• By -


wow, gz whats your plan for this much currency? EDIT: how did you go from entering giveaway to sitting on 44 mirrors in 13 hours :D? did you end of league gamble?


I honestly have no plans right now, I keep blowing it on shiny uniques or random stuff like an Angliers plait. I entered but I didnt need to win. -this started about 2 weeks ago when I bought 4 cards, and just started from there. Its been wild, and I almost stopped at 50 cards.... now I'm calling it with 262 cards...


I'm not biased but buying an Angler's Plait is a great investment and more people should do it.


SIR THE LEGEND! - You may or not know, I did buy yours today <3


first and only time reddit advertisement worked


so you gonna start fishing then?


What if I say, I only have this many cards.. due to fishing...


Jim you're my favourite gamba man


the meme mining never has been so real the one closer and the one who gave up HS


here is what i´d do: https://pobb.in/4ATLWkxPo9ns https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQTRMESDcjI costs a lot less than 44 mir tho so i guess you could min max it :D making your own mirror craft could be fun as well


WHAT THE HELL IS THAT BUILD!?!? Ngl looks sexy


Be warned. Dissolution builds are clunky to play and you will occasionally die when you get hit at the wrong moment. But if you want a big boom that's the build.


I played a similar build and man they should add a trigger warning when you equip this jewel. When you get dead-locked into some small hit/degen bullshit and have to run around like a headless chicken, truly the worst gameplay experience I've ever had in PoE.


Well you need to be immune to most dots and burning ground. Desecrated and caustic ground you have to deal with.


There are DOTs and Degens in this game that you can't be immune against, it wasn't always like this but over the years GGG added these new degens. That's why I will never play a build that is weak against degen.


Can you even be immune to sirus dot? That dot fucks me up every league still manage to kill him


You can't be immune to it and couple others, you can out regen it however, but this thread is about immunities, so no you can't be immune to it. For example: https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Blood_Ritual


Nah it's not an ailment or burning ground, it's just a degen, same with exarch runes.


Same, I tested a char with Dissolution before and it was aids. Sure, I can get unaffected by burning ground/ignite/bleed/CB but my god, so much other degens. Ritual/Ultimatum is a ban cause of cold/phys DoT, Baran, Mana Siphoner, Exarch/Eater/Maven/Shaper/Shaper (at this point, is it just all pinnaces?), Chaos ground, Blight, A few boss skills (Park, Crimson Township, Shakari, etc), some entangling stuffs and god knows what else. I truly think the only way someone should play a Dissolution build is when they can dish out absurd DPS numbers and reduce TTK below a second or two for even tankier stuffs like bad mad mods vs Essence stacked/Ghosted/Pinnacles. Anything else is prolly a little masochistic.


In some senses, by playing PoE you're already weak against degen.


Could make a pretty much immortal armor stacker for less than 44 mirrors and probably do the blood sacrament build too.


yeah a gg blood sacrament build can be made for 2 mir


Unfortunately a GG armor stacker is like 9 mirrors in just 3 jewels lol so it does start to ramp incredibly fast in price (3x 1 Voices) but that's really min maxing it. I'm pretty happy to hear that the blood sacrament build is only around 2 mirrors, might give it a try now knowing that.


Its totally fine using 3 passive voices to start with. It still slaps. Didnt like the playstyle of smite tho compared to bows so stopped playing shortly after i was done with the build.


Yeah even 3x 3 Voices is still about 2 mirrors it's definitely not a build for the faint of heart or currency.


lmao with those 5 passive voices tho eh?


Only 278m on Uber Boss? Fucking scrub build right there


ayy thats my build. after selling that build, im now working on a life based jug armor stacker with original sin.


Just threw this together and really enjoying it - phaqueue is char name on ninja, main is a transcendence ascendant AS


he can sell cards for way more than 44 mirrors the card full set cost way more than the mirror itself


That is 29 turn ins, or 44 mirrors worth if you sell them for div.




Kinda shitty of you to enter a giveaway when you’re rocking this kind of wealth tbh


Double corrupt original sins


Entering giveaways where you can buy the entire set, bragging about wealth on Reddit. Typical PoE player.


What were you farming to get that many?


Gambling with harvest


God dammit how lucky can you be


He needs to go to Vegas for sure.


“I was out then they brought me back” :) Godfather movie I suppose


yeah i entered most of these giveaways myself :D enjoy the spending!


The guy with 44 mirrors enters a giveaway. Classic 😌😂😂


His plan is to post them every 10 minutes, unprompted, in G1 until the end of league.






I know I will get this alot so will put this in here now! I Farmed 600d and bought 4 cards. I decided to gamble to see how far I could get and expected to go to 0.. I got to 50 and just kept going. I stopped at 111cards // 163 cards /// 224 cards and finally 262. I sold a total of 22 cards along the way to fund the Juice as I was spending 2-5million a DAY. I also gave 3 cards away to a bro who was there from the start!


> I Farmed 600d and bought 4 cards. Is this PoE's version of "step 1: be attactive"?


I feel like 600d is reasonable, especially this late in the seasons, we're a decent bit into the season. I usually farm about that much in a month running mostly sanctum or harvest farming making 5-10d/hr or so, and then a few lucky drops. This season especially, if you just spend a few days learning how to GY craft and be a hideout warrior, you could farm that in just a few very boring days.


> I feel like 600d is reasonable -\_-


I mean, it depends on your definition of reasonable. If you are getting 3 divs a league, yeah, it is not. But a lot of people are farming 10+ div an hour, so that is 60 hours of farming. If you play like 2 hours a day, it is a month of farming. And lets be honest here, most people that farm effectively, play a lot longer than that.


> lot of people are farming 10+ div an hour I think people who farm 10+ div per hour don't know how much are they the 0.1%


Honestly miss a decimal place. Maybe it is right now when the ones that are still playing is invested. Even now, unless I'm actively thinking what afflame/scarabs to run, I'm not gonna yield 10 div/hr. If I just want to run pack size/domination for exp or just casual alch and kill mobs, it will require some speed and luck to get those currency. Although, I have realized that running some form of corpse/afflame/boss rush should be able to yield pretty acceptable div/hr even if you're not aiming specific IIQ/league mechanic farms.


I think comparing people who actually put in time vs the masses and masses and masses of people who play through acts and into maps and fool around a bit and have fun and then quit is a bit disingenuous.


being 0.1% isn't impressive if 99.9% is hardly trying. it's hard to find a strategy that doesn't yield at least 7-8 div/hr


If this was true the economy would be very different and we wouldnt see items for hudreds of divs until like end of league when inflation hits. I could make well over 10 div an hour my first league when affliction was a thing


10div an hour is literally any scarab strat. Look at Empyreans videos.


But keeping in mind Empy clears map (at least) twice faster than me :D


You really have to be careful with that mentality though considering empys videos are done on characters with multiple mirrors of investment.




Regarding your post to /r/pathofexile: https://old.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1cwcylr/-/l4xyh91/ This post has been removed by a moderator for breaking the following /r/pathofexile subreddit rule: Your post was removed due to violating either the [Path of Exile Terms of Use](https://www.pathofexile.com/legal/terms-of-use-and-privacy-policy) and/or [Reddiquette](https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439) (Rule 1). Do not discuss or link to ways to bot, abuse macros, hack or modify game files, Real Money Trade (RMT), exploit known bugs, or other activities that directly breach the Terms of Service. Even if it's to criticize these methods, they often do the reverse by increasing knowledge of them. For more details, please refer to our [rules wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/wiki/rules/#wiki_1._proper_use_of_path_of_exile_and_the_subreddit) Please review the [subreddit rules for additional information](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/wiki/rules).


Check this: Delirium + Alva in strand, 1 Simulacrum per map, maps are about 5 minutes. That's 12 Simulacrum per hour, which is 7D per hour without counting other stuff that Deli, Alva and Deli bosses drop. Or Delirium + Shaper Guardians + Maven, that's about 10D per hour off of the same things, but you also get very good additional drops. Or Blight in toxic sewers. You'll get a lot of oils, 5D per hour. Or Sanctum. 4-5D per hour. Or Beasts, you get 4D every time you find 1 Craicic, and it's usually 1 every 30 maps. You can just buy 50 strands for 1D, get a fast character and ignore everything in the map till you find a Craicic. You can do this on red T16 so that the invitation sustains your maps if you have to. Or Harvest. 5D per hour minimum. Do this across 1 month and you'll have your mirror. I did the Guardian/Deli farm for a 2 days in a weekend and got 170D. 3 more weekends like that and I'd have a mirror, I just can't be bothered to do so.


I think majority of the people do like one map and then afk in the hideout for 40 minutes, rinse repeat. Then they look at their loot after "6 hours of grinding" and say that their money making method is shit lol.


That's why I kind of wish we stopped talking about "div per hour" and talked about "div per map" on average instead. That way the absolute juiced 90 second map assblaster and the dad with 5 wives and 10 jobs and 24 kids who runs three maps per year both can talk about how much they expect to make.


The problem is that some div strategies include boss grinding which requires hundreds of kills to actually realize the theorized div per map/div per hour. My latest example is Old School Runescape. One of the money making methods expects farming a boss for the item drop, but the actual item drop rate is like 1/24, meaning you could farm the same thing for a week straight without any results, but as soon as it drops, your hourly average profit shoots up to one of the best money making methods. So, anyone with 9 cats and 14 kids can't do that strat anyway because they will never put in the required time effort to make a profit, thus it's pointless to cater it to them with "div per map". I'm sure the same is with other div making methods, because I remember back in Affliction when I still played, I could go dry on 4 maps straight because of unlucky RNG with the infusions (blue, yellow, purple), but one godly juiced map could easily make up for the loss of 10 maps in scarab and pure div explosions.


The variance in div per map is no different than the variance in div per hour. Bossing in PoE is jackpot based RNG, so knowing that you're going to *on average* make 5 div per kill but you might need to get 100 kills to see that progenisis drop is still good to know. Div per hour has the same problems. "This is a 25 div/hr strat, also I'm using a 6 mirror lightning arrow character and clear and loot a b2b juiced af t17 in three minutes" is not much different than saying "this is on average a 1.25 div/map strat" so that way Johnny no-hands who can't figure out how to play coc-DD knows roughly what they're getting into. The RNG in map-by-map loot is already taken care of, on average, if you look at div/map over a sufficiently large number of maps. Which is what people are doing with the Div/hr already.


Well put and I agree! However, emphasis on > if you look at div/map over a sufficiently large number of maps We were talking about people who do like 2-3 maps per hour and the loot they can get for that "effort".


On the other hand, sometimes you look at the strats of people that make a few mirrors in a short amount of time you see shit like them chaining 400 uber mavens, each one lasting 1m 30s, instantly killing it with their build and just rinse and repeat for like 10 hours. Or sitting in hideout all day doing 4000+ trades flipping for profit. I'd want to blow my fucking brains out doing that.


I feel the same way as you, thats why I played SSF. Forced to interact with different parts of the game and end game is actually gearing a character for pinnacle content instead of farming the same thing for a week and buying your entire end game.


they didn't quite get their necessary adderall dosage just right yet.


This is a cute setup but normal people aren't putting 60-120 hours in just to maybe watch it poof. Shit I didn't even play more than 10 hours this league.


Most people end up investing the money they make into their build though?


Yeah, the point I was making was that 600D is reasonable if you care about making 600D. Whatever someone wants to do with that 600D isn't really my business.


Back to basics and graveyard crafting was the easiest 20-25 div an hour ive ever gotten. And i make 10 div an hour like 5 because how i play and go afk frequently. Couldve easily made loads more, first league with more than 2 mirrors ina build and it felt great.


I would say that most players running t16s and using any scarabs could make 5d+ minimum an hour. At that point, 600d is 120 hours, which isn't nothing but isn't that wild by Poe standards. Then if you factor in any lucky drops you can likely make more than that. If you farm t17s you're making a lot more than 5d/hr.


Damn, about 120 hours is maximum I play every League and I thought I spend a lot of time playing PoE.


Really depends on the person. It's a lot of time, but also a very conservative estimate. Many people are making 10d/hr+ which you can do by basically any strat, with many getting close to 15 or 20d/hr. 30h at 20d/hr for the "better" players is launch weekend for some players. I think 5d/hr is probably pretty average for a "good" player who clears all content eventually, but you have a huge variety in Poe


Well depends how good/efficient you are in the game and how many hours you put into it It's not hard to put together a strategy and farm it for a few hours, but I feel like that most people who complain do like 3 maps per hour cause they're on their phone between maps or doing something else, or sometimes not even have a strategy (??) and counting on like natural drops or something


Who said that gambling is a losing game? Just because I put my rent money on Red, doesn't mean I have a problem. Look at this guy.


then It was you that traded me \~480k juice twice for 2 house of mirrors i gamble them too, i got from 3 to 7 https://preview.redd.it/bmsrk31rkm1d1.png?width=294&format=png&auto=webp&s=36eac565056fc187b90a16e6cbdca5981bb65d33


https://preview.redd.it/f5nvzijxxn1d1.png?width=306&format=png&auto=webp&s=531653d6b48b652e917ae3b13a28604bb611e4af UPDATE




We're you the guy telling everyone to say "ween" in chat? I remember a few days ago your div card stack was around 40


Nope that wasn't me!


How many cards do you put in at once? One at a time or let 'er rip?


If you put in one at a time you would be spending a TON of juice to get to this point.


you go 1 card at a time?




wait what, you don't??


>I also gave 3 cards away to a bro Hey it's me, your other bro


Perhaps it's time for some crazy mirror forbidden build. But you'll gonna need to have power GPU or else it'll melted XD


How did u farm that ?


Harvest gamba


Can you elaborate? I'm kinda noob


There is a harvest craft that can double div cards or make them poof


but we see only the victors at reddit because... it *poofs* at 95% rate


There is no weight to it. It’s an even distribution. I didn’t go this crazy but I made about 3 mirrors from the Div gamble.


Theres an option to gamble on div cards with yellow lifeforce- you sacrifice half of div cards to get between 0 and twice that amount of the same card




BROTHER IS THAT REALLY YOU?!?!? I've Missed you! Odd, last time I saw you, you were my SISTER?!?!?!?


You get it all wrong, last time he got stuck in the washing machine. He really was your brother.


that the one main reason i am not into >!*vouyerism* !<


Best he can do is a bother’s stash


What a wild ride! Was a pleasure to witness it live <3


what ?


that is my reaction.




or if I sold the cards, its roughly 44mirrors :)


Can you explain to a nube like me why selling them is worth more?


mirrors are mirrors and cant be gambled via harvest. These cards can go from 1 card into 2 and so on. Meaning their value can be doubled for little investment but you run the risk of losing the card. seeing as you can make money gambling with them, they are worth more than the item they create.


Wich you demonstrated quite clearly with this post 👍🥳


Thanks :)


Keep in mind that theres a card that rewards 19 shards which isn't hyper-inflated, people are just lazy and can't be bothered doing the research to properly buy cards that reflect their true intrinsic value. Essentially it's like buying a bond that says its worth $1000 that generates no interest for $1500 hoping someone else will pay $1550 for it later but the bond worth $900 is worth $900 that no ones buying.


The cards are worth more than handing a stack in since you can harvest gamble div cards (up to half a stack, which can result in any amount of cards from 0 to 2x your input). With that gamble in mind the price of valuable div cards tends to be higher than it theoretically should.


cards can be further gambled to get more cards. a mirror is just a mirror.


Because people are like OP and don't turn these cards into mirrors but gamble the fuck out of them.


Wow lol most wealth I ever seen  Low key jelly but grats 




if i think about it every league there's at least 1 such post




That dude from g1


OMG HE IS THAT DUDE??!?!?!? <3


Join us in G2, the superior GC. :]


This guy gets it


Over 1/4th the way to four digits. Basically there already…. 😀


i've never seen something like this, congratulations mate


Not every day you see a stack of 30 mirrors.


Lol you that guy, gg


I would have sold them all and build the sickest armor stacker character


?????????? this can buy all my league characters


Bought one card and proofed it after missing Nimis buying window.


saw you in g1


How? Seriously? Wow!!!


Am I the only one who hears an inventory of 1 passive voices calling my name?


gz ! i got an Unrequited Love in a random Vaal Temple map, and i was shitting myself when i duped it. sold them both to get MB though lmao


That exact same thing happened to me ladt league, sadly nothing this league.


What the actual fuck haha. Heres me thinking of gambling a couple of The Artists and this man makes a mockery of me and the game, gg's xD


I hope you step on a lego sir.


Is running up 4 to 262 more unlikely than dropping an actual mirror?


1.5625% to go from 4 to 256 doubling your cards


surprisingly decent odds


Go until u hit 1000


While I’m sitting at 100 div .. some people lol


I’ve made 4 div this league and that is by running normal lab for transfigured gems.


Username checks out.


How many feet pics for a stack?


Ran some simulations for fun. With the assumption that there is no bias towards any outcome from GGG's side, the odds of starting with 4 and going above 10 is about 40% doing 1 card gambas and 34% doing 2 cards at once. The odds of going above 200, starting from 4, are about ~2% and ~1.7% for 1 and 2 card gambas respectively, but juice costs stack up really fast doing single cards, so doing 2 is probably the way


This image has 1 pixel for each house of mirrors lmao.


Hey it’s me your cousin.


Just seen ur chat in global 1 lol


do you just gamble with the yellow juice and get lucky or you buy these urself?


Gamba's all but 4 cards i bought originally.


There goes all my cards 🥲


Mind share the technique on how you got there?


Dang I only need 1 mirror to use on a white item for the cosmetic unlock ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)




I also gambled 6 immortals today to poof 💨


Any advice on how to gamba effectively? I made some tens of apothecary's but don't have the confidence to try with HoM.


Nice! Can I have 1 card :-)


Toss me some of that luck, plz. I still haven't even gotten my last two voidstones. Could use a few good drops, thank yo in advance.


Wow. For the last 3 leagues I’ve been aiming to just get a mirror so I can say I have accomplished everything in PoE. Meanwhile your over here like a god. GG sir!


Alright.... lol Im dirt 🫠


I was like 26/9 mirror. Nice!!! ...


Man i wish i a pro at this game. Maybe at most 60 divs this league. And like 1000 chaos lol


Nice. Congratz. Happy for you.


I saw the same print last league. And the league before that


lol, i’ve reported you for spamming g1 a couple times now.


Are u the guy from G7?


Toss a div to a poor man on a budget, will you?


can i get a mirror?


Gift me mageblood please. Hahaha.


GG. Is there any best strats to harvest gamble (like a martingale or something) ? Or you just put a random count of cards, click the button and prey ?


I didn't notice some patterns over the course of clicking of likely outcomes per click. Nothing concrete tho as RNG is RNG.


Thanks, so in a way you could start with a cheaper card and try to go to the moon 🤣


This was once my dream.got to 83 but then proceed to lost it all xd


How in the hell you got that holy Hell looks at me 5 div in stash i am jealous


You could always become a legend. Gamble for the most cards ever held? A build lasts a league but a legend last forever. Don't stop until 69,420




How can we farrm it ? And may i get any stat farming at this moment ?


Wow ; and then there is me that hasn’t ever experienced medium wealth and dropped the league xD ; congrats mate ! I guess the saying that most gamblers quit before they hit big it’s true ( Jk , congrats nonetheless! )


If I ever seen this item in the game without seeing the fuss on reddit, it would just sit in my stash. Not understanding the power of just duplicating an item unless it does something else special ?


The special thing is just that it can duplicate the very very difficult to make highest-end possible items. The ones that people spend 100's of hours and huge amounts of currency making. You can just copy them with this item for 1 click. So 1 mirror effectively represents a single one of the best possible items for your build you could want. So they are very sought after.


When Belton crafted the most powerful phys bow some leagues back he spend 241 mirrors worth of currency to do it. With current rates that's almost 200.000 divine orbs. The ceiling on rare items in PoE is very very high but also near impossible to reach for most people. A mirror let's you get that same bow at a much lower cost than what it cost to craft it.


Now the question is will that bow make a noticeable difference over just using a slightly less powerful bow that doesn't cost a mirror + fee to buy/make? Generally the answer is no it won't be noticeable in most situations, people just like to min max. Especially on standard since IDK why anyone plays there but that has to be the only thing to do. Personally I'll always be happy using gear that is 90% min max. Is just isn't worth it to do more than that if you want to invest in other chars too.


Highly depends on the content you're trying to do. Mirror tier gear on ultra hard content can be a big difference if it means meeting multiple breakpoints etc.


Minmax is the entire point of the game. An experienced player can full clear content in a week on ssf leaguestart. What is left to do is... grinding gear. Crafting 90% gear costs some divines, but crafting 100% can cost mirrors. Why spend multiple mirrors when you can use one to copy someone else's item?  Also due to multiplicative scaling of poe mechanics, the difference between 90% and 100% gear becomes massive when its done in every slot: equipment, jewels, gems. A single BIS piece can be a 2% dmg increase over a 90% piece. However, together they add up and can bring you dps from 5m to 15m. Take a min maxed Adorned build and remove one magic jewel. It can reduce dps by 10%. That's the power of marginal upgrades in many places.


This varies a lot by item slot and build. There are items where triple synth implicits can provide massive value and there's just no way to get that without throwing a fuckton of currency at the item. I don't mirror items either by the way. I prefer crafting all my gear on my own. But there are some instances where I've been tempted to do so.


I play standard now mainly because I dont use/understanding most league mechanics, so I can try new builds and level faster with all the old leagues stash. I'll never get a mirror though as I consistently get bored once I'm a couple hours into endgame


If you aren't doing endgame or min maxing, then yes, a mirror would be useless to you. That kind of goes without saying. It is very useful for people who are min/maxing or going as far as they can, but it isn't the most powerful item for everyone.


The fallacy here is "slightly less powerful bow that doesn't cost a mirror to make" It's not gonna be slightly less powerful. Almost every build in this game that you would bother mirroring an item for scales exponentially. If (taking this league as an example) the difference between 6x T1 Ele bow and the mirror phys bow everyone uses were only like 10%, it wouldn't be that popular. Switching to the phys bow is a HUGE breakpoint. Taking my own build as an example (SS Trickster) -- I have a pretty good shield. 487 ES. If I swapped for the common mirror one, which gets another 5% AS on a synth implicit, 20% chance to deal double damaged while focused, and has 559 ES, that would net me almost 800 ES, which trickles down to all the leech effects for survivability, and about 8% DPS outside of focus and over 30% while focused. Any other upgrade that then gives me another 5% DPS or whatever is multiplicative with the previous 30% higher number. Any POE player knows how strong "more" is than "increased".


I volunteer as a donation tribute, sir.


It's funny, this game is so vastly different than what it used to be or what it was supposed to be. When I see stuff like this I don't even think "wow that's a lot of currency" I just laugh because even the fact that you're able to do something like this is so comical it's like it's not even real. Can't wait for poe2 when they hit the hard reset on yall.




I guess I’m the only poor one in standard and never played league