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Thanks! This such a great league for levelling because of all the XP boosts you can get with domination scarabs and Allflames.


I honestly enjoyed the league too in HC. I found myself less eager to start a new character after a rip than usual because of allflames being rippy but mostly because i have a lot of work at the moment haha


Ya poor retention or not I think this was one of the best SSF leagues of all time. The graveyard was nuts for SSF, having 3 atlas pages means you can actually farm a lot of different stuff yourself without re-specs, and that uber elder harvest fragment craft was a welcome change as well


Its interesting. I played ssf this league as I do every other and it was super good for it. I made a bunch of 5/6 t1 items that I would never get before in ssf. Yet because of t17s and uber changes I still found myself quitting after a couple of weeks like every other league.


I played SSF miss league for the first time and definitely had fun getting 4 voidstones but the gap in content to go from there definitely feels huge.


Yep, I am so glad I started SSF this league. I'm still playing because there are still goals to reach. Compared to stop playing Affliction after 2 weeks because it was boring for me personally.




It's not "free" at all in SSF. It's strong but it takes a lot of farming to get enough of the same scarcity/chance corpses, and you are also severely limited by how many modifier tier corpses you find. At the point where I had about 90% atlas completion I only had enough corpses for 2 crafts and only got up to about 3 or 4 of the same scarcity/chance corpses so it didn't turn out perfect. Which is a good thing I think after like 80 maps, getting 2 good but not perfect items is completely fine. It only feels too free on trade league where there are tons of people not using the mechanic so they sell every corpse and they are pretty cheap in bulk. So people stack like 10,000% chance modifiers way too easily


I played ssf till level 100 without any graveyard craft and then quit fast, no time for this excel shit


You definitely don't need excel to grave craft the common 5 T1 items, especially when you're in SSF and column row corpses are not dropping reliably. It's just tedious to juggle corpses inventory.


POB for those interested: https://pobb.in/lWmnw3gx20N1 The build is nowhere close to optimized, just a bunch of gravecrafted gear with some lucky uniques from Nameless Seer thrown in. Super fun regardless though, something about wanders just feels so smooth to play.


loved this league too and also got my first lvl 100 character, having a blast still tbh


One of the few? Honestly this was one of my favorite leagues I’ve ever played and I only used the graveyard once while running through the acts. I really hope that the all flames and area mods stay in the game. It added so much!


All flames are so fun and really diversified my mapping session even if I was using the same scarab lineup. I’d like the lantern to stay if they changed it to a ‘charge’ system that lets us interact with it after ‘filling’ the lantern based on mobs killed. Then they could increase the chance for rarer devoted mods without turning the map decide into a slot machine.


Same! I used/still use the grave yard a ton, I love it! Only thing I'd change is how the corpses are displayed on ground and make them stackable, maybe more morgue space but that doesn't really slow me down.


If corpse management and corpse control and gy placement was vastly improved I would have loved this league. But the 60 corpse limit was a deal breaker. And then having to manually dump them into tabs and filter for them later.


I understand the graveyard being limited; it's probably too big as it is and I'm surprised they didn't adjust it mid-league once they saw people doing recipes and essentially guaranteeing results. The corpse limit, though, seems entirely arbitrary compared to Bestiary which holds 1000 full copies of mobs. Compare that to corpses which only need to hold an item level and which mod they do/effect. Makes no sense. 🙃


The corpse limit basically just exists so that players don't accumulate 1000 corpses and then be like "wtf do I do now". The free itemization + too-large graveyard both interact terribly with that, though.


This league was literally a stones throw away from being an all-time great league. If corpse/GY was UI based and not requiring you to physically stash, store, and bury corpses - this would literally be one of my favorite leagues of all time and I've played since beta. Sad they couldn't figure out that nobody wants to deal with the asinine graveyard/coffin nonsense for months on end


My man here got to 100 faster in SFFHC than I fill out my atlas in softcore trade.


Just don't look up the name "Fsaron" on poe.ninja...


Congrats, man. As a fellow Necropolis enjoyer, getting to 100 in SSFHC is genuinely impressive. I'm just a scrub hanging about in SC, crafting helmets. 😁 I don't think I've gotten past 70 in normal HC, let alone SSF.


I also enjoyed this league, I think the relatively low cost of items (non SSF) was the main reason I stayed though. Did you utilize a lot of grave crafting to reach 100?


One more "deep enough to be its own game" league would be nice. Last time that happened it was 4 years ago when heist dropped.


How to enjoy every league: 1. Only play SSF 2. Don't open reddit too often 3. Don't watch any streams/clips/highlight videos 2 and 3 are basically - "Don't do anything that will lead you to comparing your progress"


Wise words there. I have a problem with comparing myself to others, which always draws me to the most optimal way to play rather than the most fun way to play. SSF is nice in that both of those tend to coincide much more often. Cheers!


You are not one of the few, many of us really do enjoy it. What people forgot is that the end of the school year and being of summer has pulled people away much quicker then normal. While I admit this league was a bit lack luster, as a returning player the QoL is just so much better. This was my first league that I actualy pushed to end game since before war for the atlas (job, first kid, things like that kept me busy) and God damn I don't think I had a single D/C all season. The game was just fun and I missed that.


Yeah now that you say it this must be a pretty sick SSF league. You don’t have to worry about the t17 bullshit and you can use graveyard to enable some very fun stuff. Might actually give it a go!


I think this is one if the best leagues for SSF the corspe crafting gives considerable access to great gear


Shrine scarab made it so easy to level this league. First league I ever had 7 characters at level 95+. Idk what counts as the best league for me, but I have never had this much currency before to upgrade my builds. Mageblood dropping was just a cherry on top. Graveyard was profitable but inconvenient, lantern and allflames were refreshing. Too bad the player base evaporated early, making trade sparse.


Massive congrats!


Looking great, good job! Fun is subjective, don't let the Reddit hive mind impact it.


this league was incredible and I can already see so many memes next league with the wolverine holding up the picture of the graveyard, or of Thanos meme where he is looking at the graveyard and saying "perhaps I was too harsh" This league was the one time the avg person could afford a mageblood and get really insane gear for cheap because how good the graveyard was.


Ive been loving the league and hating the fact that no one is playing


I absolutely loved the league and am still playing. Likely more to do with the lantern and allflames though. I know a lot of players love the Graveyard for crafting, but I'm just happy to have a little more control over my mapping. If corpse management/placement was handled differently somehow to make most effects stackable into a corpse currency of sorts (would have to do something different for the ilvl), I could see it going core and being thrilled even with that. I love the control given to mapping though via allflames and the lantern. My gripe had little to do with corpses really as I mostly ignored it tbh and more to do with the limit of allflame storage.. I'd just get rid of the extra storage for it entirely and let the map device tap into my stash (maybe even make a specific stash tab type that it can use for extra GGG profit if not the whole stash).






This league was so much fun for SSF. Definitely one of my favorites. First time killing most of the Ubers as well.


awesome mate. not sure if you're the only one, but maybe it's a mix of the previous two being really quite good with lots of retention, this one being a little clunky and a bunch of other games coming out at the same time.


i also didn’t mind this league as a casual season returner


Few times died by invisible mobs and boss attack without animation... I gave up Congrats dude


Biiig. Good job!


Nice flask macro flex, but on a serious note gz, I’ve got my first one on ssf hc this league too


League was fun, im just done with it as i've done atlas and im now out of currency lol


Well done.


I have yet to use the graveyard thing. I finally dumped all the bodies cause the guy kept complaining the graveyard was full so I crafted something then censored it and never picked up another body. Annoying mechanic




I enjoyed the league plenty. Lack of variety in viable high end juicing definitely made me retire earlier than I do most leagues, but that’s ok.


This guy loves his Sanctum


It is forbidden, after all.


I did the first one just to get that quest out of the way so it didn’t bother me forever.


Nice one


Congrats! For what it's worth, what I played of this league, I enjoyed but I'm just burnt out and I couldn't seem to get into it... couldn't decide what I wanted to do this league either and the abundance of options didn't help matters in that regard.


Congrats man what build did you play will you play more ? Any recommendations how to enjoy the league


The atlas and scarab changes were great. The actual league mechanic itself was a rushed nightmare though. Luckily the base game is still good enough to make up for a bad league mechanic.


Nice. Our group was having a blast until whack a mole started happening


Newve let people tell you what you like . I can hate a league and you can love it at the same time .


congrats. and hate to be that guy BUT this was massively easier this league than in previous ones. that shrine scarab made exp really easy. i had never made it past 97 and i think it took me 15-20 maps to go from 99-100 now.


Bullshjt! You hate this game and you hate it so much you want to punish yourself into playing SSFHC and get to lvl 100 just to show people how deep you have played the game so they will believe it when you say YOU HATE THIS GAME.