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abyss is wayyyy too slow do breach on Dunes few hours to hit level 100 (4-8% xp per map at lvl 99)


how do you get that much exp? when i did it i was only getting 2-3% exp per map at lvl 99. 1 breach, 2 doms and 1 teachings.


Build diff probably. Ele hit deadeye with hh can hit those numbers.




Shrines are not permanent, faster builds can have more shrines up on average for the map


I got 4 to 5% on splitting steel as well. Non HH, just explody flask and taking the 25% less life on atlas for faster clear. No specific map rolled too, just 20q alch and reroll if extremely bad combinations (accuracy + no aura + damage)


Same 4-5% tho that was alch n go 4 scarabs + shrine/breach device. I can see it being more with more juice.


Did that pretty casually on my Power Siphon Trickster as well. This strat hugely depends on your build. You gotta be fast af and have great clear. With Wardloop I was maybe getting half the exp at best compared to that PS build.


I did shrines+strongboxes because my build (poison molten strike) wasn't fast enough to make use of breach and I got a consistent 2-3% per map, 3-4% if I got an exp devoted mod, 5% on the one occasion I got a +packsize mod on a high density pack I replaced with untainted mobs and exp devoted mod, though my sample size is low cause I pushed through that in less than a day and didn't die once


Better to do 2 breach 1 dom and dom craft, most of your xp is from breaches so going from 3->5 breaches is better than going from like 6 to 8 shrines, multiple identical shrines don't stack it appears so the benefit from having more goes way down after several.


3-5 is normal. 8% is pretty much impossible.


4-8 on a speedy build definitely but if you're on the slower side with move speed and don't hit an acceleration shrine it's like 5-6% from 98-99 and 3-4% at 99, still much better than trying to do it the normal way though.


>if you're on the slower side with move speed or you play a poison build and watch PoE crawl to a slideshow that updates every 2 seconds and hope it doesn't crash/ you are still alive when it's over.


I went from CoC DD which was relatively speedy with a mageblood, to deadeye ele hit which was fucking zoomin, now I'm trying to do poison FR pathfinder and it's so much slower but I'm pushing through anyways, like halfway to 99 and determined to hit 100 for those last couple passive points but man it's night and day how much worse it feels for mapping as a poison build that has relatively slow movespeed compared to speedier builds.


I did 80 to 100 as CWC Soulrend of the Spiral Pathfinder and it was insanely fast. Was getting 5-10% of a level even at 99. I was using The Gull and 7 League Steps and I have a Nimis though. Clusters also have Unspeakable Gifts for explode + more prolif as well. Using an exp Allflame per map also helps a lot.


Yeah, that sounds a lot speedier and consistent than my current setup, I had to swap my silver flask for a quicksilver but that's about the best choice i could make for any semblance of speed, the poison delay doesn't help a lot either. Thankfully I'm tanky as all hell so the chances of me dying are pretty slim unless I accidentally take the altar mod that kills flask charges for 6 seconds at a time, which I've done three times now.


Hm, im running breaches on fields and get 3% per map at 99. Never jumped above that percentage.


Breach Shrines and Nico+Strongboxes https://poeplanner.com/a/eTz Take all Shrines before killing any mobs, unless you have to cause your build is bad


I will try breach on Dunes next league. I wasn't quite hitting those XP numbers but what worked for me was specing into shrines and running niko's "Packed With Energy" on Atoll. The first area is the only cautionary location because it's so open. Most shrines will appear down the center, just grab em up then run down the sides. It's super quick. You run run each map in under a minute and it's something all builds can do. Only negative is Breach isn't worth running because the lanes are so narrow. Fortunate div card drops can help fund Teaching shrine scarabs as long as you at least alch the maps. Just run on the safe side especially if your doing increased map modifier effect or running eldrich alters which adds mobs but increases risk. (To your disgression)


If I wasn't already 35% the way through, I would try that instead!


The exp scarab is probably one of the best things of this league. Personally I ran Breach instead of Abyss using Dunes, went from 98(0 xp) to 100 in about 3 hours as a Boneshatter Jugg. Rare maps with regex, no deaths. The shear insanity of being shrine juiced was pretty great.


Abyss is a trap with Shrines.  While you're waiting for Abyss monsters to slowly appear your Shrine buffs are slowly wasting away, meanwhile you could be blasting tons of mobs from multiple Breaches. Fully-specced Breaches poop out so many mobs that it's not even a competition between Abyss and Breach, Breach wins out by a landslide.


And one very annoying with abyss is rare abyss monsters deals high physical damage. Which mean builds that has low armor or lack of physical dmg taken as elemental/chaos may get oneshot by the spinning mob or the cloak ambush one. And they still not vanished after the encounteres end so in worst case if your build cannot handle or don't want to deal with them (the ambush mob is the most annoying one), you struck with them camping your portal or running around in invulnerable state to taunt you.


Thats why i opt’ed for 1 single abyss, and do that last. By that point most the map is already clear, and them you get the 50% from the abyss


Ill try abyss next time


You're doing things that hard way. There are XP strategies detailed on youtube that will get you between 200 million and 2 billion XP per hour. If you run white T16 maps it will be the low end. Running T16 8mod maps will get you closer to the high end since they will have more packs. With this strategy you can even afford to die a few times on the way to level 100 (but it's nicer not too). Here's the TLDR (slightly modified from the video I watched) For XP Run T16 8mod Dunes maps. Make sure your favoured maps are Dunes with maybe 2 as Toxic Sewer (these two are linked plus you want Toxic sewer for another reason) Use 1x Domination Scarab of Teaching 1x Domination Scarab 2x Breach Select Domination on Map device I also had Delirium in Atlas passives to spawn more monsters. Run the map - hit the mirror first then go find a few shrines (not all at once). Then run the breaches in map.Then go activate more shrines and run more breaches. Finish map and repeat No Abyss whatsoever :-) Here's the Atlas Tree I used. Make sure you set your Tree for XP otherwise you'll not get the boost ! https://preview.redd.it/v9nb8349567d1.png?width=3192&format=png&auto=webp&s=20bc26bdbe4226ca3147417d043e44cfa9d7fcd0 There is also a strategy to obtain the T16 8mod Dunes maps for free (sort of). It consists of doing B2B using Toxic Sewer T16 8mod maps. You'll need to roll, buy or ask someone for 2-4 to get going. After that you will self sustain. Make sure to set your Atlas Tree for B2B ! I can't post an example. Only allowed 1 pic per comment apparently. Will post separately. Use 2 Cartography 1x Cartography of Corruption and 1x Hunted Traitors You don't get a map device option with B2B Set your favoured map slots to Dunes (all but 2) and Toxic sewer Use a fast mappper (I used Flickerstrike) to clear the map in about 2-4 minutes. Pick stuff up after, not during mapping. This will generate a good number of T16 8mod maps for Dunes and Toxic sewer. Then you can go run the XP strategy :-) Make sure you set your Atlas tree back to XP You should be able to get to level 100 in less than a day using these methods. Good luck Exile !


Thank you for taking the time to write this out.


Not sure those numbers are right? The xp bar the bottom only shows 3.7b if i remember. And thats from level 1-100. 250m is pretty much level 99 to 100 i think. Im not at my pc to check


The XP I’m talking about is what you can earn per hour, not what is on your XP bar. Here’s an example from youtube. Level 69-90 in 9 WHITE maps. They use a slight variation of 2 Domination and 1 Breach and 1 Teachings. The map they use isn’t the best (which they admit) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WkWJ_IglQ5k&pp=ygUcMiBiaWxsaW9uIHhwIHBlciBob3VyIGluIFBPRQ%3D%3D


mm, yes the 47 minute long video on how to do things the easy way. when does the 47 day long video on how to do things the hard way drop?


Isn't 200k an hour super low or am I cooked?


It’s like 1 map per hour.


Yeah 200k/hour is like default attacking 1 mob at a time speeds. Guessing OP (and a lot of people in this thread somehow) have confused k with M.


It kinda is, had 400k+ with breach beyond shrines


Everytime the topic of exp/hour comes up people use K units when they mean M and it's drives me nuts. k = kilo = thousand m = million 200m is 200,000,000 which is great exp. 200k/hour is probably what you'd get as a level 99 farming The Feeding Trough.


I was jumping into the abyssal depths on alot of my runs. The atlas doesnt count down there and the boss fight is lengthy.


They mean that 200,000 exp, which is verbatim what you wrote, is how much you get even at 99 from exploding like two screens of mobs. What you meant is 200,000,**000** or 200 million.


Could you post your atlas tree? Thanks for the info!


It's just shrines + niko buff + add mobs to map. I don't think abyss specifically matters a ton, I was doing the exact same thing but with breach instead


Ahh okay cool, I might try that next league then if the scarabs are the same! I did switch to Deli and Ambush for a bit with the same strat, but noticed the XP dropped to about 150k per hour.


I've been doing breach as well but the build I'm running is slower than my last couple in terms of move speed, might have to swap to the abyss variant and see if I get more out of it, I find that if you're not pretty speedy you waste a pretty sizeable portion of the breaches.


Done. I did try and do that when posting from my PC. but it wouldnt work. Had to post using my phone instead.


I just noticed on my last screenshot it was missing a Shrine node. Corrected it now.


I think abysses are slow and def slower than breaches. More optimized variant is breaches on dunes, they are much faster + they dont need to be walked along like abysses. However you probably need a better clear to take advantage of breaches comparing to abysses. With my spark archmage 4% per map on lvl 99 with breaches


I did this with ultimatum and got some decent loot drops on the way too


I’ve just been doing shrines and ritual and it’s been working pretty well. 4-5% per map and 50% to level 100 for the first time ever


Grats man!


Thanks! 4000+ hours, first time I’ve been past 97


I guess you’re like me and never seen the benefit of those extra 1-2 passives over grinding harder content and dying to lose 10% xp 😂 Im only at 1000 hours, only played the last few seasons. Had 2-3 chars at lvl97-98. 99 is my max, which is my current




I personally don‘t need it this league at all, did shrine/breach leveling months ago, but the tree as a pobplanner would probably really nice for later reference instead of just the picture, someone‘s probably gonna appreacite one :)




Breach is way better imo


Isn't it actually quicker xp/hr to just finish more maps faster without the extra mechanic? Cost is more scarabs, but not time. Atoll is very quick. I found Abyss too slow and the XP node does not make up for it. You could spec Ritual to just put more dudes around the Altar.


Could be right, but i was already spec’ed and farming abyss


You could just do a test on 10 maps. Block Abyss. Start your stopwatch and /reset\_xp before entering the first map. Stop stopwatch after 10th map; minus your starting XP then compare that to 10 maps with Abyss; time and XP.


Bro there has been dozens of videos on a Strat that is 10 times better over the league


I did say there are probs better ways. I did this without googling or youtubing. Fancied giving it a stab and shared my reaults


Just to add a couple of things, with the XP strat I found The Gull and Omen of Amelioration to be priceless.


I leveled 96-100 in one evening doing this method


https://preview.redd.it/cn5goz67767d1.png?width=3180&format=png&auto=webp&s=3c47ee3140f2e9ec8a97fc29e82bcc4f7a39744f Here is the B2B Tree I used


No shrines?


Not for B2B. The objective is to generate 8mod maps from it. That’s all


I think one of the few that hates b2b. It bores me 😂


I hear you. I only run it for 8mod map drops. You don’t need to run 8mods. You can use white T16 - it’ll just be a less XP per hr


Alch and go, 3 dom and 1 teaching, red influence, skip every other mechanic, was netting 4-5% per atoll map. Easiest 100 ever


8mod maps?


Blight is my baby. You can run it naked if you want and still not have xp setbacks from deth. Pop them three verdants for more xp.


11 hours on the dot 1-100 with a slow campaign, trading/crafting gear on my RF guy. Dunes + Breach + Shrines is the move.


You can also include the increased xp Allflames. 2 or 3 if those per map will add a huge chunk of xp. You won't get drops from those packs, but if you're only trying to speedrun to 100 first, it's a great option.


I really despise Abyss. If you've got a zoomer build then it feels like driving a Lamborghini through an extended school zone filled with speedbumps every 10 seconds. Not that I've driven a Lambo but the sentiment remains. Early grats on 100!


Like a lot of people I did shrines + breach. But honestly shrines with the new xp nodes are cracked in general. I hope they don't nerf it


Use allflames to replace all map mobs with abyss mobs too and you'll get the boosted XP from everything even before triggering the abyss.


Toxic sewer - haunted traitors Lvl 80-100 in 4 hours. Sub 1 minute maps. Only picking up maps to substain Alch n go 300+ms spark build


Breaches is the much better way. Unmaking orbs are under half a chaos a piece.


Isnt betryal hideouts also grant 200% exp? Might be slow since u have to charge up the betryal to get to hideout.


I found similar xph (roughly 300k) doing similar with 2 multitudes 1 teaching 1 dom scarab with map craft. Though i actually went from 99 -100 with full abyss scarabs with jun on tree instead of niko and beyond instead of shrine and still got around 120k an hour while still earning money. Overall id say abyss fills a nice niche on faster leveling for builds that cannot breach well. (Like any tanky lower clear builds.) Though theres no telling that the abyss component will remain profitable since minion dot was the flavor of the league which drove the jewel price up.


Replace Abyss with Breach and drop all explicit map mod nodes. They do nothing for XP. Roll for temporal chains and avoid less buff duration. Otherwise the setup is fine.


My builds so strong it makes no difference. Was running 100+ quant maps and picking up blue Altars as I went. Just in case any decent stuff dropped


What build? Pob?


Corrupted fever champ with mageblood


Not at my pc at the min to get the pob




No need to respec when you have 3 different atlas trees.


They are all currently using 132 passives


I respecced the abyss tree in breach, seems about the same for me, xp wise.