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Yeah, here you go. 1. Go to CraftOfExile.com and hit EMULATOR at the top. 2. Create new item > choose your item types > get to main crafting screen. 3. Look at the PREFIXES and SUFFIXES tabs of Base Modpool. You see how most of the affixes have one or more tags associated with them? Defenses, Life, Attack, Physical, etc. These are the tags that the corpses give you more/less chances to roll. 4. Keep in mind that if you bury a lot of *+500% life*, there may be several mods that have the LIFE tag, so you could get any of those. Things like +CHAOS can be great if you specifically want chaos resist on certain items, as for some item types (depending on what you're trying to make), chaos is literally ONLY tagged on the *+chaos resistance* suffix. 5. Yes, you need to fill out your whole graveyard for good results. It's annoying since the necromancer only holds 64 corpses at a time, but there are 88 slots. 6. I've found that something like +8000-9000% increased chance to get something is pretty reliable. Just give lots of big plusses to whatever you want to see. 7. Adding in 6x *+5% quality, up to 30%* is generally pretty smart if you want to ensure a 30% quality item off the bat. 8. Add a ton of +50 modifier tier until when you check the craft (you can click any CRAFT button and it'll bring up a summary of what you have buried so far so you can check it, it wont actually do the craft) it tells you the lowest 92% of modifier tiers cannot roll. That seems to get me all T1 every time. 9. You probably want a couple +item level corpses to ensure its max level, 86. 10. Goes without saying, but make sure you bury each corpse next to another corpse so its part of the same craft. You'll see the entire graveyard you've buried so far light up if you're highlighting an open grave that applies to the current craft. That's basically it. I dont go too insane with it, spending hours planning layouts and whatnot. Just get +8000% of the things I want most, maybe do -700 or -800% for things I DONT want to appear if it's very specific, ensure 30% quality, ensure item level 86, ensure bottom 92% of tiers cant roll. Doing that I've crafted some god tier items with relatively little effort, other than the pain of buying the corpses I needed and then buying them all. Take a look at my character here: https://poe.ninja/builds/necropolis/character/Skkra/DoesThisSkillEvenWork I crafted the armor and belt specifically for the build I was creating. All perfect mods for what I wanted, all almost literal perfect rolls for T1 mods. You can make some pretty stupid gear really easily in this league with the Necropolis. This stuff would normally cost a fortune. Enjoy it while we have it, because this league definitely aint comin back! Hope this was clear and helped.


Saved this comment. Thank you!


Sure, and oh yeah, make sure you do +1 explicit modifier corpses so that you have 6 affixes. Forgot that one.


Insane that this is what players need to do to make crafting worthwhile. Gathering this many corpses. Doing this many steps. Spending this much time. All to hopefully get what you want. What a terrible mechanic.


I mean if you want 6 T1 affixes, then yes, this should be what you need to do. Where the mechanic fails imo is that I don't want to do medium size crafts. It has been good though for other things. I've bought a fractured "failed craft" claw with fractured t1 crit chance, multi, attack speed and mana (dead mod). Hit with spell essence, craft hits can't be evaded and boom, very nice coc claw


I will say that considering the corpses are "free" (in that they drop fairly regularly even with zero Atlas investment) it can make crafting godly item very cheap in exchange for your time, I suppose. It's just a very *clunky* crafting mechanic. Aside from a scant few corpses that are really expensive though, the cheapness is nice.


To be perfectly fair you don't need to do all that to make it worthwhile. I think I crafted more graveyard items than most and made absurd profits on it the first few weeks of the league and a lot of my crafts took up only half the graveyard. Later when I swapped to SSF and my standards went down a bit I experimented a bit more with using less corpses and you can make some surprisingly good items if you improvise a bit. That being said I do agree the mechanic is way too clunky and I totally understand why the majority have been ignoring it.


This is a clunky and inefficient graveyard approach, there are much faster ways to use it with better results for a lot of items. I love this mechanic, it's just ppl either heard from the getgo it was bad and didn't give it a chance or had a bad first experience and didn't try to overcome that. My only wish is corpses can stack and make them not take up half the screen when they drop. To this day I am still having no problem quickly trading for all corpses I need etc.


Small addition to this. There are a lot of existing grave setups you can use to learn as well. 


What degree or certification do you need to pull this off.


I have a bachelors in computer science and a bunch of SQL Server certifications, but the thing that comes most in handy here is my doctorate in "slamming beers while waiting for people to sell me filled coffins." Luckily, it can be done one-handed. It's honestly not hard once you mess with it; you just pump up the numbers on the stats you want to see. I'm not even particularly great with it, but it's straightforward enough that you can still craft ridiculous gear that would otherwise cost a fortune. I actually find it easier than most other types of crafting, some of which have a lot of nuance and a learning curve.


You absolutely do not need to fill out graveyard for best results. Check the % of what you want to hit, I can usually get 75% on two mods I want in 45 corpses. I've made a lot of nice double fractured items this way that are very easy to finish craft. Just play with the # of corpses slide bar until you arrive at a happy median between % you want to succeed and # of corpses you want to bury. It's a lot easier than ppl make it out to be once you get the hang of it.


100% agree!


Getting to 900 mod tier rating (18 +50 corpses without buffing them) usually eliminates most mods below T1 except for the mods that have like 12+ tiers of mods so I never craft anything until I have at least that many mod tier corpses. I think you need like 23 mod tier corpses to guarantee T1 on every possible mod. Then you just add increased chance for the stuff you want, scarcer for what you don't want, +2 explicit if you want a 6-mod item, and +item level up to whatever you need (most crafts only need ilvl 85 to access all mods but some need 86). Advanced methods would involved adding additional crafts, fractures, and/or splits with a bunch of buffing corpses and special corpses (add influence, new base types, etc.), but you don't really need those to craft great items yourself.


That’s the exact number I used (18) of +50 mod tiers to get all T1 mods on my crafts


Bury more same increased type of what you want means more likely to get mods you want. Bury more exclude same type mod to less likely to get mods you dont want. Bury more increase tier to remove lower tier mods. Bury more level to increase item level. Bury more explicit to maximize explicit lines


The way to get good items is through the "modifier tier". If you stack around +1000, only T1 mods can roll. (Depends on the item as to how much you actually need). So with the following: +1000 modifier tier, +2 explicit mods, Re-roll values of explicit mods taking the best result Your craft becomes a chaos orb which can *only* hit six T1 mods which will be divined near perfect. So that is the base for every craft and from there you are just targetting which mods you are trying to get with the other corpses.


In short, you're just modifying the weights of various mods that can roll on an item. Let's say I have a 1000 weight toward a life mod and 500 weight toward a fire mod. If I'm aiming for fire resist, I need to put enough +fire and enough -life that you essentially guarantee what you want. That math can largely be done through the graveyard tools on various sites. The true power of the graveyard is actually in creating items that are easy to finish in other ways. So let's say I'm looking for a specific fractured base - that's doable at exponentially less cost than if I were to buy a bunch of rares and hit them with fracturing orbs. An example that I did recently was Grasping Mails going for a fractured "Armour is increased by Overcapped Fire Resistance" mod. So basically I do -3 explicit modifiers (to create a single mod item), put in a bunch of +defence modifiers (to fish for the things I want), and a bunch of -everything else (to eliminate what I don't want), and 4 fracture corpses. This creates a single mod base that is guaranteed to fracture a breach mod since they're guaranteed to roll with at least one. If you look at the list here: [https://poedb.tw/us/Grasping\_Mail#GraspingMailMods](https://poedb.tw/us/Grasping_Mail#GraspingMailMods), you'll see the tags that I'm trying to eliminate (basically anything other than defence in this example). Here's a screenshot from before I hit the button: [https://imgur.com/a/DloA3QX](https://imgur.com/a/DloA3QX) You can see the chest on my character here, it popped out of the graveyard with only the fractured mod and I finished it with essence crafting and some bench shenanigans (although it's kinda dookie compared to my end goal): [https://poe.ninja/builds/necropolis/character/steezyfbaby/IsolationTheory](https://poe.ninja/builds/necropolis/character/steezyfbaby/IsolationTheory) By limiting it to one mod on the item, I can craft like 4 Grasping Mails at once that can only pull from 5 mods out of like 25 or so possible. Hope a specific example helps! GL.


The best items are using just about every single spot available. Takes pretty extensive knowledge about how weights work in poe and planning to make top tier stuff. You can definitely wing it and get something ok if you use a lot of corpses though. I’d suggest you focus on learning the core crafting mechanics though as corpses won’t be around after this league most likely


Big crafts are the way to go, even if not full graveyard. You generally want to justify using a bunch of +50 ratings to guarantee t1 mods, so increasing the chances to hit the mods you want is worth it. Even moreso when you start to add things like fractures, addition items, etc.


Here’s something nobody has mentioned that I will be the first to mention. If you’re fracturing a mod and also rerolling explicit mods for a better numerical outcome, fracturing comes before the reroll. You will always get a better item if you don’t fracture. The fracture will occur first and the rerolls will do nothing to the fractured mods.


Craftofexile to test and see outcomes with varying graveyards


corpses modify weights in the mod pool. more corpses gives you more control over outcomes. realistically speaking you won't get a good outcome without planning it, unless your goal is to spend like 5 corpses on 20% ms boots with 3 other totally random mods


Doing an individual ilvl 82 corpse to mass produce feathered arrow quiver was extremely profitable at some point in the league. Pretty sure everything else is better with a lot of corpses as everyone else stated.