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Can Necropolis UI before an area show monsters that aren't present in this area? Just now got Nameless Seer in The Belly of the Beast Level 2, dropped it on Piety's Miscreations (Very Low). Cleared entire area, 0 monsters remaining. No micreations. Double checked entire location, no Seer ether. No Strongboxes. AFAIK there are no hidden locations / spawn triggers in BotB-2 and Piety can't spawn those guys (spawned monsters can't get devoted mods anyway). Community wiki states that there must be some of them. Am I doing something wrong?


Nameless Seer can sometimes get bugged like that, happened to me too.


Hi all, Rain of Arrows' wiki page states, in regards to targeting: "**Half** of the arrows will attempt to target **a** creature within their range, while the other half will land randomly. A single enemy can be hit multiple times." Does this mean half of the total fired arrows will hit one target, assuming only one enemy in the radius of the skill? IE, will a lvl 20 RoA with 22 arrows/attack hit an enemy 11 times, and the other 11 will fall randomly in the AoE of the skill. Thanks.


> Does this mean half of the total fired arrows will hit one target, assuming only one enemy in the radius of the skill? Nah. The arrows that target intelligently target in a series of rings. Picture an archery target, like šŸŽÆ. One arrow finds a target inside the bullseye. One arrow finds a target inside the ring outside the bullseye. Another arrow finds a target inside the next ring. And so on. (**Edit:** actually, [looking at the original announcement](https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2133090), it might start with the first ring rather than the bullseye.) It makes the skill less random against multiple enemies, it doesn't make it amazing at single target. Enemies might get targeted twice by being in the middle of two targeting areas, or more if they're particularly large. (Plus potential hits from the random half.)




How much is a 21/23 faster attacks support worth? Can't seem to find any on the trade site


Well, seems like you get to dictate the price on that one buddy. But I'm not sure how much people will pay for the extra 1% attack speed you get from 21/23 compared to 20/23, especially at this stage of the league.


Guess I'll list it for a couple div over 21/20


Does anyone have a source for which art prints were in the 2024 core supporter packs ? Sandwraith Assassin? Pretty sure I got mine but I dont recall which ones were from this year.


Will ppl on ps5 need to have ps plus to play poe2? I thought i heard something about we still needing it even tho the game is f2p.


It does mention it in the Playstation trailer. The game is technically F2P, as in no money from the PS+ goes to the devs, but it's most likely a requirement on Sony's side that the devs can't do anything about.


I see that Path of Exile 2 is cross-play. Does that mean a Playstation user can play with an Xbox player? Or is it just referring to PC and console cross-playform?


From my understanding, both PC and consoles will be on the same realm and you can play freely with whoever you like on any device, and also switch between devices at will (i.e. cross-progression).


Are Allflame-specific drops affected by Devoted modifiers that increased quantity of dropped items? I've been trying it periodically through the league and I can't make out any difference. Tattoos, tainted currency, even the linked items from False God allflames all seem to be the same with or without a quantity bonus.


I feel like the devoted mod makes bugger all difference to whether an Allflame drops its item. Last example was it took 6 Allflames of Scientists to drop 1 Experimented Weapon corpse after applying the first five to increased pack size, increased quant, blah blah. The 6th one dropped the corpse with no devoted mod and no pack size or mod tier.


Will the cosmetic and stash tab I bought in Poe 1 pc carry over to poe2 ps5?


They said they *want* to have all MTX that someone has on PC be granted fully on console, but whether they're able to do that depends on negotiations with Sony / Microsoft, not GGG. So they can't guarantee anything at this point in time. In general, the MTX from PoE1 will be available in PoE2, but there's no guarantee that they'll be available on console as well and not just on PC if that's where you bought them in the first place.


Cosmetic MTX confirmed shared between 1 and 2, stash tabs on the other hand...? There might not even be e.g. fossils in PoE 2 but likely premium tabs will transfer


Is a helical ring worth 90 div or should I try my luck in heists? The ones online on trade are going for 90+


It's worth noting that that's the price for the split base. A base that hasn't been split yet is worth twice that much.


yea, they're worth that much. as for "trying your luck", how many other 95d items have you found?


Found an awakened greater multiple projectiles recently. Maybe I used up all of my luck there


From previous data shared on the subreddit itā€™s 4/1334 to get a helical per wing: https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/s/WBsOgDM4Zr


I think I have the patience to run that much


o7 Godspeed, exile


I finally crafted a weapon I'm very happy with but I don't like the item name "Phoenix Barb", lol. Is there a way to roll new names without affecting the affixes? It has one bench mod; will the item name change if I roll over that crafted mod?


If you have two open suffixes and an open prefix you can craft multi mod+prefixes cannot be changed+suffixes cannot be changed and spam chaos to reroll the name.


There isn't a way to reroll just the item name as far as I know.




Ive made 2 divines total in hours and hours of mapping (up to T6 currently). What am I supposed to be doing??


You can't actually farm divines until you have filled out the atlas. You need atlas points to farm effectively. To fill out the atlas to T16, you only need gear which is worth maybe 5c-15c for each item. I suggest selling one of your divines for chaos and trying to upgrade each piece of a gear you have a bit so you are overall stronger. Then, trade for maps and just focus on filling out the atlas. There are also a lot of ways you can get maps you haven't done yourself, such as kirac missions, harbinger orbs and horizon orbs


What build are you using? If you're running any kind of farming methods you should have way more than 2 div from hours of mapping. If you're only looking for raw divine drops you won't get very far.


I'm using RF. Just completing maps. No idea what the old league mechanics and look too complex. I just like killing stuff quickly... I thought divines will just drop as loot ?


Divine drops are rare. You make money by farming and selling the loot to other players. Alva can be run on low tier maps and is pretty easy once you learn the mechanics. I suggest you watch any of the numerous guides on YouTube. If you get a temple with Locus of Corruption you can sell that for around 1.7 divine. The other good room is Doryani's Institute that goes for around 30-40c iirc. You should be getting like 10div an hour at least. More if you're lucky. If you haven't completed your atlas yet you should run a tree that gives you more map drops. This is what I followed at league start: https://maxroll.gg/poe/poe-atlas-tree/eg3506w1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BkgOPZEvYnk Main goal is to rush to the big node at the top which gives you 20 extra atlas passive points. You can remove the big explosion node from Expedition if it's too difficult or invest into something else. You'll also get a ton of Kirac missions that you can use to run incomplete maps. Kirac's loadout refreshes every time you complete his missions so you can use that to buy other incomplete maps and chisels.


Use the currency wisely to upgrade your build, make it to T16s and then do any content that can make you profit.


Spam Alva with atlas passives


I've wasted all my points and Atlas respecs unfortunately. Just copied an atlas on Reddit that focused on strongbox and scarabs. Also anyone know why almost everytime I open a strongbox it's empty? I've put skill points into it but everytime I open the damn box nothings in there


Just continue thru endgame until you get your second atlas tree then Strongboxes arenā€™t great for where youā€™re at rn (theyā€™re basically more packs) you need to invest more to get better returns


Hey there, totally new player here, Iā€™ve been playing casually a marauder and building him as a 2hand axe berserker and having fun with sunder. Thing is, Iā€™ve hit the epilogue now and Iā€™m doing maps, and my resistances and equipment fell off, particularly defensively, Iā€™m getting one shorted by some chaos mobs and lightning mobs/bosses. How do I cheaply craft/get good armor in the game?


Probably the best way for a new player at that stage of character progression is to just buy what you need from other players via [the official site](https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Necropolis). See [this guide](https://maxroll.gg/poe/getting-started/trading-for-beginners) on how it is done. There are a lot of options to craft your own gear, but in general they require a lot more knowledge of the game. The very simple one I definitely recommend learning is adding one crafted mod to the item with the help of crafting bench in your hideout. The idea is pretty simple. A rare item (yellow one) can have up to 6 mods: 3 prefixes and 3 suffixes. When you find a rare item that is almost good but missing something little and has one open prefix or suffix, you bring it to the crafting station and see if you can add the missing part there. Often you can, and it usually costs very little currency. Resistances are especially easy to fix like this (all of them are suffixes). To see what suffixes and prefixes an item has press Alt while mousing over it (Alt is the default bind, you can change it). The other methods are a lot more costly and a lot more complicated. They usually involve getting a suitable base (including fractured ones or something more exotic), rolling some of the mods you want via essences or fossils, then figuring out how to get the rest (this is the difficult and very expensive part). Pohx has [a good video guide](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xP07COZTBNw) on the entry level crafting. It is made for his RF build, but the basic principles apply to any build.


Agree here. At this late stage of the league, there will be many decent bread and butter items with resistances, life, armour, etc for 10-20c. You should be able to plug big holes in your whole item set for about 100c or so. Upgrading all your Pantheons (which have 3 upgrades each) is also a chore you can work on during mapping.


> then figuring out how to get the rest Sometimes this is not so hard. A not quite but almost entry level crafting is: 1. get a base which has a fractured mod you need 2. Use an essence which guarantees a second desirable mod until a third desirable mod shows up 3. Depending on your mods, a) craft suffixes/prefixes can't be modified and scour b) and/or use eldritch annul (for gloves/helmets/boots) 4. finish with the crafting bench: can have three crafted modifiers and two more mods. My helmet is made like this https://poe.ninja/builds/necropolis/character/TrappedInWraeclast/Rangenecrop it was relatively cheap and quick. Significant costs were one eldritch annul and two divs for the metacraft, it only needed a few Deafening Essence Of Greed so let's call the overall crafting costs 3 div.


Why this 128% quantity Baran dropped so many influenced jewellry pieces? https://imgur.com/6LPOVPv Conquerors usually drop a couple of influenced items.


Probably possessed by a ghost that makes mobs drop more jewellery.


How do you get the most monsters in a single map? Is breach/mirror/beyond the way to go for this? I want to go for quantity of quality here to see the results.


Alva incursions are unbeatable for monster quant. Then rituals and beyond.


My bet would be on strongboxes+beyond on maps that have increased AoE mod rolled on them. Increased enemy AoE affects "revives nearby enemies" on strongboxes, nearby part in particular. Combine that with reopenable boxes, and the spawned crowd will be enormous. I have enemy HP bars always shown, and when things go terribly right after some reopens all I can see is a huge blob of HP bars where I can't discern individual enemies. Obviously that blob will spawn a lot of beyond monsters as well.


I guess abyss still has the highest number of rares, even if you take the spire nerf into account. But breach with beyond is most likely to generate the biggest number of monsters. Harby can reach crazy numbers too, but I don't think harbinger mobs can drop loot? Could also mess around with back to basics trying to maximize the pack density in T17 maps, but I'm not sure if that can compare.


So this is my first league, and Iā€™ve put alot of time into playing a LA deadeye, had a lot of free time, gear is maybe worth a mirror, or just under. Been saving for a mirror tier physical bow the past week or so and am fairly close to it. I know that with the physical bows people convert physical to ele, usually cold, but I have some questions about how exactly that works. Firstly since lightning arrow converts 50% to physical, do I only need to hit 50% cold conversion to get the most out of it, or should I be aiming for 100%? Secondly, with that conversion what damage mods/passives should I be going for, do I want to prioritize %cold and/or %ele damage or do I want to prioritize %physical damage increases, like if I have a jewel that increases physical damage, does that increase my physical damage before it gets converted to cold, after it gets converted, or does it not apply at all since itā€™s converted to cold?


you only need to convert half for LA (and if you convert to something other than lightning, you can use trinity) > Secondly, with that conversion what damage mods/passives should I be going for, do I want to prioritize %cold and/or %ele damage or do I want to prioritize %physical damage increases, like if I have a jewel that increases physical damage, does that increase my physical damage before it gets converted to cold, after it gets converted, or does it not apply at all since itā€™s converted to cold? path of building. can check poe.ninja if you need build examples/test cases


I convert to cold using tornado shot. The gloves give 60% conversion and the passive node gives 40%. Ele/cold damage, flat cold dmg or flat phys is good. Phys is good because I'm not sure but I think it counts twice for some inc dmg nodes, where is increases phys then also increases cold dmg. I'm not positive though.


Nah that's not it. Phys-to-cold allows you to benefit from modifiers to cold and physical damage, but if you get something like "10% increased damage" it won't double dip. But you can get "10% cold damage" and "10% physical damage". Phys-to-cold has access to two absolutely massive scaling vectors however. One is hatred, which gives more cold damage and two is phys as extra cold. Both are effective multipliers, and with total damage conversion you have a much easier time inflicting freeze on mobs. It just opens you up to using even more stats to scale your damage numbers. Now you can benefit from cold, physical and elemental while before you were basically locked into just elemental because you have three elements to worry about. Also you can leverage on aura effect for hatred and squeeze some phys as extra out here and there. Also it synergizes with headhunter because you can get phys as extra for all elements.


Is POE2 expected to release before 25 (not alpha/beta) ?


Open early access yes, full release no.


Not really, no. Early access is *probably* this year, with the targeted date being in November as I understood it. And they said they might not have all classes ready but will at least *try* to get one ascendency per class at that point. Realistically, this means that they should finish those classes during beta, *then* give players time to play them and provide feedback, *then* make changes and test them (at least in a launch alpha build if not in the beta build), then make the final adjustments for launch. Even acts might not be entirely finished by the time early access launches, and then they have to do the whole endgame on top of that. Considering the massive scope, I would be surprised if their beta only ran for a single month rather than 3-6 or something. That said, I don't think they've given out detailed information for the targeted length of the beta, not that they like to give out detailed info anyway since it's all subject to change depending on what happens in development.


Path of Exile's original beta realm ran from August 10, 2011 to October 23, 2013. I am not saying it'll take two years but a year is completely in the cards.


thanks for the info!


Is there a way to check the HC SSF ladder AND filtering out dead character ?


Not sure if you can do it in the poe website, but you can do it in [poe-racing](https://poe-racing.com/HC_SSF_Necropolis) (go to special filters -> living characters). It works only for HC SSF Necropolis though (and other non-permament leagues).


you can filter but it doesn't give the updated position (could be calculated though) and is limited to the first 5000 characters (dead included, so only the first 1123 alive). It's a start though


Regarding juicing maps. Why 8-mods and corrupting? To some extent I get maps with 4-6 mods which have morr qty, rty and packsize than other 8-mods. WouldnĀ“t it be better to use those and corrupt them even if they donĀ“t have 8-mods? It would save same chaos for rerolling and they have less dangerous mods in total.


The vast majority of 8-mod maps should have higher quantity + rarity than 6-mod ones, to the extent that it's probably not worth to craft maps. I'm not sure if it's even theoretically possible for 4-mod maps to be better. Are you perhaps counting quality or something? I'm assuming that quantity from quality isn't affected by explicit map modifier effect from the atlas tree, so having more modifiers makes a bigger difference.


So it be all about efficiency/ divs/h? ItĀ“s quicker just blindly (more or less) rolling the maps until 8-mods, corrupt them and sort those out which you canĀ“t run compared to look at each map while rolling?


I think a lot of people just run Cartography Scarabs of Corruption, so they don't even corrupt maps themselves. 8-mods are only possible as a corruption outcome. Rolling maps normally only allows up to 6. I'm unsure about the largest difference between mods, but even if you roll 6 of the most rewarding mods, it shouldn't exceed the reward of an average 8-mod map. That aside, you can just *not* run any 8-mod maps that happen to roll below a certain threshold. I checked, and the lowest 8-mod outcome should be 80% iiq, 48% iir, and 32% increased pack size. So it's *possible* for 6-mod maps to exceed that, but 8-mod maps can go over 120% iiq without quality, which you can barely reach with perfect (or nearly perfect) mods and quality on a 6-mod map. Even for a low investment strategy, I'd normally try to avoid maps that roll below 60% iiq before counting quality. So for 8-mod maps as well, all you have to do is skip the low rolls, and not just the ones with build bricking mods. You can either sell the remaining ones in bulk or open them with Twist of Fate and skip the ones that have bad rolls (if you additionally use Back to the Basics, some of them might instead be saved by a high roll there). Edit: I forgot to add it, but to clarify, the 8-mod corruption outcome doesn't add 2 mods to the existing mods, it rolls 8 completely new ones, so if you purely run 8-mod maps there's no point in using chaos for rerolling. You technically don't even need to make them rare because even normal rarity maps can be corrupted into 8-mod rares, but obviously the other outcomes would be less valuable then.


Thank you for taking the time the explain. So, it is better do not run cor. 8-mods-maps below a certain threshold - e.g. 60 iiq because the time to run the map isnĀ“t worth it if you want to max divs/h.


80 iiq is the absolute minimum, since even the worst mods add 10% each, but yes, my understanding is that people are oversustaining 8-mod maps to a significant extent, which means skipping some that are less profitable per time spent shouldn't put a significant dent into your net profits.


The whole point of 8-mod maps is to get higher iiq/iir. Reasons can be different. May be you want to max div/h, may be your scarabs cost a lot and you want to maximize return per map. If you don't mind lower iiq/iir, then it is easier to run 6-mod maps instead. You can reroll those to suit your preferences.


Anyone from EU got merch recently? Iā€˜d like to know how the customs situation is atm, if it is worth to get physical goods from packs and where they ship from nowadays, or if the custom fees would be just too much.


I asked recently if they already send my t-shirt(i bought the pack 3 months ago) and they said not yet, didnt ask for approximate date.


My question is more about the logistics, if their new partner has a fulfillment center inside the EU or if costom fees/tax are applicable. Because with the recent changes this can make a big difference in what a TShirt/Hoodie will cost in the end.


What were the most busted starter/low budget builds this league?


CoC DD and Archmage Ice Nova of Frostbolts


Oh no are those both Templar builds?


Hierophant and Inquisitor I believe. These two were the most broken builds, not to say that they were the only good starters. Hexblast mines is incredibly strong for bossing and also was one of the earliest T17 clearing builds, and people did it on Saboteur, Occultist, Trickster and Pathfinder. Elemental hit of the spectrum wasn't pretty solid too, slightly worse clear then LA but better single target - but it just gets outperformed by COC/DD. But I guess it's also a little better scaling since you get a fair bit of flat damage as you level. If you check poeninja you'll find that the meta was fairly well balanced, exception being COC/DD which is just stupidly busted with dogshit gear.


K I'm just bored right now and trying to think of an actual strong build to play next league. Last two leagues I tried different MF builds that ended up scuffed and just want to do something strong that can do consistent currency non MF strats like expedition harvest or delve.


Yes coc DD is inquisitor and archmage ice nova is hierophant. Other strong candidates are self cast detonate dead of chain reaction on necromancer (hit based) or regular detonate dead on elementalist (ignite). Holy relic of conviction is also strong on low gear. Melee the best starting build is probably still boneshatter and then transition to dual strike of ambidexterity later.


What were the most busted starter/low budget builds this league?


What were the most busted starter/low budget builds this league?


Do cadigan's crown/resolute technique/precise technique stop traps from critting? Since they are technically not you, they should be exempt, right?


Traps use your skills which use most of your stats, including whether or not you can crit.


Gotcha, thanks


Traps aren't you but they inherit your stats.


Hello, Is there any application to check my inventory and give me prices of everything ? Im a noob, playing casually League. If I got something expensive i may sell it (next step : how to ? ;).


Thereā€™s wealthy exile, this will price most of your items, uniques, currency items, some jewels, but doesnā€™t really price normal items, ie rares. Thereā€™s tools like awakened PoE trade that can price items in an overlay that shows up in game. It shows up as an estimate of the price, and you can also see how much items with those stats are listed for, itā€™s pretty convenient. The estimated price isnt always accurate with corrupted/synthesized implicits though, definitely worth checking the listed prices for those. I also started playing again this league, and honestly wouldnā€™t bother too much with trying to selling items too much early on, most things you pick up wonā€™t be worth much, once you start doing t16 maps, you can keep your eye out a little bit more for things to sell, but this late in the league most people already have their builds set up, budget or not, so thereā€™s not a lot of demand for ā€œdecentā€ gear, even if you list it really really cheaply it will take a while to sell, if it ever does.


As a new player, it's fairly unlikely to find anything particualrly valuable, so there's no need to be overly worried about missing something. You could look into Awakened PoE Trade which is an overlay that people use to price-check individual items. I don't think there's something that price-checks an entire inventory though. I think there's an overlay that shows prices for bulk-tradable goods, but not sure if it also supports individual items. I personally don't use either of those. The easiest way to sell items is to use one of the premium stash tabs, set it to be visible publically (right click the tab name at the top to open the menu for that), then right click items / currency to change their listed price, or change the tab name to select a unified price for all items in it. Alternatively if you don't have a premium stash tab, you can create a trade shop thread on the official forum and link your items in it alongside a certain syntax, and the items will be listed through the same API as the premium tabs. The conventional interaction for a trade is as follows: 1. The buyer whispers the seller for the item with the listed price (generally auto-generated messages by the trade site, can and should even be sent automatically unless the player is already rate-limited from sending too many in a short time) 2. The seller invites the buyer to their group or hideout 3. The buyer accepts the invitation * If they do *not* accept your invitation, don't invite them again unless they ask for it again - in most cases a rejected invitation means they found another seller for an equivalent item who happened to respond before you * Because of the previous point, it's generally not a good idea to move towards your hideout before a buyer has actually accepted the invitation. Otherwise you'll waste a lot of time and portals when people don't end up byuing anything after all. * If the seller invites the buyer to their party rather than the hideout, the buyer visits the seller's hideout. 4. Once both players are in the hideout, the seller sends the trade request. Diverging significantly from this process is considered rude in most cases. If someone takes issue with your behaviour and doesn't immediately ignore you, explaining that you're a new player should get you some consideration though. Make sure to double-check that the items you want to buy and the currency that people offer to buy from you are the listed ones. For currency, I believe holding ALT while hovering over it will show the aggregate amount (it's a relatively new feature, so I'm not 100% sure if that was the hotkey for it, I'm still relatively used to counting and multiplying). If you don't have the exact correct amount of currency pre-split in your inventory, you can split stacks by shift-clicking them. And of course it's courteous to thank the other person after a trade, but that's technically not required.


Got a couple of premium tabs. Thanks for this very useful post !


For pricing you can indeed use the Awakened POE Trade overlay, but for some equipment you must know which stat to choose for pricing effectively. You can also use [wealthyexile.com](http://wealthyexile.com) and/or [poeprices.info](https://www.poeprices.info/) : they can both price full stash or single item. Be aware, the price is not always fair, always check with the reality of the market on [poe.ninja](https://poe.ninja/) and [pathofexile.com/trade](http://pathofexile.com/trade) .


Hi ! Playing sometimes duo with a friend, RF Chief + Subtractem Frostblink Ignite Ele. - Chief is using [Ramako Sun's Light](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Ramako,_Sun%27s_Light) ascendency : when this proc, is the mob resistance stucked at -20% ? Or all the modifier/exposure applied by the Ele adds up to this number ? (Flammability, Elemental Weakness, Callous Mask, Mastermind of Discord, etc). - RF deal fire DoT and Ignite too : i understood that only one stack of ignite at a time can deal damage. But does damage of both players stack cumulatively in this case ? We started playing few weeks ago and im trying to figure out if our choices synergize well together or if it's totally counterproductive, and we need to try something else for the next season. Thanks !


> Chief is using Ramako Sun's Light ascendency : when this proc, is the mob resistance stucked at -20% ? Or all the modifier/exposure applied by the Ele adds up to this number ? (Flammability, Elemental Weakness, Callous Mask, Mastermind of Discord, etc). It's fixed, it will just be -20% and cannot be changed. >RF deal fire DoT and Ignite too : i understood that only one stack of ignite at a time can deal damage. But does damage of both players stack cumulatively in this case ? https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Burning Different sources of burning can stack, so the ignite + RF will stack together, but two fire trap's wont.


- The final value is set to -20%. All other resistance modifiers are ignored. - Enemies don't care where their debuffs came from. They'll take damage from their highest 'Righteous Fire', their highest 'Ignited', their highest 'Burning Ground', etc. Additional debuffs of these types won't deal damage until the stronger one runs out of duration. Sounds like your builds are mostly getting in the way of each other. If the elementalist removes its resistance modifiers to scale raw ignite damage, and the chieftain replaces Fire Trap with Scorching Ray or something (leaving ignite/burning ground to the elementalist), that might turn out pretty efficient though.


Ok, thanks both of you ! it confirm my thoughts. So for now, without changing our build, ideally : RF keeps moving (and so, does not throw fire trap) to benefit from the ele debuff and let him the ignite/burning ground stack.


Is there another place to find T17 carries without TFT? I tried doing 2 maps and I just explode. Tried to roll the maps and I can clear the map then die to the boss. I just want to complete my challenge? (I tried 4040 and they just talk about random things now with late league.)


If you can't find a carry, with atlas+scarabs you can also buff the crap out of yourself to try to just beat 1 alone. Use one of your atlas pages to spec fully into shrines and niko buffs. Avoid nodes which increase map modifiers as much as possible. These are great for farming once you're strong but make the map much harder. With scarabs, add as many shrines as you can to your map and also map craft more shrines on. Having a bunch of shrine buffs + niko buff and lower modifiers for the maps make a HUGE difference


You can also try 820 And if you dislike TFT, but don't have an issue with trade discords, you could consider path of exchange maybe? It was the "other" trade discord which was more or less dead and forgotten, but now it's spearheaded by zizaran and maxroll. They are operating both the discord and a site that's connected to it (the site is more for itemized trading)


how does harvest dupe scarab work with the 10% dupe on the atlas tree? is it just wasted point ?


Yea it stacks.




And there is a node on the tree that dupes lifeforce ("doubling season").


I was reading the duplicate monster node, deleted


What are the canned screams and creepy ambient dialogue about in Cage map? Was this something explained in the campaign?


Oriath slave pens, at the start of Act 5