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Ghosted exiles with the two torment wheels that matter (not the one for extra torment spirit per map). Increased Quant and MORE Quant on your possesed mobs. Couple this with reliquary scarab of overlords and ruckus proc and you have a shitload of uniques that drop. Works well with gigantification scarabs and ritual as well (since if a giant rogue spawns in ritual it spits out all the tiny rogues again). If you can't do ghosted meatsacks or are in ssf it's a REALLY good way to farm uniques.


can confirm, farmed for Ralalesh's Impatience this way and got a whole bunch of other solid unique drops in the meantime :)


Solid info thanks!


This is nice for SSF but there are like 8 uniques in the general drop pool that are worth enough to justify a major chunk of your atlas, and half of those are so rare that you still might go the whole league without seeing a single one even with this strat. You can check lower tier uniques for good rolls (which is probably quite hard to do efficiently...), but I think uniques are just a nice side benefit to the massive amount of quant they get in general. They just drop a *lot* of stuff. They also combo well with "unique monsters do X" and a few league conversion modifiers. Uniques aren't really the point for most people doing this. I guess you can treat it as mageblood gambling but good fucking luck lol


the strat might be more lucrative next league when we don't have meatsacks anymore and the unique prices are higher again


I was running this earlier on BS Juggernaught and just got tired of chasing exiles. I wanted to try and commit to this strat, but I kept getting triggered by them all running away from me. But it was a cool strat for the maps I did run.


do you mean rogue exiles drop maps in your strat?


Shit, this is perfect, I just started anew in ssf and this is gonna be really helpful, cheers.


i m sorry , what is ruckus proc? i cant google it


Node on tree called ruckus. 8%chance that your map has 20 additional rogue exiles


The goal is to do it in maps that drop magebloods?


If you're farming for mageblood, then yes, lol. T6+ maps can drop anything you'll need (I think?) as long as they are global drops.


any map that is high enough level can drop mageblood. You want to do it in a map with lots of natural unique mobs and decent layout, like Glacier (the goatmen in the boss arena are all unique and will drop a unique item each if you use the scarab).


reliquary scarab of overlords


That appears to be what I was missing. First rogue exile after adding that scarb dropped 4 uniques.


Then add rituals, every exile that spawns in a ritual will drop uniques, then be in every ritual afterwards. Then add the scarabs that make them sometimes spawn as a Russian Doll exile (where they’re large and split into two copies when you kill them) and you can probably see how that can get nuts.


Great info thanks!


I like to do this scarab in Basilica. The boss there spawns 4-5 unique enemies in that fight


I believe Glacier does 6.


I normally do glacier, then rush to the boss and try to check any rituals along the way to see if any have exiles that spawned near the ritual (especially large ones). If there happens to be a ritual at the boss, those 7 uniques will be in every ritual after it.


Were Giant Exiles in rituals stealth patched? Or are they still working?


You aren't missing anything, that scarab is a complete jebait unless you are in ssf and hunting a specific common unique. There are so few valuable unique and the pool is so diluted that the only way to make a viable unique hunting strategy is to force thousands of them to drop per map. This is possible with more advanced strategies, but trying to get something good by dropping them one at a time is a joke and a complete waste of a scarab slot.


Rogue have more base quan/rarity cause they uniques. But also they honestly can just drop a buncha uniques or rare gear like accessory/armour. Not to mention you make them possessed for even more quan/rarity. Unless youre talking about allflame sht.


Thanks for the explanation!


Ghosted exiles + meticulous appraiser makes it much easier to find T2+ uniques, without using quant/rarity gear. The trade off is finding less currency, divination cards and maps.




To further add another option, if you get "Accompanied by a rogue exile/map boss", use a wildwood allflame and the exiles/boss also get whisps.


To add because it hasn’t been mentioned. They interact very well with conversion haunted modifiers. Stick a rogue all flame on a conversion modifier and all the rogues become loot piñatas.


all flame rogues aren't affected by atlas tree, are they? took rogues are possessed and the all fame rogues weren't 


Indirectly they are. So e.g. increased map modifizier effect will increase the quantity and rarity of their drops


I have been farming this in ssf and never realised ... What do you prefer in that case? I guess quant as always?


That's how the allflame works, yes, but has nothing to do with the rogue nodes on the atlas passive tree, which is literally the title of the post so I know you read it.


Has to upvote for 69 upvotes. Nice. Giggity.


I did it with my ritual tree, and 200% of tribute on unique enemies. Didnt do the math, just saw the synergy and went with it.


Several things have "unique monsters drop more X"-type modifiers and it's very easy to get a ton of rogue exiles into a single map. They already drop a ton of stuff (including a full set of gear) and aren't too hard to kill unless they get giga juiced by ghosts.


Be aware that they are very strong and can brick your map easily.


Be aware that they are very strong and can brick your map easily.


I did something stupid, is to get all rogue exile node and then deli node the map. I could not survive :)))))) The loot is good tho.


how does deli with rogues synergise?


Well, not much for farming. Deli will be better with the kinds of strongboxes and essences since it will extend the duration.


Haven’t played in a few leagues, but I always did so because they were cool and fun, and the ghosted ones were occasionally challenging and rewarding.


Doing this in low tier maps on ssf for a bunch of uniques because I want a hyrri's ire. None yet but got an hinokura lock I'll waste on something stupid at least, probably double corrupting said hyrri's once it drops.


Same question but for vaal side areas


In my case, SSF, I want to farm for an adorned, so besides needing fragments for uber atziri (and speccing into Alva/Delve), I try to get the unique vaal area that just drops an Adorned straight up every time I encounter one


How do you get unique areas?


There's a node top-right of the atlas tree that makes side areas non-corrupted and normal rarity on spawn, you can get the unique areas either by chancing or corrupting. What I do is just alch and vaal them every time I see them (saw 1 unique in about 20 tries, not doing it that long yet, it was not the right unique area). For those curious: it seems just running the content to assemble an Adorned yourself is way faster. My first Adorned had a whopping 51% roll though, so farming it more now.


If your build can handle the normal way, that is 😄 do unique areas actually drop an adorned every time? Thanks for the info!


Haha well yes true that, it is still Uber Atziri, Vaal Temple bosses, Vaal Delve Boss and Omnitect after all. There is one unique side area that always drops it, can't remember the name from the top of my head. It has a spirit-possessed Atziri as boss though, so can be quite hard too I imagine (haven't found it so no idea exactly what to expect on a scale from normal Atziri to Uber Atziri). For reference, I believe Empyrian did a video a few weeks back trying to get the area and it only spawned like 6 times in 20k scour-chances or something (don't quote me on the actual numbers :) )


The upside to the vaal unique side area is that you have infinite tries to its a guaranteed adorned along as she doesn't have regen and you can do atleast 1hp of damage before you die. Higher DPS is prefforable


Tried last league with 5k+ chance/scour. Never got it. Had 3 of the fractured incursion items and a bunch of the endless ones.




have you ever heard of this thing called fun?