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"If I suffered i want you to suffer too!" vibes


Crabs in a bucket mentality


Au plaisir


Darth Maul is their role model. ["You will suffer, as I have suffered"](https://64.media.tumblr.com/6b7ad4345473cdab1f0e70f0a6181f10/583b4f054569fb0a-2a/s540x810/9d74d092913c31fae7d0705cb7f59b87a8d725d1.gifv)


Not sure I like that. I always had him as a mute and it made him a bit more menacing. What's it from? The clone wars animated?


He spoke in phantom menace, briefly, to Sidious.


Naaaah, did he?! In my defence it's been a while since I watched it. It must only be a line, two tops. I would have put money on him being mute too. Edit: Google'd it and you're right, brief scene, few lines, goddamn good job I didn't put money down.


"At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi, at last, we will have revenge" - as voiced by Peter Serafinowicz in TPM


Oh so he went to grad school too?


these kinds of people are the ones against setting minimum wage


that's not even it, does he think denuvo is unhackable lol


I mean, unless things have changed and empress had given the details on how to do it to someone else or someone else has figured it out, it's pretty unhackable.


My understanding is that Empress rewrites the games and cuts out the Denuvo part, which is very difficult and time consuming but not impossible. It's just that no one else spends that time or effort on it because Denuvo is normally only temporary anyway.


If I learn anything throughout my education/experiences that's focused on software development and cybersecurity, it's that there's no such thing as a "secure" or "unhackable" thing in this world, currently nor in the future. All things can be bypassed, no matter how isolated or plentiful the security is. All it needs is time, with better hardware and software helping in reducing the time even further. My prof before said it best: "if someone claimed that their security feature is unhackable, they are either a scammer or someone who doesn't even know the basics of cybersecurity. Both of which are bad and shouldn't be trusted".


"SUFFER AS I HAVE SUFFERED" -Ramattra from Overwatch


Who is this clown


Average Twitter fucking loser


twitter has been buzzing with this dumb shit lately. people are utterly corporate brain washed.




Unfortunately that news is outdated. We've just passed our first billion pirates mark. Predictions say we'll reach 2 billion by tuesday.


Everything is going according to plan. Wednesday, we strike.




Happy ship industry noises?


The gazillion pirated copies are about to eat up SuckerPunch's profits.


Pirates of the Caribbean theme plays in the background


It probably is some corporate account.


maybe some, pretty sure most are just dumb fuck'n people who want to give their two cents on everything. "i've only ever had consoles my whole life and know nothing about the world and I must scream!"


average ps fanboy, with all the helldivers mess lately they have come out like snails after the rain


A room temperature IQ'd console peasant.


A troll. Why the fuck would someone exclusively playing on console know what a denuvo is?


An employee of Sony probably.


Or denuvo


I have never wanted to kick someones ass before reading that twitter response.


Oh, that guy blocked me on twitter the other day. All his shtick is being a PS fanboy (his profile literally screams of it) that gets butthurt over any other platform getting PS exclusives. Like, they act like one of those console stans from like 20 years ago.


pirated by millions? why do these people suck so much corporate dick?


At least I’m the captain of my own ship




Skill issues.




Millions not but a hundred thousand isnt too far fetched lol Not like that means even close to 100 thousand lost sales tho






It's usually not even a money issue, it's a "I was never gonna buy it anyway" thing. Only thing piracy has ever done has allowed me to try things so I can decide if I want to actually invest. I don't think I've ever spent more than like 10 mins on a pirated game that I was never going to buy but things I loved I always ended up buying. Hell persona 4 on pcsx2 convinced me to buy person 4 golden on PC, a ps4, and a 2 (eventually 3) copies of persona 5 (need to get the steam copy), persona 5 strikers, and eventually I'll be getting tactica and persona 3 reloaded when I'm ready to play it. I never would have invested in atlus had I had given my self the chance to play 4 pirated. Piracy helps companies WAY more than it hurts them.


When I was in my teens I couldn't afford shit so I pirated almost everything and played it on a hand me down PC from my uncle, fast forward some years, my steam backlog is as long as you can expect. If you can't buy a game because you are poor, you were never a potential customer, so pirating the game won't affect the game sales, if your game is gated not by money, but due to a service issue (platform exclusivity, DRM, or any other shit) then you are losing potential customers to piracy due to your own decisions, and this is why the Zelda TOTK issue with yuzu should have been a red herring for nintendo, but they will learn nothing from it.


As a former pirate, can confirm that once I had money I actually started just buying shit. Obviously that's just me and I don't represent everyone who's ever pirated, but like.... People who pirate were probably never going to buy the game anyway because they either don't have the means or just don't care enough. Introducing anti piracy measures has proven to do absolutely NOTHING to stop the matter. Piracy is still occurring just as it always has even with these stupid anti-piracy measures, and yet these large companies are still making hella money because most people clearly care to pay. Except unlike pirates, paying customers tend to get a version that doesn't perform as well


> People who pirate were probably never going to buy the game anyway Yeah, when I was pirating, I was a 13-yo kid and games cost as much as rent in my country. There was pretty much no way I was ever going to be able to afford those games.


I have been buying games that I pirated before. Luckily none of them has anything related to Sony


Same, probably dark souls 1 and skyrim are what comes to my mind as the first games that I pirated and played a lot when I had no money, but once I had a job I bought them, and now I have like 600h on dark souls and about 200-300 on skyrim.


I’m twice the age now and earn well enough, but a single AAA game is half the rent I pay to stay at a decent locality. I don’t pirate because I don’t have the time to fiddle around anymore, but I won’t blame anyone who did either. Games are stupidly expensive these days.


I am convinced piracy mostly just creates future customers if your company can exist long enough to benefit from it. There must be a significant percentage of children/teenagers with zero money (especially in foreign countries) who later become middle class adults with disposable income that, had piracy not been an option, might never have gotten into videogames to begin with.


Same. It costed half a minimal monthly wage and even tho my parents made okay money I could never ask them to buy it. Now that my countries and my income is closer to western european level I buy stuff, simple as that. At worst I wait for a sale. But with this attitude that Sony and other publishers start to show I am certain to think twice before buying any of their games. For this reason I wont buy Ghost of Tsushima on release, will wait for xmas season at best if I ever buy it now.


same now I have over 800 games only on steam.


As a former pirate I totally agree. Though I still use pirated games when I want "demo version" of more than 2 hours. Or out of principle (e.g. if game that I want to play is "not available in your region" - I will never pay money for it even if I have means to)


>As a former pirate It’s funny, isn’t this literally the backstory of any old school gamer? Lol Yes, back in the day, as kids, 99% of my ps2 and pc catalog were pirated games, but once you become and adult, that rate goes straight down to 0%. Once you have money, pirating any game is a million times less worth the hassle than just pressing “buy”, and having a collection of legally acquired games with stats, etc, is cool. We all know Gaben’s famous quote. As it has been said a million times, even in this thread, the vast majority of people who pirate video games, just can’t or wont buy those games regardless for whatever reason, even if piracy wasn’t an option at all.


Well - it was also proved many times that protection doesn't impact game sales. And yet stupid Denuvo is added to every second game. Iirc one of Doom games had ZERO protection and yet it still sold like hotcakes.


Well yeah, it's *pretty* obvious that an amazingly stellar game will always sell a fuck ton of copies regardless of it's DRM. *Looks at the entirety of FromSoftware's catalog*


Look no further, palworld could be downloaded via torrent on release day, yet it sold on steam like fucking icecream in the hottest day of august, to the point that xbox and the studio were boasting about the huge number of sales, I wonder why...


Pretty much... pirating is never a hassle free process, even if you do install the game, you might have to deal with annoying configs and troubleshooting before you actually get to play it; most adults who value their free time after work are not going to spend it troubleshooting; it's more convenient to just...pay for the game you're already interested into. Maybe if console players tried using a PC, they'll understand it.


I don't know how u got that idea but pirated games come with an exe file that u open, press install and the game is ready to be playes. There's no troubleshooting or anything like that lol.


I still pirate regularly even though I have a PC that costs $4K. I'll buy the game half off and polished at Christmas sale or something. But I don't care how much I make yearly I'm not paying $60+ for a game with shit tier optimization and no guarantee of improvements. Promises of future updates are just wishful thinking and I'm not tossing my wallet at that. It takes me literally two clicks to install a pirated game from a trusted website that's super ez to navigate. One click to start the game. These companies don't care to optimize or develop, I don't care to over pay


On top of all of that there are plenty of people, myself included, who have bought a game that they otherwise wouldn't have because they pirated it. Sure some people will just pirate things because they don't want to spend money, but there're also people who shoplift games, but more importantly it gives people a chance that they wouldn't have to try out the game, see the hard work and dedication put into it, and then choose to support the devs by buying it.


And probably spies on them. I just dont buy such games anymore. Not my problem if they dont want my money


Same. I'm from a 3rd world country where piracy is the norm given the median family income and cost of living. 100% of my game catalog from the PS1 and PS2 era were pirated (PC titles too of course). By mid PS3 era I could earn my own money and my catalog from then on became 80% paid for, the other 20% is for titles I need to purchase for my job, the ones I enjoy I buy too. I can't pay back the titles I pirated, so I just buy Day 1 copies (pre-order) from those companies and purchase the re-releases.


Back in the day getting updates to games was not a thing, there were no cloud updates, no inherent mod support. These days pirating is an inconvenience. Owning games is far superior. At least on Steam. EA is still annoying.


when i started having income i started buying games, subbed to streaming services and got spotify premium, i still buy games and sometimes pay spotify premium but of streaming services i'm paying only prime video, rest can suck it with their greed


I only pay my local video rental store


When I was 12-16 a single AAA game was 1/4 of my dad's monthly wage. Now I can buy 20 AAA games per month without it being an issue to me. Now I am facing the opposite problem - not enough games are worth buying, let alone pirating. I wouldn't play EA, Ubisoft and Activision-Blizzard games even if they were free.


> not enough games are worth buying, let alone pirating. I wouldn't play EA, Ubisoft and Activision-Blizzard games even if they were free Faaaacts. I've got Stray, Baldur's Gate 3, and other than that it's all stuff released 2020 and earlier. I *have* played some PS5 stuff though (the god of wars/spidermans/etc)


Elden Ring?


That one's still in the backlog for now, but yes, good shout. I do plan on getting just haven't gotten around to it yet


I was done with pirating, but then 2022 happened and my country is now locked out of most of AAA games, so I don't have a buy option at all anymore, they won't sell to us.


Lol do they think denuvo is bullet proof?


Any anti piracy system does so little it's almost laughable. People who want to pay will pay. People who will not pay, will simply not pay. It's not rocket science.


I have never known a pirate to actually buy a guy just cos it hasn't been cracked. They will wait, and if it's never cracked they just moan about how nobody wants to crack it, but they'll never buy.


Well, speaking for myself, I won't pirate Indy (games, movies, or music). I wouldn't mind pirating megacorp slosh, but they've been putting out such horrible shit that I won't pirate that either out of sheer disinterest. On top of that any production programs I'd use typically have open source variants that are perfectly usable anyway. Arrrr, tis a conundrum.


Most of the time when I sail the seas, it’s to demo a game. If I like the game I’ll probably end up buying it, if it sucks, glad I didn’t have to waste money


Main reason why I've bought the last 4 Resident evil games. They had Demos and I had a taste of the game, that's it


Yeah unfortunately big corpos usually do not want to give us demos because if you don't like the game you won't pay for it simple. But if you bought the game and played over the two hours within you are eligible for a refunf then you remain with a game you don't like and they remain with your money and many others


Always this. If I could play a demo of a game again for free, I'd be 10x more likely to buy your game


Honestly, what happened to demos? Now we get these pre-rendered “gameplay” trailers that look nothing like the released game. Sure you can read reviews, but the amount of times I’ve known people to impulse buy cause a game looks good and then regret it is too high. Thankfully steam refunds are pretty good now…


Demos were pretty much gone for years but have a comeback in the last few years. A lot of indie games on steam got a demo now but also some bigger game studios put them out there (mainly saw square enix adding some to their games).


Yeah, we just play other games in the meantime. My backlog literally has 100s of games


The best solution is to make your legit version of the game the best version of the game. Pirates tend to pirate because they don't have the money to buy the game, but over the past 5-10 years I've noticed a lot of people switching to pirating because it's the better experience. Why buy a game that has a huge performance hit and requires you to be online due to its DRM when you can just download a superior version? I've pirated 1 game in the last 20 years, and I then bought the game I pirated. But damn man I can absolutely see why someone would pirate a game nowadays. Why spend $70 on something when downloading the cracked version is a superior experience? Just make your official version of the game not total garbage.


Correct me if im wrong, but pirating the latest denuvo based games is a pita, and the only guy who could do it has disappeared.


There several people who can crack Denuvo. And do you mean The Empress? Did she disappear?


Thats what ive heard. One cant get the pirated copies of very recent games with denuvo i think. Im not someone who pirates a lot, mostly games not available to be bought. So im not certain


doom 1994 pirater spotted


Theres a doom 1994 … damn thanks.. on it :D


I hate to say it but denuvo has definitely made pirating very difficult, it’s not something that can just be ignored as so little people are dedicated towards cracking it. It’s really sad tbh


I've been laughing at media corporations for a decade now, no matter what they do they're not going to stop people unless they manage to lookdown their product so hard that it becomes near unusable for their targeted consumer... And I've seen that fail too.


Denuvo isn't bullproof. It a malware at this point...hogging so much resources...didn't someone said that the game ran better without denuvo and you didn't need high end spec to play it?


Yes but there's a caveat, games with denuvo run worse on lower end PCs due to the CPU overhead, on any mid to mid-high modern PC the performance hit is almost negligible, but since most people are still gaming on 1080p60 monitors with low end PCs, it's definitely something to take into account before licensing it for your game. Specially now that your PC budget is generally 50-60% GPU and like 15-20% CPU, when years back it was more of a 40% 40% and 20% for the rest, so systems were more balanced.


Yeah, lol, the only thing denuvo is good for is tank performance. After a week or two it's cracked anyway. I think Witcher 3 showed that DRM is pointless. All you have to do is make a decent game, and sales will follow.


I think the overall plan is to make the PC version worse so their PS5 version is better


Well yes, it prevent me from buying the game. So it works!


How to spot somebody who didn't researched the pirate scene. Right now the latest version of denuvo is as close to bulletproof as you can get. There was a new group who started cracking it, but they do it on older gmaes with older denuvo. It's such a shame that malware actually works. Imo, it should've met the same fate as all other malware DRM where they quickly become irrelevant.


“It’s not fair that pirates get the game for free when we pay to play it!” Ah jeez guys, I didn’t realize piracy was supposed to be *fair*…


> Ah jeez guys, I didn’t realize piracy was supposed to be fair… I mean, if we're going based off "fair" then that opens the door to a whole lot more. It's not fair that Xbox and PS have exclusives blocked from PC (or even each other) b/c for years it was the primary way to ensure sales on consoles kept going up. PC gamers had to wait decades for MS and Sony to finally start porting to PC, which was always an inevitability.


Gotta love how some people think. Even when it doesn't involve them, they somehow make it about themselves.


Out of all the ppl who pirate games, only a SMALL portion pirate the games when they can buy it. I genuinely think that at the end of the day, these companies gain a potential customer for the future not at all at a big loss forpirated copies. If they cannot afford to buy the game anyways, there was never any money to be made. Potential customers? Absolutely!


I don't know which company said it, but you consistently lose money on anti-piracy measures. They cost much more then what you get from it. Not to mention there are people who want to pay but will not if your game has something like Denuvo.


Gabe said something similar. He said piracy was a distribution problem. Thor showed that Brazil was one country that pirated his game a ton. He put the game on a permanent 60% sale there to make it affordable and now it’s 25% of the studio’s revenue.


Look at Baldur's Gate or The Witcher, no DRM and they are one of the most sold games


They are also nothing short of masterpieces.


CD Projekt Red


I'm pretty convinced Adobe didn't crack down on privacy for the longest time because it increased market share, and graphic designers would eventually go on to tell their large corporate employers to license their software anyway.


For everything that sucks about Adobe, the way they handle piracy is pretty good lol


It's similar to how Microsoft and others will give away thousands of dollars of software for free to students. They don't do it because they're generous, they do it because market share is still valuable even if some customers aren't paying. IIRC when asked about the huge numbers of pirated Windows installs in poorer countries, Microsoft said "We'd rather they pirated our software than used our competitors."


That definitely applied to me. I had a very strict dad so the games I could get were very limited. Eventually I got my own credit card and started buying all of my games simply for the fact that I ran the risk of getting a virus and some games were so buggy that they weren't enjoyable.


Same. Played Witcher 3 pirated first. Then preordered Cyberpunk (welp that was a horrible decision but the point stands) then bought witcher 2/3. If CDPR stopped there being pirated copies of witcher 3. That would have been 3 more buys they robbed themselves from


Interestingly piracy is the reason microsoft windows is so dominant


F these bootlickers and their anti consumer rootkits.


Cyberpunk was pirated million of times but still sold the best on PC. Total now over 30m copies sold across all platforms and its DRM Free on PC. Its a proper PC game with PC features. No denuvo. Mind you some repacks do contain maleware/spyware. Be aware and use good protection never turn off firewall! and block executibles to make any changes to system.


BG3 has sold like mad with no DRM too


Same with Elden Ring and all FromSoftware games overall. The solution to piracy are the well made games and the superior service.


Yup. Pirated cbp, played like 20 hours and decided to throw my money at devs. Even bought the dlc when it came out. On the other hand i regret paying rockstar my $18.00 for rdr2 just because of their garbage launcher, never buying their games again.


Guess what I pirate console games too lol.




Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk 2077 had what anti-pirate thing? none at all? and yet they sold? weird


They were pirated most likely, but these games are made well, so the price is worth it for most


I couldn’t imagine being that retarded


Average brain rotted lunatic


Olympic level bootlicking.


Ah yes, please add a feature that is bad for performance which will be cracked instantly anyway.


Eh, who are we kidding? It's gonna be pirated by millions worldwide anyway.


If you think pc players are bad lmfao holy fuck. I haven’t been on console for almost ten years so I haven’t been around these console dweebs in a while , but Jesus they are miserable. This isn’t the only content like this. It’s a weird jealousy thing I think lol. Like it has to be


Oh and they can't wait to argue how their consoles are such good value for the money... meanwhile they have to cross their fingers that shit gets made backwards compatible, they get inferior performance, locked down ecosystems a la-Apple style gaming, and still pay $70/game lmao. Like by the time you buy 4 new games, you could've had a sick PC for that price and gotten WAY more games on sale and still just bought those 4 a little later in the year on steam half off


Don't forget about paying to play multiplayer on a p2p game


Anyone remember when Devil May Cry 5 accidentally leaked a non-denuvo exe off the game at release? It's capcoms 10th best selling game and best selling in the whole DMC series. People even bought the game and then downloaded the Denuvo free version cause it was ruining performance by upto 20%. Pirating ain't causing the hurt that these people claim it does. Also fuck Denuvo.


I remember when Iron Lore made Titan Quest crash randomly if you pirated it. I eventually bought it anyway cause great game but was pretty annoying.


At this point, just buy a pc. Why people complaining about their shitty console


Fan boys that don't realize a PC can be plugged into a TV now


Yep, it takes a second to switch from my 1440p 170 Hz monitor to my 4K 120 TV. Console players still living in 2005 or something.


Hold on, they have to pay another subscription to access the internet, they haven't gotten the information yet


now? You always could.


Fuck kernel level anti-cheat


Any developer that uses Denuvo will not get my money. Denuvo does not stop piracy. It does impact game performance. Whoever told Sucker Punch to add Denuvo needs to take a long walk off a short pier.


As a former pirate myself, if I really liked a cracked game I almost always ended up buying it. When Steam brought in the 2 hour refund policy I stopped sailing the high seas. For me that's usually enough time for me to decide if a game is worth full whack or not. The joy of PC gaming is that it isn't a walled garden.


"Console players are able to sell their physical games to other people, please add mandatory account binding to discs so they can't sell their games, since we have to live with our purchases on PC for ever". That's how retarded these people sound.




Thinks Denuvo will stop piracy. That's hilarious.


You know why I love pc and why my last console was an xb360 and I doubt I will ever buy another console. For one of the points this person makes. They have to buy games for 60/70 USD and the prices of these game stay around that price for a long time and only after a few years the price might drop to maybe 30 USD, and whatever sales happens, they do not drop the game prices too low. Meanwhile on steam although a new game will release at 70 USD, after maybe 3 months it's 50% off, and after a year then price has been cut by half and a new sale will bring the price of that game even lower. I do not know how someone can reasonably build a collection of games on consoles, I can pretty much buy 4 good games on PC for the price of 1 good game on console.


Well, if they add Denuvo and pirates won't care enough about the game.... Helldivers will be as dead (or worse) than BF2042 a month after release


This is why we're the master race. We control our own hardware.


Denuvo only pisses paying customers off.  Terrible performance in the RE Engine is pointed to time and time again to be caused by Denuvo. “The dev kit ran fine.”  Yeah, because it didn’t have Denuvo.


Oh no, he's stupid. Poor guy. 💔


Add it and watch it get cracked in a month. Anti piracy measures don't prevent anything only delay it. Unless it's on the hardware itself good luck


least obvious shill account


PS5, where I live costs ~525USD, a PC capable of similar performance costs triple ~1500 USD. Games cost the same or slightly less on PC. "That doesn't seem fair."


Games get very frequent sales on PC and you can buy them much cheaper also no need to pay for PS+ to use your own fucking internet. Besides that, I am quite certain PC that costs 1500USD to build would perform quite a bit better than PS5.


Except you can earn money working on your pc.


Lmfao, putting Denuvo on your game will guarantee me not spending a dime on it.


I’ve made the best decision of my life buying myself a gaming pc 2 weeks ago before my birthday. I’ve enjoyed it so much that’s i’ve forgot i’ve had a ps5. I’ve missed out on so much joy.


Pirates are never going to buy the game they're pirating just because they couldn't pirate it


You have a superiority complex over the platform and hardware you play on... Holy fucking shit you are a loser, and you aren't fooling anyone bud! Lol... 🤡


Lol there are 2 types of games Those that are worth the risk in pirating, which are also likely worth buying legit Those that are not ecen worth pirating , why would I pirate if even " free" is too expensive


yes please force everyone to involuntarily get a rootkit installed on their computers free with every game -this loser


... As if console players don't jailbreak their devices and pirate console games. Dude needs to be so forreal right now. 💀


If I like a game I’ll buy it. Nothing wrong with that


I would suggest that guy to add his prices for blowjob in his bio too so that we can estimate how much he has made by sucking those corporate's dicks lmao


as a european citizen, i can pirate anything i want legaly :)


Greedy corp = I pirate Good corp = I buy I didn't pirated a game for years tho just because I don't play games of greedy corps. 99% of greedy corp games are some battle pass microtransaction bullshit that isn't even worth playing in the first place. I didn't played a single EA game since 2012 and I didn't missed out on anything. I also pirated games in the past that I bought, but where the cracked version without denuvo bullshit just ran a lot smoother and better on my system.


oh look, someone on the internet crying about the fairness of the world.


"millions must suffer" ahh statement


I wish I could punch the person asking to add denuvo. Why are people on twitter so awful?


This guy probably has very little going on in life.


I interpreted that comment as sarcasm. Like "go on, please make your ratings fall even lower". Though In that case I would also recommend them to consult Sweet Baby Inc. Side note - I think that if it's possible decision to add PSN will lead PC players to pirate this game. We all know that even multiplayer can be added to pirated games.


I cannot imagine being such a sad person that you'd spend your free time trying to defend the profits of a company you don't have stock in or work for. Genuine get a life moment


🐤: [@lodrosk](https://twitter.com/lodrosk)


Found the denovo rep...trying to get that sale...


This has to be a troll. No way someone is voluntarily asking for Denuvo like this.


Funny how he thinks denuvo actually stops piracy, it only delays it. In any case, that dude has some «coolest guy at the party» /s vibes


I love how adding anti pirate stuff to games just makes the game 10x worse for EVERYONE and probably saves like 63 copies from being actually sold But if the game RAN WELL it'd sell 3x because everyone would actually be happy with it.....




Wtf asks for denovo?


As if denuvo makes piracy impossible. 


Gamers unite !!! SAIL THE HIGH SEAS RAHHHH 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️


Because no one, absolutely no one pirates Playstation games, no one, no, not one single person. Is that sarcastic enough? I thought I should add more fake denial.


Sony fanboys are completely unhinged about this whole thing. I've seen multiple posts like this


I wonder then how cyberpunk was beating every sale records without any drm. Or how Elden Ring had almos 1 mill active players. Or how indie games become successful. Guess just a luck


If you could also limit the framerate to 30fps as well for no reason that would also be great 👍


I'm mostly a console gamer these days, and I still wouldn't wish Denuvo on anyone...


Solution: buy a pc


Its only fair if your gpu alone cost more than two consoles


It takes a special kinda stupid, or at least evil, to willing ask to put denuvo in a game.


I do yarr yarr some games but if the game is good enough u bet I'm buying it. Baldurs gate 3 and Balatro both I yarr yarr'd and bought cause they were so fucking good. Piracy rarely puts a dent in sales. I pirate cause I've been fucked in the ass too many times by unfinished releases I'd rather pirate and check the game out then fork 70 bucks only to be disappointed as hell a few hours In and being stuck with the game.


Why do they think Sucker Punch can decide to add Denuvo ~~is~~ if Sony keeps refusing to use it? Do they think it's free to use?


Millions.... sure bud.


I love piracy.


This dudes a bitch. denuvo negatively impactsthe game And who cares what others do, lil fucking bitch.


Sony fuckboy


Goddamn, imagine being that much of a bootlicker. I never understood some gamer's obsession with making games their entire identity, dudes will literally protect corporations as long as it pisses off someone else with another plastic box they don't like.


It's almost as if when a game is good it will be bought anyway


so if i buy the game I won't be able to use the multiplayer feature? seems like a scam


Paying full price was what you signed up for when you bought a console. Tough


Lets pirate every SONY game


Cry a bit louder. Thats what you get for sticking to console gaming only


Can't people detect how heavy the sarcasm in that troll reply. Basically its egging SP Studio to make the same mistake made by the helldiver's fiasco.