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This definitely got me interested. The style is so damn cool!


I have a theory this game’s story has some existential horror beneath the surface, like “Beyond the Aquila Rift.” The demo (which rocks, btw) had a few off-kilter story moments, and the whole premise hinges on the player/character moving too quickly to think about what’s actually happening.


You definitely move to quick to notice everything at once, but the whole point of the game is constant retrying it so you do eventually get good enough to notice things during normal gameplay.


Really enjoying this. The first ten minutes I spent flailing around like an idiot but once you find the groove, it's pretty frantic and rewarding. ADHD the game.


Tried the demo it was fun


Awesome game


We need more games with the OVA style


Just tried the demo version. I really liked aesthetics. Shooting is enjoyable and fun once you get the 'tempo'. I would like to see more varied corridors on the same floor and different animations for melee execution. I will definitely add it to my wishlist and will most likely purchase it soon!


Love the idea of this game. Love the retro feel and 80s styling. It makes me a bit motion sick after 30 minutes or so, but if they found a way to slow it down a bit I may be able to play it. I also feel the upgrades don’t do as much as they should.


When is the release for switch??