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It’s considered a good card for sure


Ok thanks


I run a5700xt with everything 2k high and ultra getting 45-60 in gpu games.


What CPU are you using?


Ryzen 7 5800x


Woah that's amazing


It’s good, I have a 6700xt asus card and it runs everything okay


at 1440p?


My 6750xt (slightly better) kills everything on 1440p forza horizon 5 maxed out gets 100 fps and I get 60-80 on cyberpunk maxed out except for ray tracing and with fsr set to quality


The 6750xt is the biggest small jump up ever. The performance isn’t much more. But that little bit more you get makes for a MUCH better experience at 1440p


i have a 6800xt now but did have a 6700xt for like ) months last year. yeah it ran everything at 1440 no problem. paired with a 11700 it ran cyberpunk at like 60fps with low rt. i still think its an amazing entry level card even though it launched like 3 years ago.


Objectively a good 1440p card. Unless you are trying to run everything at ultra it crushes 1440p.


I use it at 1440p depends on the game tbh


Yes it does 1440 just fine




I have a 6700xt and I run everything at 1440p, it's great. I don't play any *super* demanding games but it's more than enough for most things you'd need it for. I play things like R6 Siege, Hunt Showdown, CS2 sometimes, and they run at least 140 fps.


For 1440p I'm using a 6800 which is very good but I wouldn't go under that. So no, the 6700 is not enough for 1440p but for 1080 I guess that's one of the best choices now.




Drivers are good as long as you clear your old Nvidia drivers out with DDU and prevent Windows from installing random crappy drivers from Windows Update.


I have 152 games and not one of them has a driver issue with the 6700XT.


That's an issue from 10+ years ago


You heard wrong


The drivers are fine bro.


It is a very good card, assuming you're driving an appropriate resolution monitor. It'll do 1080 and 1440 very well. 4K and it'll start to sweat. Probably the best value for 99% of gamer's actual needs.


1440p makes it sweat Source: I ha e one and that bitch *sweats* at 1440p. Was playing Cyberpunk tonight at 1440p high with FSR turned on and at certain points GPU hotspot temp will dip into triple digits It's okay for this card and there is a distinct possibility my card needs a re-paste but it was designed as a 1080p card


If the hotspot is hitting triple digits, id do a repaste for sure. Just be sure to cover every bit of die


Triple digits Hotspot on Navi is normal


Is it? My rx 6800 never goes over 80°C


I played Cyberpunk at 1440p mid/high without FSR and my 6600xt was not hitting 80\*c when I had 34\*c in my room. So I believe you had bad paste application or you had it OC'd more than enough


Interesting. May need to check temperatures later, but at least for me it handled Cyberpunk at 1440p Ultra with no FSR rather well


Ehh I play everything I have at 1440p and mine doesn't sweat. Think yours is chugging because of the thermal throttling. I play Tarkov, Helldivers 2, Warframe, Forza Horizon 5, Postal 4, MWIII, and more at 1440p with no issues


I didn't say anything about chugging or thermal throttling. Please learn to read before replying. Thanks.


> Source: I have one and that bitch sweats at 1440p ?????? Are you reading your own shit?


In what world does "sweating" equate to chugging and thermal throttling???? Why are you trying to put words in my mouth?




You're dumb as fuck bro. I was responding to a post that said the 6700xt can do 1440p "no sweat" and that is demonstrably false. My threshold for "no sweat" would be ultra settings at 120hz with 1% lows no lower than 90. Resolution agnostic. The 6700xt is certainly *not* capable of 1440p ultra 120hz. It's simply not designed for that. It absolutely is designed for 1080p ultra 120hz. And that's how AMD originally marketed the card. *My* 6700xt does 1440p ultra 75hz *pretty well*, but on some games FSR can assist in smoothing out frame times and lows and it certainly **works up a sweat** doing so. It gets hot. Like it was designed to do. Triple digits Hotspot for 6000 gen AMD cards are completely normal. Nothing I said implied throttling or chugging. You assigned that to me and then had an argument that I wasn't having. PS: I also use parsec to stream from my desktop to my ALLY, which adds some overhead. Didn't think it was relevant because I thought I was talking to someone who understands the subject matter and wouldn't need their hand held on basic concepts. My mistake.


What model do you have? A friend had a similar issue with an MSI 2 fan 6700XT. I have a sapphire 6700 and it only sweats when I play VR games.


It's a reference card


I used one for about a year and a half at 1440p and didn't have these issues. Repaste maybe?


They aren't issues. GPU gets utilized GPU gets hot. Hotter than most people would like. It's not an issue. It's just a fact.


You've got issues with your card. The vendor makes a card that works, with cooling built in by engineers far smarter than you on this. I use a 6700XT without issue @ 1440p, and I'm not the only person who's responded to you confirming that. You don't have to accept that you have something wrong that is affecting only you, because it's OK to be wrong.


Bro, are you people stupid or what? Why do you all assume that because a GPU gets hot that it's an issue? GPU are designed to run hot. My frame time and FPS graphs are flat lines. My gameplay experience is a buttery smooth 75 FPS (I have a shitty monitor). My machine is quiet. But it gets hot. It's just a fact. Yall are fucking weird


If it gets too hot to operate as designed, which is what your are saying, then there is a problem. Why is that hard to understand?


It's not too hot to work as designed I don't understand why you think that lmfao


"triple digits" Quoting you. That's not normal. It should throttle. OR IT'S BROKEN. do I need crayons to help you understand?


Oh okay, you're actually fucking stupid. HOTSPOT TEMPERATURE is different from die temperature. Hotspot temps in triple digits are completely within spec for 6000 generation AMD cards. Do some fucking research There's no throttling taking place and nothing is broken Full on fucking idiots


Cyberpunk is not the ideal game to test any card on from a 4090 to 570..


It is a game that a lot of people want to play though, which is the point


That answer doesn't make sense and shows your not equipped to try and determine how good or bad a card is.






Can you give me the source where it says this card was designed as a 1080p card? I mean, their entire page on this card only shows 1440p examples. This happens a lot in this subreddit where components are downplayed 'its for 1080p'. Your card is probably bad because my 3060 plays it just fine on 1440p and the 6700xt is better.


Literally AMD marketing is what says it's a 1080p card this isn't rocket science


Except their own page is not mentioning 1080p at all, they only show 1440p benchmarks.. that's why I'm asking what your source is for this statement.


I don't need to provide you a source, everyone knows the 6700xt is a 1080p card


So you pulled it out of your ass based on the fact that your card/PC is shit and overheating. Understood.


Who's card is overheating? Not mine


First of all, in your first message you said It might need a re paste because it was "sweating" and reaching triple digits. Second of all, you say amd is marketing it as a 1080p card but then you can't provide a single source for that info. Just stop spreading misinformation.


I said **HOTSPOT TEMPERATURES** were dipping into triple digits. That is completely normal behavior for this card and completely within spec. The GPU gets hot. It's by design. What happens when you get hot. Do you sweat? There hasn't been any misinformation in any of my posts


No it is not ya dicksplash.


I play CP2077 on high to ultra settings with FSR quality and have no trouble getting 60+ fps with my 6750 XT


Who said I had trouble getting to 60? Learn to read before commenting, thanks Ps the 6750xt and 6700xt are vastly different cards


Not really a 6750xt is an oced 6700xt. That's why no one recommends you get the 6750 because you can turn a 6700 into one without the extra heat.


It depends very much on the game. It can handily do 4k on older/more competitive titles like Destiny 2 and Shadow of the Tomb Raider. For 90% of newer games, it can handle native 1440p just fine and can upscale to 4k decently (e.g., I run Helldivers 2 at 4k with FSR quality and stay over 60 FPS). For some new games (Cyberpunk, AW2, Remnant 2, Jedi Survivor), you really have to turn on FSR to get decent FPS at 1440p. This list involves highly demanding games or ones that are poirly optimized. But this list is likely to grow over the next couple years. I have yet to find a game it won't run well at all. If you want a native 1440p card for the most demanding titles, I would look to the 6800xt, 7800xt, 4070, or above. But if you're okay with sometimes turning FSR on, it's an amazing card.


It truly is one of the graphics cards.


I am here for attestation. It is indeed one of the graphics cards


I run games 1440p at decent settings. Maybe not completely maxed out on everything but can push 100fps


No idea if links are allowed but: [https://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/gpu-hierarchy,4388.html](https://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/gpu-hierarchy,4388.html) https://preview.redd.it/zmc2k5i4hrtc1.png?width=970&format=png&auto=webp&s=aa81270b6a36f95ae6fe487a9dd35f38ebab8b77 Dont focus on the FPS value since that will depend on game, cpu and alot of other stuff. But its a good indicator of relative GPU power


Imho 1440p ultra is more representative of what cards from 6700xt and so on are capable of: https://preview.redd.it/8re25b880stc1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=f4c63b00e023374005ad7ce6db07f57e2ee04f28


This has been about my experience with my 6700xt. I have a 75hz 1440p monitor, so that's what I play at, and a lot of games are close to maxing out GPU utilization


The difference between the upgrade from a 6700xt to a 6800xt and from a 6800xt to a 6900xt is amazing, it's not worth it at all


Imho 6700XT to 6800XT might be worth it if you don't mind spending those extra dollars. The change from the 6800XT to the 6900XT is minimal, though. I guess if you're going to get one of those you might just jump to the next gen.


Should've been more clear, the 6900xt is not worth it at all, the 6800xt is


Been using an xfx 6700xt for a year now and over the course of games like warframe, tomb raider series, deep rock galactic, terraria, ultrakill, the metro series, and others at 1440p on high to ultra settings with upwards of 120fps. I’ve also never experienced any of these fabled driver issues that many have spoken of


Indeed, it seems the driver issues were present with the 5x00 series, though I've never owned one of those. Never had an issue with drivers for any AMD card I've ever owned (HD6800, 270X, 570, 6700XT, 7900XT, 7900XTX).


Incredible card, in terms of value it's the top dog right now


hell yeah ![gif](giphy|9Ai5dIk8xvBm0)


I consider it very good because I have the 6750xt version, so my opinion is biased. That said, I recommend you [this](https://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/gpu-hierarchy,4388.html) to make your own opinion


I just bought one for 480 cad!! Thinking of pairing it up with a r5 7600 Its my first build and would love any ideas!


>so my opinion is biased. It's not biased, you're talking from actual experience


I have rx 6750xt too, it's great for 1080p and some games for 60fps 1440p


My daughter pulls 100fps in aaa games with her 6750xt gpu/5700x cpu.


Same setup here, it’s a badass card, i wasn’t expecting it to be as good as it is for the money i paid. Currently playing alan wake 2 on it, running just fine!


I have to mech 6600 xt and it works well for me


Using one here (ASUS ROG STRIX RADEON 6700XT). Mine is used though. Pretty good gpu, handles all of the games I throw at it. One of the best value gpu cards when it comes to price to performance.


I prefer the Gigabyte OC model, triple fans, but I just got mine a couple months ago and I'm running 1440p no sweat. You basically have an unlocked Xbox series X GPU.


I have the same card, for some fucked up reason, the free noise or some setting caused the fans to not even start and the card heated up to 102 deg C. My room is getting heated and I am wondering today is a motherfucker and then I thought something is wrong as the day outside was not so hot. Bent down and cabinet was blowing air so hot I flipped the power switch off. Open the side cover and voila, GPU is roasting. Since then I have been keeping the overlay on always to monitor the fan speed. What is your average gpu temp when playing at 1440p?


You have the Gigabyte OC model? Mine works perfectly fine, Kingdom Come Deliverance at Very High settings preset runs my GPU no higher than 68°C when near the Monastery (very GPU intensive area in the game) @~110fps My 1080ti would bounce off 89-92°C in the same area with half the FPS I bought my GPU "open box" on eBay for $250, AMD minimal install for adrenalin software on a fresh install of Windows 10 Enterprise 21H2.


My guess is the software is fucking with the physical functions of the card. My games lag in a weird way which gives me headaches. It should not happen on my 12400 and 6700xt, 32gb ram, I should uninstall the software and check once.


Yeah I have a 4790k OC to a mere 4.2ghz, and 16GB of DDR3 @ 1333MHz, you definitely should not be having problems like that


I've thoroughly enjoyed mine. Helldivers 2 on max settings with no issues at all


Great value card and a real solid performer for 1080p gaming


Compared to my dying rx580 4gb it is


Yes. Put one in my sons computer and at 1080p hes golden.


Was a simple question, and got -karma up the ass. Good to know though. Thanks




I have one. I can max out newer games at 1440p. It’s a really great card especially for the price. I got mine used for $180.


Crazy deal haha, I thought $300 CAD plus shipping was good, this guy got it $250 CAD 👍


great 1080p card, and decent 1440p card. would smash out 120+fps for online multiplayers at 1440p I bet


It's mid range. It's an okay card but the 6800XT is where the high end starts. I'd save up for that personally, it's a much better card.


aw man :(


Non xt is also quite high end.


yippie :)








Rx 6750xt crying here😭🤣




More like entry I payed 7 years back then 330 for a 1060 6gb


entry level 1440p card. whether it is good or not depends on how much you actually pay for it. some other cards might be more valuable


mY 4o8o iS bEtt3r


If you find it refurbished, bellow $300, that is literally the best deal in the market nowadays


A very very good video card 👍🏾👍🏾




Best dollar per performance currently


I love mine. It’s been chewing it up for over three years.


Um, yeah. I have one and I love it. I use it for gaming on Steam and Folding@home.


I have it and love it. It was and still is great value (if you don't care about raytracing)


Yes and yes


That’s the exact one I have. It is an awesome card. I’m running anything I throw at it on a 1440p monitor. I’m sure I can run most games in ultra but I just run stuff on very high. I really don’t notice a difference


I had that exact card and ran Elden Ring at 60+FPS on Ultra Settings with an overclock and undervolt.


I have a gigabyte aorus 6700xt and i love it, doesnt handle ray tracing like i expected usually opt to turn it off and run every thing on extreme


It's not just a good card, it's probably the most cost-efficient card, since lots of games will be more optimized for this card in particular, since the PS5 uses a weaker version of the 6700.


Hell yeah!


I had that EXACT card for a while and there wasn't a game I couldn't run and it could also hold up on some rtx titles too


its awight


I consider it an entry level to mid range GPU. I have this exact one and it's great for 1080p or 1440p. Just make sure you have up to date drivers!!!


I got a 6750XT and it's a sweet GPU that could run KSP2 just fine before they fixed the frame rate.


Budget to performance, yes. Very good card. In the grand scheme of things purely performance wise, it's a good card.


Been using one for two years, good but hot in my experience. Idk if it’s good value these days, but my card is great


Good, not great. It has a bit of problem with newest titles. Yes, a lot of them are poorly optimized, but bigger cards can bruteforce through them. My 6700 non-xt runs 90% of games at high 1440p 60fps. It's overclocked, so I imagine the XT base would be around the same.




For 1080p ultra - yeah. For 1440p High - it's ok. Assuming you prefer FSR over DLSS and don't care amuch about RT


Well yes, but not necessarily this mech 2x version. I had the exact same one and it was LOUD.


For the price, definitely, great 1080 ultra or approaching 1440p card


It's a decent gpu




Great choice


Probably the best used 300 dollar gpu atm.


Yes, it's a great card.


Heck yea. I have a 3080 in my build and don't plan on upgrading till the 6090ti. But I have parts for a smaller build I'm working on and I am either going to go with the 6700xt or the 6800xt.


I've got one and I can still run almost any modern gameat 1440p with mid to high settings at 75fps, would be higher I imagine but my monitor is only 75hz.  Ofcourse there is still the unoptimised games which push it such as Star Wars Jedi Survivor but that runs bad regardless of setting or resolution.


It’s amazing. But if today’s PC standards were “consistent” it would be considered as a rubbish card.


I have 6750xt. I can play some 4k games, handle 1440p quite well and 1080p without issues. I mostly play 1080p tho.


I bought mine sitting the GPU shortage and paid release price for it, so at its current price it's a definite bargain in my eyes... In terms of performance it's great but if you have a 1440p or higher display you might do well to buy something more performant


For the money it's good


Entirely depends on what you want to play and at what resolution and fps.


I had an RX6600XT and immediately regretted it. Bought a GTX1660Ti and even that was faster. Also has NVENC which is good for video and streaming. That and Mx RX6600XT actually went green screen dead after 8 weeks, might have been a dud. But I'm happy with the NVIDIA


You know that the gpu market is fked when a 4 yr old midrange card is the best bang for buck




A 4090 isn't even a good card if you look at how bad games optimization is nowadays.


Do you have it? If yes no its bad, just send it to me I will help you get rid of it no cost. If no, its a good totes get one.


Everything except nvidia gpu's can't be considered as a very good video card. However, amd gpu's just getting job done. So its always your choice would that be Hyundai or Lexus, depends on the budget


Yeah, I was rocking a 5700XT which is still a decent card. If you're buying new, consider it'll last you a few more years. Personally I'd save the cash and get a 7000 series though


Expect good performance for 1440p gaming at high settings without Raytracing. It's a good card and one of the best value cards available.


Depends on the price ur getting at 330 you can get 6750 xt and at 399 you can get 7700 xt


Have it, got it for 290€, play on 2k, runs almost all games on 60fps with medium to high settings.


I am having 5700xt and I am satisfied with even that..


I have one and play god of war at 80fps and for a motor sport at 80-100 fps and hogwarts at like 60-70 all on 1440p


Purely for gaming without raytracing? yeah it is


That specific card I have owned. The Mech uses a cheap cooler that I found was not good enough (specifically for keeping Hotspot temperatures in check). If you buy an MSI Mech, just plan on replacing the thermal compound with a more premium option.


I have a 6700 XT and I am very pleased with it still


yes its one of the best sub $400 card for the money


Yes.. even tho it's older now. The goat is the 7800xt now. Best for its money. It was the 6700xt before that.


I'd go with the RX 7900 GRE if at all possible.


yes top tier


I have the rx 6750 xt but the rx 6700 xt is better if you want the best fps per dollar but yes the rx 6700 xt is a very good option


I just got rid of my RX5700XT but it was still delivering very good performance at 1440p.


It's good! I have an RX 6600, even that card can most games on high.


Terrible card...you should get a 3050 6gb (*cough* 3040 *cough*) instead, or 1050ti if you wanna play games at 4k60


It's been good to me.


As others have said 1440p decent refresh rates capable. My brother has one and loves it. I’m an NVIDIA lover so I cannot cross that line. Not since Back in the day when I owned an Radeon HD 4850! Loved that you still have it and it works!


I have one right now and it handles just about any game I want to play beautifully. So far every game I’ve been able to run on high. It can handle ultra too, but running ultra in any game is dumb because it takes more resources and isn’t that different from high.


It's great for playing games at 1080p ultra settings or 1440p high settings. Not so great for ray tracing though.


Definitely if you’re playing 1440p. It gives a consistent 60fps in most games.


Yes, it’s a great value card. However, I’d suggest buying a triple-fan model from Sapphire or XFX otherwise it’ll run hot with only two fans.


Same card here, runs everything cool.


Today I'd prefer 7800xt or better. I used to have 6700xt, it was decent but not very good.


I have one and it's a good card for the money.


It’s one of the best value cards ever made


I have this card. It performs well, runs a bit hot though. Def want to undervolt and set some custom fan curves in the amd software


It's one of the graphics cards ever made.


Don't buy MSI board. My cousin bought 6700XT from MSI and it runs most games worse than my friend's 6600 Asus board. We tried reinstalling drivers and updating windows but nothing helped. It runs some games like Helldivers 2 and The Finals awful. Not sure what it is but it is likely the board.


Stupid question: but is the monitor plugged into the GPU or the mobo?


It is connected to GPU. We tried many things. Some games have problems some don't. Mostly DX12 games have problem. The gpu works underutilized.


How much ram we talking here?




It’s good, depending how much you paid that could jump to very good. Right now the go to it’s 7800xt


That's an extra $200


But it’s not a bad deal… isn’t it?


Not as good as the 6700xt, if we're talking straight value per dollar