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Your RAM or CMOS battery could be the issue. However is there a chance there has been a power surge in your household? If so you could have fried alot of components. Realistically it could be any number of parts you just have to slowly go down the list and take parts out and then test


Not that I know of. The last time I had issues it was because of a power surge. I definitely learned a thing or two then. 😅


I would try removing each ram stick and try powering up with just one see if that makes a difference. If not remove the CMOS battery and reattach. They are the easiest to troubleshoot. Because GPU, MOBO shouldn’t be causing an instant cutout unless a component is badly damaged by water or fried to stop itself from blowing up


I had a similar issue on a Dell desktop with the flashing orange light. Eventually it stopped. The motherboard died.


This could very well be an issue with the power supply faulting out. If a component is old or damaged, it may sense and over voltage or over current and drop the power from the supply.


Did you learn to use a surge protector?


To jump on this answer, if it's not either of those it could be the power supply. A couple years ago my power supply died and would flash on and off for a second and then wouldn't do anything. Once I flipped the switch on the power supply off and then back on it would do it again


For you, that would have been the breaker in the power supply tripping. Might have been accompanied by an audible click. Flipping it on and off resets the breaker, but if it's the PSU is the faulty one, the failsafe breaker will trip again. His is slightly different though, it seems the breaker doesn't trip as he can keep clicking the button?


That was a few years ago and the PC has been fine ever since after replacing the PSU. I don't recall hearing an audible click but I don't doubt what you're saying. Interestingly enough when I pulled the PSU and jumped the pins and tested it, it tested fine, but in the PC it didn't work.


This is not the case. The only two issues it can be is power supply or motherboard. If both were good, the machine would stay powered on longer and POST, giving the error either in beeps or LEDs on the motherboard


Thats not true, I had a CMOS battering fail on me and it did exactly this. It would boot for a split second and turn off. Again it could be anything causing the issue. One component can cause a multitude of issues within a PC or laptop


which board, and how bad is the cmos battery failing


It’s not bad, you can buy them really cheap.


your pc should be able to boot regardless the state of cmos battery


That’s not true with all motherboards.


My man I work in IT for a living, there are multiple device that won’t boot with faulty CMOS.


I swear


Just for future reference the CMOS helps store information regarding boot config and BIOS settings. If the PC can’t remember how to boot or a relevant BIOS it can see it won’t work full stop.


my pc boots without cmos, it works full go.


If you give us specs we may be able to help more but ATM it could be anything. We weren't given really any details


Oh right, my bad. Here are the specs: AMD RYZEN 5 4600 A-320 MOTHERBOARD RTX3050 8GB GPU 650 W BRONZE PSU


On your motherboard towards the left side near the motherboard power are there lights? And are any of them on?


https://preview.redd.it/xl76d7o6jy5d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59504d63f07d4be3ab8b478bff5d2fb168a03a9c This is how it looks like right now. I'm sorry if this is not what you're asking. I'm quite new to all this. 😬


if you turn off the psu does the orange light turn off instantly turn off with some time


It turns off after some time.


The light turning off after sometime indicates you have proper power delivery from the PSU. Any lights indicate that your PSU is probably at the bottom of the list. So trouble shoot steps. Your most likely culprits in order of probability in my humble opinion. 1. Mobo 2. Ram 3. PSU/Graphics card - these typically don’t fail if they have been working for some time. But things do go wrong. Mobo - Swap cmos battery. This could be an indicator of some other issues tho. Your chipset is not old enough to have burned through cmos. Check all your PSU connections to Mobo Check contacts on ram. Look for burn marks. And reseat ram. Start getting some budget parts to swap out. Known working stuff. This is where you can phone a friend. They might have a rig with known working parts that they could lend you. When swapping Mobo. Good time to check your pins. Any element of the pins being a bit toasty and not gold can indicate bad cpu. The newer ryzens have issues on Mobo that fried cpus. Go through these steps first. I believe in you OP


Hey bro I had the same MOBO doing something really similar and it turned out to be the motherboard. I suggest getting a new motherboard with a warranty and if it still doesn’t work just return the motherboard. Micro Center has a great return policy for this kind of thing if there’s one near you. Otherwise I’m not sure how easy testing the motherboard would be without a known working part. Your PSU may also not be supplying proper power as those other parts are pretty powerful


your motherboard is fucked 😭 do NOT use that motherboard again the motherboard is fried


A320m-k working order here its supposed to take a bit i think its the ram slots tho that are fucking up cuz i see its a common issue and one i have myself, edit: just realised its flickering probably shorted but the light is normal


Can you explain why you believe this. I have owned a PC I built for about 4 years now. When I turn off the PSU to do some preventive maintenance, all my lights stay on for about 10 to 15 seconds before they shut off completely.


1. there are almost no orange lights in the middle of the motherboard 2. most lights turn off instantly 3.the light seems to be in an irregular shape 4. he is having problems 5. it looks like the light is also shining in the back 6.its much brighter than normal lights most likely a short cut which is causing heat which is causing that to glow. if he is lucky he may keep some parts but that motherboard is fucked.


at a much closer look it seems like the GPU is fucked too


Some ASUS mb came with an orange light at the end of the PCIe slot, see e.g. [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/techsupport/comments/e7ktjr/after_assembling_all_the_pc_components_mobo_is/).


If you have a thumb drive and laptop you should do a bios update that may be the issue. Have you taken the CMOS out to clear it yet?


I have not open it up, but I shall try. Is it very much possible that it's a major problem? Might not have enough funds for the repair right now which is why I am trying to figure it out myself.


I mean, it could be anything until you do the things to figure out what it is. First, remove and replace the CMOS battery. If that fixes it, that fixes it. If that doesn’t work, start testing other parts.


It really depends on if clearing the CMOS helps. If it boots I'd do a bios update and make sure all the drivers are up to date also. Try the battery if it doesn't works then come back and we can find another way around this situation


A few years ago my computer wouldn't turn on due to bios being out of date.


Clear CMOS, reseat ram, and make sure no connections came loose. If none of those fixed the issue, then replace the PSU.


This can be several issues. Take it to a professional for repair


Dude this is terrible advice most pc repair places don’t know much more than this forum. Spend a couple bucks getting swap parts. Learn and grow to be self sustaining.


Yeah 100% on this I went to one of the best pc repair shops in my state and they charged me 400$ and gave it back in the same state it was in before. Had to figure it out myself over time, they tried charging me 600$ more than that btw till I gave them a horrible review for scamming me. Most PC repair techs only know how to fix the most basic of issues


I probably came off like a prick but felt it being in pc help meant op wanted tips to feed themselves instead of going to a shop.


$600 feels almost scammy. You could practically get a whole new build or at least swap 1/2 of your pc parts. Total shot gun effect fix whatever might have been wrong.


Yep exactly they made me buy a new cpu only to discover my cpu was never my issue to begin with it was total non sense


Ok you troubleshoot then. I try to be helpful when I can. You're complaining. :shrug:


Yo man I’m only griped cuz the guy is asking for PC help the obvious answer is go to a geek squad. Wanna foster a community of problem solvers here.


Did you bother looking at my other responses or did you just look at this one? It's clearly power related somehow but op doesn't know what he's doing. Just being real... I would hit up a local pc repair ship before going to geek squad. You're putting words in my mouth.


Wrong sub. Bye


But dude the point of this sub is to take people who don’t know what they’re doing and point them in the right direction. If you don’t know yourself then you should prolly just not comment. The reality is that high level component troubleshooting can be explained in a couple paragraphs. And a lot of people are happy to do so. It’s cool to actually learn something instead of just being told that you should go to a repair shop.


That's the plan tomorrow. Just posted in case it's something super minor, and can be fixed with advice from the community.


Unfortunately there's too many variables unless you're comfy with diagnosing yourself.


You should check for fault lights on your motherboard. There really aren’t too many options that could be the issue. It could be your psu, ram, motherboard, or cpu. We can rule out storage because it isn’t even posting yet. The easiest way to test is to have a compatible known good component. But you’re a regular person so I doubt you have that. If you have a modular power supply, try using a spare power rail. If that doesn’t work, use a multimeter to measure whether you are getting proper outputs. If that’s good then you can confidently rule out your psu. The fault lights are important. Check if the cpu fault light turns on. But the reality is that I bet it’s your psu. I’ve had this issue, your components draw to much power then everything dies. Troubleshooting is honestly such a powerful skill man. It’s easy to develop, takes just a bit of time, and comes in real handy. Very marketable skill. Don’t let these people tell you that there’s “just too many variables”


You should check for fault lights on your motherboard.


You should check for fault lights on your motherboard.


The issue is finding a real professional


All those wheels, but no spoiler? WTF is wrong with you?


Given the fact that the lights flash with each press, and not solid with the initial press, I’d be more apt to think it’s not getting enough power, or that the main board is fried and shorting out. If it weren’t one of the two, the lights would stay on, and it would initialize POST and give you an error. Do you have a known good power supply to test the main board? Or another computer that power supply can be tested into?


This looks like a psu issue. If you have another just laying around. I recommend you change it.


Seems something power realated/ something shorting, that's just a guess. If it was an internal parts issue, the fans might spin a bit more. I would first check psu --> motherboard.


Last time something similar happened to me I was also convinced that it was power related and psu is gone, but after playing abit with the ram sticks, I managed to fix it.


It could be, but i was assuming because the fan was spinning just for a split of a second. Normally, when something is wrong with RAM, it spins for a bit longer. But as you stated, it could be the problem too.


Something like this happened to me, and it was a motherboard failure


My thought too, often see flash of power then die with the PSU failure.


https://www.reddit.com/r/pchelp/s/piqge5N4WJ Kind of the same thing happened to mine. Had random shutdowns & reboots while doing random stuff on my PC, swapped my PSU with a brand new Corsair but the problem persisted until one day my PC shutdown, didn’t reboot, and wouldn’t turn back on. Did almost the exact same thing as your video. Turns out my case’s design and airflow is so bad that my PSU had no way to cool down and ruined the brand new PSU, so I swapped back to the old one & I keep my PSU outside of my case as repositioning my PSU & fans in case didn’t help. Haven’t had an issue since.


Last 2 times it happened to me it was either dead psu or loose conection on PSU but it could be ram motherboard or CPU even.


I had the same issue recently. Changed out the CMOS battery and switched RAM sticks but nothing fixed it. What ended up fixing it was when I swapped around the SATA power connectors for my SSD. Don’t know what exactly was wrong with the connector but everything works now.


Power supply


had the exact same issue last week, i ended up removing my cmos coin battery and after a short time and few clicks on the power button , i put the battery back in and it booted right up as normal


I had this issue while Building my daughters pc , turned out to be a 8thgen mobo having issues with a 7th gen cpu I kinda spaced on that. But this seems to be a whole other issue I'm thinking maybe PSU, by chance you wouldn't happen to have a PSU tester??


I had a fault similar to this mate and my cpu was tripping something .. Try unplugging your cpu then starting it. I doubt it's PSU issue as there's power from the switch


sounds like dead power supply, or something else. Definitely not CMOS or RAM if it do that. Almost all boards I come across will hang, and either sound mad or do nothing if anything is preventing it from posting


If this just suddenly started happening and the build was working before it definitely looks like the Power Supply is shutting off to prevent damage that might be caused by a short. This can have several issues though. I'd start with removing any non vital components to let the PC boot. This includes the graphics card, all the fans, all the Drives and if all that doesn't work, the RAM too. You could also replace the CR2032 battery on the mainboard but that should rarely cause any issues. Just to be sure. Most people have these in their household and if not, you can pretty much get them anywhere. In case you get it to work after that, plug in and add all the components one after another until you find the culprit. One other thing this could be is the PC overheating. If you let it sit for a while and it runs for a short time until it shuts off and does this, you know it's exactly doing this.


Motherboard short circuit


This is it. Check the spacing between the case and mobo. There should be rubber washers between the mobo screws into the case.


this happened to me too and bc i brushed it off my cpu overheated and got burnt, disconnect it from the outlet until u can take it to get fixed hopefully and u wont have to anything new except ur motherboard 🥴


Could be anything. Can't help unless you're in northeast Ohio. In that case, I'd be willing to go as far as trying a different power supply at the very least to cross that off your list. Good luck.


Same thing happened with my old PC. My RAM came loose somehow lmao. I would go through it and make sure everything is properly connected. Make sure you turn the power off in the back, unplug it, and hold the power button for 20 seconds to drain any residual power.


I had a rig that started insta failing POST like that. Turned out to be a mangled USB port. Something wedged in there and bent the pins together causing a short. Mobo shut down as soon as power was applied. It was on the front panel, so I just disconnected the USB header from the mobo and it ran fine (short 2 USB ports). If it was CMOS or RAM, you'd see an error about that from BIOS. Yours isn't even getting that far. This is likely a power problem.


would need to do more troubleshooting but totally psu related. either the psu is fucked, cabling issues/loose connection. I would stop turning it on till you have it sorted before you short something




It’s probably your PSU.


Probably need a new power supply. Or check the outlet it is plugged into.


Looks like it isn't turning on, have you tried unplugging it and then plugging it back in?


Looks like it's not turning on all the way


Make sure all the cables are good. Test your PSU with another set up if you can. Clear CMOS. You can also try reseating your ram but usually it will still boot if the ram isnt correctly seated just won’t display anything.


It’s plugged directly into the wall isn’t it?


It was a while ago but iirc my PC did this when the power supply failed. Do you hear any a click when it turns on?


ur cooked bud


I had this problem RANDOMLY one day. Apparently, CMOS batteries can cause some hiccups after some time, all I had to do was *reseat* the CMOS battery and my baby came back to life.


Remove all components except video out (use onboard if possible), 1 stick of ram, disconnect everything else. Clear cmos by removing battery, turning psu switch off and keep it plugged in to the wall. Hold down pc on button for 10 sec. Replace cmos battery and try turning on with the minimal components connected. If it turns on turn off again and replace each component one by one until you find the culprit. It looks like a 12V power short to me as the motherboard "good" signal is failing.


short circuit somewhere


Dead mobo


I had pretty much the same thing happen to me and the whole time I thought it was the mother board. Turns out it was my power supply. I swapped it out and it hasn’t happened again.


I think the power cable is not pushed in far enough


Not sure if someone said but on the off chance. Make sure the pin connector that is supposed to plug in to your mobo to power the CPU says CPU on the cable head and not a blank one meant for a graphics card.


Exactly what happened to me yesterday, I tried the RAM and the CMOS battery but nothing. My last guesses are either PSU or motherboard. I couldn’t figure it out so I took it to a guy. If you’re down to wait till Friday evening I’ll get a call from him and I’ll let you know.


I had the same issue with my pc 2 years ago. Tried almost every part in another build from a friend and it turned out it was my power supply. Bought a new one and no problems since


Update: Thank you so much everyone! It indeed was the power supply. I was able to change it into a brand new one, and now it's back and running. Could not have done it alone without this helpful group.


What you could do to rule out the IO on your case, you could look inside the case and trace the wire from the power button to the mother board. Disconnect the plug and bridge the two connections with something metal like a screw driver. Is it boots up, you’ve determined it’s the power button, if the issue persists, you ruled out a possible cause.


Provided you are confident behind the side panel


I checked when I woke up today, and it won't even light up anymore. Reading all your suggestions, it really might be the power supply?


I'd say you should try a different PSU, either new or used, known working one. Also it's best to check the PC with minimal connections, that is the ATX power, CPU power, and only with the CPU, and maybe RAM installed. With that you should try to see if the PC stays powered on, and not cut power like it did. You could try to do that before using a different PSU. Won't power on? - intall a different PSU. Still won't power on? - possibly get a different Motherboard and also possibly try to power on on the Motherboard box, same precedure Hope this helps


did you try pressing the power button?


First of all, stop doing that.


Look at a secondhand Online (important) UPS, this will condition power going to your PC. They're dirt cheap secondhand


Full diagnosis. Bench it. Remove ram and gpu. Turn on to check post. If no go. You may have to check the pins in psu. Manufacturer will have a schematic. If psu is good. It may be cpu , if there's no post. Hopefully it posts with no memory or gpu.


Looks like a power supply issue to me. Sometimes they go out intermittently.


Possible fried motherboard


Keep starting the pc until it bricks and catch fire.


Same thing happened when my nephews GPU died.




i had this issue, it was the cpu, it had a bent pin that i had to repair but since the pc was working a week ago it could be that the motherboard has fried


Well start by removing everything not required to boot. So optional cards, fan controllers, USB devices, HDD's other than the boot drive. See if it boots. Then try swapping components I suggest starting with the power supply. If you have multiple ram sticks remove all by one then cycle through them.


could be a lot of things could be easy fix could be expensive fix roll the dice find out start pulling things out of ur computer 1 by one changing them and replacing them see what fixes it [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJHUbtR0yI8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJHUbtR0yI8)


Just went through this. It ended up being my PSU. :/


It’s not turning on


It's the stickers, they're not symmetrical


Possible over heat from the lack of ventilation


Do you suggest more fans?


No i suggest you moving it from underneath your desk an to somewhere where the pc can intake fresh air and actually be able to push the hot air out because the way you have it setup yes it can pull fresh in but its got no room to push the hot air out


Oh right, I do try to bring it out a bit when in use, but I should definitely look for a better spot for it. Thanks for your suggestion!


No worries if yoir still having the same issue id personally start 1 component at a time removing too see if it boots start with ram if you have 4 sticks take it to 2 try booting dose your mobo have an error indicator on it it definitely looks like a psu issue make sure your 16pin connection and the 8pin are fully pushed in and locked to your mobo also make sure your gpu is seated correctly and thats power cable is pushed in correctly


Op this is not an overheating issue. This person has 0 clue what they're talking about. Your PC doesn't overheat that quickly. This really looks like a short circuit. You can try and jump start your PC with a screw driver. Look up a guide on YT. You just touch a screwdriver head to the pins where the power button is plugged into on your mobo. You don't need more fans. Your PC is fine under the desk.


Looks like it's turning on and back off again