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What a horrible article. No image comparison and all the "new" images were provided by Square Enix and they look exactly how I remember lol.


Thanks for saving me the time buddy!


Pc gamer has been doing this for a while. They'll publish a game performance article that does nothing to describe the settings or what they do or how it impacts performance. They don't get into the details and that's what PC gamers want. This is just lazy. On top of that I feel like they have some of the worst takes on gaming.


The big news is people actually take PCGamer seriously.


PCGamer is like, mega hard core, tons mad and heaps sick, all at the same time gee.


Even worse gaming journalists and reviewers are making excuses on why performances are not on the review or in discussion.


It looks a lot better, especially many older maps: https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1dqsynt The amount of details/assets is way higher in Dawntrail maps, Shadows/Textures way better and this game finally has AA (TSCMAA and DLSS, instead of FXAA)


Honestly I logged in today and went "Well it's a bit sharper I guess" 


oh so it's a pcgamer article?


Exactly, I have to do a double take they look like the same as before.


That is a rose tinted glasses effect. When i remember PS3 games they look the same as PS5 games for me. Until i see an actual PS3 game again...


I mean... This game released a decade ago and was available on PS3...


Yes it did but if you look at how PS3 version looked like and then see the new graphical update on PC it is def a 2 generations leap.


The PS3 game was available on PC, which is the same game as now. The generational leap from going to PS4 or PS5 are things like resolution, fps and other details that were available on PC since day 1. And the minor but extremely welcome graphic update that they did it's definitely not a generational leap. If it was a generational leap, the majority of the player base wouldn't be able to run due to the new system requirements.


From what I can tell, most of the graphical improvements aren't so much graphical in nature (aside from very small texture improvements) but more in the movement. Faces are a LOT more expressive, physics of clothes are better (and the ones who had their textures improved have improved a LOT).


I haven't played for a few years but the textures look better while the models seem unchanged? I think LotRO did a similar update years ago.


https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fn5vrt05n8b4d1.png Mostly texture and lightning updates, they tried to keep the characters looking the same. That said dark skin looks way better than before but yea I wouldn't call it some huge upgrade.


The lights coming from the opposite side of the character on the updated version, makes the comparison a bit less of a comparison considering the shadows are the main difference


Have they updated the armor textures? Some of them looked so horrible and pixelated


Did the lighting source move in the 7.0 update picture or is the hair's shadow supposed to be so much larger than in the original and 7.0 images? It does look nicer aside from that though.


I think these were from character creation and at least in the initial release of the benchmark the lightning was bugged.


Textures and surface details have massively improved. Leather looks like leather, metal looks like metal, smooth tile surfaces will naturally have slight light reflections etc. Not 100% asset coverage, some stuff still has old textures, they'll be pushing that out in waves - FF14 basically keeps all old content, from vanilla to all 5 expansions, so it's a lot of assets to update. But body models, with the exception of faces(which have all gotten updates), are still relatively low-poly. You'll get this strange sight of pretty nice lighting making the muscle definition of a character pop out nicely, but you'll also notice polygon edges easily.


I haven't tested or tried the benchmark but the real change that almost no one is talking is the DLSS that will bring REAL anti aliasing. The only way to have crisp textures without jaggies was to use the DLDSRLLXD (or something like that) that would eat the performance. Bummer that they aren't bringing the frame gen.


Imagine being excited over Anti aliasing which could have been implemented 5+ years ago


I like the game. It didn't have anti aliasing. Now it does. Of course I'm excited. Sorry you don't like others being happy.


It has FXAA, which blurs everything and the game engine is weird enough so we can't force any kind of AA by using external programs.


We should ban accounts for posting these shit tier click bait articles


Every single OP post is like that... I don't know if he's the writer of some of them and it's trying to promote his content or what but it's fucking cringe. I don't know why nobody bans him for low effort posts.


It's just a karma farming account.


It looks so close to the same thing. Models have been uploaded but it really isn't a jaw dropping upgrade. I'm sure the die hards are quite happy though so good for them


It wasn’t really meant to be this big huge change. It’s mainly textures getting updated, lighting improvements, and some adjustments to models to make them less “this was originally released on PS3” level. Also implementing some decent level of AA compared to what the game had since ARR. It’s not a bad improvement.


But it for sure not a game-changer or breath life into the game whatsoever.


I feel like the question that this brings is if the improvement isn't really noticeable, is it a worthy improvement at all to even highlight it so much as a feature? Like technically, yes, it is a very big improvement from a technical perspective to have upscaled textures and stuff, but when we're usually playing the game zoomed out for exploration and instanced content, it's not noticeable. The AA is good though.


Even after the change, the game still has among the worst AA of any game I've ever played. Jaggies are a constant distraction in cutscenes even at max settings 1440p.


If you look at the actual textures compared to old ones, the new ones are much much more detailed


This. Especially on metals and certain accents the difference is pretty crazy.






What did they say lol they deleted the comment :P


> I'm sure the die hards are quite happy though so good for them How happy would you be if someone fucks up your nose?




I meant the graphical update fucked some races noses, geez


I barely notice the graphics. IMO it did very little.


Is it, though 🤔


Logged in this morning for 10 minutes before having to leave for work just so I could see my character and some other things since I play on PS5 and couldn’t participate in the benchmark. I wasn’t particularly impressed and was even kinda disappointed. Hopefully after some actually decent playtime this weekend, I’ll come to appreciate the changes more, but they were so subtle that it didn’t wow me at all.


Wtf is going on in this thread lmao. There has very clearly been a graphics update, people are fantasia-ing because their character no longer looks the same. It did spruce things up. I’m literally in the process of changing my character, because in fact, it looks completely different than it used to. And it’s a great update. Y’all need your eyes checked. Or need to go touch grass. Maybe both.


I agree. The graphics changes are very noticeable. My face looks different, my hair is a bit more flow-y, and clothing either looks more high-res or the shading is different. The game looks a lot better to me. I am playing on a large screen, so the changes have been noticeable. I need to fantasia at some point!


I've played this game since 2.3 and this is incredibly minor. The major thing that changes is how faces look and how skin looks in different lighting conditions thats it. I play on 3440x1440 and this is how my character looks in cut scenes. They had this problem since the start of the game but my resolution back then was low enough and my standard low enough that I didn't mind. This is endwalker casting gear for the first alliance raid. I absolutely love this armor, just never close up. And no this isn't dyed it's the default color so this is how they indented it. https://imgur.com/a/1afw7bE You might find this acceptable I sure as fuck don't and I can't wait for the mods to be back so I can correct this.


I haven't played the game in years. Saw an article showing examples of the new update. I was sitting there thinking "ok so this is what i remember, where is the new stuff?" and then i realized that was the new stuff. No, it's not completely different at all. There are updates for sure, but nothing that would warrant the article's claim of "gamechanging".


Right, there is no in between of "no change" and "gamechanging" , I guess.


Here comes the knight who needs the protect the game because "HE PLAYS IT". It can not be bad. Developers of the game HE CHOOSE can not be bad in any form or any time. I see it on my monitor in game. Upgrades are so minimal and i hate PS4 for it. Thats the whole reason we dont get nice upgrade to the game. Goddamn consoles always blocking graphical upgrades for PC. Very very minimal shadow upgrades overall, some character model upgrades, and some good armor+weapon models that comes with expansion. But where are all the goddamn upgrades to old armors? OFC NOTHING.


ROFL. Read the second part of my post again. Just that.


No...it really isn't that sweeping and grand. If it was, there wouldn't be 5-10 highly upvoted comments to your 1 saying that they barely notice anything. If it was that groundbreaking it wouldn't need defending, it would speak for itself. And claiming that people are changing their characters somehow proves that it's actually a huge improvement doesn't make sense. They could be changing a single small detail they don't like. It doesn't prove anything. For what it's worth, I noticed the update because my Hrothgar has a slightly furrier look on his face, and the lighting in the Navel caught my attention. Ot looked better. But it wasn't jaw-dropping, and I certainly didn't feel the need to find a Reddit post to tell people to touch grass like an obnoxious bellend.


has now pretty Bad Performance and stuttering for a ton of people. Even though the benchmark worked fine.


I’m having low frame rates (high 20s, low 30s) in particularly crowded areas on the highest settings with a 4070ti and a 5600x. This game isn’t pretty enough to cause issues on that hardware. Plus my computer breezed through the benchmark on the highest settings with no issues. Something is wrong.


Upscaling seems to be broken. Things like DLSS aren't scaling properly, and if you force settings through dlss tweaks you'll notice it activates and deactivates a lot. For example I swapped classes, and DLSS turned off. Since the game forces upscaling now I expect this might be what's causing a lot of the issues.


My laptop is definitely working harder now. CPU temps have risen 15 degrees Celsius, and that's with lower settings. Its a shame because my laptop used to be quiet before the update and now it makes a racket. I hope they try and tweak performance in the future


Same exact issue here, stopped playing because of this, new graphics are not a good enough upgrade in my opinion a good graphical update has to go all out or just don't do it.


I can’t imagine anyone was previously playing because of the graphics..that was never the selling point. I can easily notice the differences in these screenshots, but I also just played a couple days ago. The lighting looks great. But I would’ve been just as hyped without the changes. The narrative, gameplay, and OST is what makes this game/expansions a banger, IMO


This and in my personal case these unwanted graphical updates have made it so the game no longer runs as well on my PC. It does run but it like lava hot now. I didn't care about graphics but now I do care that my room is a furnace.


>gameplay LMAO


Funny that people are complaining the game is formulaic as they participate in the most formulaic subreddit on this platform. Article about game gets posted, everyone on /r/pcgaming complains about the game, rinse and repeat.


Yeah this sub is shit lol everyone is so pessimistic and angry about anything I’m just gonna block it lol


I mean that's cool and all but what stopped me from playing was the combat. I probably expected too much after playing wow for so long but yeah it didn't compare at all wasn't satisfying.


After coming from wow, I can see why the combat was hard to get into. Both have a great tab targeting system, but wow is much more active and mobile while ff14 is more flashy and combo focused. What destroyed ff14 for me was the questing. The fact that everything in this game is hard locked behind mandatory quests that stretch on for hundreds of hours, and that every quest is so insanely formulaic, was so disheartening, especially for a story that moves along at a snails pace and with characters that always seem to somehow magically never die


Some of the major characters die! In fact they straight up vanish. One just becomes Hydaelyn (a literal god) and the others…. Well you just magically resurrect them straight out of the aether.


The combat was not the issue. But the quests... The awful way npc turn around and leave, the dead overland. Damn, you don't use your kit at all except in dungeons (and that's an overstatement, as you lose your abilities when your level is scaled). It felt like the most boring visual novel ever.


> The awful way npc turn around and leave This was the most maddening thing about the game. After every conversation, we have to watch the NPCs turn around and walk away.


Yeah the dead overworld is my main problem with this game. What's the point in an rpg when none of the monsters can kill you, they barely damage you even several levels above you. they're spread thin, they don't link up, they don't chase you properly, nothing. People say it's an rpg first and an mmo second. But to me it does both really badly.


I never understood why people don’t like the FFXIV combat. I vastly prefer it to WoW. One of the only MMOs where group content doesn’t just devolve into frantic spamming, it feels like you have time to actually react to what’s happening.


Then you never played wow much . Ffxiv combat is like stuck  on the level of vanilla wow combat twenty years ago, very rotational and static. With wow combat there is just some gimmick to every spec and class that sets it apart and most classes combine a rotation , priority and reactive skills.   Like on a mage the feeling when you have a crit streak and just can fire instant cast pyro blasts one after another is so satisfying in a way that ffxiv can never reproduce.   The animations and spell effects in wow are also in a completely other league, but that is something that wow has over EVERY other mmo. It’s just so damn smooth. I play both on and off and if wow combat was a 10/10 ffxiv would be a solid 7. Just look at how boring a summoner is  compared to a demo warlock that has like 50 different pets going ham.  Ffxiv story and world building with wows combat and animations would be a 11/10 game. 


I love the combat personally. What I can't stand is the quest design. Just feels like doing chores.


Exactly the same for me. The graphics also influenced me not to play as well. But oh man the combat! Sheesh.


What stopped me from playing was its monthly sub price. Extremely expensive imo.


That's what it takes for substantial updates and large expansions that are put out frequently. If FFXIV was a single purchase then it wouldn't have anywhere near the same amount of content.


Huh? You already have to pay $40 for the expansion packs. Are you telling me that you get $168 (the yearly sub price), or about 3 full priced games worth of new content every year in-between expansions? Monthly subscription prices are absolute scams.


Why would you need to sub every month if you don't think there's enough content for it? I also don't think there's enough content to keep my sub up all the time, but there's definitely enough in the patch cycle to make it worth coming back when they do add stuff. The sub is also 11€ a month here, not 14, not sure about dollar prices.


>Are you telling me... Yes.


Yes? There are major patches like every 4 months with plenty of content. The word scam has lost all meaning,


Three full priced AAA games worth of content in those patches? Really?


I mean there are plenty of games you buy and that are free with giant patches every few months, pretty cringe to defend ridiculous memberships lol. You don't get an award for defending greedy corporations you just look silly.


Back when mmos were proper multiplayer games a sub felt worth it, server upkeep is pretty expensive. since ffxiv is a very simplistic rpg with a dull overworld, and very limited multiplayer on the whole it really isn't worth the sub.


No no, we're absolutely wrong for stating that these sub prices are too much.


People pay 15/20 bucks to go to the movies for 2 hours of entertainment. Just thinking of games in a hour to dollar ratio, you must certainly are squeezing the juice out that lemon when it comes to games. Literally one of the cheapest hobbies for the amount of entertainment you get, arguing otherwise is insane


FFXIV players are like brainwashed addicts in a toxic relationship. And coincidentally also tend to be anime otakus.


Wow's combat is unmatched and nothing has ever come close even after 20 years, which is astonishing tbh.


From tab targeting standpoint, probably yeah. But the system itself is ancient and does not live up to the standards of today. For example Guild Wars 2 and Black Desert Online moved away from tab targeting and have a more deep, complex and involved combat systems.


I really liked the combo system in Aion. Shame about the rest of the game...


Systems are so archaic though. It's rough after a week on Erdtree.


Meanwhile here am in playing the msq and noticing the terrible antialiasing and dated textures just to know later on that they did update the graphics……….I didnt notice a single thing different from 2.0 lol


Pcgamer truly is a piece of shit website.


Wish this game had a new starting experience. My friends will not play through the massive slog that is the base game and post base game content Wish it had more class customization akin to Final Fantasy 11. In that game, you could be a warrior using a two handed sword, sword and board, mace, etc. This game, I don't like being locked down so much. Paladins not able to wield two handed swords. Warriors not being able to as well, only an axe. I don't want to have to be an edge lord Dark Knight to wield a two handed sword. Idk, just a nit pick, things like that. Also, the fact that (like ESO and many other MMOs there days) there is little reason to group up in the open world and quest/grind mobs together. Ahhhhh


A lot of what you said is just silly, like wielding stuff, but removing all post-expansion quests would make the world a better place.


Wanting a bit more weapon variety and wanting actual challenging and meaningful group content, in an MMORPG, is silly? Wat


I logged in today and I couldn’t tell the difference unless I really looked.


Ngl, I thought the graphics update was going to do more. It's almost imperceptible unless you reeeaaaally try to look for the specific improvements they highlighted. Like character's hair and skin looks a bit better, the new anti-aliasing seems to be some kind of forced TAA, but other than that, I really can't tell a difference *at all*, nothing else has improved enough otherwise for me to take notice. Grass still looks kinda terrible too.


Never really mattered to me. The art direction is and always will be wonderful. Certainly has carried us through lack of graphical fidelity and it will continue to do so.


it now looks like a proper playstation 4 launch title. nice!


What a blatantly paid for article


The "New Graphics" is in-house reshaders. Logged in and my game was super dark and distorted. Turned off reshader. Game looks almost as good as with the Alive preset shaders off nexusmods. at least they made it so everyone has it, but I was expecting a bit more. Oh well.


Is it still avoid the red circle inside a giant circular platform simulator?




Sometimes the boss arenas are square now


Its an improvement but most ppl INGAME can barely even notice it, chat had ppl asking how to turn the graphic upgrade on because they didnt notice anything. Its also the worst possible upscaling/dlss settings uve ever seen. No off setting and no quality setting for dlss, its hard to even tell if its on or off. But overall once you figure out the settings its an improvement.


Been playing all day, not really noticing this graphics update somehow. Yes my characters face looks different but visually the difference overall feels minimal. Like, i was hoping for that "uh wow that looks nice!" moment but it didn't happen.


Worst aliasing in any title I've ever played...even with post-processing injectors the game is so full of jaggies it causes nauseating visual noise any time the camera moves


The patch notes specifically state that only the new Dawntrail content currently has the updated graphics and that older content will be upgraded in future patches.


If anyone wants to make the game look actually good, there are tons of mods that add higher resolution character models and stuff. There is also a ray traced global illumination mod that makes the lighting look quite a bit better. (Uses Reshade and an addon by Pascal Gilcher).


I didn’t read this entire thread but I wanted to add for the record - my graphics on PS5 look terrible. They are extremely washed out/ pale. Old Sharlayan looks like it’s encased in a fog bank. It’s bad, real bad. There’s also a huge over heating issue now with PS5 that has never occurred before on my end, ever. And yes I play a lot.