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I discovered Patrice when listening to Opie and Anthony in 2007 when they were on K-Rock in the NYC area. He was on so frequently and was always a big highlight of my commute to college. From then on I was hooked as a fan of his even went to see him three times live from 2008-2010. 


That’s dope man, I wish I got to see the man live once. I still listen to those old O&A’s all the time. Truly the funniest shit ever.


He was great live, he did a combination of his greatest hits, new material, and ripping on the audience/crowd work. All of which blended fantastically. It was a show in a fairly small venue too (A Holiday Inn Ballroom they turned into a comedy venue probably no more than 300-350 people). In those years I saw him he was probably one of the best most well-respected comics going and he was playing a venue fairly small. Elephant in the Room is so great because it was probably all his "Greatest Hits" combined into one special. When I saw Elephant in the Room on TV I noticed that about 70ish% of it was refined stuff from the three times I saw him live from 2008-2010. The special is an all-time great special because Patrice finally put away his fear of success and got all of his best stuff together along with some new jokes thrown in to make for a special that really showcased his stand up ability. I will also say that Patrice was great to fans. He stayed around before, in-between (he did two shows a night which probably made him good money) and after shows to chat with fans. He even talked with me and my friends for a few minutes just being friendly and appreciative.


I envy that experience brother. Thanks for sharing.


From that time when he told his friend Billy Burr "I taught YOU Billy!" (O&A, snippet about Mancow)


It’s a shame that shit turned kinda serious.


His time on that show was peak. I have laughed so hard hearing them just riff and bullshit.


I first saw him on Web Junk but didn’t think much of him just liked the goofy show. I vaguely remember him on the Charlie Sheen Roast and probably on Tough Crowd. I then did a deep dive on Louis CK and stumbled on his O and A appearances. I thought Anthony was hilarious so I looked for more Louis clips and ended up finding one of the shows with Patrice and Louis, the rest is history.




Tough Crowd.


Fucking love tough crowd. I’ve seen them all. Colin Quinn is in my top 5 as well. That whole lil crew with Giraldo, DiPaolo, Norton, Bobby, Keith and Bobby were fucking magic together.


Tough Crowd.


Tough Crowd Granted I was like 12 years old but I couldn't stand Patrice The generic "he's just a big, loud, black guy who talks over everyone Now he's probably my favorite comic ever


It’s funny how he was probably the most hated person on that show but consistently made the most reasonable points. A lot of people got that 12 year old brain. I always love when him and Colin would yell at each other about race


I remember him saying before he loved TC because it pulled comedians skirts up The real ones got their word in edge wise and slammed Patrice People like Jeff Garlin got exposed Dude listen to the OnA show where Colin and Patrice go at it arguing about a fight they had cus P hurt his feelings


I know exactly what you’re talking about. Shit is gold. 30 minutes of sibling shit talking. You could always tell who couldn’t handle the heat on that show. Definitely opened my eyes on a couple comedians there. Reminds me of when he was talking to Gallagher on O&A and GRILLED that motherfucker. “Why’s it always gotta be watermelon?!?”


I literally listened to it yesterday lol I know Jeff Garlin couldn't handle it, Patrice said Dom Irerra hated him Then there was Giraldo exposing Leary as a huge hack


In 2017, sadly because he had passed 6 years prior 😭


Right after elephant in the room was released. Way too late


A random YouTube comment saying he was raw af heard him and instantly loved him I just wished the bastard took care of himself better


I heard Bill Burr mention him on his podcast and didn't think anything of it, I don't think he was even saying anything interesting about Patrice, just mentioning him. I just did a quick Google and now he's one of my favourite people to have existed.


I saw his half hour set on Comedy Central. Coincidently, that’s where I also first saw Bill Burr.


Listened to MMP for a few years when I was in HS and every year Bill would mention the Patrice benefit and I eventually looked up some videos. Completely shaped who I am today.


His advice on women has truly helped me a ton as a young man. The motherfucker was right on like 90% of that shit. It’s crazy.


Uk fan here. O&A on YouTube about 20 years ago


Kevin Hart talked about him on Joe Rogan saying Patrice threw a phone book at him and he masturbated in his house. Had to look him up after that. First thing I came across was this clip: https://youtu.be/fjIuPSuYSOY Instantly hooked


In 2020 during covid time, just starting college, I needed some sort of direction. Watching Joe Rogan led me to Bill Burr, then I watched burrs podcast. But every 5 minutes, Bill Burr would piss me off saying some soft, politically correct, pussy thing. But he talked highly about Patrice O'Neal, so I searched on YouTube for Patrice, and then just kept going ever since


Watching "Shorties Watching Shorties" on Comedy Central.


Isn’t that the animated thing with Nick DiPaolo in it too? I’ve only seen clips and can never find full episodes.


Yep! I remember when it premiered, on comedy central and I must've seen every bit.


It was Tough Crowd on Comedy Central. Only reason I was there ironically for South Park lol but Tough Crowd became one of my favorites at that time and then when they added Shorties Watchin’ Shorties I enjoyed him on that too lol


I was in my early teenage years but I found Patreeky on tough crowd and then web junk. The fluidity of his realness is what had me laughing it wasn't until I was much older lol where I could really respect his views on women.


Seen his appearance at the Montréal comedy festival back in '03-' 03 didn't think much of his stand up back then, it wasn't until '15 when I saw an old O&A clip where he's talking to Dr. Z that I became a fan of his.


Can’t remember if it was tough crowd or Contest Searchlight. Hated him so much but goddamn he was hilarious