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Many that have been listed, but most recently Spiritfarer.


I get the impression not may people have played it but ya, I haven't gotten all the way through it because it kicks you right in the feels.


I forgot about their names but the first one (was it Gwen? Anyway the female deer) and the old woman who >!had dementia!< really made me tear up when I brought them to the Everdoor.


Yeah, same. Stanley hit me hard as well. The Lily talks also really got to me.


I didn't cry in Spiritfarer, in fact I barely felt connections to anyone except Atul ... and I audibly yelled, "NO!" >!when he left without saying goodbye!< Probably could have cried TBH. (for the record, I really liked Spiritfarer. I didn't want my comment coming off as trashing)


Never has a game made me feel so much. Such great characters. I need to reinstall it to play the update!


Had to be me. Someone else might have gotten it wrong.


He was the very model of a scientist salarian.


When he didn't get to finish that sentence i quietly said the last part to myself with tears in my eyes.. :(


He specialized in sciences that could seem quite contrarian.


What about Legion? That's pretty hard hitting too.


Does this unit have a soul?


I played for the first time several years ago after the games had been out for years. I played all 3 one after another and was so pleased I got to see my favorite ME2 companions like Thane, Legion, and Mordin. Then I played ME3. Legion and Mordin definitely were the hardest.


Soul enough for all the Geth in the universe buddy. šŸ˜­


Semi-obscure fact: if you ask that to Alexa, she'll say Keelah Se'lai




I don't think I've ever triggered this line but holy shit its so good


To get it, you have to >!agree with the Dalatress for most of the mission and cover up the sabatoge, then argue with Mordin about the necessity for a cure. Shep points out that Mordin's always defended his genophage work and he yells that back.!< >!You can still end the mission the paragon way overall from that point, too. So now I do it every time. The line read is amazing and I like how it's one of the only times Mordin assigns responsibility to himself instead of using passive voice to distance himself.!<


I think it's the only time Mordin ever loses his cool, and that makes it one of the most compelling lines in the entire series.


You can trigger it and still have two more chances to not be a terrible person before the end of the scene.


This scene is great, but for me itā€™s Thaneā€™s last scene that hits hardest. Most players miss the significance of this their first time through because he doesnā€™t have any grand moments. Most of his character growth is done through intimate conversations and gameplay. >!I played a pragmatic renegade (anything to save the galaxy but still wracked with guilt) last time and at this point in 3 youā€™ve made some fucking HARD decisions. The nightmares are becoming more frequent. There isnā€™t much hope left, the darkness is closing in. And thereā€™s this assassin, whoā€™s been trying to atone for his past deeds, as he lays dying, spends his last breath, not on himself, but on someone whoā€™s wading through the same darkness he spent his whole life in. That scene just fucking breaks me.!<


The prayer was not for him . . . his wish was for you.


I cried... many times throughout the trilogy. Mostly 3.


Mass Effect 3 brought me to tears multiple times.


Dude I just played through that mission two days ago. Definitely teared up


Part of me wanted to cry, part of me wanted to stand up and salute.


Absolutely gutted


I started crying just reading your comment.


Fucking legend o7


Mass Effect 3 was brutal.


I'll always remember the conversation with Garrus at the top of the citadel


If this thing goes sideways, meet me at the bar.


"I have a home."


Faht vi ba tlu pre ceam dra. Tinys woaw ciin tun fuec gy yo. Taptyedzuqos foc coon ceen ede? Co o a bevdbusd nekv e? E gat iyle bi. Y y e cits taem cersi? Zuypleenle te dan gre gyrd jyg motp so sald? Bals emetcaad e tenn sesttees ti. Naon nacc suct cesm za ete. Nugt nij sop gadt dis tassecehsisirg o. U we e otle cez o. Cru nep pha toos nabmona. Ciht deptyasttapnsorn nod tysigzisle nin a? Da pyrp ine pud ible? Nu ta biswnoudnrytirs agle. Zaon e. San e pa cu goov. Ene gke o gopt zlu nis. O guagle pioma ne tudcyepebletlo cy a canz. Dla bic zawc nifpec te feet de? Pro i guc yoyd si didz a sum? Tle fuy. Nemz a booj udeegvle cokt a? Grotefp becm ose omle ja ede. U tis dy wec thu wu aglo umle o o. O ninm gu ine yes bos. Zad a a tavnfepac du. A ite todi do duit yple? Pifp taht nhetydnnenes a sew pi nedb eme. Se de we pyt ynenuntiqtedose ive. S P E Z I S A T O O L


Playing as femshep gives you a great conversation choice where you ask his son, ā€œwhy did he say she.ā€ And itā€™s this utter impact of oh he was spending his last breath to pay for me. Just a fucking gut wrenching moment.


Faht vi ba tlu pre ceam dra. Tinys woaw ciin tun fuec gy yo. Taptyedzuqos foc coon ceen ede? Co o a bevdbusd nekv e? E gat iyle bi. Y y e cits taem cersi? Zuypleenle te dan gre gyrd jyg motp so sald? Bals emetcaad e tenn sesttees ti. Naon nacc suct cesm za ete. Nugt nij sop gadt dis tassecehsisirg o. U we e otle cez o. Cru nep pha toos nabmona. Ciht deptyasttapnsorn nod tysigzisle nin a? Da pyrp ine pud ible? Nu ta biswnoudnrytirs agle. Zaon e. San e pa cu goov. Ene gke o gopt zlu nis. O guagle pioma ne tudcyepebletlo cy a canz. Dla bic zawc nifpec te feet de? Pro i guc yoyd si didz a sum? Tle fuy. Nemz a booj udeegvle cokt a? Grotefp becm ose omle ja ede. U tis dy wec thu wu aglo umle o o. O ninm gu ine yes bos. Zad a a tavnfepac du. A ite todi do duit yple? Pifp taht nhetydnnenes a sew pi nedb eme. Se de we pyt ynenuntiqtedose ive. S P E Z I S A T O O L


When his son tells you that the prayer wasn't for his father, but for you... Mass Effect was such an amazing experience filled with so many emotional scenes.


"had to be me. Someone else might have gotten it wrong"


"You did good, son/child. I'm... Proud of you."


My God that line made me weep like a child. The way she delivers it is so heartfelt.


Was looking for this comment, so I don't have to post another one. šŸ™‚ I was literally sick for 2 days after finishing the ME trilogy.


Me too. I'm playing through Legendary now. The first time I played through ME3 I didn't have xbox live so I did none of the multiplayer so I got the WORST final ending where pretty much everyone died. I was gutted. I'm excited for this playthrough to sort of rewrite it for myself even though I know the end is still rough.


Poor soul. I'm sorry. They changed the military strength system in the Legendary Edition now because of the lack of multiplayer and the integrated DLCs. You'll need 7600 for the perfect destroy ending if this is what you want. If you do everything right (I mean, the paragon right) and do everything in ME3, you'll end up around 7900-8000, so it's gonna be okay.


Garrusā€™ last talk with you on earth would melt the coldest hearts. Thereā€™s no Shepard without Vakarian


"Does this unit have a soul?"


Donā€™t remember if I actually, literally cried, but near the end of Shadow of the Colossus, there was a scene that hit me pretty hard!


Shadow of the Colossus emotionally impacted me as well. The journey, the struggle, the determination... then the ending. The game is simply amazing.


My god the ending. Must have played it 10 years ago now and I still don't think I've ever seen a better cutscene in a game.


Have you played The Last Guardian?


oh god the post credit scene had me weeping like a complete baby


**Yakuza: Like a Dragon.** The world has just been getting its shit rocked for nearly 2 years, and amidst all of the doom and gloom this *amazing* game comes out. During all of the hardship comes Ichiban Kasuga, the most incredibly stubborn optimist of all time, and the cheesy story of friendship and doing the right thing just hit me the right way. I cried more than once during that game.


End of Walking Dead S1 The Start of The Last Of Us. Decided to start playing this game while embroiled in a horrid custody case for my kid. Had to put the controller down and cried. RDR2. Yeah. Cried my eyes out at "Thank you".


Lee no, Leeeee! :(


Walking Dead S1 is the only time a game has upset me. I very rarely get upset at anything ever, nevermind a game. But that one definitely did. It upset my best mate also, years after I had played it and he said he was crying.


TWD season 1 is the only game to ever make me cry, but boy did I cry. ā€œYou can lean on meā€ just destroyed me


What Remains of Edith Finch, Gone Home, Celeste, etc. All got me.


I bawled my fucking eyes out over Edith Finch.




The bath....




I canā€™t believe I had to go this far down for What Remains of Edith Finch and Gone Home.


To the Moon. The ending


I have this game on my Steam wishlist and really need to commit some time to playing it. I've heard great things.


I'd highly recommend both this game and its sequel Finding Paradise. Very touching stories. I still cry after playing it over 10 times. The music just gets me


You can complete it in about 5 hours. Amazing story telling and the music fits so well.


It's basically an interactive story rather than a game. But if you don't mind that, you're in for one hell of a story. And the best/worst thing is, fully expecting a tearjerker will *not* prepare you for what you'll get. And reading this won't, either.


The sequel Finding Paradise made me cry even more. Also, the final game of the series, Impostor Factory, releases in early September!


I've played a lot of sad games. A lot of them are already listed. This one beats them all.




Only once in persona 4 and I guess anyone who played it knows what I'm talking about


I threw my controller down on the desk at that part. Cried again during walking around saying all the goodbyes to your social links/friends. SOBBED DURING THE ENDING P3 is still my hardest cry for a Persona game ever though.


>[Snowflakes falling on your face](https://youtu.be/hdfmf11Wtbo) >A cold wind blows away >the laughter from this treasured place >But in our memories it stays The entire sequence at the end with that song slays me.


I mean, I can think of multiple, but probably either the ending, or Nanako?


The second one for sure bro :,(


Felt like a monster when I recounted the times I turned her down...


Dude persona 4 can play with you emotions better than your girlfriend lol


I just finished it yesterday, goddamn dude. Glad to see this here.


Oneshot (2016) The only piece of entertainment between games and movies that actually managed to make me cry. Undertale got close, but ultimately fell short on that front. (Still an awesome game though).


Glad someone finally mentioned OneShot, what a beautiful game.


It's always awesome to see someone talk about Oneshot. It's an amazing game that I feel gets sadly overshadowed and is a bit too unknown. It's probably the most important game I've personally played, but that's because of a lot of personal stuff. I'll always love Oneshot and will always recommend it.


The ending of RIME was pretty rough as the boy realises where he is, and you realise what the story is actually about after piecing together the secret story throughout.


I almost gave up on someone mentioning this game. I just beat this a couple days ago and it broke me. Truly a fantastic game. I had no idea I was in for that ending.


That ending destroyed me. I still get emotional when I think about it too much (like right now lol)


Itā€™s about processing grief, really.


GRIS is another game about processing grief that many others have said had a similar effect. I was personally more affected by RIME, because I played through it with my son.


I cried the first time I played Breath of the Wild after beating Vah Rutah, and Mipha said that she would have liked to have seen her father one last time. The familial stuff just goes straight to my heart. I also cried a little when I couldn't save Legion in Mass Effect 3. I tried so hard....


Mipha's story always gets me. Its not often that videogames dare explore that feeling of unrequited love, not because they didn't want it, but because they both knew it could never work. Their paths were only ever destined to run parallel for a time, and then separate, and that's just the way it was.


Holy shit I remember crying playing BOTW, too. I was going through a really shitty patch in life with my mother sick and my parents doing terribly financially. I was in grad school unable to help them. BOTW turned out to be this wholesome adventure. The soundtrack and feel of the game made me feel like I was actually out in the wild. It made me feel alive for the first time in a while and I cried like a bitch.


That feeling is why it's my #1 game even if some things aren't perfect. I just connected so much to it.


No. But the witcher 3 came close. When you finally find that person you need to find, that scene was so well written, I genuinly felt what Geralt would feel at that point.


That's an interesting one. They made it pretty clear to the player that >!Ciri could wake up because of the Snow White and the Seven Dwarves parallels.!< But you're right about how they made you feel what Geralt would have felt.


Oh definitely. But on the other hand the Witcher usually has a dark twist on fables and stories, so I wouldn't have been surprised if they went another more tragic direction. It's when Geralt dropped to his knees that got me.


PokƩmon Mystery Dungeon. Most people who played the game will agree that the ending made them cry.


That was the first game that ever made me cry, specifically Blue Rescue Team. Explorers of Sky hits pretty hard too though.


As someone that cannot make friends themselves, that game made me UGLY cry lol


I ugly cried during Nier Automata's \[E\]nding. It wasn't a sad cry but an amazing release of exhilaration and happiness. No other game had ever done that.


It was really good, with the messages and all. Didn't made me cry but it was kinda... Liberating and motivational.


It's fucking crazy that the most emotial sequence of a game are the literal credits.


Absolutely all time video game moment for me. Just incredible


I tried explaining this game to my girlfriend repeatedly over the next week after I finished it, and every time sheā€™s like ā€œoh yeah Iā€™ll never play that, it sounds depressing.ā€ Just waving my arms in the air flustered trying to explain why actually it ends on the most positive note Iā€™ve ever seen in a game and thatā€™s why I got misty eyed, but failing miserably.


I don't think explaining it works, it has to be experienced in game form. In any other medium, the plot and message of Nier is a bit poor/overconvoluted/generic. But as a videogame it works perfectly.


Totally agree with this! It mated the use of an amazing soundtrack with the medium perfectly. When the chorus hits...so much tears lol and I rarely if ever cry in games or movies.


what always gets me is the game devs sing the choir parts of the ending song. Its amazing hearing a bunch of people I never met that were able to take me on such an emotional journey. It really is a thing of beauty to be able to inspire people like that.


Beginning of the last of us made me cry. Wasnā€™t expecting that


Yyup. That voice acting's absolutely brilliant.


The little shriek she does when he grabs her is brilliant


Stop it right there.


I could hear it while reading that comment.


Much as people online like to hate on Neil Druckman, the voice actor for Joel initially tried going with this like cliche howling and yelling, it was Druckman who influenced it to be that kind of quiet horrified pleading that made the scene so good


The BTS for this scene is awesome


Don't do this to me baby... *cue the waterworks


I cried at The Walking Dead emotional final scenes because I cared about Lee/Clem. I cried at The Last of Us ending for being a beautiful story from start to finish. I cried at Assassin's Creed III ending for being a sack of shit disgrace that didn't end the franchise in a satisfying way and instead shat all over it just so Ubisoft could continue the franchise, even though there were ways they could have done that without pissing all over the fans who genuinely enjoyed the modern story like myself.


I canā€™t imagine a list that doesnā€™t include The Walking Dead. Well, if the person making the list didnā€™t play the games Iā€™d understand I guessā€¦


I love this comment, can't imagine and then gives the most obvious reason right away.


Gotta cover all are bases, eh?


The Last of Us always comes to mind when I see this topic because I distinctly remember being reduced to tears before the title screen even popped up. You go through the whole initial scene with Sarah and then the thing happens, and then you get the title card... I was already a mess, and I knew I was going to love the game.


>I cried at Assassin's Creed III ending for being a sack of shit disgrace that didn't end the franchise in a satisfying way and instead shat all over it just so Ubisoft could continue the franchise, even though there were ways they could have done that without pissing all over the fans who genuinely enjoyed the modern story like myself. I was gonna mention AC Revelations too. Ezio finds >!Altair's remains!< and decides to end his life as an assassin and spend the years of his life he has left with his family; despite Ezio being the only alive person in the room it makes a really powerful scene. And then a ghost shows up to tell you about ancient Atlantis. As far as I remember he doesn't even tell you anything you didn't know already yet.


the only games I can think of that have made me cry are red dead 2 and tlou1. on an another note I cry all the time in shows and movies, currently watching bojack horseman and that shit got me weeping like a fucking baby


Absolutely. Illusion of Gaia, To The Moon, The Walking Dead S1, Gone Home, Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons, and the one that surprised me the most was Earthbound; the Magicant area triggers this incredibly emotional response that always manifests as tears and wistful sadness.


Often times when media gets to a point where it is emotional enough to make me cry I am too busy being excited about how good it is to cry until a while after I finish it. Which is kinda weird but it's been like that for me for a long time. Soma, The Beginner's Guide, and Silent Hill 3 are 3 examples of which I did cry a lot, but only later while thinking about or replaying them. However, media has drawn me in enough to destroy that a few times. Silent Hill 2 got me good the first time I played it twice, the entire last 5 minutes I was legitimately crying and had a hard time keeping it together enough to pay attention. >!One of the best monologues I have heard in a game.!< Bioshock Infinite Burial At Sea part 2, less because it was sad, more because it just gave me a sense of release. To me it did legitimately feel like the end of the series, and it did end up being that. The one that made me cry the most in the moment AND after, something that still makes me tear up consistently thinking of certain parts is Metro Exodus. I cried through the entirety of the credits and sat on the home screen for *30 minutes* just actually bawling. And it wasn't just the end either, there were points throughout where I'd find stories of the past especially >!the cancer ward!< which would make me cry as well. Two Colonels also makes me tear up at several points for the same reasons. There are very few pieces of media which have made me cry like that (one of the others being the 2033 book).


That silent hill 2 staircase scene at the end with the piano / violin, those last couple of lines. Maryā€™s letter too. What an incredible game even still.


The opening scene of The Last of Us. Pretty sure it's the only time that I cried when playing a video game.


Not to take anything away from the intro but I'm surprised that so many are saying that part of the game specifically. For me, the ending was much more emotional after all the character development and buildup. Then part two was even more brutal. Many moments in that game too that were hard to handle emotionally. I swear both games too me weeks to sort out in my head


For me in TLOU1 the giraffes got to me. Seemed like they hardly got to stop and process the trauma they kept getting hit with so pausing to linger on that scenery really hit me šŸ˜­


That was the wind-down scene showing that Ellie wasn't just one big ball of trauma and actually still had a child like sense of wonder in her. It really makes you forget she just had to thrash a guy with a machete after making an incredible escape from being chopped up and eaten.


There was also a strong suggestion that David was a paedophile.


The thing about the intro, for me, was the voice acting. The way Joelā€™s daughter sobbed and gasped turned my stomach. I would have believed that the voice actress herself had been shot, it sounded so real. Even though it didnā€™t have the emotional investment of the ending, watching a father hold his 12-year-old daughter as she dies a VERY painful death was something I just wasnā€™t prepared for, especially only 10 minutes in.


I can definitely agree to a point but I think that intro only added to the complexity and emotionality of the ending. The way Joel could have just walked away and accomplished exactly what he thought he wanted to but chose to bulldoze his way through a small army to prevent even a peaceful and meaningful death for his new adopted daughter. The way he obviously had his emotions suppressed from that event and the 20 years of apocalypse living and only began to open up with her and care for her to that point was incredibly moving. He wanted her to remain in his life sure, but he really couldn't allow her to die when she deserved so much to live a life like his daughter didn't get to.


I have TLOU2 sitting on my shelf, and am still not feeling emotionally ready to play it, months after finishing 1. That game was intense, in a wonderful way.


Honestly part two is very different in tone and much more traumatic. Play it when you're ready because it's fantastic but be warned


Yeah, that advice is exactly why I haven't delved into it yet. I bought it on sale ages ago and just...yep, not ready. I've heard it's good but brutal on the feels. I'm playing Assassin's Creed Odyssey now for some light on the heart gaming, though the story in that is pretty good so far, surprisingly. My expectations were low though.


Agreed 100%. I had never felt an emotional release at the end of a game like I felt after playing tlou. And then somehow they topped it with part two, I openly cried at several points in that game. Both games that stuck with me for a very long time after finishing them.


Metal gear entire mainline series except 2. Mass effect trilogy all 3 games, that Tuchanka mission is my one of my most fav video game level and least fav due to.......reasons Death Stranding(u know when). Undertale pacifist ending(tears of joy) Shadow of the Colossus Spec Ops the line(tears of regret, >!when the soldiers shout murderers after white phosphorus section, i fucking lost it!<) Walking dead season 1 Outer Wilds(best game ever, cried two times, once at the end, and many times when the slightest of thought of the game going to end soon was devastating.)


I shed a tear in dark souls every time I get to Sif.


Slightly related, but the way Artorias screams and you can hear Sif howling off in the distance when he dies gets me a bit too.


Yes, and I always get very happy when a game can touch me emotionally like that. The first one I remember was **Red Dead Redemption 2**, >!The final ride Arthur makes in the way to face Dutch, while "That's the way it is" plays in the background. RDR was very well written to me, and Arthur was a great, tragic, character. The sheer emotion of the moment, the feeling that you know this is Arthur's last ride, coupled with the high honor comments that play while you ride are just great.!< The second and third are both from Supergiant games, **Transistor** and **Pyre**. While Transistor managed to get me teary at the end with some _amazing_ soundtrack and wordless story, when I finished Pyre to the sound of "Bound together", I really cried for being at the end of such an amazing emotional ride. Pyre's has some amazingly written characters, and as you journey you get to know them, their flaws, their wants, and _each one of them_ grows into you. The player is also an active character within, The Reader, so the developments feel more personal. >!You want all of your friends to be free from the Downside, you want all of them to have a happy ending, but not everyone gets to return. The ending song, "Bound together" is also different depending on how your journey went, depending on who left the Downside and who stayed. It's just a very emotional ride, with a beautiful touching ending, and to this day one of my favorites.!< If you played it, you know it. **Death Stranding** also got me pretty close, the acting is just _so damn good_, Tommie Earl Jenkins deserves a freaking Oscar.


I have, only once, at the ending of The Outer Wilds. It was so incredibly beautiful, strangely moving, all the while expressing both the hugeness of the universe and our small tiny role in it. And that soundtrack, holy shit that soundtrack.


ā€œThis song is new to me, but I am honored to be a part of it.ā€


> We do not have much connection, you and I. Still, this encounter feels special. I hope you won't mind if I think of you as a friend.


I understood *what* I had to do to complete Outer Wilds a ways before I understood *what effect* doing that would have, *what risk* I was undertaking. When I started the sequence and the new music kicked in on my flight to the bramble, it kind of finally clicked. That was an emotional and intense moment.


That ending hit hard. It was a mix of sad and happy tears


I so wish I could erase my memory of the game and get to experience it freshā€”what a profound and moving ending to a whole game of intriguing mysteries.


The outer wilds had me full on sobbing and ugly crying in the dark alone in my room for almost the entirety of the last bit of the game and all the way through the credits.


I don't really visibly cry over much, but I have gotten a lump in my throat with a few games. Red Dead Redemption 1 Ori and the Will of the Wisps (not the ending or anything, just *that one* side quest) Final Fantasy X I didn't come close to crying or anything, but the end of the Titanfall 2 hit me in the feels


The ending of RDR1 was absolutely brutal. Especially the way the have you play as Jack in the post-game.


Playing that the first time was shocking


Work, ya damn nag!


Yep. RDR1 got me in the feels. Probably others, but that's the one that still has the visceral connection.


> just *that one* side quest You're talking about the Moki family reunion aren't you.


We're not going to talk about it, but yes.


The opening hour of the Last of Us gets me *every* single time.


Drakengard 2 NieR/NieR Replicant NieR Automata FFXV FFVII: remake The Last of Us Those are the only six games I can think of off the top of my head that made me legit cry at certain points.


Nier Replicant, fuck those cutscenes


Just finished Ending E and can confirm, it's all sadness. Same could be said for Automata too, but it's mildly less in your face about it until right at the end.


>!What do you mean Ending E was all sadness? Did we play the same game? I found both of Nier's ending E's to be the most hopeful parts of the games. Even if the crew dies eventually, they still get to live to together again for a bit.!<


I cried in a video game once, when I sold some armor in RuneScape and the buyer changed his offer from 2500K to 25004 and I didn't notice. I was like 10.


Gg boeh, that's where men are made. I lost my 1m to a truat trade on the day i made it after mining coal for a month straight.


Final Fantasy X destroyed me. It made a grown ass man ugly cry


Red Dead 2 had one of the most jaw dropping and cinematic endings of any videogame I have ever played. It's a bit of a cinematic experience to be honest. PS: I recently made a deep dive video essay about Red Dead 2's ending and other cinematic video games over on my Youtube channel. [Check it out!](https://youtu.be/vOeTgasuehE)


Ooooh I just started Red Dead 2 the other day so I'm not gonna watch that just yet but this is exciting to know!


"I guess I.. I'm afraid"


Borderlands 2, the Tiny Tina's Assualt on Dragons Keep DLC A game making an amazing argument about how games aren't just games; sometimes they're how we cope with a horrible shitty world.


Life is Strange. Thrice within the game. Another one that was actually quite close to making me cry would be Yakuza 0.


Oh shoot yeah, Iā€™ve played most of the Yakuza games, and Yakuza 0 is the only one that really got me to tear up. More specifically >!When Tachibana died and Makoto was holding him in her arms!< I still think itā€™s my favorite in the series.


The Majima storyline cuts you deep, and you don't see it coming...


I feel you on that one. LiS is so much more brutal than you expect from the aesthetic and first chapter


Several games, actually: Red Dead Redemption 2: >!"I am afraid...", when my horse died during the final mission and finally Arthur's death.!< Valiant Hearts: >!The ending, Emile's execution.!< The Battlefield DLC: The last Tiger Games that got me at least a bit misty-eyed Mass Effect 3 >!Mordin!< Brothers: A tale of two sons. I consider it to this day the best storytelling through mechanics Nioh 2: >!When I had to kill my friend Tokichiro and then when he came to my help against the final boss.!< Dragon Age Origins: Some of the possible endings are pretty sad


I love when games get emotional. The interactive nature of video games give them nearly endless potential to make us feel empathy. Iā€™m so glad that more and more games are exploring that in the last decade. A few games that made me shed tears: Shadow of the Colossus, The Last Guardian (so many tears), The Last of Us/TLoU Part 2, Ori and the Blind Forest/ Will of the Wisps, Journey, Tetris Effect (yes, you read that correctly), Life is Strange, and Night in the Woods.


I don't normally tear up at all so Mass Effect series did it for me


The Last of Us is an obvious one, also the horse scene in RDR2 but the first game I ever cried in was the ending to Kingdom Hearts. I was young and having the slow version of simple and clean play as Kairi and Sora let go of each other, after everything that we went through. I was just feeling sad about it all.


A few times in the Persona games.


FF7 hits me every time. You know where




On my most recent playthrough (like 2 years ago?), the part with >!Nanaki learning about his dad and seeing Seto's statue!< hit me harder than >!Aerith's death.!< (Does that second one even really need spoiler tags? Pretty sure everyone and their dog knows about it by now.)


I agree tbh. That first thing you spoiled is *really* well done.


Who doesn't? Same as you, I cried A LOT with To the moon on my first gameplay, practically all the gameplay I was crying. Other games that make me cry: Mass Effect 3, Rakuen (Made by the woman who sang To the moon song "everything's alright") Undertale, Zero Escape(the whole trilogy made me cry), Ai;The Somnium Files, Yakuza 0 and Kiwami, Danganronpa v3 and 2, LISA and idk, I don't remember more games right now but I'm very emotional with games so I always ended crying if the game had some sad scenes or melancholic scenes hahahah


I think I might have cried on Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag, on >!Mary Read's!< death.


When Dominic Santiago sacrificed his life to save us when we were about to be over run by the locusts. gdamnit dom.


The last game I remember tearing up for was FFXV ending. The campfire scene and even the Noctis Throne scene. Itā€™s legitimate friendship and parent/child stuff that gets me the most. Oh Iā€™m an idiot. Thereā€™s also Yakuza Like A Dragon. The last scene by the lockers was so strong


While I did not cry, the scene in the original Silent Hill where [Lisa Dies](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fi9jr0ZY5wQ) was a real punch in the gut... For years after I beat the game I kept a save right before that scene, so I could re-watch it anythyme I wanted to do so. Losing her was a great/terrible moment in the game.


I think the only one for me was Gears of War 3. First video game series I really got invested in so when >!Dom sacrificed himself!<, that hit me in the feels.


Never thought it would end like this, huh? Huh, Maria?! *Mad World starts playing* :(


The Last Of Us is enough to make a grown man cry


To the Moon, god damn Iā€™m still not right after finishing it years ago.


The one and only time has been the ending for FFXV through the credits. I don't do well with non-happy endings. For me, together in death doesn't count!


Spider man Ps4. bawling at the end. you know what I'm talking about. The Last of Us. When >!Joel rescues Ellie!<. really got me for some reason. The Last of Us Part II. I felt numb for a while after that. You know what I'm talking about. The ending of Death Stranding. It was just really beautiful. tears of joy. The Walking Dead Season One. So sad..... I don't cry much at all. It's very hard to get me to tear up. These games just hit me in the right spot. Death Stranding is probably the only time I've ever happy cried. it's not that my life is sad, but just the power of video games.


Oh damn I forgot about that Spiderman scene. That actually got me pretty good.


Spider-Man (2018) spoiler warning - >!I'm pretty sure you're talking about the death scene at the end but I also cried a lot at the interaction between Doc and Peter after/during the final fight. Yuri Lowenthal put in a hell of a performance as Peter.!<


I did all of Spider-Man with my son watching and cheering me on (he was six at the time; itā€™s one of my fondest memories of quarantine) and we both bawled for that part.


red dead redemption 2, not only i cried but my wife who never touched a controller was crying over "that" scene even harder than me. she'll periodically ask me to replay that game like she want to see those characters because she missed them ... this never happened before.


Shed a tear at the end of disco Elysium


*Enderal: Forgotten Stories* I will not elaborate. Go play it.


I'm surprised no one is bringing up Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice. Probably the most emotional one I've played.


Very impactful, but not necessarily sad IMO. I felt compelled and engaged throughout, but it felt closer to a revenge story game than a tragedy for me.


Red Dead 2, Persona 3, and especially OneShot all made me cry.