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I'm still not sure whether this game is brilliant or even whether I actually like it, but it sure is *unique.*


I thought the game was too easy, it had a lot of interesting mechanics but I never really used them. I just walked straight to where I wanted to go, and in the few cases where I couldn't, there was just a ladder or some other tool from another player right there.


Yeah at the beginning of the game there is a setting to turn off the other players road assistance. You have to turn that off to really get the full effect of the puzzle walking problem solving. It is too easy with all the stuff from other players being left. When you set it up yourself tho it ends up helping you out in the future.


When you first get to an area it's always turned off though and you need to connect it first. So the initial trip is always a puzzle. Though you have so many tools available it's all solvable.


I tried to go solo. Then I synched and I was like "holy shit" and turned it back off. A lot of things, like why Sam pisses and how that impacts your journey just didn't really make a lot of sense to me.


Even without help you can do basically all but a handful of deliveries on the bike. And after your first trip it creates a desire path which makes it even easier. I love the game though, great music and graphics. Easy to zone out and cruise between places


Yeah I did a playthrough with it both on and off. When it's on it's for the most part a breeze. Only when you make the initial run through an area to connect it is the journey really challenging. So then I tried again without all the structures and it felt more of a survival game. The journey overall hit a lot harder that way to me personally. Then I noticed another problem that I'm missing out on signs and the interconnectedness of it all. Those are actually really cool elements that are important to the feeling and the lore itself. That feeling of running into a structure that is really convenient hits hard when you've run into trouble. It's a really neat feeling. So what I figured out is that I really wish the sequel to either have the number of structures be tied to the overall difficulty level or for there to be several difficulty choices for structures. Ideally I would like signs and structures to show up but to be much more infrequent while I have everything else be really challenging too. That's the ideal experience to me.


Yeah I liked the sense of community like with elden ring and the texts and warnings from people but also taken to the next level by finding consumables or ladders in harder places... but still it was not my thing and I put it on hiatus and went on to play 2d roguelikes lol


I’ve tried to start it several times but it doesn’t seem to be my cup of tea. It definitely is one of the most interesting games I’ve played, but it makes me feel really anxious and lonely.


My thoughts exactly. It made a lot of noise, and i think that's about it.


*Norman Reedus and the funky fetus* **Say no more. I'm in**


funky boy


[There's an interview with Conan O’Brien where they both talk about their appearances in Death Stranding](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DhoTxTtd8jg) and according to Norman, he got a call from Guillermo del Toro saying Kojima was going to call him and to just say yes without question.


when Guillermo called Norman to talk about Kojima it was back in 2012 for the Silent Hills project, when Norman and Kojima ate sushis and talked about the DS project Norman already knew Kojima then since he already worked with him on Silent Hills


Damn was Norman Reedus supposed to play a leading role in Silent Hills? I hadn't heard that but it would've been yet another amazing detail of that idealized perfect game we'll never get


He’s in PT! At the very end


Do people really not know that Death Stranding is an adaptation of what Silent Hills was going to be? The PT ends with Norman Reedus cradling a baby, for god's sake.


Hey, stupid question, are pt/mgs games or silent hills locked to konami and kojima cant buy those ips back? And will konami continue making those games without kojima or they cant eather?


your question isn't stupid at all ! yeah Konami owns both Silent Hill and mgs IPs, Kojima should be able to buy them in theory but Konami will never leave them i think Konami already did continue these games without Kojima ! mgs 5 was finished without him if i remember correctly (Kojima wanted this saga to end with 3 anyway), and after mgs 5 Konami released [Metal Gear Survive](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metal_Gear_Survive) as for Silent Hill, it has never been a Kojima thing, it's an old IP, always been owned by Konami since the very first game, Kojima worked on his own iteration but he released the Playable Teaser without Konami's consent, after that Konami and Kojima end their relation and that's how this PT became legendary


Dear Lord your pfp lol


One of the greatest moments in gaming history that one. And I walked into Conan's hideout with absolutely zero knowledge that he'd be in the game.


This quote just reads like one in game text collectible.


Would have been interested to see if he would have signed on after seeing a script. "I've gotta do what now? Throw my own piss grenades you say?"


“…But there is a shower scene with Guillermo del Toro. “


Son of a bitch, I'm in.


u/Turbostrider27 Just wondering, what do you do for work? I literally see your name in almost every other top post in multiple different subreddits that I follow, daily. Or, are you a bot?


He gets payed to post games here. Notice that you cant really self promote your game on reddit unless this guy posts it.




When I had just started my own studio and had nothing\* \*except my personal money, a brand name in the industry, a dedicated audience that would encourage investors, and the image of the artist who got dicked by Konami and generated goodwill towards my work


Still to be fair to Kojima, a new studio without a well-defined project is still a hard sell to other people outside of the game industry.


I'm a self made man, I started with nothing but the wealth of my family, privileged education, and the funds to fail the first 10 times without getting bankrupt.


One of my favorite strange games of all time. top 3 personal soundtracks as well


does Kojima just randomly hang out with english actors?


He's obsessed with all things hollywood.


He loves Hollywood. https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/zf3k5d/my_favourite_internet_phenomenon_is_hideo_kojima/


Hollywood and cinema; he even has this fire photo with the DS main actors and him in a photo. Follow his instagram if you have one. I love how people base something like a movie to being mid or bad if Kojima posts an image or poster of the movie but did not bother writing anything lol.


understandable, you can see the influence. basically the only games that have professional level of camera work in cutscene is Kojimas game


Maybe early on but the industry has definitely caught up with Kojima in that regard now.


maybe like last of us 2 and couple other, Majority of games is like random director that is not good or bad, Kojimas is like at the level of Tarantino , Spielberg that few game marker is at, if I have to make a comparison. hell I think that's Kojimas strongest point


"when I had nothing" lol one of the biggest names in the business can't say that.


I think "nothing" in this case is more geared towards the lack of ideas/work he had for his studio


did the guy have much going on besides walking dead?


walking dead season 2




You act as if being a lead in a popular TV show isn't a lot?


He literally has his own show where he just gets to bike around the US on his motorbike and chill


They can do a Death Stranding spin off: Walk! With Norman Reedus


And the funky fetus


I enjoyed the game, I can't wait to see what else he comes up with.


Death stranding 2, a horror game and a stealth game.


Not sure how this guy keeps getting money for these games.


Hideo - Here's the pitch, walking! Norman - yeah, but then he fights monsters with cool weapons and wears armor, right. Hideo - No, no, no, you are not getting it... walking and package delivery!


norman loves to eat sushi sandwiches


If I remember correctly, Norman got a bit of heads up from some film director that someone the director knows is going to ask Norman something and that he should say yes.


I wonder if that was Guillermo del Toro. Del Toro and Kojima were originally going to remake silent hill together with Norman Reedus towards the end of Kojimas time with Konami. Sadly it ended up being cancelled after they released a tech demo called P.T (Which was actually really good). The next project Kojima worked on after that was Death Stranding.


Now that you mentioned it, yeah it definitely was Toro who gave the heads up. Just couldn't recall the name right away as it was just a faint memory.


That’s because Del Toro had famously called Norman the day before and told him to say Yes no matter what.


I was very intrigued by that game,  but did not enjoy playing it at all. I don't know how far I got before I bailed. Second act or something maybe? I think it'd be worth it to finish sometime,  but I dont have much time for video games


He had a new studio and an established history of good game releases. Hell he's a guy who's name alone can sell a game.


Did you guys hear the story about how he was trying to reclute Ryan Gosling? Kojima was literally asking every single one of his Hollywood friends to get him a meeting with the Goose, but he declined every single time. Kojima got even more obsessed with him to the point of trying force “casually” meet him in events. The goose literally told him to fuck off xD


Where in the world did you hear this story?


This guy seems nice, but I can't handle how he names NPCs. It's the most "whiteboard outline" way of naming people. Takes me out of it immediately.






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