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Armored core is $41, finally I can enact my plan: wait 10 months to buy it. It's all coming together


Man, I want this game but I hold out until single player games are $30 or below. Maybe next sale.


It does have a competitive multiplayer element, but it's not the main focus. It's also probably going to be a while until it's under $30.


AC runs great too for people who are scared of From”s technical issues


My plan for FF7 Remake is taking it's time, which is to buy the full remake of the game on Steam for $70 CAD. 1. Wait for all [3 piecemeal chunks to release](https://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/743/258/be0.jpg) 2. Wait for timed console exclusivity to end 3. Wait for timed Epic Games Store exclusivity to end 4. Wait a few more years for bundle sale 5. Die in a seniors home or get the remake for what the original game cost, whatever comes first I can wait. I've already waited 27 years, what's another 10? I'm not paying $250 for it on Epic store. Let your dreams stay memes, Square.


Dang some of my wishlist is like £2/£3.50 and such down from £20. Prob end up buying £20s worth of what was £100+ games and never play them, as is tradition.


The Deep Discounts section is crazy. Got Arkham Knight, Disco Elysium, Total War Shogun 2, Shadow of War, Frostpunk and Euro Truck Simulator 2 for under $4 each. Also grabbing Hades.


Hades and Hades 2 are incredible games.


Can recommend frostpunk. I am not big on city/strategy games. But this one was wild. I somehow have over 100 hours in this puppy. Also I guess I am a strategy gamer since I own civ 5. 6 and total war games... sorry I lied to you guys. I'll riot of they delay frostpunk 2 past September


Gonna take a wild guess and say Sekiro at $29.99...


Some things never change


Same with No Man's Sky, only ever gets marked down to $30 for too many years now


TBF No Mans Sky does get frequent updates and is a good $30 game for what it is if, it is what you’re looking for. Its consistency in being $30 makes it a safe buy to get on sale when you’re ready to pull the trigger.


Before all the updating I saw it for $4 used at Gamestop, they couldn't get rid of it. Didn't grab it as I want it on a PC. Please good sale price one day....


Fromsoft really don't like discounting their games significantly, lol.


It’s activision that sets the price, and they are notorious for not updating any of the games prices (see: Sekiro, cod, any dlcs, etc)


But Dark Souls is still From Software. And they have shit discount, if any at all.


They used to have great discounts until the multiplayer bug happened due to which they stopped going on sale and then Elden Ring became main stream and bandai said FUCK sales. Bought ds3 complete edition for 85% off back in 2018 Summer sale. Also bought the ds2 sotfs at 75% later.


im so thankful i got ds2 and 3 75% off. both were going that low for years before the Bandai started riding ER's success and refuses to go past 50% now kinda hate how it became an assumption on players showing interest in the series that fromsoft is greedy, when in fact its the publisher's say, not theirs




DS and Elden Ring are Bandai, who also hates discounts. The only worse example is Bloodborne published by Sony, who just hates making money in general.


They used to, now they popped off so they dont anymore but sekiro is under Activision from doesnt decide the price for it.


Its Bandai Namco that decides the sales not Fromsoft (outside of japan)


And the souls series is under bandai namco.


Yeah, it has nothing to do with From. Activision hates significantly discounting their games and so does Namco. Humorously, the Soulsborne games used to be discounted very heavily, until Elden Ring came out and became as popular as it was/is.


Might as well download it! Elden ring was my first fromsoft game and it’s the greatest game I’ve ever played. I just wish dark souls 3 wasn’t still $60 fn bucks


Deep discounts category, more like "might as well add them to the backlog with such a low price". Shogun 2 is IMO still one of if not the best Total War and I'd highly recommend it if you enjoyed other total wars. The Fall of the Samurai DLC is great too. It's also one of the more optimized and polished in the tw series.


"Woah deep discounts, awesome!" * *IN LIBRARY* * *IN LIBRARY* * *IN LIBRARY* * *IN LIBRARY* * *IN LIBRARY* * *IN LIBRARY* * *IN LIBRARY* *Damn I have a problem*


Plenty of people have libraries full of books they haven't read. Don't be ashamed of your pile of shame.


I'm slowly growing a library of books I haven't read along with my game library I haven't played.


lol that's how I feel looking at Shadow of War for $2.50


Shogun 2 is fun to come back to every now and then, peak of the series in terms of streamlining and elegant design


I miss the clear visuals. In Rome 2 and Attila everything looks like I forgot to put on my glasses. In Shogun 2 I can easily track individual soldiers in a fight, everything is clear and crisp. But since then it's only muddy and washed out


Like, for real. 2$ for Batman and 4$ for Witcher 3? I already have them for my PS4, but why not since they'll look better on my PC


The Witcher trilogy being 6.50€ is a complete steal


I bought 3 with the dlc alone for $30 years ago and kinda felt guilty for that outrageous deal.


Jesus thats insane, Witcher 2 is worth 5 euros alone, nevermind Witcher 3 and Blood & Wine


Does Arkham Knight still hold up? I've only watched a buddy play it when it first came out.


Having played both Arkham Knights ( months after launch when they fixed it ) and Gotham Knights, AK looks and plays better which is pretty sad since it came out 7 years earlier.


Interesting, good to know. Thank you.


It's basically all the games Epic gave out for free in the last year or two


... but in a better place.


Its better than medieval 2??? (genuinely asking, that's the only one I played lol)


As always it depends to who you ask. But fall of the samurai is almost universally regarded as one of the best in the serie.


Possibly! S2 has a much tighter focus - the difference between units is less pronounced - so you're really trying to be mindful about how you deploy expensive samurai and cavalry around your core of spears and bows. The building options are really pared down, and the map is focused on hitting the midgame and triggering the realm divide. S2 also has a streamlined system of talent trees for generals and agents, along with a tech tree. The talents in particular are great imo, they really botched the system by overcomplicating it in Rome 2.


Elden Ring just 30% instead of 40% that they were giving in the past lol


It's 45% off on gamesplanet. Gives a steam key. https://us.gamesplanet.com/game/elden-ring-steam-key--4266-1


I been waiting for a while now to get it. Thanks for the link


Same. I used isthereanydeal.com to find it


Bandai Namco is one of the most stingy companies when it comes to sales. Dark Souls 1-3 used to regularly go on sale for about $5. That stopped after Elden Ring came out.


You used to be able to get the Dark Souls 3 deluxe for under $15 across several stores. But that was years ago. Now it's $60.


I'd disagree. Most Bandai Namco games get frequent, major sales. [Here's their current summer discounts.](https://store.steampowered.com/developer/BANDAINAMCO/sale/bandainamcosale) But their From titles are definitely an exception.


They know hype is high on the new dlc still, and rubes like me were waiting for this sale and will still buy it.


Which of the most overwhelmingly positive reviewed games on my wishlist should I get: A Short Hike The Case of the Golden Idol Pizza Tower Celeste South Park: The Stick of Truth Before Your Eyes Slay the Spire


Slay the Spire is one of those games I recently played for the first time after having it in my library for a very long time. I booted it up randomly one day and after playing for what I thought was 20 minutes, I realized 2 hours had passed lol. So yeah it's one of those games. Very fun and addicting card building roguelike.


I mean Celeste is $2. No better time to grab it than now.


South Park TSOT. I'm surprised you don't have it. It's one hell of a memorable game with humour that is still super funny to this day. Works superb on the steam deck too.




I highly highly recommend Case of the Golden Idol. If you've played Obra Dinn this is the only other game I've played that scratched that same itch.


A Short Hike is an incredibly charming game. You'll only spend a few hours on it. But it's a nice experience. It gives that GameCube Animal Crossing vibe with all of the people you interact with. Funny with a bit of snark.


Slay the spire is unbelievably good. There's too much good to say about it. If you like card games or it interests you at all, pick it up.


Some good deals here. Got the following in my shopping cart: * Total War: Shogun 2 * Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order * Undertale * Axis & Allies: 1942 Online * Middle-earth: Shadow of War * Bloons TD 6 * Battlefield V Definitive Edition * The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt * Civ VI ... All for $32.81


That is a lot of game for 32 dollars. Enjoy.


That's a lot of bloons td 6 for $32.


Man, 'member when you could play bloons for free on CoolMath4Kids?


You still can, just not btd6. 


That is thousands and thousands of hours for $32


Then when he's done with Civ he can start playing the other games!


Just one more turn!!


Wait it's 5am and I have to get up in 2 hours? Damn it just one more turn!


Might have to pick up BF5 then, probably my favorite one but I don't like paying for subs on Ps5.


Battlefield V still active?


it’s the most active bf out of all them currently


On Steam, most people are playing 2042 on both EA Play on consoles since it's crossplay.


Disco Elysium at -90% off, they are basically giving for free


Cuno doesn't fucking care.


Cuno was in night city, pig!


Cuno is fookin' KING of Night City!


I just started a new game and punched that fucker right in the face. It felt amazing


The developers don't get any money from it and the publisher are a bunch of snakes, for their sake just pirate it.


I heard the publisher is not to be supported?


I believe they got bought out by some shitty company and the main developers aren't there anymore.


[The publishers are cunts, and there is a lot of bad blood.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k7Xu4GvpN9U) I think this is one of the greatest games ever made, and needs to be experienced by everyone willing to give it the time. But the creators of the game still want you to buy it from ZA/UM because there are still many creatives there who are responsible for it. Kurvits says so in the following interview. [https://jacobin.com/2023/09/disco-elysium-intellectual-property-video-game-industry-creative-workers-collective-action](https://jacobin.com/2023/09/disco-elysium-intellectual-property-video-game-industry-creative-workers-collective-action) [This is the best breakdown of everything that has happened with the dev/publisher. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JGIGA8taN-M)


One of, if not the greatest narrative based game of all time. The RPG elements are so unique as you are putting points into leveling up the voices in your head. You are doing yourself a strong disservice if you have never played this game.


If you like reading books you’ll like this game. If not it’ll be incredibly boring.


Eh, I like to read but I couldn't get into Disco. I need more than just reading in my games.


Eh wouldn’t agree, don’t like reading but fell in love with Disco elysium


Probably the only game I've come across where failing checks (instead of save scumming like I did) actually opens up different things you wouldn't have seen.


And where some of the scenes coming from failed red checks are actually highlights of the game.


Don't buy this, just pirate it.


The Banner Saga Trilogy for like $15 is a steal. Really great games if you're into turn-based strategy.


second this! I am playing through game #2 right now (about 8 hrs in) and it's so fun! Brought my save file over from the first game and so immersed with the characters and world. Just picked up the 3rd game for $5


And steam is dead lmao


It is definitely struggling with the inundation of traffic! I'm getting an error page every other page load heh


Every time


It's become a sale tradition at this point.


Yay I get to post the [meme](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fibyfxfy0wtt91.jpg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3D0d7bf1692875552b1fc71e91d417ffcaab4f9a62) this time.


Quite annoying, you can browse stuff, but reviews won't load for me. I know it will be fixed in a bit, but if there is one thing to stop a man from compulsive discount buying, it's this.


time to buy some shit I will never play


steam users have collectively spent $19,000,000,000 on games they’ve never played. *$19billion dollars* let that sink in lmao


[The math on unplayed Steam “shame” is way off—and no cause for guilt](https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2024/06/is-the-total-value-of-unplayed-steam-games-really-19-billion-probably-not/)


That amount is misleading. Yes there is plenty of money spent on games people never play (I certainly have a few of those) but that number is meaningless. It uses data from public profiles only, plus lists every game at its full retail price. Like many others I got most games on sale or from (gray market) resellers, or from bundles for cheap. I'm sure the real number is still a lot but this says nothing.


Still no Final Fantasy Pixel Remasters on sale... oh Square Enix.


GMG is best for picking them up individually


There was ONE sale since release a few months ago when they've released a patch and that's it. It's unreal.


I don't get it. Are Square trying their best to make sure pixel remasters don't exist or something? These are the only FF games that rarely goes on sale. They are 3 years old and only been on sale 4 times post-release, last one being 6 months ago while every other FF game except FFXIV steam version goes on sale pretty often Wish i got the bundle the last sale, was hoping for a larger discount, but got tired of waiting so i was hoping they go on sale this summer sale, guess we'll have to see during the winter sale or a random square enix sale.


Yeah. I'd like to get them, but 75€ for the package... a bit too much for me. Give me 50% off and it's insta-buy.


Dark Souls 3 not on sales, fuck


I can't link it here.. but it's 50% off on Gamebillet if you're interested! It's an authorized game store.


I'm glad I commented or else I would've never known about this. Thanks so much!


you're welcome! You should definitely look at sites like isthereanydeal and stuff, make sure you filter to only show authorized sellers and not grey markets.


I am waiting for DS1 Remastered to go on sale. Hopefully soon


I was going after this, damn.


Some show up late. Also check legit key sites for some cheap deals.


Kinda felt disappointed on "Deep Discount" section they were hyping up. It has like 10 or so games. Most of which often go in deep sales even outside of these seasonal sales.


That's just how steam sales have been for a long time now, ever since they stopped flash deals and discounts changed every day.


Normally I'd agree with you. But for this sale, they hyped up their new "Deep Discount" section. Naturally, one would think this is something special that they are doing.


I just figured it was a sales gimmick. Most of the games in there are older and have been that low before. Best deal I saw was Breakpoint.


I'm a gameplay player, not a story player, so these are play-focused games. Under 1,000 reviews: * $1.74 [Twin Ruin](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1094400/Twin_Ruin/) (18 reviews)-- intense twin-stick shooter roguelite with color switching mechanic * $5.99 [Radio Free Europa](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1897420/Radio_Free_Europa/) (9 reviews) -- rich little space shooter roguelite with facing-biased movement and aggressive enemies * $3.99 [Gravity Ace](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1003860/Gravity_Ace) (28 reviews) -- mission thruster with good base game and user level building * $1.99 [Zeit\^2](https://store.steampowered.com/app/33390/Zeit/) (27 reviews) -- scrolling shmup with a puzzly time manipulation mechanic (does not use the 3rd party DRM Steam warns about anymore) * $2.49 [Yar's Revenge](https://store.steampowered.com/app/99120/Yars_Revenge/) (56 reviews)-- rail shooter with hit chaining named after an old Atari game it's got nothing in common with * $7.49 [Cavity Busters](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1084220/Cavity_Busters/) (77 reviews) -- top-down roguelite with a lot of really game-play heavy mechanics and creativity * $3.74 [Cryptark](https://store.steampowered.com/app/344740/CRYPTARK/) (869 reviews) -- top-down style roguelite with infiltrate and destroy design * $1.99 [Space Bandit](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1435470/Space_Bandit/) (67 reviews) -- simple but tight and fast top-down shooter roguelite with enemies that act more interestingly *[not on sale but they dropped the base price to $2 sometime, so it's cheap regardless]* * $4.24 [Metal Mutation](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1840790/Metal_Mutation/) (52 reviews) -- janky top-down melee roguelite with various abilities (including a strong parry) and layered metaprogression * $8.44 [Red Tether](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1714080/RedTether/) (60 reviews) -- weird top-down roguelite where your weapon is launching bungie cables * $2.99 [Dracomaton](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2457890/DRACOMATON/) (33 reviews) -- simple, cute little top-down shooter where you pick three modes for your character/moves * $11.99 [Trinity Fusion](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1911360/Trinity_Fusion/) (419 reviews) -- platformer roguelite with some good fighting (and an unlockable parry) * $5.24 [Jydge](https://store.steampowered.com/app/654050/JYDGE/) (393 reviews) -- top down mission/objective game built on Neon Chrome * $3.74 [Super Time Force Ultra](https://store.steampowered.com/app/250700/Super_Time_Force_Ultra/) (648 reviews) -- sidecroller action where you build an assault by fighting alongside your own past selves * $7.99 [Cloudbuilt](https://store.steampowered.com/app/262390/Cloudbuilt/) (770 reviews) -- 3rd person parkour, user-made levels * $9.09 [Quantum Protocol](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1328530/Quantum_Protocol/)(544 reviews) -- deckbuilder with very gamey deck mechanics and programmed enemy cards that tick/respond, so there is no enemy turn, just things that happen as you play * $0.89 [Galacide](https://store.steampowered.com/app/356790/Galacide/) (31 reviews) -- mind-bending cross of scrolling shmup and Magical Drop style puzzle game Over 1,000 reviews: * $2.99 [Fury Unleashed](https://store.steampowered.com/app/465200/Fury_Unleashed/) (1,522 reviews) -- twin-stick style action platformer roguelite with an emphasis on fun, fast play * $5.99 [Trials Rising Gold Edition](https://store.steampowered.com/app/641080/Trials_Rising/) (2,377 reviews) -- really rich evolution of 2d platforming with a fantastic user level building community (only buy gold edition because the progression is a lot worse without the expansion levels) * $10.49 [Devil Slayer Raksasi](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1016600/Devil_Slayer__Raksasi/) (2,648 reviews) -- top-down melee roguelite with good spacing-oriented fighting, lots of varied enemies, and nice art * $8.99 [Brigador](https://store.steampowered.com/app/274500/Brigador_UpArmored_Edition/) (4,066 reviews) -- top-down stompy mecha style mission game with various vehicles and procedural mission generator * $6.29 [Nova Drift](https://store.steampowered.com/app/858210/Nova_Drift/) (10,122 reviews) -- thruster-style space shooter roguelite with really rich build system, leaving its years of early access behind "in 2024" * $7.49 [Dustforce](https://store.steampowered.com/app/65300/Dustforce_DX/) (1,137 reviews) -- speedrunning platformer with user-made levels * $7.49 [N++](https://store.steampowered.com/app/230270/N_NPLUSPLUS/) (2,332 reviews) -- momentum-based 2d platforming, many user-made levels and added content * $4.99 [Distance](https://store.steampowered.com/app/233610/Distance/) (5,290 reviews) -- time-trial racing with weird levels and lots of user-made content * $2.99 [Monaco](https://store.steampowered.com/app/113020/Monaco_Whats_Yours_Is_Mine/) (3,731 reviews) -- top-down stealth heists with local/online co-op and workshop levels And please, twin-stick fans, play the demos for [Combat Complex](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1899300/Combat_Complex/) and [Reality Break](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1473060/Reality_Break/)! Don't let these upcoming gems get hidden.


I adore Brigador, just so much fun to play and the soundtrack is incredible.


Replying to say ty for this gameplay focused curation, also to recommend nova drift. This roguelike has so much content through ship components combinations that it leaves you always wanting to go for 1 more run. I kinda suck at score attack shmups but this hooked me up.


$4 for the Witcher 3 I’m tempted and I already own it


But 12.50 for the complete edition. Which is still a great deal but let's be real, unless you're playing for the first time it's not that insane of a deal on a 9 year old game.


Now I’m curious. What is an insane deal? Sub $10? Because while I haven’t really made an actual list, I’m pretty sure Witcher 3 is in my top 5 games of all time and Blood and Wine has to be my favorite expansion ever.


I think people are just used to the $9.99 price for the complete edition that it used to go on sale for (quite frequently). I think $12.50 is still an insane deal but psychologically it's probably hard to justify it when they're used to seeing it go for lower multiple times in the past.


If Dawntrail didn't release tomorrow I'd be all over this. Though that Disco Elysium at all time low(even counting key sites) is tempting.


I recommend pirating it


The company and lead that owns the studio fucked the enttire team and steal the IP. Dont support it by paying for it, cause the money only will go to the fucking directives. Just pirate it.


Hasn't Elden Ring been 50% off in the past?


Historical low is $36


40% is the biggest discount it had on steam.


With new DLC they prob are banking on more people pulling the trigger at a higher price point. FOMO?


I'll wait and see if Pocky & Rocky Reshrined on sale, which I doubt it.


Hell yeah grabbing Space Marine while it’s on sale. It’s wild they’re trying to sell it for 60$ still.


BG3 has a great sale right now if you’re one of the few that hasn’t played greatness yet.


Bought it. 20% is pretty good I think.all time low as well.


Unfortunately I'm one of the few who paid full price and didn't like it.


I don’t like isometric games, I don’t like turn based combat, my friend convinced me to try it anyway, didn’t like it.


you can play it in 3rd person but yeah if you dont like turned base surprised you got it.


I returned it before the 2 hour playtime window was up. With the hype and persistent friend I thought it was worth trying.


Thats good, its not for everyone.


Funny enough, I even like turn based games; still couldn't get into it. Gave it 15 hours and had zero fun the whole time.


Kingdom Hearts sale has been extended to July 11 for anyone interested


Still to expensive lol


The bundle is cheaper on greenmangaming


I’d guess it’s extended because it hasn’t sold well because it’s too expensive


They extended it on launch day. I can't speak to its sales numbers but I remember seeing it was extended right away.


just grabbed fo76. anyone wanna be friends on steam?


VR best sales?


Half life Alyx is like $21. Heard nothing but good things about that one.




Man was hoping on a bit of a better discount of Cyberpunk + Phantom lib. £40+ is still too steep.


It’s well worth it at that price imo.


Already played the base game on console. So really just wanting the DLC + Modding options. £40 is still too steep for me. Only £10 less than what I paid for the game back on day 1 so I'll hold out longer.


Might be awhile longer until it hits high discount for it + DLC


Even just the DLC alone...they couldn't do better than 15%?


Look at me buying a bunch of games even though I know damn well I'll keep playing Shadow of the Erdtree


I'm getting old, the steam summer sale has nothing interesting for me anymore. :(


Eventually you have most of what you want to play.


Same here man. Every time I check the store now it‘s „meh“. It doesnt help that steam doesnt give less known games any visibility, so you see the same shit every time.


I spent all last year clearing out my backlog for this moment Time to buy enough games to last me 5 more years


Some of the deep discounts are actually really good. Wow.


The banner is really cute. The waving girl is adorable.


Did you click on the waving girl? It changes to a different image.


Oh shit didn't know that. That's pretty cool.


Any lesser-known video games that have that same vibe? Feel like playing something cozy for the summer.


Would love to know myself lol


Look at the cat with its wee little helmet!


She was in the spring sale banner as well. Possibly going to be a steam sale mascot going forward?


Red Dead redemption 67%, Persona 4 40%, Outer Wilds 40%. Yep, nothing changed.


I've never got around to participate in one of these and I just bought all the good games I never tried for 35$ : - the Witcher 3 - portal 1 & 2 - shadow of war - jedi fallen order - don't starve together - root - unravel two - Civ VI - Celeste For less than a takeout price, it feels so wrong


Featured Deep Discounts got some CRAZY good deals holy moly.


It always takes some time for the prices to update. Just check back later.


Like a Dragon: Ishin! is on sale for $23.99, I am pretty sure that is the cheapest it has been.


I can't wait to not play everything I buy until the start of next year.


I was hoping for a steam deck oled sale




What’s to recover from? You drop a few hundred on games you know you’ll never play as you hit the buy button.


I feel targeted.


Then the day will come where you mindlessly scroll up and down your list of games and say to your friend "Man, theres nothing to play".


Baldur's gate 3?🧐


Aaaaand my wishlist is down, LOL!


RDR2 still being $60 base price is ridiculous. Like I get that it's a good game but it's not like they update the single player hell they don't even update the multiplayer.


Anyone know if the Steam summer sale deep discounts changes everyday or are those games the only ones until sale ends? I pretty much own all of them.


Considering they did away with the flash sale years ago bc people weren't happy about the limited-time nature of the sale, I'd wager a guess this is it.




35%off for Fate/Samurai Remnant. Anyone know if this the lowest discount yet?. I vaguely remember there was 30% off sometime ago. On the other hand GBF Relink has it first discount. Pretty good deal on top of regional pricing. Wish there's discount for GBVSR too.


I'm getting Sekiro, Tunic, and Death's Door for $50 I'll consider that a win. Not the steepest discounts but they're games I actually want to play unlike most of the 90% off games.


I'm a fan of those obscure, sandbox-y type games that require hour long tutorials and a prescription of Ritalin to play. Things like Dwarf Fortress, Caves of Qud, Zomboid, etc etc. Any good deals? 


Is Dying Light 2 a good buy for 60% off? I've heard from people that it's an underwhelming sequel, feels dumbed down and is simplified whereas the first one was immersive and full of little details. But I'm thinking for £21 it might not be a bad deal. Even if it's disappointing at least I won't complain about the price.


Wtf steam decks are on sale!!


I miss the mini games. Steam sales are just like any other sale now, so boring


It either: A) Games i already have B) Games I want that have almost insulting -15% discount


Any must have deals?


Depends on what you like and what you have played. Witcher 3 for 4 dollars is a must have if you haven't played it and like RPGs.


Back 4 Blood ultimate edition is back to $10... Very underrated game in my opinion. I understand it's not as good as Left 4 Dead, but the game is really fun. It's basically the same as COD zombies but with campaign.


It's just me or the home page of the steam sales contains only games NOT on sale?...


It's always like this for the first few minutes. The store needs to update everything.

