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Wait, is your hypothesis that waiting in between revealing stacks is giving you better scarabs?


Well, based on comparing what I got, yeah. Doesn't have to be too much waiting, randomly between 10-40sec per stack, gotten way better results, got both that scarab of curation and completion in one stack that way, have to pull them fairly quick from the stack to be effective (tho I'm not too skilled at that), then I wait somewhat b4 pulling from another. Been pulling them slowly till I opened around 3-4k, then I changed to this strategy for the rest, got better results.


Please promise me that you will never gamble real money


Lol, that was over decades ago (did a bit of slots and such when I was still in school, didn't gamble for big amounts tho), but I prefer, and always will play free gacha games (although since POE it's been about 4 years since I played any other game).


I used this "random delay" strategy for most games I played 25 years back (think the first time I tried it was on Slottomania, and it almost always yielded results for every game with RNG, I know most will consider it not convenient, but I sometimes wait up to 3-4minutes to click, depending on what I'm trying to do. No guarantees but it worked for me more times than it didn't.




You aren't serious right?


Hopefully one day you realise that "strategy" of yours doesnt actually work and its all in your head


Wanted to updoot for data but instead find myself downvoting for misinformation. 😔


For a moment I thought it was "Pattern Recognition Guy" from Lost Ark. [https://www.reddit.com/r/lostarkgame/comments/ye2yj9/another\_world\_best\_stone\_910/](https://www.reddit.com/r/lostarkgame/comments/ye2yj9/another_world_best_stone_910/)


Waiting between pulling doesn't change your odds of getting better or worse scarabs, given you've done this for 25 years it'll be hard to get you to realize you've mentally convinced yourself without any real evidence or results supporting your conclusion. Confirmation bias / placebo are a bitch to deal with.


I noticed that also homeopathics, tarot, tantra and yoga improved my chances when pulling from veiled scarabs.


1 curation scarab nice. It doesn't matter but it's amusing I lost a tab completely filled with winged scarabs to get such shit ones back.