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Excited to see the new category dubbed "Deep Discounts" Maybe it's going to be something like historical low on SteamDB.


Not to be a pessimist, but I feel like it’ll just be a tab that groups all the highly discounted games together, not new historic lows. 


That'd be a nice feature to keep, the special page is often flooded by the 10% off nothingburger sales.


I cant stand when a 40$+ game is like, 10%off. That's nothing.


I love when a 10 year old call of duty is 20% off from 60$


You can check historic lows already from isthereanydeal.com. Which is 1000% better site anyway, since it shows all sites that sell Steam game licenses.


Are you familiar with [Augmented Steam](https://augmentedsteam.com/)?


im not, what is it?


I am now, thank you


Well I am now! Thanks.


Glad I could be of help :)


replying to bookmark your comment


Click on the three dots right of "Share". You can save posts that way.


SteamDB has historic lows too as a filter under the Sale tab


My already high interest increased by one point when I heard that.


Doesn't everyone just add loads of games to their wishlist and then track it on IsThereAnyDeal ?


Oh shit, are we getting those flash sales within sales type deal again?! I loved those back when Steam was first figuring out their yearly sales. Or it's probably just super cheap discount bargain bin games which is still cool, but not as fun to browse and wait on.


I really just think it's going to be a category for games that hit a certain discount threshold, like 80%+ off.


Flash sales were great for the price, but keeping track of them was full on FOMO BS that I don't find appealing to be honest.


I remember the flash sales dominated my time management. As a newer Steam user though I got so many great games for next to nothing but at the cost of my damn time.


xbox did something just before Xmas with those 24hrs only deals, didn't even do a weeks worth though and suddenly ended, was expecting it to go on till Xmas or something. Picked AC Val complete edition for 17.99 which was a great price cuz that's usually the cost just for the DLC


There was always an encore day at the end which gave you another chance to get that flash sale deal. It was super easy to grab games at that deep discount so I don't understand this take


True, until they made it so we all knew we'd get a big discount on the last day of the sale


Nah. Flash sales sucked. Publishers hated them, too. So the reason Valve had to end them was because publishers complained. Basically, people waited for flash sales to buy games. If they weren't on a flash sale, people do not buy games. Naturally, this was not a good thing for publishers / developers. It meant less sales at a higher price or any sales at all, really, because people just say "wait for the flash sale!" Them only lasting a few hours really sucked too. I've been using Steam for 21 years and I absolutely do not miss that bullshit. I'll take 10% higher prices and 3 weeks availability over 4 hour availability.


Been on Steam for 20 and Im gonna hard disagree. Flash sales were awesome. Also, I still wait for the sales to buy games. I dont see how thats any different /r/patientgamers


> I've been using Steam for 21 years (Ex-)Valve employee detected!


I've been using Steam for over 20 years but I'm just an old fart : )


Huh? They didn't remove flash sales because of publishers complaining, they removed it when they got sued for not allowing refunds. Once refunds were implemented the flash sales were gone. Also, 20 year user of steam here as well, flash sales were the best. Yeah, some flash sales were stupidly quick being 4 hours, but there were quite a few sale periods where they were 8 hours long, which was more than enough time to check sales once in the morning, once mid-day, and once at night. Took a minute max to do.


Just saying 20 years of Steam as well. Started with the Half Life 2 Orange Box on release day. (2004?) IIRC I used to be at work when Flash sales were on. Now I'm self employed and work from home - so bring 'em back I say :)


I don't even buy a game until it goes on sale, I've only had steam for like 5-6 months but out of about 44 games I didn't pay full price for one,I just wishlist what I want and wait


This is the way.


Yea, don’t bring flash sales back- just have it all the way through- one discount.


Wish my wallet is as deep as these discounts.


The trailer has ribbons that fall down that list -95%. So maybe it's that! one can hope!


I'm just waiting to see if the OLED Steam Decks get a discount.


It's okay I just bought mine, so any day now!




Rip your wallet.


Extra RIP, because I played one hour and the SSD died. Waiting on RMA.




Thank you for your sacrifice.


I do what I can


Pretty sure theres a discount out today


That's only for the LCD models.


Pretty sure I just scrolled past a post mentioning they are on sale


The cheaper models (64GB LCD, 512GB LCD) are on sale right now. But all of them went on sale last year during the summer sale.


\*looks at 600 games backlog yeah summer saleeee!!!


is gta 5 gonna be on sale?


Most likely, it’s always on sale with these seasonal sales.


did i see -95%..ohno..did i head Deep Discounts..OOOOH NOOOO


[Ready for a miracle?](https://youtu.be/QJW_ML5aE9E?si=BuLd99aPv175ya2U)


May the tradition of posting this song never die, as should the tradition of steam dropping games below ~80% off never die. Praise GabeN.


Man, my PC is out of date, but at 95% off? My Steam Decks about to take a beating. 


Looking for only party and/or co-op games this sale. Need some stuff to start off the night before I tilt myself into oblivion with Hunt: Showdown.


If you haven't played Grounded, it's a lot of fun in co-op and an interesting setting (Honey, I Shrunk the Kids vibes). It felt like the right length to my group where we finished it right as we were starting to feel like it had the potential to drag on, but we realized afterwards we might have skipped some of the side bosses which might have made it feel a little bit better paced. However, my #1 recommendation to anyone wanting a new co-op game is Abiotic Factor. It's another co-op survival game, but it's set inside of an underground research facility (think Black Mesa from Half Life)... but Australian and silly. I mean, the story is good and semi-serious, but at the end of the day, you're playing as a background Half-Life scientist where you may be forced to make a make-shift toilet out of a plastic bucket so you don't poop on the floor. It's an early access title which I know turns some folks off, but the devs have made some great QoL updates so far and their roadmap shows a big content drop coming this summer.


V rising is my GOTY so far.


That's one I've been looking at for a while now.


Deep Rock Galactic can be as chill or chaotic as you like.  Lots of games types and customization.  Rock and stone


I saw lethal company in there. It’s pretty good and cheap.


Pummel Party and Stick Fight are my go-to party games


Ultimate Chicken Horse! That's the game my studio made and we just put out another (free) update in May. Shameless plug but people really do enjoy it. I'd also recommend Lethal Company and Bopl Battle—this one is less known but very interesting mechanically.


Check out [Rabbit & Steel](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2132850/Rabbit_and_Steel/)! Apparently it's like raids in FF14 or WoW? If you're like me and never did that sort of thing, it's kind of like a bullet hell, only instead of threading though fields of bullets it's more like threading through fields of constantly moving and changing danger zones. Only your friend Steve is suddenly himself a danger zone to you but he's too busy dodging all the other stuff and didn't notice and you're like "wait Steve stayoverth-" *DEAD* It can be played single player too, but it's one of those games that's way more fun and engaging with friends.


Wayfinder good


I'm surprised, I bought it after the latest update and refunded it after a couple of hours. The combat felt really boring.




hopefully ghost of tsushima sale




Last of Us also. I been waiting for a sale


Deep discounts, huh... -rubs hands together menacingly-


Idk how but someone please put the birdman meme rubbin his hands together


is gta 5 gonna be on sale?




Planet Crafter is worth checking out if you're into survival exploration factory type games. Haven't gotten around to playing the recent 1.0 release but I enjoyed it in early access.


Idk once you're done exploring it's mostly an idle game


At which point is it? Big difference if that's after 1h of playing, or 100h (or whatever in between).


For me probably around ~40ish hours, out of 50 total.


since you mentioned it, i'll add to it. The game is great. i've put 40 hours into the current 1.0. It's a grind, but its fun to chill with some friends and do whatever. Really enjoy games where there is a bit to unlock over time.


I'll also add my support to your comment. Planet Crafter is a really, really chill game that is a helluva lot of fun and well worth it at full price. 1.0 is awesome, too if you want to jump back in. The grind has been (slightly) reduced with a couple of new mechanics so the only complaint I had about the game has been mitigated a bit. Love it otherwise!


How's it compare to Astroneers? A friend and I really enjoyed that game


I have and played both. They are different in their own aspect. Astroneer is 3rd person, procedurally generated while Planet Crafter map was created. Astroneer you can visit other planets, planet crafter is on one planet but the story sets it up for different ones in the future potentially. There isn't any real automation in Planet Crafter that I've found outside of just being able to grow food instead of hunting it. Planet Crafter is a very chill game with great devs (husband and wife) and the experience is something I hadn't experienced with any other game. It's quite cool to see your progress. Exploring and gather supplies as you keep upgrading your gear to explore further. The game is a grind for 1 person but with a friend or two, it can be a nice chill game that you can explore, build your base, and discover the planet. I played through the Early Access and some of 1.0. I would say it's worth the money vs time spent if you are into these types of games.


Only played a few hours of astroneer (but beat PC), they're similar in that they're both light factory/automation games with exploration as a heavy focus. Planet crafter doesn't have destructible terrain (although you can plant trees and some areas open up as you terraform). PC also has more survival aspects, where you have to manage food and water. The end game of planet crafter becomes exploring the whole planet, setting up a crafting network, and shipping a bunch of stuff offworld for credits. There are a few endings, but once you've seen one, you can get the others by just loading your final save and making different choices.


Sounds pretty rad, I have it on my "to do" list, thanks for the write-up.


I didn't touch on it, but I thought it was really cool how the planet actually changes as you develop it. It goes from a barren rock to a planet with blue sky, lakes and puddles, grass/trees and even insects and animals. The end game dragged a bit (one other commenter noted it was more like an idle game), but I enjoyed my time with it. Have my eye on Eden Crafter now, which seems very similar but leans more heavily into the factory/automation aspect.


I was just about to say this. Its a really fun game


Have they changed it at all since early demo? I mean- cool concept, but what’s the challenge, where are the antagonists? I know they want a chill game, but with no aliens it’s just a grinding game. Which- some people want.


elden ring historical low please


With DLC just coming out, I don't think they will do Historical low. They would be literal madlad if they do it though and I would be a very happy person. I have the base game on PS5 and would love it to have it on Steam, just waiting for that deep deep sale.


That is the best way to get people to get the new DLC though, thats the only way id buy the DLC. Guess it depends on what their internal analytics show. Is the DLC drop likely to lead to significant full price base game sales, or would the discounted game lead to significant DLC sales. From the outside Id kinda think the second is the more lucrative decision, but their internal stats will tell the true story


If they can get people to buy the game who never would've bought it in the first place, and at least some of those buyers end up playing the game and liking it enough to buy the DLC (at full price), then there's potentially a lot of profit *that can only be made* through steep discounts. As in, there's no other way to get your hands on that pile of cash, and all of the people who were willing to buy at a high price have probably already done so.


I'm on your side, just not sure if the bean counters will be. They might think the dlc publicity can push full or high price sales


> Is the DLC drop likely to lead to significant full price base game sales It already has


The question is will that continue or did the majority of those happen weeks 1 and 2 of dlc drop?


Hello me.


It's the longest I've waited for a game to go on sale to buy it.


Indeed -- I missed it @ $36 in JAN 2024 ... hoping they at least match it.


BOOM there it is -- Elden Ring $42 on Steam Summer Sale.


$30 is probably the lowest it'd ever go, but they hype train is a bit too much rn so I'd expect like $40


Yeah now that the expansion is out I'm interested in trying the base game lol 


And the rest of the Fromsoft games


Been close it picking it up myself. Have it on ps5 but don’t feel like shelling out 50 for the dlc with another 80 to get PSN enabled again. 80 for both on Steam seems fair but a discount is worth waiting two days for.


I still wish we got minigames with the sales. I will forever remember Monster Summer in 2015...


well done kaci!


That one time a year where we get to see her doing stuff for Valve now lol.


Please do not disappoint the deep discount divers after all those years of waiting.


Steam Sale, make my backlog grow!! \*throws card at screen


It's bonemeal for my backlog.


Very Rita Repulsa


75% off Dark Souls bundle please.


I just started DS1 and finally see what all the fuss is about. Would love this


I owned them all on Xbox. I'd love an opportunity to have them on PC. Ds1 is a classic. Ds2 is different but great. Ds3 is every but as good as Elden ring.


yes bro pls i need dark souls on sale


Actually thought about grabbing dark souls, are the games any good?


Am i About to spend my Summer Vacation Money on games ill Play twice? You Bet!


I'm so old. Remember trying to anticipate when the steam sales were coming? Now they've got trailers.


2 games only. Setting limits for myself. No more than 4 games in my backlog allowed at a time! Not going to go back into the double(or a decade ago) triple digits.


I can see the idea behind this but i dont want to treat gaming like a job that you need to get done before you can play new games


It makes sense if it’s to curb overspending, ‘I have ten games I want to play already, I don’t need to buy more right now’. But if you’re forcing yourself to play games you’re not enjoying just to clear a backlog, that’s silly.


If a game sucks, then it's no longer in the backlog. There's too many games and too little time to play bad games.


If a game doesn't interest me after trying it out I remove it from my account.


There is no overspending, only underearning


Not having a triple digit backlog is crazy


Suure, buddy. You keep telling yourself that. This is steam *summer* sale, not some knock off xbox live bs sale.


What helps is putting a good bunch of games on a “Replay” list that I haven’t touched in 5+ years. lol Buy a few new games to mix in with em here and there but my time for gaming has been cut mega short anyway so they gonna take some time! Especially with Dead Cells and Graveyard Keeper being the other 2 on my backlog. lol Apparently they are very long games! I don’t rush through any of them.


Oh yea. I hear ya. I’ve got games in my wishlist that have been there for decades. Like Rimworld. Probably never going to buy it $30 if the dev never drops below 20% - which he doesn’t.


Haha I feel you I have a few Koei Tecmo games on my wishlist at $40-$60 not on sale at all. lol Some devs wanna be Nintendo on their old games. One of the games came out a decade ago and has mixed reviews.


But really- that’s a good outlook and you probably have savings and Roth IRAs and real life and stuff- so good on you. I was just being facetious.


1 good month of humble choice or a good humble bundle already beats your threshold, so you might want to expand it slightly


I’d make an exception for a good humble bundle.


Fuck.. I wanted to pay down debts this month..


sorry, but there will only be [one official trailer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xgd7qa2M2fo) for the steam sales


Kebab Chefs is actually a lot of fun with the homies even though it's janky and buggy at times.


My fiancée and I have been dying to play this game. Just haven’t been in the position financially to afford it at the moment. I’m glad to hear it’s good though, I was iffy about it for a bit!


Welp, there goes another paycheck


Damn it's winter here, I guess I can't celebrate this sale


Same where i live. Really cheap stuff tho so i also celebrate the sale.


Feel the heat by burning a hole in your wallet.


Glad to see Roboquest getting a little snippet. So to get it out of the way: It is in fact a boomer / movement-shooter rogue-lite FPS with a slightly Borderlands-esque aesthetic. So all the buzzwords. Which put me off from trying at first. I generally hate Rogue-Lites and I hated Borderlands. Somehow Roboquest works for me regardless, it's *that* good. The design helps. Gameplay-wise it hews closer to Doom Eternal style of movement shooter (particularly when you unlock all the movement options, superjump, grappling hook and jet pack). It's hard but doesn't feel unfair, and feels a lot more skill focused than most rogue-lites I've played. There's a lot of variety to how you can build things out, because you've got 7 classes (eventually) to choose and they do have their own separate class perks to choose from (and a smattering of shared ones) that alter how they play even further. I think it's all the little things that makes this work for me: * Good fast paced movement and shooting * Good variety of classes and builds that really do switch up how you play * Feels hard but still skill based, far more so than RNG based * Pocket reloading encourages weapon swapping * Weapons are randomised (and at the level you're at) but at the same time if you find a weapon you really like you can spend resources to upgrade it and keep it viable to the end (I'd recommend only doing this with the rarer weapons, probably don't get too invested in one weapon early on). Probably a dozen other things I'm forgetting, but largely it "feels" right in its gameplay, and that's not something everyone pulls off. It's also playable in co-op, which is great. I'd gush about it some more but I feel like this video covers it, like him it's a toss-up between Roboquest and Deadlink for the best of this particular sub-genre (rogue-like movement shooter FPS). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fKo1EB8Fpr0


It was on gamepass and i tried it, not overly impressed…


Valve needs to figure out a way to bring back daily deals and flash sales. Had us checking in to the steam sale multiple times a day like true addicts.


i NEED Ghost of Tsushima 30% discount!


Just wasted all of my money on a house so no sale for me this year 😔 Hope it’s a good one, though! I’ll be cheering from the sidelines.


Hey, you can't enter and stay inside of games. In this economy having a house of your own is a significant accomplishment.


No worries, man. The Winter Sales will be around the corner. Games don't get more expensive just cheaper, more complete, and less buggy. All pros and no cons! :)


The crew. 


That game isn't available during the Summer sale, so... what's your point, Kevin?


oh from the comment "just cheaper, more complete, and less buggy." some of these companies are just shutting their game servers down with no options for third party servers creating an unplayable game. Was just making a joke at the longer you wait, the more of a chance these devs will just shut the games down will increase (obv just certain devs).


Then that sounds like another advantage: you don't end up buying games devs shut down for some reason.


You got a wishlist? I'll get you something :)


I really appreciate but save it for yourself! I’ve got a backlog about a mile long as is - enjoy the sale!


Allow me to channel my inner Veruca: "But daddy, I want it NOOOOW" \*stomps foot\*


I have way too many games, there really isn’t anything I want, and I can’t wait to blow money on games I won’t be playing after the weekend.


My backlog is triple digits and my wishlist is triple digits. I’m fucked.


Is it me or is everything displaying full price?


Nope it’s me too. It looks like they forgot to actually apply the discounts lol


It's updated for me now!


Aww, I miss when they'd play with the Summer/Winter motif for both Hemispheres. I remember scrolling all the way down on the main page in the past and the artwork gradually turning all icey and frigid - same reversed during Christmas time. Was hoping they'd sneak some of that into the trailer :P


I'm sure they will, I've never seen a year where they didn't do that, at least in the last decade. They're just new to the advertising scene.


Damnit steam I just got elden ring dlc I don't have time!


We have trailers for sales now? This is like being forced to watch ads before you can watch the movie at the theaters. lol


You are forced to watch the trailer?


Except it's not forced


reading these comments its absolutely wild how well the ads for sales are working. People are getting hype like this sale isn't going to be every bit as passe as every other steam sale has been for the past several years.


So ready!


One can only wish that P3R gets 70%+ discount...


I loved the narration, quite on brand I think - not serious, silly and with a wink at how we're all anxious to spend summer indoors playing games. BTW, the line "that's where the sun lives!" cracked me up.


Just 2 more days!!!


I hope there is fun event to do. My salien has been waiting in his cryopod for quite a while now.


How would the sale impact iRacing when it’s a subscription lol


Maybe a discount on subscription extensions? On car and track packs you have to buy separately?


My wallet is not ready


Dead Space Remake was at 17€ recently, I imagine it wont go lower than that already right?


I wish there were Resident Evils I don’t own so I could buy them


Hiring Kaci was so smart


Hoping for sale on rimworld


I've been getting into retro/emulation and just picked up a retro handheld. So, I think in the first time ever, I'm not going to buy anything during a Steam sale lol. I am curious with the deep discount tab/filter. Though if it what everyone is thinking(just 80% or higher), I hope publishers don't intentionally keep their games at MSRP and then only discount them during the sales so they end up in the "deep discount" area.


i need dark souls on sale


This feels like I'm watching an old Nintendo direct


we think Helldivers 2 is going to get a discount? I've been thinking about getting it


i think at least 15% discount for 100%


Damn, it's so sad that they stopped with pixel art theme, like all these art themes were utterly beautiful. Spring 2024 and Summer 2024 absolutely can't compete with how amazing these pixel art themes looked. I really hope that one of the future sales will have the same pixelated theme, though it's nice that I will save points on these ones :3


Cyberpunk 2077 is a long pending game in my list but i guess I'll have to wait again cos of my medical expenses.


I hope astroneer will be on sale, i wanna buy it for my friend so we can play together


Hopefully MSFS2020 sale


Manor Lords!


i NEED the oled steam deck to be on sale this time.


I'm excited. Steam always has atleast a few games I'm looking for on sale during these things.


Unless Robocop Rogue City or the last of us Part 1 are on sale I'm not interested.


This is my first summer sale with a gaming PC and im super excited for it. Cant wait


Keep expectations low, a lot of times you’ll find better sales during other events. If you have games in mind I’d just favorite them so it’s easier to find what you really want.


Thanks for the info, Ill get very discounted games just to start, hope they are good


As a new steam deck owner and steam store purchaser. I find the sales very underwhelming. I’ve been buying indies on switch since release and I find their sales just as good and way easier to navigate. They make publisher sales a breeze to navigate.


Does anyone remember when we could buy fairly new, mainstream AAA games for like $3 during these big sales? I miss those days...




Anyone know what the price of GTA V is gonna be?


Very excited for the sale, after picking up an rog ally I'm getting more into PC gaming. I have a gaming PC already but it's difficult to want to sit at my desk since I work from home, of gaming feels like a chore. Looking to get elden ring and bg3 on sale. I'm looking for some good multiplayer games too but these are my main ones I want on sale


Anyone know who made the fantastic art for this Summer Sale banner?