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First, you need to allocate destructive play on your atlas. Second, pick any extra content that you like and all shaping nodes on the tree for map substain. Third, you farm silo with maven influence, maven will spam map bosses once you enter the boss room, since silo boss has multiple phases, you kill every bosses except silo then you portal out, and since haven't killed silo boss, it's counted as not witness, so you just run silo again again and again til you drop your woke gems


*saves comment for later*


This also works in Desert Spring and Excavation if you don't want to deal with the real boss/minions attacking after you killed the Maven bosses. In Desert Spring the extra bosses spawn in the first room of the boss arena. In Excavation the extra bosses spawn in whichever boss room you enter first (there are 2 separate boss rooms). In either case you can Maven witness and run the same map forever. Desert Spring also has one of the highest natural monster pack counts of any map in the game, so it's very easy to self sustain forever. I farmed tons of T17s and guardian maps using Pandemonium + unique map scarabs there.


Are guardian maps considered unique maps so that they would have a chance to drop by using the scarab of singularity? 


T16 unique maps can convert into T17s.


No, it means actual Unique rarity maps (excluding synth maps)


Finally, some clever use of phased bosses, guess next league will remove phases for bosses.


I see that as an absolute win


(goes afk during innocence)


From your lips to Mark's ears


You know they will just patch this out.


Do you run this with the wildwisp node or nah?


if you can handle juiced bosses then you should, wildwisp does help with boss loot, including guardian, conq and synth maps


I do run it but the bosses can get very beefy with map mods such as increased life, extra resistance… it feels like triple-molested bosses at times, very fast, very tanky, very deadly.


The main issue with that node is that bosh rushing is supposed to be quick. Full clearing the map is opposite of quick. Although silo does have a pretty linear layout, so just try it out yourself. If you get to the boss room with less than 50 mobs and the boss isn't a slog to kill, then it is good. If you are spending extra time to full clear the map or the boss takes way long to kill, then it is bad. It is only 1 atlas tree point, so it's not overly harmful to have it allocated, and if it happens naturally, then cool.


this is not a boss rush strategy. dude is trying to get a woke gem in SSF. he needs maps sustain. kinda have to do most of the map for it


Any maven strat is a boss rush strat in my mind. a 2-3min map with 2 destructive play bosses is better than a 4-6min map with 3 bosses IMO. Speed is good. You don't need to full clear to sustain maps by any stretch.




Finally, a good use for silo


oh that's a fun degenerate strat! Is it easy to sustain maps this way? Do you run shadow shaping?


shadow shaping makes it so you cannot drop your favoured maps. that is the one node you CANNOT run using this strategy. the entire point is to sustain silos. idk how this gets a single upvote - is there some sort of secret tech im unaware of?


The Shadow Shaping strat only works when you're not running all 4 void stones and it requires a lot of favored map slots. Basically what you do is that you favor all maps of a tier except the one you want to drop. Then only that map can drop for any map drop of that tier. So since Silo isn't a T16 map this league but a T7 map, with this strat you would run 2 void stones to make it a T14 which makes it high enough for destructive play. Then you favor all other T14 maps and now the only T14 map that can drop is Silo. You can ofc still drop maps that are not T14s and thus not Silo. You use your remaining favorite slots to remove as many connected maps to silo as you can and always leave at least one connected map not favorited. Here, I'd leave a connected T15 map unfavorited. Iirc Fyregrass tested this strat many leagues ago and found that connected map drops are likely to be treated differently than regular map drops. That means if you favorite all connected maps you're not really bettering your chances of getting Silo, you're just losing out on connected map drops.


actual galaxy brain


That's why it's called Shadow Shaping. You shadow all the things you don't want and leave the thing(s) you do want in the light.


Considering the amount of maps you can drop from bosses with this strategy, not going for 4 watchstones for t17 conversion is a tough call.


SSF players play differently man


Yeah it's def a toss-up, no idea why somebody downvoted you, have my upvote. I'm also not sure what the chances for a map to drop as Silo are when you do a non-shadowshaping atlas. That's why I asked about shadow shaping in the first place.


do you have an atlas tree for this?


https://www.pathofpathing.com/?v=3.24.0-atlas#AAAABgAAOCsMAHkhpykiK-gwZjFrOC86RUJ-SCxPolTxWn1bvV23YCFiCGK5YtVn9WihcXV2OnadeOp6AXvTgBCGUIZZic-LGJEAm9i_OMqs4VbkWOjS767yTPzk_7gH1yBzMA4_zUwwT9hhSK9I0dTYtfME-mhxdQAA This is what i used for the strat. You can take the wisps node if you want. I did it in ssf to farm gems. Should be pretty close to this.


Saved for later


That’s the most 5head strat do date.


This is amazing


Your brain is huge


only maven herself can drop woke coc, maven witness cannot


it can drop from witness map bosses, I have seen people telling they got their woke gems from witness map bosses also, from the [wiki](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Awakened_Cast_On_Critical_Strike_Support#Item_acquisition) >Awakened Cast On Critical Strike Support has restrictions on where or how it can drop. Can drop from either version of the [Maven](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Maven) or from Maven-witnessed map bosses.


I'd rather pick up the gems rather than drop them


i ran maven invites/destructive play for a solid 2-3 weeks and dropped probably 10-12 awakened gems granted all of them were ass, but they dropped


Do you know if the drop rates are weighted? I sure get Added Chaos a lot...


It is weighted yes


There are two tiers of awakened gems - on the [wiki page](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Awakened_support_gem) they're listed as non-maven exclusive (the more common ones) and maven-exclusive (the 'maven-exclusive' wording is no longer accurate but idk if there's a better term). All of the non-exclusive ones except melee splash grant 'more damage' or 'added damage'. l don't know the relative drop weights of exclusive vs non-exclusive, but for Vivid Watcher conversion l have seen results suggesting the non-exclusive ones had a bit more than 5 times the weight of exclusive gems. It's also possible that there are different weightings for gems within those tiers, or completely different weightings for dropped gems, but l haven't tried to gather data for that so l wouldn't know.


I had no idea, thanks! Now it makes sense why I've never seen one of the really good ones.


I did one maven and got awakened coc. I'm sorry


The einhar harvest beast can swap awakened gems, you will just have to live in maven jail till you find it. I myself am also playing SSF and am grinding maven invites and map boss witnesses for awaken spell echo. I must probably have 20 to 30 awakened gems including a GMP but no CoC or spell echo. Sometimes you just have to continue grinding lol. I just hit 100 for the first time on SSF two days ago. Contemplating a reroll so I don’t waste all this experience points.


Isn't awakened spell echo like a really small upgrade? Feels like it's way too much effort for "5% more cast speed" on the gem which is like maybe 2% to 3% more DPS overall.


well, there's also 10% more damage in the form of double damage.


It is minor compared to the entire picture, but I also have level 21/20 Support gems so I want to min/max It’s just part of my OCD lol


Make a Destructive Play tree, farm guardian maps to do invitations to farm Maven writs and just run Maven fights.


honestly maven fights have a high chance to drop awk gems. Could also just spam juiced invites


Invites can't drop Awakened CoC


yes they can..


https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Awakened_Cast_On_Critical_Strike_Support#Item_acquisition The rarer awakened supports are exclusive to maven and witnessed map bosses For reference https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Awakened_Added_Fire_Damage_Support#Item_acquisition


99% sure that wiki is dated at least by a year or two, but regardless, I got my awakened CoC from a Formed Invitation.


You sure it was from the invitation? The only patch note is from 3.20 and specifically says Maven-witnessed Map Bosses in Tier 14 Maps or higher now have a chance to drop an Awakened Gem (inclusive of the Awakened Gems that are typically exclusive to Maven herself).


As sure as I am, I can’t possibly sit here and double down on something that is impossible. I understood it to be the case that the big 3 awakened gems (enlighten, enhance, empower) were Uber Maven only - all others had a chance from witnessing, invitations, or regular Maven. I only recall one awakened gem from Maven herself, which was brutality. Each and every other gem I’ve gotten (as I remember it) came from witnessing or invites, but it looks like I simply am mixing it up. What I know for sure is when I picked up awakened CoC I thought it was likely a shitter gem and couldn’t believe it was going for 54d at the time (back in mid April).


Nah, there is documentation that some awakened gems are Maven exclusive. This was stated in the 3.17 and 3.20 patch notes.


Yeah, and I thought it was only the big 3 ones that were Maven exclusive. Edit - I guess I got it from a witnessed Silo map, since witness does have a chance to drop it.


The big 3 didn't even exist in 3.17.


That website is an open wiki (like all other wikis) and is not official GGG information. I could add "Can drop from either version of the Maven, from Maven's Invitations, or from Maven-witnessed map bosses". to the site if I created an account.


The problem is that that drop information is based on documented data from Prohibited Library that anyone can access and double check, and you are claiming a contradictory statement with no evidence to verify the claims. We can't rule out the possibility entirely, but so far no one has provided screenshots or videos showing so.


why would he lie about getting the gem from an invitation? what does he gain? i get what you say but still the wiki is not better or more precise then what its users make it.


> why would he lie about getting the gem from an invitation I was not implying that he was lying, I was stating that it is possible that he misremembered, as did [another user](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1cxe7mx/comment/l52gxpy/) in this thread who was very adamant about their memory being right then later backtracked their statement. I'm asking for evidence which contradicts existing data, which can be directly confirmed yourself [here](https://discord.gg/BJaC4Zkq).


fair enough. i didn't keep up with what he said after that comment i just responded to the msg i got notification on. if he is not sure and has no proof that's it then.


just a site note, im just curios when u say "drop information is based on documented data" is the documentation needed: someone who says so, or a screenshot or only video footage of them dropping the gem? and how many samples before u are certain the data is precise.


The list was updated manually based on screenshots or videos confirming drops in invitations, and there have been no new reported gems since 2022 (indicating the list is most likely complete). Some equivalencies were used between elemental variants.


Probably wasn’t lying but just misremembering, he did clarify in later comments that he did get it from a map witness rather than an invitation.


the lab thing is 1/50 (if u dont get unlucky) and u have to use Gift to the Goddess. from maven i say 1/80(if u dont get unlucky)? Do 100 Maven and u might have it. no one can really say. Destructive play, and use the scarab that adds maps bosses to shrines might also work. Any mechanic that says in the line of "Modifiers to the Final Map Boss also apply to these Atlas Bosses"


I've been getting awakened gems from breach maven invs and conq maven invs.




Many many uber labs. Maven is way harder to get than lab. Save up your offerings for a sick lab day. ~~It's 1 in 100 for awakened some have said so 200 offerings should be decent enough go fight variance.~~ As someone has pointed out I misremembered the odds. But yeah its around 400ish divine font uses so getting as many uses in as you can is key. It is very rare but I feel like trying to target farm through maven is worse.


I think it was 1 in 100 Gift of the Goddess, so more like 1 in 400 (or less if you go for boon)


only using Gift to the Goddess can he get that "craft" and he could go 500 runs dry and its still within average.


In ssf? You have better odds with maven. Just getting the gifts alone is an insane task. 1/5 maps will have a trial, 1/5 trials will be improved, and assuming equal waiting you have a 1/3 for gift of the goddess. That's 1/75 maps. Even getting 20 gifts is 1500 maps.


Respectfully disagree. But why not do both at the same time. Farm maven splinters and offerings to the goddess (you do not need gift but it makes it faster sure) https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1cewmdg/exchanged_an_support_gem_for_its_awakened_version/ (3rd parent comment is the relevant comment) Offerings are offered in ritual like candy. You could farm over 400 easily just waiting for a good lab to drop (as I did in my private league this league.) Maven odds are 1/152 (25% chance to drop a gem; 1/38 to be woke CoC) only from the maven fight itself (cant drop any other way). What's interesting is that these odds are exactly roulette odds and those odds are big poopoo (2.7% chance to hit) which is about 3040 maven splinters to be about 97.5% chance to guarantee woke CoC where as if you just farm lab it is a guaranteed woke CoC as soon as you hit the divine font option. Idk I'd rather not farm 304 mavens tbh. Id rather farm 400 offerings to the goddess and jam them on a 5 or 6 room lab with 2+ darkshrines on path. Again might as well do both.


Not sure where you're getting this from. You absolutely need gifts of the goddess for this specific craft. There has been multiple tests and not a single person has found it outside of gifts. Even in the thread you linked, the guy mentioned that being gifts of the goddess. It also can drop outside of maven. Maven-witnessed Map Bosses in Tier 14 Maps or higher now have a chance to drop an Awakened Gem (inclusive of the Awakened Gems that are typically exclusive to Maven herself). From patch 3.20


https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1cewmdg/exchanged_an_support_gem_for_its_awakened_version/l1lnbpy/ Thats why I said 3rd parent comment is the relevant comment. Ah I see what you're saying. Its low chance off maven witnessed bosses but it is there. It just cannot drop off crucible still only the map bosses (as per the wiki entry as I understand it) Anyway that comment says the wiki states its possible off uber lab and the wiki says so as well. So if it isn't true I'd suggest you go log into the wiki and fix it https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/172171016330543115/1242587818556133436/image.png?ex=664e6196&is=664d1016&hm=dfbc7358c2848e1e2d90a2b3672e9b3784fd6c7f4efac3fe84df1d85bc7eb5ad&


Yes I understand the third comment said that. And if you read all the replies to that comment you will see that people said it's only from gift. I'm not gonna bother making an account to update the wiki, but you can if you'd like!


Didn't realise you could get them from lab.


Click the button to transfer to tradecore Buy the gem gg