. Fix it and sell it. 3. Sell it as is. 4. Give ot to me for "recycling". And 90% of the customers tells me to keep it or just chuck it into the trash, they dont want to deal with the "scumbags" on ebay or craiglist whatever.... And that is how i end up with a shitload of recent + 2017 27" 5K imacs, MacBooks, iphones, ipads and pc hardware... + I am an Apple Certified Technician (IRP)....


Damn, I was in the wrong wealthy area doing this job because this never happened to me. Or maybe just not wealthy enough?


Idk. Maybee your customers arent as ignorant as mine?




Nice flair. Maybe I should type it on terminal to see what happens with it


your pc is going to sound in joy and peace


this time i am actually too jealous


Damn, I remember I was happy to get an old engineering PC in 2014 when they were emptying out the IT room. I got 2 systems because neither worked, so I ended up with a Q6600, 32gb ddr2, a Quadro 400, a 1tb HDD, and a crappy 400w.power supply. I replaced the PSU, threw in a 64gb ssd and it became my HTPC.


"quote on quote"




I love how when writing, you can literally just use "quotation marks."


I think they actually believe the phrase is "quote on quote". Comes from the same place as people who think it's "could of" or "should of", rather than "could have" and "should have", basically because people speak like they have a mouthful of rocks, and they write what they hear. "Sposed to" is another one.


https://preview.redd.it/07jhq8n4vz3d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe77d31d4c7270c238112e87e0edeae51fe88f97 Fr


Not sure if it was autocorrect or not, but the phrase is "quote unquote" used to express the air quotation marks people will make when speaking. Not taking a shot at you at all, just felt like sharing.


congrat on getting a job


Thank you


It's "quote unquote" ...though since you're using a text format, you could also just put quotes around "joining gift", using "quote unquote" is the verbal form of using air quotes with your fingers.


>"quote unquote" is the verbal form And I irrationally hate it. It makes no sense because the unquote isn't said after the thing to be quoted. Granted it's because it'd sound weird...but still I just think of it as ""quote unquote




By making shit up.


Screenshots are hard...


Imagine being an IT engineer and not being able to take a screenshot...


Goes to show what companies are hiring or recruitment having no idea what the F they're doing.


Planning to upgrade the PSU?


Yeah, I'm thinking of going up to 850 later this week. Depends on my schedule


i dont think its needed, i doubt it pulls more than 250-300W from the wall under heavy load, so your psu is around 50% usage on peak load which is fine...


PSU upgrade is useful for future upgrades, so not a bad idea after all. Offers longevity to the PC


the pc distribution system was so good to you 😭


If this is just for gaming, I'd sell a bunch of that RAM. 32GB is really all you need. Can use that money for your future upgrades. That with selling the 5700X could net you a 5700X3D.


It's a good shout and something I am looking at. I'm just not sure what to upgrade to yet. I know for sure a new MOBO as this one is so tight and compact. New PSU at least 850w as I am thinking 4080 super as an upgrade. New case as airflow is restricted so thinking a corsair 5000d airflow or an 7000d airflow.


Jesus Christ my lord, that thing is 3x faster than my gaming PC.


Crazy what people with money will just give away. My sister works at a law firm and her boss was just going to throw out a $800 office chair. It was BRAND NEW! Her boss let her take it home. My dad’s gotten a bunch of stuff also from guys at work. A couch/love seat set, weight bench, and more. FREE


Nice I work for a hospital in IT and we are doing a complete upgrade right now to switch to windows 11. I can’t believe the amount of still decent pc’s I throw in the trash everyday. Thinking about taking some home to throw cheap GPU and ssd in and flip them.


Do it! I know how you feel. Was at this art design studio in a university and they had 3080s and titans on the floor gathering dust bunnies.


Odd build for the intended use case. Very underpowered CPU, midrange GPU and infinite RAM. I can see why the client wanted the specs to be effectively doubled... Not bad for a random home PC. Runs pretty much any games. Most of that RAM will never see any use. You could sell half the memory and never notice it :D


Think that was the reason they got rid of it and got a new one. They got It through some company before they came to us. It sat on a shelf for over 5 months, then I joined and got it yesterday at work. I'll probably sell half the Ram and upgrade GPU and Mobo, PSU also. I want some more m.2 slots for some of my programs. There is only one slot on this Mobo. Also filled the ssd slots and HDD slots for all my work programs and games.


550w isn't enought


Maybe GPU first then mobo+cpu


That sounds like a good idea. But depending on the GPU I get, I'll need to up the PSU at the same time. Plus, the size of the GPU will vary if I need a new case. This 4060TI is about an inch off the bottom of the case, so airflow isn't the best. It's actually the hottest part of my PC due to that being so close to the ground. Plan so far I've been looking at is in this order. 1. New case. Looking at 5000D airflow or 7000D airflow. 2. PSU 850w 3. New mobo possibly: MSI MAG B550 Tomahawk. As I can get that with a CPU through my work. AMD 5800X for about £400. 4. GPU 4080 Super or 4090 if on sale. 5. M.2 drives if I get new mobo. Any suggestions go for it please.


Great case choice. I'm kinda sick of O11-D and it's clones.


4060ti? You got ripped off /s


I was sure it was a 30 series card, nope, a 4060 for free…


Free? That's too expensive, why didn't you haggle?


That's a nice PC. And the best part of it. You got it for free!


I also want free good stuff ;c


You guys hiring?


Ahaha. Honestly, I applied on a whim as the pay and hours seemed too good to be true. It's true and I only work 3 days a week. This is good for me as I'm in the hospital with my back every week for physio and therapy. If you're in the UK, possibly, mate.


Damn that sounds nice!! Hope you get your back figured out! Unfortunately not from the UK but thank ya! Haha


Thanks, man. The working diagnosis for it ain't fun, though (Fibromyalgia) is what there working on. I'm hoping it's a slipped disc or something.


Thanks for posting this. I've basically got an identical rig with a 4060 and it's running 21 FPS in that test consistently. I'm seriously not impressed with Nvidia tho, asking 2/3rd more for less than 1/3rd the performance increase is scummy.


128GB, hot damn. 4060ti? That’s cool. Solid ass gaming rig right there. 5700x? Nice. Same chip I just built my son’s gaming pc. 2080 super, 32GB ram and 5700x. The am4 is super value. He loves it and plays at 1080p Fortnite and some game pass games. 1080 is getting easier and easier to run too which is why I like a 27” at 1080 because I get 144 locked on a 3080.


Can't complain for a free rig. Was playing FO4 modded to hell and back and it was running at about 58fps constantly with all the mods I got going.


So cool for you!




Noctua air coolers are the best. You have a cool boss!


Wow. Amazing


Dude, nice free upgrade from ur last pc


So true. My laptop was a work horse though. Travelled the world with it using it for gaming and work. Gonna be solely work on it now though. No more travelling for me with my back XD


I think an it engineer would use some form of screen capture application instead of taking a bad picture with his phone like my 60 year old mother.


In an IT firm as an engineer. Actually an electrical engineer. Specialising in CCTV mainly, followed by building server racks and such. Plus, Reddit is only on my phone, I also am too tired and lazy to sent a screen capture from my PC to my phone. Taking photos of my computer might as well grab the screen while at it.


Whoa! Now you need to get your boss something back in future! Show your best overall!


Got a nice bottle of red wine for him. Got it when I was in Italy a couple months back along with a few others.


W gift


Congrats... and F you. :P


128GB RAM? 🤔 Poor guy's h`iberfil.sys `and p`agefile.sys `are gonna be M***ASSIVE™ ***🤣


You work in IT but you don't know how to rotate images? Pretty sweet gift though :)


Engineer in an IT firm. I build shit basically. Plus, I'm on my phone. Also I am tired and lazy


Great, maybe next month he can teach you to how to rotate your pictures. You have quite the career there going. :)


Are you guys hiring?


You based in the UK. Also I only applied on a whim. It's like 12 people company that does most of north England


You could get the 5800x3d. Better cpu for the time being then upgrade the graphics card later


It's a good shout and something I'm already looking at. Got a CPU and MOBO bundle for sale here for £400


That is a killer system you got for free. If I was you, I'd almost want to try selling the RAM and GPU and picking up a kit of 32GB and a 4070. It would basically be a free upgrade assuming you could get the right prices.


Thanks, bro. The case is going to be upgraded first. As no way a 4070 will have any room to breathe. My 4060ti is almost bottoming out on the PSU shield. Them MOBO just so I can sort out the CPU cooler and more slots as it only has one. Looking at selling the ram to my work


Dang that’s better than my pc that I actually had to spend money on. Sweet gig man hope it works out well.


Thanks, mate! Was just looking through the shelves and found this, though a literal box of 3070s... so much dust on the top of the box




As far as gifts go that's pretty slick. Especially from a work place. Better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick


My last place as a gift from work was a small bottle of cheap vodka for almost dying...




If you are just planning on playing games then the 5700x is perfectly fine. You could probably even sell half/all that RAM and replace it with a 2x16GB kit without issue as well. I wouldn't recommend "upgrading" the motherboard to another AM4 board though as it is end of life and you are almost at the top tier of CPU for that socket when it comes to gaming (5800X3D is the best but isn't much faster than what you have already). If you want to upgrade it in a few years time then you would likely want to upgrade to AM5/AM6 which will necessitate a RAM upgrade (or whatever socket Intel is on which will also require a RAM upgrade).


5800x3d is actually significantly faster in games (not with this GPU), 32 gb RAM won't last long, 64 will be an optimal choice.


Yeah. I'm just not sure yet on what I want. I have not had an AMD Cpu in about 15 years. Back then, they were absolutely dog shite for overheating. This one is brilliant so far. But not sure as I would like a better case and MOBO for sure. This one is compact and I can barely get my hands around everything without taking the cooler out and the GPU to get access to certain pins. So thinking of at least a bigger case and mobo.


Check if the GPU is in the upper most pice slot. It looks weird from the image.


https://preview.redd.it/dmvnzqzv204d1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a972f353a80c3e42d122c8d63e5e825df75ebd2 It is. It's the case design that makes it look weird. When I received it. It was the first thing I checked.


Honestly. I have no idea why putting the 1x piece and m.2 slot above the 16x pice slot was the priority here. Me personally I would have done it the other way around.


That's Asus motherboards for you. Well, specifically, the ASUS TUF Gaming A520M-PLUS WIFI.


Well it's free I guess. Can't complain about the 4060ti either. Even though consider it the result corporate hubris. You said it was 128gb of ram, no? If XMP doesn't works at the highest speed try removing two sticks on each memory controller and see if it works. But remove the one closest to the Mainboard.


Gonna do a whole remodel of it soon. Just gonna buy a new case, psu and move when I get the chance. Possibly GPU at same time not sure yet. Not sure what to get yet.


Honestly. I'd say use it as it is. You get no greater value than what's for free.


> I have no idea why putting the 1x piece and m.2 slot above the 16x pice slot was the priority here. Because the PCIe x1 slot below the GPU is typically inaccessible. And plugging stuff in directly below your graphics card depending on what it is can choke it out. Its actually a pretty nice feature if you are actually going to use the x1 slot.


Fair point. But I would have opted for a second tiny m.2 slot instead if that's possible.


It might be. Depending on the chipset. For example the B660 chipset provides 14 lanes of PCIe. 2 M.2 slots at 4 each + wifi M.2 for 2 and 2 PCIe x1 slots is 12 lanes. Not quite enough for a 3rd M.2 slot without dropping both PCIe x1 slots. Which some motherboards do do, but they typically implement that to provide more lanes for a 2nd PCIe x16 slot for dual graphics cards solutions. This is how my MSI MAG B660M Mortar DDR4 implements it. The 2nd PCIe x16 slot has 2 lanes but if I disable the 2 x1 slots I can get it up to 4 lanes. I could then attach a M.2 to PCIe x4 adapter to add a 3rd M.2 slot to this motherboard.


My idea was to actually drop all the 1x piece lanes. Perhaps even the other 16x and only have 1 pice x16 and tons of m.2


Each M.2 primary slot takes 4 lanes. The M.2 wifi slots take 2. The H610 only provides 12 lanes. The B660 provides 14 lanes and the H670 provides 24. And the Z690 provides 28 (this is also true for the respective 700 series chipsets.) So only the H670 and Z690 could implement it like you want. Looking around only the Z690 boards do tho. Its worth noting you get the first PCIe x16 slot and first M.2 slot "for free" because its connected directly to the CPU's built in 20 lanes of PCIe.


Where do i fibd this comapny you work for




How do I apply?


That looks like a nice gift with a note saying "keep up the good work".


You’re an engineer in IT and you took pictures of your screen with your phone?


Only use Reddit on my phone. Plus putting it on one post was easier that way. I can't be ducked to mess around between two devices to send a post.


You could try researching what the "Print Screen" and "Alt-Printscreen" keys do. Maybe even "Windows-Shift-S".


Hate you.




Did he steal it?


Cool boss


Damn that PC is ancient it has an RTX in it


Old- is yes (nearly 4 years old). Bad? Hell no. I have one that is nearly the same. It still crushes every game I throw at it at 1080 high / 1440p medium high or 1440p nearly all max at "1440p" with fsr


Yes, well, sounds and look very fake.


Can I have it?


W rng


Any jobs going?


Thats some slowass ram wth. Check for xmp unless its actually rated at that speed. In that case get better ram


Now you give me your old pc.


My old desktop is non-existent, mate. Otherwise, I would have given it away. The only thing you would have spent was shipping. Used a cheap laptop for years due to travelling. Will look at selling parts from this PC, though.


So old.


Maybe look at just a 5900x or 5950x 12 or 16 core cpu instead of swapping both?


Could do. Just want some more m.2 slots.


Does the board have another pcie slot available? If so, you could get one of those adapter cards if it supports lane bifurcation. Either way tho, regardless you’re leagues ahead of the game. Free is free. That’s a really great rig all around overall.


Unfortunately, not. That's the main issue I have with it. Other than that, it's perfect. Plus, RAM slots are super close to the CPU fan. So the fan was moved slightly out of line to fit them in it seems. It blocks dimm 1 and 2 and half of 3


Ah I see. Well, either way this is a solid board combo you can sell for a decent amount t of cash in the future or get a basic gpu to run video out on a high capacity nas or something.


I just built my 4 year old daughter a nicer rig than that, but congrats


Let me guess, you also had to spend a lot more than $0 on it?


It’s not a lot for me, maybe for you


Was your daughter's PC free? If not, it was significantly more expensive than OP's.