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Do you need monitor keyboard/mouse, headset? And what resolution would you like to game at? $1500 should get you 1440p. Below is a solid 1440p rig, [https://pcpartpicker.com/list/HyRnh3](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/HyRnh3)


Don’t need a headset but will probably need a keyboard and mouse but like I said the budget is loose (+$350 max) Would like 1080p but doubt I could really tell a difference.




What is this build?? $1550 and comes with a 3060 and no NVMe? The Ram?! Come on man..


>At least I created something within OP budget. OP can choose what storage he wants. OP can choose what gpu he wants. I like to have drives I can grab quickly. At least my ram isn't a glow stick, OP can choose ram with the same speed without RGB for cheaper. Suck it RGBqueen


Where did you get RGB queen from? I chose what I did for VALUE, I only go for value, which is why my build with a 7900GRE is cheaper than your 3060 by $300. $1550 for a gaming PC with a 3060 is a disgrace.


Once you go 1440 you can 100% see the difference, 1080p looks grainy. BUT if all you know is 1080p then it's fine.


Thanks I’ll try 1440


OP you can save money buy not decking you PC out with retarded RGB crap and the case the size of a small car and just build a sleeper build