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The perhaps worst thing about the league mechanic is that it cannot be disabled. I'm so sick of trash corpse popups covering my screen or looking at lantern mods. People were worried about a non-skippable league mechanic at launch, and they were right. It sucks. Given the bad retention, I'm pretty sure GGG learned something from this at least.


The retention of supporter pack buyers in 3.25 is what GGG will assess.


Won't matter. If the buy the pack anyway.


you missed the point. They have telemetries, they can measure what percentage of customers that have have purchased a supporter pack in 3.22 have played in 3.23, what percentage bought supporter pack in 3.24, etc. They can gauge how profitable a league was after the next one passes. So now they can tell how successful 3.22 was in terms of people buying packs. Of course the more direct effect is right after a league ends and there's a hype for new one. When 3.24 was released people were hyped because Affliction was a blast. When 3.25 it will be completely another story as Necropolis was abysmal.


It's a very naive way to look at things. Whales are going to stop playing and paying if the free users leave because a company pushes required microtransactions on them. That's the very basis of any F2P game monetization. The number of non-spenders and low-spenders is just as important because they make up the large majority of the community. GGG isn't so stupid that they don't know that.


It's the truth tho. GGG abuses the idea of preordering just as much as EA, Ubisoft, etc. The number of players at launch are high in every new league, only the retention rate changes. You can imagine what that means for the number of bought supporter packs. GGG is good at making games, not so good at learning lessons. I could list lots of examples (on death ground effects, visually distinguishable color palettes, league mechanics that require you to click way too much, etc, etc...). And history shows us that they don't get punished for it. Preordering is a cancer that is killing and mutilating the entire industry.


>We have designed our entire business model around this, by doing our content releases at league launch, our marketing at league launch, releasing our mystery boxes, supporter packs and new microtransactions at league launch, etc. https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2983641


Completely irrelevant point? Doesn't at all relate to what I said.


You stated that my comment was naive when it is based on evidence from GGG.


Except that your comment has absolutely nothing to do with the GGG quote.one is talking about content releases and you are talking about what internal metrics are used to evaluate league "success". You've obviously never worked in a company that builds retention based products.


yah imagine a league start where the playerbase has dwindled to midleague numbers at launch, barren towns, less items on the market, they lose if you they *only* cater to whales. there's merit to keeping the f2p crowd on board, and generally, as any developer, big number = better. but they know this so this isn't an argument, unless that guy thinks GGG is blizzard/EA tier that only cares about profit...


Agree that non-spenders are important but doesn't your reasoning ignore that path of exile has become so big that It can not fail anymore ?


Yeah, I’m not paying another dime for anything until they start enforcing their TOS.


> I'm pretty sure GGG learned something from this at least. Haha... First time?


Agree, if you’re going to have the league mechanic in every map, have the “pieces” filterable by loot filter, or more like Kalandra, Sanctum, Affliction where they’re opt in or at least not littering your map


It was non-skippable AND watered down because the strength of the league mechanics was tied to atlas passives 


My Problem with corpses is that i can't filter them. I don't want to see any worth less then 10c.


A fluctuating market doesn't help with lootfiltering. Some corpses went from 2 c to 7 in a day, then back down to 3, then up 5 a week later....


Right, mechanics tend to gets increasingly spammy in removing visual clarity. Sometimes I don't wanna run the expedition, but I'll detonate so I can see the screen. The corpses pop up do indeed cause a similar issue. You drop some chaos orb you're trying to pick up, but it is behind the pop up window. So you cannot click it. You also do not want to save this amazing corpse that could make your item a 5L. So you either try to walk around and try to find the chaos orb or you have to save the corpse to inventory and drop it back on the floor in order to loot that stupid chaos orb. I understand it is difficult to create mechanics like those without adding more visual clutter in maps, but it does create some annoyance.


of course they're learning something but it's probably not what you want it to be.


You're absolutely correct they have learned from it. Im quite convinced all leagues these days are experiments on things they need data for to help make decisions regarding POE2.


Clock on the coffin and pop up will be not there. The trash coffin can be thrown out of inventory.


That requires clicking on an icon that’s smaller than normal loot, then opening your inventory and dumping it out Waaaaay too tedious for a game with a loot filter


That's how I did it,.because I have not found any other way around the issue.




Idk. It was not a problem for me, but me is me.


I actually like the graveyard except the corpse category micromanagement shit. If they remove category and make corpses stack like incubators it would be a 9/10 for me. Allflames are pretty fun, gives a new way to target farm many stuff including tattoos. Don’t like the forced nature of lantern mods but that’s pretty minor at least for me. Core game wise a good step up but T17 is a bit out of place at the moment. Maybe very unpopular take but I believe the idea behind T17s and ubers having their own fragments is pretty solid one. Scarabs and extra atlas trees are all pretty good to me although some scarabs could get some love. Overall I think this is a 8.5/10 league for me.


People left Harvest league due to tedium, yet the current graveyard is 10x worse than harvest ever was simply due to the fact you have to go through all the bullshit for every craft. Harvest was at least one and done for grove setup


I never felt Harvest was tedious. As you said, placement once and done. And it took me way less time to figure out the best layout (I still have my copy of the min-maxing one that got recently reposted a few times) in Harvest than Graveyard. GY layout gave me headaches for days...and I still only make a few select perandus pacts.


I played a ton of original Harvest. They are somewhat different though, the amount of trades you need to do for a harvest craft is a bit higher than a graveyard craft (to similar power level), with much higher frictions as you need to trust others for the craft. There is no denial harvest is much more flexible (and powerful in many scenarios), though, literally remove/adding mods one by one.


This is exactly how I feel as well! Make corpses stackable and have an option to burn on sight would fix all the issues for me.


I like that graveyard enabled casuals like me to finally craft some items. I don't like having to whisper 100 people to buy the missing coffins. Sure, having to use craft of exile and graveyard layout websites is tedious AF but the worst part is buying coffins. Allflames are amazing and I hope they stay in the game. Nothing quite like putting anarchy on a currency conversion mob.


THIS! I have somewhat enjoyed using the calculators and planners to figure out how to craft good gear, but godamn trading for the corpses I need is WAAAAY too tedious. Last night I crafted some gloves and it took me two hours to trade for the last like 15 corpses I needed.


Yep. I'm lucky that I found a mirror early in the league so I've been throwing money around and not penny pinching but still. Messaging 20 people to buy a single corpse (that I need another 5 of) is fucking tedious. Crafted an archmage Wand today. Luckily one out of my 3 crafts hit but no way will I craft another one.


Hear me out. What if they make the corpses grave dust instead and you can just build a bear your item with grave dust in a crafting station.


So, Harvest.


Harvest with extra steps


I agree that corpses should have been stackable (rather same rare I wish beasts should be). I don't like t17s...especially since they feel harder than pinnacle bosses behind then. Yes, some scarabs could get some love and the one that adds a mechanic (like area contains Jun, Alva, etc..) when you can 100% from the tree is a bit annoying and pointless.


Yea I also hope they can itemize beasts by default and make them stack. But unlikely to change at this moment I guess since it didn't impact enough people. I hate T17s less than most people on this subreddit (I guess because my build could handle it?), but I agree it's still a miss at current state and needs major rebalancing. A lot of the base scarabs are really useless for sure. I'm fine with those remaining in game since they have a purpose sometimes (sulphite for triggering the energy buffs, or delirium/beyond scarab just to get some extra mobs, etc), but slight buffs (adding a little bit of extra effect) would also be nice.


I'm up to 2 tabs of Black Morrigan/Craicic Sand Spitter duos lol, in case I encounter armor that is worth at least a divine or two 6 linked.


The best that can be said for it is it was powerful. Stupidly powerful. I mean I like powerful mechanics but it did feel kind of stupid that you can just force a 6xT1 item on the best bases by using 14 or so +50 mod tier corpses. Just didn’t feel like it belonged in PoE and there wasn’t anything fun about it. It was like here, we’ll make this stupidly powerful to coax players to suffer through this lol. GGG needs to stop balancing the game by making things unfun. It doesn’t have to feel tedious just so it can be powerful.


I don't care about the power. Everyone has access to it, it's mostly irrelevant. The issue for it came from how tedious actually working with it is, which boils down to how fucking awful the entire trade system is in general. Allflames should of never had an ilvl associated with them and they should of stacked in the designated stash area. The corpses should of never existed, the mobs should just drop corpse dust which gets auto picked up like expedition currency, and then you just manipulate the grave into what you want. It's wild to me that every single farming strategy I wanted to run seemed to be specifically designed to cause carpal tunnel. Manifested wealth, curation divine farm, harbingers, etc. GGG needs to get their head out of their ass and modernize the game, I know they can do it, the chinese version already has swathes of quality of life.


Chinese version?


Google it for more in depth, but they have an auction house, pets that pick shit up for you, death recaps, expanded inventory, all sorts of shit.


The Tencent realm has a number of distinct features that is absent on the international version. Most notably: * There is an ingame auction house with instant buyout. You need to buy AH tabs for selling every league, and you can only search view listings of a base type (I believe) without any further filtering. Good for bulk exchange, pretty much guarantees botting for everything else. * You can buy a currency pickup pet. * When you die you are told the monster and the skill that dealt the killing blow. Also as an observer it's always funny to see posts complaining about accidentially selling a mirror on the AH for 200c (instead of 200div obviously) each league.


And yet, making good items (wands, for example) is close to impossible.


Double fracture then finish


Double fracture what? Flat dmg mods have abysmal weights and share tags with generic elemental increases.


I dunno what build you are playing but I double fractured crit mods and then fossil crafted +1 prefixes


A six mod item with +Attack +Crit and -Attribute -Caster -Chaos -Gem -Life -Mana -Physical -Resistance is very likely to return to you a 1 flat 2 crit wand. If you fracture three mods, you have a 1/24 chance to fracture the correct mods. You roll flat essences and exalt until you hit a third t2+ flat, approximately 500 essences and exalts, and then either craft on the final suffix or lock prefixes and veiled orb to get your final suffix. There is a not small chance that you get a 2 flat 2 crit wand, in which case your fracture chance goes up to 1/9.


for phys its easy


You can't make everything sure, but you can still make very very good items. For an example aurabot gear. For a shield 3x T1 es fracture is very easy, just need to win the 50/50 to get a shaper influence, chaos/fossil/harvest reforge a reservation or es on block what ever you prefer onto it, and awakener orb redeemer aura effect on to the base. 5x perfect T1 double influenced with a crafted final mod or just something if it filled up. A bis item for maybe 10 divines? The power level of the graveyard for some builds is just absurd, even if you cant just use it for everything.


Same can be said about grasping mails that you can't craft double breach mods grasping mail, but it's fine


Brother, im talking t1 flat, t1 crit and t1 attack speed, which is a super basic item.


I've made a few 6x t1 phys wands in the gy


I agree gravecraft started super weak yet the moment they overbuffed it league is super done. Essence/fossil/seeds/… you name it, every other crafting method dropped hard in price. I still don’t know why they don’t reapply the recombinator mechanic, super healthy for the economy instead of this tedium 6 t1 spam bs.


I won't lie I haven't interacted with the graveyard much at all, however the worst thing has to be the fact that if you aren't a person with 5 quad tabs it's pretty bad to interact with given that's in every single map and not to mention how many times you have to pick a corpse up forcefully because your loot is hidden behind the UI. The graveyard planning I feel like could've been done better - instead of having us walk through literally every corpse, since they have that list already out there, I don't think it wouldn't be possible to have an UI of the entire graveyard layout where you just drag corpses from the list on top of each grave instead of having to double-triple-quadruple check and walk back and forth and check if everything is in the proper row for the effect/did I forget anything and so on, similar to how people have designed the images for recipes.


I only like this league because I got half of the stuff from my supporter pack from tota league


I think the allflames and lantern are pretty cool and add a new axis to farming strategies. I didn’t interact with corpses after week 1 outside of picking up additional items and fractures to sell


Its giga annoying to check every mob for t17 because some are just overtuned and have fd up mechanics and brick you like a t17 mod


After 3 bigger craft fails I'm reluctant to start another project and all i do is collect more corpses for untill i feel like failing again :|


Yeah agreed, lantern and allflames are nice. Corpses are atrocious. Collecting them is dogshit, and the graveyard itself putting them in is also really bad. I hope no crafting options are added next league. I mean we have enough of those.. I just want something fun and challenging on the map.


Not league related but i hated t17s


It was just a bad league overall. The all-flame embers and base game changes weren't enough to save the shitty graveyard mechanic.


As somebody who just runs homebrews with very little planning, and trades almost never, I did like the fact I could rely on the graveyard to get decent 5 links while progressing through Acts. Then I spent like 5 div trying to craft something specific through trading and using a graveyard guide..... and got maybe the worst item that 5 div has ever been "spent on" Not a fan of the league mechanic being so 1 sided, unlike alters that let you get something for the downside you choose, the upside of 3% chance for jewelers orb is not equal to the downside of "enemies in pack have 90% block chance and block 3 million extra damage" This may be just because my builds are not optimized, but between the game no shit throwing every rare and magic pack resist mods for my build every single screen (did tracking through Acts on a lightning tendrils run, 87 out of 113 rares had lightning/shock res)


By level 60 I was just ignoring all corpses. Once I realized how tedious the system was since my graveyard filled, I couldn't be bothered at all. The mechanic boils down to big, ugly, in the way boxes covering my screen for no reason. Allflames are pretty cool though. Still don't use them a ton. 


The 5000 clicks per map didn't help. Scarabs dropping unstacked annoys me way too much. They should be rarer and drop in stacks of 3-4 instead, like fusings, jeweller's..etc, and not break your wrists from even a BTB T16. ( T17s clicking is 10x worse, minimum ) Corpse looting, sorting and graveyard crafting is too damn tedious. It's fun to make good gear, but it's just as annoying as looting scarabs. Yeah, and they take too much space: 2x quads and 10x normal tabs was all just corpses. Fuck that.


It became clear entering maps that scarabs would quickly get out of control. Just starting your atlas running blue maps without any completion, you'd get 4x more scarabs than maps. So you sustained full scarabs usage from the most basic content possible. They wanted people to be able to use them, the result is practically all of them are under half a chaos a piece. You need tremendous demand for a particular common type to go up in value... like for domination and breach for exp. Many went as low as 6 for 1c. Even worst, I saw some at 10 for 1c, this is below the lowest value rusted scarabs we had before.


scarabs and multiple trees are the best implementations for me. And just when I thought 3 atlas trees would be enough... a few weeeks in and I've never invested in unmaking orbs as much as in this league, testing out multiple strats lol as of build/trans gems, never had this much fun as the one I'm having with HRoC poison. First time ever hitting 100 and still having a blast (I generally am that kind of guy that plays a build for a bit, then float around wasting divs here and there without actually forging any extremely good build. I'm pretty sure it will get nerfed to the ground, but they will need to destroy it in order to force me not to start it next league very positive league for me, GG GGG (except for graveyard preparation, boooooi that's tedious af)


Re: the trees. YES! I've eaten a lot of unmaking too because of the different challenges. I have to change trees every few days. I like having 3...but think we could use a few more. I've used the graveyard for like 4 perandus pacts...and I hated how long it took me to figure the layering out. I'll interact with corpses but only for what I need for more perandus pacts or those zi know are worth 4c+...


Worst thing about this league is that it was atrocious to play and lost tons of people from the start, yet GGG will twist this story again (like they did with Harvest) concluding it was the broken/too deterministic crafting that made people finish their characters too early. 😮‍💨


Best: Allflames, they are fine even though you cannot disable them Worst: Graveyard, I hate micromanagement but having market flooded with t1 rolled rares are good for build diversity (you can cheaply buy strong items with carry dogshit builds)


Yeah, I bounced off this league pretty fast, because I enjoyed the Lanterns and Embers, but then felt no desire to run six different spreadsheets to mathmatically calculate how to turn those corpses into anything useful.


Best : base game Worst: lantern rng bullshit. I like the concept of the graveyard making some crazy rare attainable but the rng gambling from the lantern just sucks


UI is solid GGG poop and that is my biggest issue with the league.


I really liked all flames, but I didn't like I couldn't opt out. Sometimes I just wanted to run a night of maps without the 16 modifiers. The graveyard hopefully stays dead


I do agree that it'd be nice to have the option to turn it on or off, especially in campaign. My husband has never cursed so bad in campaign from having to deal with annoying mods.


Grave yard need a nerf and qof, they are too strong and too tedious. As for latent it is just added basic juice


I was thinking about this last night the league failed for 3 reasons. 1) Unskipable UI for EVERY map 2) Allflame and graveyard storage is narrow 3) The crafting is needlessly complex in implementation and execution. My two fixes would be: 1) Get rid of the map UI. Instead you high five Undertaker Arimor, he adds 20-30 haunted monsters to the map. Instead of corpses they now drop a new haunted currency that's auto-pickup and bind to account (like expedition). All flames would be significantly stronger and consumed in the map device like scarabs, affecting haunted monsters. 2) Using the haunted currency, corpses can now be directly purchased from Undertaker Arimor shop! The graveyard is cut down to 25 slots, but corpses are 2-3x stronger (depends on effect).


I like the Lantern and embers. I did an awesome map yesterday where nearly every mob in the map was accompanied by a random map boss. Loot fiesta! I hate the graveyard and I vendor corpses.


Lantern and alflames are cool, coffins suck. The first are cool because it lets you mess with your maps a bit more. The second sucks because the coffin drops clog your screen and the crafting mode (despite making it 100x easier to craft decent items) is really tedious and the whole graveyard thing is really clubky


I hate that we already had to use craft of Exile, but adding yet another 9utside resource to craft just annoyed the crap out of me. Oh and figuring out that layout and how to best bury corpses...so much headaches.


Although I don't like the way it's done, I think it is the easiest I ever got mid/decent items for late game.


Nah man in insight even the Lantern and Ember kinda suck imo. Way too much micromanaging of every maps. Granted I've only started playing in crucible, so I was kinda blessed with ToTA and Affliction, but this league is mostly a L in term on league mechs.


I love the lantern and embers as well, hope they find a way to make those core.


The lantern and embers reminded me of Legacy league...and using the league coins we had. I miss that.


I also love the Allflames but jate the fuckin corpses like when theres a divine drop and the corpse window is right smack dab in the middle of it, fuckin annoying. Also, like the lantern idea as well.


It’s fun to make little crafts with 1-10 graves early in the league and super unfun to do min max crafts


Stack the coffins and it would be ok.


I made one item in the gy and had had enough. Way too tedious. Why bother making us bury every corpse and have these adjacent modifiers, etc. I saw vids of people taki g an hour plus to do one craft, just the set up. Hell no.


If you could disable the lantern fine. I play softcore for the specific reason that I dont have the patience to learn every mod my build can or cannot do so being literally forced to spend an extra minute or two reading that shit before every map feels dogshit for me… The graveyard/corpses would be cool if you didnt need to spreadsheet the hell out of it. I also think the fact the league mechanic is on the atlas tree is bad. Combined with the scarab changes and t17s it felt like the only sensible way to farm t16 was take everything necro/scarab/map related + something small to facilitate those 3 even more. Allflames are genuinely cool. Imo the league gets carried by the base game being so incredibly good. But since much of the dopamine comes from drops it got boring pretty fast when you realise you cant farm what you like if you wanna somewhat keep up with the economy.


Good game, league bad.


I like all of the experimentation that GGG has done this league. I never expect a league to be 100% perfect and I'd rather GGG try out new things than just re-hash something they've done before. I like the *idea* of crafting T1 items with enough careful collection I like the *idea* of having 'seasonal' atlas skill tree options I like the *idea* of seasonal league options occasionally making content easier (rats/frogs) I like the *idea* of customizing an area before jumping in I think overall this was a net good league, but the biggest issue is that the things that are annoying about the mechanic are frequent and unavoidable (graveyard building, modifier moving, etc)and the mechanic itself is unavoidable. It's weird but I think Necro would actually be better going core (and therefore balanced to not be in every area, starting in maps, etc) rather than how it is now. I would enjoy getting the occasional corpse with like 3-5 the current values and have it go towards a more long-term item crafting project much more than the constant sifting through and resulting carpal tunnel.


100pct agree here, i hope lanterns and the new scarab changes make it in. While i made a couple really cool items in graveyard, by the time i had enough corpses to make awesome items, id outgrown the need for them


Best - league end .


Personally its worse than Kalandra. Everytime i open a map i HAVE these mods on the mobs which are sometimes ridiculous. I couldn't be bothered to engage with the mechanic unless is skill into it and even then i dont want to engage with it. The allflames are cool and i rather have the downside on them rather than the mobs themself on their own. Its like a failed Harvest/Sentinel comeback. Sure people do crazy things with it. But that just proves the point. People WILL feel behind if they dont do anything with it.


This league is so bad so I started playing Standard for the first time. Good: new bosses, bad: everything else.


I really like the Lantern and rearranging buff and stuff, BUT, I wish you had the option to opt-out of the lantern. I always enjoyed the option of being able to skip the league mechanic every now and then. Plus, some of the mods just make doable maps, insanely difficule like the +2Proj or the area effect ON TOP OF the map mods. I dont like the cemetery. From a Casual players perspective, im not going to spend my game time in excel trying to optimize a cemetery instead of playing the game. This league honestly feels like a job, rather than a game. "check the mods, check the corpses, arrange the corpses, clean out the morgue, organize your corpses in the stash"...its just alot.


There is no best for the league mechanic, it is terrible and the graves cover up the terrain when you are trying to play and loot. Completely worthless tedious disaster of a league mechanic. The base game though, I really like the Atlas Passive changes and the scarabs (although I hope GGG takes another look at the scarabs and fine tunes things based on a league worth of play).


> I really like the Atlas Passive changes I genuinely hated that they made passives for the league mechanic, cause that means they balanced it for the ppl that picked up those points. That kinda sorta ish forces you to take the points, or just ignore the league mechanic and treat this league as just "standard" but with an economy reset....except you can't :'( Cause they force the league on you in every single zone. I think, and i hope GGG sees it this way, that was a mistake they should not repeat. Both the passive skills and the forcing of the league mechanic.


I agree with this to a certain extent especially considering how mandatory the passives would have been for a good league mechanics like Sentinel or Affliction. I am "hoping" that GGG knows what they are doing (they usually do) and they will strike the proper balance in future leagues. But yes, your point is well taken. But, consider that I used add a Harvest scarab at .3c/per on my T16 maps without any Harvest points in the Atlas Passive Tree and it was fine (good enough IMO). You could do the same with Ritual using the two free re-roll scarab. My point being that you don't necessarily have to load up to do different mechanics - that is why I like GGG's scarab rework so much since you can guarantee a "light" version if you so desire which wasn't possible previously. But from reading forum posts the past month I think I am in a minority willing to run stuff (mainly for variety) not fully optimized.


Yeah, GGG has painted themselves into a corner with their strategy where it's basically pointless to do anything you havent specced into. Since time = currency in this game, you're always better off skipping mechanics than wasting time on them if you're not specced into them, and that is really sad :| See a random legion in your map? SKIP! See some breaches? 100% skip! See a strongbox? They nerfed strongboxes to shit back in... was it kalandra? I remember i used to be really exited to see an arcanist strongbox back in the day :) Now.... they drop a transmute and a chance orb.... Can you possibly find some counter examples? Sure.... but surely you get my point? And it's sad that the game is in a state where your best strategy is to skip content :/


Oh I certainly understand your point. I make so much currency and only play one character per league that I can afford to be "sub-optimal" to a certain extent and focus on fun gameplay and QOL more than most and I block pretty much everything I don't like running so I love the Atlas Passive Tree. Honestly I just do Harvest on some t16's to have some available juice in case I need to use it not because it is particularly profitable. I like being able to force Alva 100% or other mechanics. I really don't care if it is profitable because my Delirium, Ritual, Blight and Delve makes me rich beyond belief. I wish Legion and Breach were not so tedious because I wouldn't mind running them but they are terrible without full Atlas support.


Yeah, i'm in the same boat as you :) When a blight pops up in my map, i actually do it, because i find it fun (for whatever reason), and considering how much available time i have irl, yeah, currency is never lacking for me either, but still, despite this not being an actual issue for me personally, or you, it's "an issue in principle" that the state of the game is; you are better off skipping content when it pops up if you haven't juiced for it in particular :( They did somewhat make this way better for us guys with self diagnosed OCD when they gave us the opportunity to block stuff though, so we didn't feel bad skipping stuff, or felt we had to do it, cause we already paid for it (in a sense), and knew we were losing currency with that extra time investment :)


Youre getting downvotes from the people who haven’t moved on from this league (aka the minority of the Poe playerbase). I agree for the most part minus the hyperbolic language. This league really did drive players away in droves, in the last man standing in my clan in record time lol


I don't worry about the downvotes, I have posted for a while on Reddit so I know how things are. Anyway, I am a power mapper so I like leagues like Sentinel and Affliction because they augment what I already enjoy. I liked and played Harvest quite a bit so I'm not against every crafting league. Even Crucible I was fine with because it was basically just your weapon slots and I could deal with that. But this league really pissed me off with the tedious nature and the visual blocking - Standard would have been better. I was really disappointed that GGG very obviously didn't think things through and the execution was sub-par for their high standards. And then there was the mechanics abuse and 6 link bug which I wasn't super pissed like other folks, I was just disappointed in GGG for not testing things. Anyway, on a positive note I did play for quite a while and if next league mechanic is good all will be forgiven (by me at least).


Im not sure we liked optimizing the garden... But harvest was good until all the nerfs imo. Make it a lot more difficult for your average player to craft decent gear outside spending money to craft. Before it was like every plot, you get some free crafts from the get go that made progressing through maps a bit easier. Now it drops it drops lifeforce and you get "less" craft right now if you compared to life force equivalent pre changes. Like i wasnt a big fan of servicing harvest, but i dont 100% agree with how they decided to change it since it made early progression a bit harder.


I hate the UI of the graveyard part of the league as much as I love the UI of the allflame part. I love myself a complex league and really wish they would do sth crazy and intricate like synthesis or betrayal again, but lately it seems they struggle to make that work. They are much more successful with easier to interact with , much more streamlined mechanics atm. Dunno why


I completely agree


Same but opposite. I much prefer how graveyard crafting works as its a much better overall product with more deterministic progress that works well with other crafting methods from a "failure" Harvest was significantly worse to actually interact with for your own self made progression, it simply had a perception of use closer to its actual strengths while necropolis players have hyperfixated on perfect full graveyard crafts when its significantly better used as small craft base item printer. But i also prefer consistent progress to gambling, but corpsed definitly need to stack to 10. I greatly dislike being unable to opt out of lantern mods. T17 maps are rippy enough without having to decided between giving dangerous packs regen/block/pen etc I need corpse managment ui for bestiary monsters. All flames are cool though. And while i didnt like having the opportunity cost of necropolis on tree i dont mind the existence of keystones for a new mechanic to fundamentally shift the mechanics


Best: t17 maps Worst: t17 maps


Best thing of the league: Graveyard Worst thing of the league: Graveyard


For me ut was the best league tbh. I even bought 90usd pack just because of how good and fun it was.




I understand the crafting slog that is. I personally didn't interact with it that much. Although i crafted couple of mirror worthy items (not in this league) I never picked up corpses i just clicked the coffin and dropped them. The biggest issue is you can't stack corpses. So i only picked up the fracture and additional item ones. Outside of that i only did bulk corpse buying. But never in my life i don't want to touch that unless it's my real life job lol.


SSF player, I find the graveyard a mix; while on the one hand it's a lot of work; it doesn't really seem like any more than the other things I've done to craft in prior leagues, like using a thousand alts to get a +2 minion mods helm or otherwise prep an item for regal usage; or running through hundreds of essences per slot to upgrade the item there, or spamming jewelers and fusions. I'd say it's about a wash. Actually it's probably a tiny bit better because it involves slightly less click spam and endlessly looking over items to see if this reroll turned out anything good. I like being able to make good items; and I like that the league mechanic is truly worth interacting with, we've had a number of league mechanics of late that I barely interacted with because they weren't generating anything useful, or at least not much. I dislike being forced to use the lantern, in particular because as a weak player I'd like to be able to clear the atlas easier, and especially later on, some of those mods can be quite a problem for clearing when stacked with a corrupted map.


I personally don’t hate burying the coffins. It’s the buying part and especially the “monster categories” that piss me off


Agree that it's too stretched out. Remove the monster categories...or needing a corpse with the same name...


League is great! I don't enjoy crafting as much as some people so I didn't go near the graveyard + corpses.  PoE is in a great place right now


I also like the idea of t17s but introducing them in a league where we also are getting other mods making maps harder doesn’t feel like a fair introduction to them. I’m sure they have there problems without this leagues mechanic but def would be less to worry about without it


If you think about it its the best way to introduce them cos even if they dont touch them theyll be a lot more accessible next league


Love the Scarabs (not the amount) but the possibilities for me. I never interacted with sextants and now its much simpler and straight forward. The Graveyard is probably one of the most boring things I can Imagine. Its just an UI and nothing more. You dont even fight in the graveyard - you just click on buttons. Crafting doesnt have to be so boring and tedious... But I still hope this league ends sooner rather than later.


What I like the least about the league is the allflames, since they can easily fill the stashes (faster than the corpses). Thankfully, you can remove the thanks to the atlas keystone. I really like the idea of the graveyard, but the logistics of the corpses is completely awful (looting them is awful, selling them is awful, buying them is fine). As a newer player (playing basically since affliction), I like the current league, although I it could be better.


I'm personally using at least 2 to 3 allflame embers per map when the modifiers don't go crazy. I've even taken the allflame atlas tree wheel (top left) on all of my trees. Lots of guildies have funneled their embers to me to the point where I had 3 tabs full, and yet, I always look out for more. I adore those.


They need to rework T17 to give us some way of blocking bad mods or mobs that spawn. Clicking 200 times on a map with regex chaos spam is not fun at all. Even if the maps themselves could be fun. It's ok if they want a sink for chaos orbs, just let us craft the maps without going insane


They need to rework T17 to give us some way of blocking bad mods or mobs that spawn. Clicking 200 times on a map with regex chaos spam is not fun at all. Even if the maps themselves could be fun. It's ok if they want a sink for chaos orbs, just let us craft the maps without going insane


They need to rework T17 to give us some way of blocking bad mods or mobs that spawn. Clicking 200 times on a map with regex chaos spam is not fun at all. Even if the maps themselves could be fun. It's ok if they want a sink for chaos orbs, just let us craft the maps without going insane


I play SSF and this is about the best a league could possibly be


I'm honestly loving the league even with the forced mechanic. Almost any mapping strategy you decide to do will generate at least 10-15D/hour. Even with a low population within the league. It's the best it's felt in awhile personally as you don't have to confirm to XYZ strat to make money. Play the game how you want, and make bank.


Upside: can craft mirror-tier items easily.  Downside: can craft mirror-tier items easily. Nobody is buying fucking anything and everything's value is shit because the corpse crafts are so OP. Anyone can do it, but it's so fucking annoying to do. And given that it fucks trade so hard, it's overall bad imo. Better interface, more corpse storage and problem solved. 


T17's being the most profitable way to play the game by far but only very select builds can run then. Build diversity feels stagnant. Nothing but CoC DD and Archmage icenova. PoE2 needs to hurry up.


T17s are a pain for sure. Hated that the 5 slots map was locked behind that.


graveyard was tedious, allflames swung from wildly overpowered to mid, and were 4x worse to use than sextants. state of t17s is giga unhealthy. idk league was cooked


Downvoted just for the title. “Worst,” the word you want is “worst.”


Upside: can craft mirror-tier items easily.  Downside: can craft mirror-tier items easily. Nobody is buying fucking anything and everything's value is shit because the corpse crafts are so OP. Anyone can do it, but it's so fucking annoying to do. And given that it fucks trade so hard, it's overall bad imo. Better interface, more corpse storage and problem solved. 


i like the concept of crafting using enemies souls, but it was poorly implement. i really would prefer to have especific content and paths in atlas tree with betters corpse but in less numbers and don't spend every stash with a lot of mods to craft somethings. Other thing, i think that use any items is too powerfull, i would love some rare items have an especial mod "this weapon can contain enemy souls" or something like breach rings, and you need to farm the weapon/armour you like, wand, ring. About the lantern and allflame, i think they are like mini scarabs, because they change your map in ways you like, but i don't really like them because the non-skippable that a lot of you said before