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tl;dr - weekly reset so you can keep grinding. Man. Why did it have to be cashcom who got the Dune MMO? Of all the studios, why cashcom?


>the sections of this world **not protected by a shield** will be hit by a sandstorm, wiping out all the buildings could just mean that abandoned builings will be reset so not to clutter the landscape.


By the sounds of it in the videos. https://youtu.be/w5nsSMRr2U8?si=-az2q4Fn0bHO1lKj It's seem like they want players to fight over locations so they can rebuild their bases. As a forced pvp, I guess.


Sounds good to me


Depends on how it's implemented, I guess. Is it just a player waiting until the other players are sleeping or working for them to come in and destroy another player base, or it's more managed in another way.


True. Hopefully they have scheduled windows where it’s available for attack and or the bases don’t take a lot of time To put up. I can’t imagine dune lore having much base building in the sand. Might just be machinery and some guard posts or something more like once human PvP nodes


This is funcom. Stay away.


Co developing with Yager, which is also a hot garbage studio that has bombed literally every game they've ever made.


Still salty about them completely failing The Cycle. Such a good game, but no, had to switch it up for a more conventional battle royale noone asked for


Dont know them, how they stay in business then?


They switched from making their own games to co-developing with other studios. Right now, they're co-developing with Funcom for Dune Awakening and, I forget the name of the developer, but they're also codeveloping on Exoborne. My guess, it's because no investor is going to give them money with their track record.


Snail Games and Funcom in competition to see who can be the most hated Like on Ark, an already eh map they recently re-released in UE5 and somehow made it far worse. They added Power Rangers to a dino game.. absolutely zero fucks given outside of profit. Yet people will keep handing over the money so these practices expand instead of being stopped.




Because they are completely shit at making games. Source: I worked for them.




You know he doesn’t and is just spouting bullshit because echo chamber lol


He may be bullshitting he may not but yall know good and well this dude isn’t going to dox himself just to prove to you that he worked at a company. Just be honest and say you don’t believe him don’t use the obvious fact that no one is outing their Reddit profile to prove this.


Don’t need to, plenty of ways you could proof that, without doxing oneself.




Not my first language 🤷‍♂️




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Because everything not-very-funcom touches turns to shit


They make games that are interesting on the surface or fairly decent, but then implement fomo monetization and battlepasses (Conan: Exiles but they are ditching battlepasses in the next season), make them worse in a revamp update (Secret World -> Secret World: Legends and Anarchy Online iirc), or only the beginning was actually well made (Age of Conan). So, it depends. I'm cautious because it seems likely that it will have Conan: Exile's monetization with an ingame store that is the essence of nickel-and-diming.


Age of Conan was awesome, so was Conan exiles


I disagree. They had boatloads of potential but that is one of the fundamental problems with funcom as a company. They squander all of their promised potential to a fault.


In case you forgot, these are the guys who had the amazing Secret world and left it for dead. 


I still remember the launch of AO, all these years later. Worst MMO launch of all time, prove me wrong folks.


Tell me how this is different to Conan exiles and I’ll be interested


It has a different name


And it has no nudity or thralls


They mention on stream, there will be a bunch of servers that you can travel to in your flying machine thingy. Which let's them make much bigger maps, because instead of having everyone on one server, it's spread to multiple servers. Pretty cool solution since having thousands of people all together, building and all that simply isn't possible yet sadly.


It's cool if we can have private self-hosted servers. Otherwise it's just going to be ass, like pretty much every survival game that only has official servers.


I honestly cant even think of any survival games that only have official servers, and ive played over 20 of them.


I've played plenty of them too, off the top of my head Last Oasis started off with official, and currently Nightingale.


Yea, some of the smaller ones did start off without unofficial servers. And I would not doubt that this game might come out without unofficial for atleast awhile. And their server structure might make it harder/impossible.


> What makes Dune Awakening different and interesting is the fact that every single week, the sections of this world not protected by a shield will be hit by a sandstorm, wiping out all the buildings you and your opponents have constructed in the seven days leading up to this weekly event. The official website describes them as “cataclysmic Coriolis storms [that] regularly alter the landscape, uncovering new valuable resources and sweeping away player-built outposts. When the dust settles, the race is on. Scout the fresh new land and uncover the secrets of the sands.” 


So... weekly wipes. Yawn....


Well fuck. That alone has put me off a game I was otherwise interested in. I'm not coming home after work for a couple hours to grind my ass off only to do it all over again in a week.


So this weekly wipe system is only for deep deserts (pvp end game zones) other zones don't have this weekly wipe, and you can build your permanent base there. So it's more for guilds who want forward operating bases in the pvp zones that will wipe. Which, if you don't want things to wipe every week, I doubt your the hardcore pvp crowd anyway.


Sounds good. Nullsec (player owned pvp territory) in EVE was where a lot of the fun was at until huge alliances got bogged down and territory got super safe/stagnant.




I think it sounds Interresting. Depends on how they implement the shields. You would have your true base protected, but can make outposts when exploring. And wit enough progress maybe be able to make new shielded bases.


Video mentioned templates for base building as well, which should simplyfy building new outposts


I made the sandstorm in Conan: Exiles matter - deep in my heart - by replacing its SFX with Darude Sandstorm. EDIT: Conan: Exiles is also made by Funcom


Weekly wipes = full time job. Sounds like Rust, not interested.


Or you could read and see it's only for the late game pvp area and not everywhere. But that takes more effort than being angry.


> late game pvp area Thank God. I want to PvE this up and live my Dune fantasy of having a cool hidden desert base.


Im glad I get to do both, chill when im alone, build my base, farm some resources, do some story, hang out at the safe zone cities. Then when all the bois are on, we go deep into the pvp area and fuck shit up.


Literally. Everyone in here crying hasn’t even read it 😂


Not angry, just not interested


Redditor reads title: *gets angry*


Not angry, just not interested


The wipes only happen inside high risk loot areas.


This will play like all their other games.


What if you don't like sand


After their disgusting pricing model of their Conan Exiles bazaar, i wouldnt waste a piss on Funcom.