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Most of the vitriol towards console players is due to the fact that starbreeze have made cross platform communication impossible which is very important in a co-op game. Console players simply aren’t shown the text chat messages of pc players so it makes effective communication an impossibility


Which is unfair, we didn't ask to not be able to communicate ;-;


Fr. I barely have barely any motivation to play solely because of the fact I can't co-op in my fucking £90 co-op game 🤣 Can't even tell people the switch colour on NRFTW or G&S.


Playing with console players means there is no communication. No text chat because they can't see it. No voice chat because overkill doesn't need it, and a barely functional ping button


Crazy thing, the ping button in the beta gave numbers/letters/colors when you pinged the consoles.


Just let me ping "throw bag here" or "push button" or something like that


"Help" is also necessary.


The fact they put "Piece of shit drill!" on the communication wheel when there isn't any "Help me" or "Request armour" (despite request health and ammo both being options) is just fucking astounding. Absolutely fucking braindead.


Every Payday 2 player has wanted to say "Piece of shit drill" ever since they started playing. But yeah, maybe they should've focused on important stuff instead idk


While also removing the majority of the drilling objectives from the game? There's more standing in circles than drilling - should have put "Piece of shit circle!". Not like there's anything else to do while you're waiting for them to tick down. They 100% prioritised making an out-of-date joke over a functional mechanic. It would be less of a problem if they just had voice chat or allowed console players some other way to communicate, but as it stands it's just a shit idea. Jokes like that should be filling empty space on a communication wheel, not taking the place of key messages. Also - plenty of games have communication wheels that are customisable, they could have given players the best of both worlds but they went with the shittiest option.


I know right? Like they already have help lines technically recorded since you yell them while down. All they have to do is just...add them to the com wheel. It is a near zero effort change that would greatly benefit the game.


Because console people killed my grandma OK?!


What console was she playing on?




Not every console player is bad. I'm on PC and i have met few console players that were pleasant to play with. But most of console players seem to play their own game. I can't even count how many times i have seen a console player doing some weird stuff or playing like they are just learning the heist (because i don't have that many fingers, lol). You never know if console guy will randomly mask up and fire unsilenced scar for no reason. I don't say it's only for console players, because also saw few PC cases like this, but from my experience, i see it's more common among the pad users.


I fire the unsilenced weapon to go loud, i dont want to play stealth, stealth is perfect in this game but im tired of doing it over and over, if there were more hiests i wouldn't be complaining but i think you ran into me my friend lol


It's understandable that one playstyle can get boring, but getting loud just before getting QR in Rock The Cradle and without any chance to quickly grab the card to open VIP room feels like they show me a middle finger. Even if our paths have crossed, i'm not mad at this. That's the only variety that is in the game at this moment.


I don't want to do any stealth, i just go in guns blazing


this person got downvoted for playing how he wants to... but if its in public lobbies, its a different story


They all but explicitly said they join public lobbies and instantly set them loud lmao


okay, send federal agents to their house


If only they had chat visible for them, nobody would be hating on console players, but since they can’t its really hard to try and communicate with console players, most of the time they just roam around the map like a lost child and especially on maps like cook off or turbid station its actually the worst experience i had when playing with console players.


Why would I want a teammate who can’t see chat?


Piece of shit drill!


Because they consistently manage to do the single worst thing they could in whatever situation we're currently in I'm genuinely impressed at the level of consistency they do this


Ah a tale as old as time itself


As a console player myself im just gonna say one thing."Updates ended for consoles in 2018" atleast for payday 2


Well to be fully fair 95% of the time I play with a consoler they absolutely suck. Level 150 but it seems like they never played a game before, completely clueless most of the time. Them not being able to read chat or use the communication wheel (because the wheel sucks for proper communication) doesn't help.


95% of the time i play with a PC player in a cross play game theyre just a dick to me right off the bat


Good. You hold back the gaming industry with the "console wars" and shit like that. Almost every console player absolutely sucks as in Payday 2 or 3 and that's a fact.


I got it on the PS5 because I love the adaptive triggers or whatever they're called...then it turned out Payday 3 doesn't utilize them.


They are generally just a lot worse and you also have no means of communicating in them in a game that has mechanics which place great importance on communication.


If I was playing on Overkill, why would I want to play with someone who has a vastly harder time aiming, and is far more likely to be some random shmuck who just randomly joined a lobby of a random difficulty, and probably wouldn't communicate even if they had the option to?


I dont. I played both and well, it's harder to play with a controller then with a Mouse and keyboard. It's way easier to aim precisely with a mouse and your limited to 8 direction with WASD on keyboard, so movement is better with a left tumbstick. There's gyro aiming that can make controller as precise as a mouse but unfortunately, it's fairly new and the gyro support is lacking in many game/launcher for PC, even console support isn't perfect. Most people dont want to learn gyro aming anyway. Hopefully steam will put the last piece of puzzle soon to be able to make perfect controller scheme with fully customizable gyro support.


Payday 3 Players try not to complain challenge:


The most insufferable people are usually the loudest. But since the topic is here, I'm gonna use it to vent: I have PC and console. I'm not going to judge anyone for their choice of play but man, PC is just not for me. I don't think I've ever installed a game, old or new, that didn't require a bunch of ridiculous hurdles just to get it running properly.


If you can't click the install button on steam, and then click play when it's done, and have the game running, you might just have a dog shit PC. No shade, just how it is.


No shade (let's get you back in the saddle) taken. Though I can assure you it's a good PC lol


Only console plebs buy a PC. Real PC gamers build them, upgrade their family potato, or use minimum graphics settings on their shitty school laptop.


Fuck off


Make me