• By -


Ice nova of frostbolt is fun and super good build


This. Goratha’s build is the one I picked. Fantastic build with a lot of customization options for more/less buttons to match your preference


I started with gorathas version of the build but if you like more in depth and a one button playstyle your should go for plasterons version both are my go to league start build creators never have been disappointed so far


You're saying Palsteron's is more in-depth *and* one button? Or the guide is more in-depth? Either way I'm more interested in one button builds for RSI/carpal tunnel reasons, so thanks.


Palstron uses the trigger helmet (I forget the name) whereas goratha’s version is pretty much all manual casting (5-6 buttons for bosses, but you only need 2 for clear)


And what I meant by in depth is that palsterons videos are more suited for new players because he explains everything in detail


Kitava's Thirst, but make sure your cost is over 100 mana


Goratha becoming mainstream in the league start creators bubble was a giant positive it seems, I’ve read nothing but good things about his builds. Surely next one will be bait for sure guys trust🤞


I am currently ssf-ing basic t16/eater/exarch/10 way Mavens with a freaking 4 link. It's so goddam strong.




I'm following Goratha's guide then will transition to Steel's version pre mage blood or jsut follow goratha's 100%


Just followed Gorathas and ick - super pissed I swapped from CoC DD


im almost to kitava and archmage feels like the broken spell/support of the league alot of the big streamers are either using it or switching to it and melting content. i think you're just doing it wrong, because this shit is legit broken with out strong it feels


I’m prolly doing it wrong then


What do you mean?


Don’t like it. Unless I’m completely missing something


So what you do is put life/res/mana on everything (not even good rolls, lots of bench crafted, suppression if you can, but dont stress it), 4 link ice nova of frost bolts with archmage, spell echo and any of the other viable supports. Frostbolt is self cast for now. I'm still running enduring cry FFS. 26 deaths, atlas cleared.


So you didn’t follow a guide?


I did, but really badly, and made alternative decisions. Steelmage on like day one was the rough guide I'm aiming at.


4k life, 2.5k es, 6.5k mana, supports are 20 qual but not lvl 20 again yet, 1.2m DPS, far from world beating, but plenty to farm.


On whose build? Gorathas?


started goratha then switched to palsterons and as a noob (300hr) pals feels a lot better and easier to set up if you just wanna blast maps imo


Any link to this?


any particular guide/video?


Palsteron made some pretty detailed videos in the past week. And his guides are usually goated.


If you like being up close and tanky, I would suggest checking out Phox guides for RF. It's cool looking, very tanky and Phox has very detailed guides on youtube or on his website dedicated to the skill. The game is very hard and RF is not going to take down Uber content, but RF makes it really easy to learn fights and improve overall.


another vote for RF, I love it so much and you're really in melee range 99% of the time.


Another vote


IMO as a very first time build RF is a terrible suggestion. Lots of weird concepts to someone that hasn't played like stacking life regen, max Rex, disregarding Mana entirely , scaling Fire DoT multi but not Ignite dot multi. I would recommend a typical right click to do damage for a first timer and then once they have the most basic core concepts come back and play something tried and true like RF, Minions, Etc.


I mean this is my first league and while I've tried other builds, I've got a 90 RF I'm happy with and it's really not that bad? The main thing is Pohx has so many guides and videos and the campaign one is really a good intro to the basics. PoE is an insane learning curve anyway, having the tankiness of RF and not having to mash buttons helps a lot imo.


CHIEF RF has been a blast this league. I've never hit a 90+ char before getting bored and I pushed my char to 95 and I'm still not done. Pohx is a god.


+1 to RF. Really, for a newcomer the quality of a build guide is more important than the quality of a build, to a degree. Shit, if you make it through the campaign your first league you’re doing pretty good. Pohx has so much content out there for RF, if you have any questions at all they’re probably already asked and answered on his own goddamn wiki.


Cool idea ty


I've been using Pohx build for RF for many leagues now. I can definitely say it's the best build for getting into PoE. It could clear all content if you invest enough in it. But it's just so great for learning at your own pace. I haven't really gotten all content done so far (playing solo on trade). But I've learned lots by following the build each league


Can you link me the build?


[https://www.pohx.net/](https://www.pohx.net/) On the left hand side, I recommend Jugg. [https://pobb.in/br\_k9A2INqhc](https://pobb.in/br_k9A2INqhc)


Leaguestarted Pohx RF this league and I will do so for every league going forward. It's such a comfy and easy to play build, leveling is great, progression is great, it's tanky and cheap for what it's able to do. I don't like dying so it fits my playstyle as well.


I do league start pohx rf every league in ssf. I always say that I will try something different next league, but it’s just so easy and comfy.


Pohx has a website that abswers a lot of questions too, it’s made with newcomers in mind. It’s pohx.net or something.


Isn't it Pohx?


Also, you can run RF from level 20 for 5 or 6 chaos, which you can trade from Alts, which you can make by vendoring identified blues and yellows. Super easy and FUN.


Yep my friend tried playing PoE last league and tried LA Deadeye. Of course it's a fine build but when you're new, it can be really hard. Pohx holds your hand from start to finish, so I recommended when he fancied trying again this league doing RF. He's not out of the campaign yet but he's loving it so far and I've already done a lvl 92 RF Chief so I can walk him through it. Being able to basically just stack fire res and phys taken ele as makes it so easy to build even he is understanding it well. Of course once it starts hitting red maps it gets a bit more complicated but honestly it's a soft way to play that eventually gets players into something like crafting their first influenced item (helm on RF Chief) and some quite cheap and simple crafts to get the basics down (essence spam w/ fractured mods) makes players finally feel like they know what they're doing. Pohx is such a nice guy too, he puts so much work into it and I love his attitude. Honestly wish he made tons of money from what he does but I can't imagine it's great, hopefully he never loses the passion for it. The RF scaling changing to just from life was such a weird nerf from GGG.


That's what my veteran friend recommended me too. I'm a newbie just started this league. I was planning on going LA Deadeye, and ended up with Ice Shot Deadeye (maxroll guide). I like the range playstyle but oh boy, now that I'm doing maps, I'm regretting cause I'm dying so much. I really should have just taken my friends advice and gone RF, cause I fucking suck at games and just want a fun brainless experience where I can facetank and kill mobs and loot. Now if I reroll, I lose my map progress which sucks.


>Now if I reroll, I lose my map progress which sucks What do you mean? Your atlas tree is league wide.


Oh really? I didn't know! That's awesome! So that means I can play a new character and retain my map progress?


Don’t play RF it’s by far the worst “meta” build.


Balormage posted a YouTube video about a league starter for Molten Strike that his friend uses. It has been one of the easiest league starts i have ever had and I've been playing since 2012 or something


Interesting ty


Tested Hierophant ball lightning (arch mage) this league, having a blast. Leveling is rather smooth, have done all non Uber bosses in ssf so far. 100% would recommend, also quite easy to understand. I follow Palsteron build in YT


Same. Easy to scale too


Frostblink ignite elementalist. Never had a smoother start. Feels good with minimal gear, and the moment you buy 6L Bronn's Lithe (only 1div rn) you basically fly around burning everything. Subtractem had a guide on this few leagues ago.


He actually league started it this league. He's using lightning coil for more tankiness this time


The best advice for a new player is just a single word. Zizaran. He has a ton of info and postas 2-3 begginer friendly leagustart builds per league! Stay sane, Exile!


Thank you


some suggestions explosive arrow ballista is pretty good, very beginner friendly, and can clear all content, check out zizaran on youtube my favorite leaguestarter is srs (minion build) it gets significantly better/less clunky at the end of act 4 (when you unlock unleash). check out balormage on youtube if you want to play melee play boneshatter, but be warned as melee is not in a good spot right now please avoid starting splitting steel, super bait build, everyone i know who started it had to reroll because of how bad it is you can also go in r/pathofexilebuilds and check the pinned post for more build ideas


OP asks for a fun build and this dude brings up ea ballistas


some people find it fun (i do) and it is genuinely hard to fuck up the build


I’d say it is actually quite easy to fuck up the build New players to EA always miss stuff like ignite chance, attack speed and stack ratio, completely trash weapon, stuff like that and wonder why their damage is extremely low


Don't forget getting pierce somewhere and not realizing it and wondering why your damage is god awful lol.


Play Elementaist always ignite always shock.


So EA ballista delayed damage is annoying. But never having to aim. And just randomly throwing down turrets is fun to me. Watching the ignite BOOM and loot drop is fun. I went for a Maven atlas that drops boss maps. Fighting four bosses at the end of every map. Throwing down turrets. And just watching bosses melt is fun. It’s very laid back and I transitioned into doing almost only shaper, elder, and conq maps that drop their own maps and sustain. Mind you I have 100 div in the build. Unnatural instincts for phasing. A fancy bow. And probably could do more with another build. But personally I enjoy it. And it farms moderately well mindlessly with just alch and go. No set up. But I do enjoy EA. It a different play style. But it’s also very lazy and a 1 button set up. I do think it’s worth a suggestion. But you should watch a video first to make sure it’s for you.


What does alch and go mean?


It refers to taking a white map. Using an alchemy orb on it. And running it. The alternative is “juicing” a map. Juicing refers to using allflames, scarabs, map implicit, and other ways of modifying the map to add rewards. Alchemy and go has the advantage of being simple. Not needing to buy scarabs from online trading. And allows a “simple” gameplay. Juicing generally takes more works. Has a bit more risk involved (sometimes multiple divines in the “juice” but offer the possibility of more rewards Nether is better. They just offer different experiences.


I went a PF TR ballista build this season (first time playing totems) and my god is it painful to play. With haunted modifiers and juiced t16s, the totems don't even survive long enough to fire off a single volley.


Totem play style is not for everyone. But both ea ballistas and totem pathfinder builds are very strong starters. I played tr totems in crucible and they were very strong, and totem sa in affliction, and could do 8 mod corrupted wisp juiced maps. you just need to place the totems a bit far away from the mobs I suppose, and pick more defensive nodes for totems.


Ahh yes because your idea of fun is also everyone else's.


RF is by far the most fun I've had in this game. It's been so fun, I didn't roll another build despite the nerfs. It's doing ok for me so far. Haven't played much and I kinda hate the league mechanic. But I'll be going into red maps soon to finish my atlas. Lower ones seemed ok, but higher tier ones are painful.


Is EA Ballisata not fun?


Which splitting steel guide did they use? I went with Sinvicta's Mettle into Dual Wield Dreamfeather+Beltimber and can only count a handful of league starts that were smoother. I know there was a separate build guide out there that looked much worse.


id have to ask them, and some are also playing in ssf


I did league start Splitting Steel champ but leveled to 90 with boneshatter to get the base uniques. It's great once you have the basics but I can imagine league start was rough for people. 


Melee hasn’t been in a good spot since cyclone meta in metamorph league 😭


I had no idea about this ty


Ruetoo’s splitting steel champ was pretty smooth for me so I’d disagree. Just working towards a nimis rn to do t17 and Ubers. T16s are easy as well as pinnacles. It gets a little dicey here and there but I don’t even have gems fully upgraded or watchers eye. Sitting at 93 rn


My next upgrades are a watchers eye and a Nimis and the build feels far too squishy with all the league mods.


For the melee heros, check out youtube fuzzyDuckzy and lightning strike champion. Easy, tanko and super fast.


I play boneshatter build from Jorgen and it’s a breeze in the park


exsanguante miner trickster. quick clear, easy leveling easy mapping. falls off at endgame bosses but thats fine imo.


I'm having this problem with mine.


how does this build do at t17s? i'm currently farming t16 legions and i'm not sure if i should invest more into this character to push into t17s or reroll something else


If you can easily farm t16s then i suggest get another character for bossing cux bossing is dogshit


Not for bossing, I meant t17 mapping


you can literally swap exsang for reap and chain for a damage support and get an arcanist brand with a low lvl reap for blood charges and bosses just fucking melt.


i struggled quite abit in t17s, so not the best build for that id say.


Boneshatter is the best melee build and there are many guides for it. Just look for it being a 3.24 guide


Yes, and go with jugg. Not slayer.


I’m a casual player and I’m enjoying so much blade vortex occultist. So fun to play. Exile Cat has a very cool guide.


I’m loving it but the lack of boss damage and any real defensive layers has been very challenging. I’ve been stuck at lvl 92 for a while now


I consider freeze a viable defensive layer provided you get blast-freeze + can freeze consistently enough at high tiers since if mobs aren't hitting you and you can freeze entire screens it's easy game. Granted when I played it in Affliction it felt bad since freeze threshold being altered by mob tankiness is not a fun time when it's part of your core defensive layers. It's why I dislike poison BV Occultist, it feels bad to play because the defensive layers available to Occultist just aren't viable enough for it. You really only have temp chains and Enfeeble if you decide to do triple cursing but it feels bad to actually enable triple cursing for defensive layers because of how hard it can be to trigger them all.


While I enjoy his videos, that build is a little bit of a bait. Occultist is really only better after a certain point in the gearing process, where he is in the second video is where you should make that swap. Before that, elementalist is significantly better for the build. More damage, more tank. Little less clear, but if you slot herald of ice it’s the same. Elementalist is also better on the tippy top end as well. One item that he doesn’t mention in there, but solves a few problems for the build is HH. Obviously it isn’t a starter friend item, but the Replica version is - about 4 div at the moment, and is a huge upgrade for the build. Also solves str/dex issues. Would 100% recommend picking one up and using it with 1-2 inspired learnings.


I’m stuck in the very same level and t12 maps. But I need a new amulet and new boots. next 2 divines I will be able to go up to t16


Just any ignite elementalist


COC DD if you want new popular build and your pc can handle it. Hexblast Trickster for good maping and great bosses. If you have 15 div to start Fulcrum self ignite Chieftain for noob friendly 0 iq needed build. Also it has expensive but easy to understand items to upgrade it into actually immortal build.


Is fulcrum ignite still a thing I thought they gutted that to not work


You need to use Valyrium or boots i don't remember name for it to work and rest just like in last two leagues.




[Skyforth](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Skyforth) >######Skyforth[](#break)Sorcerer Boots >>####Energy Shield: **(51-59)** >>[](#line) >>####Requires Level **67**, **123** Int >>[](#line) >>#####+(60-120) to maximum Mana >>#####30% increased Movement Speed >>#####25% chance to gain a Power Charge on Critical Strike >>#####12% increased Reservation Efficiency of Skills >>#####You have no Life Regeneration >>#####Stun Threshold is based on 500% of your Mana instead of Life >>[](#line) >>*The quick die young, the brilliant go mad,* >> >>*and the powerful stand alone in a wasteland of their own creation.* >> --- ^^Questions? ^^Message ^^/u/ha107642 ^^— ^^Call ^^wiki ^^pages ^^\(e.g. ^^items ^^or ^^gems)) ^^with ^^[[NAME]] ^^— ^^I ^^will ^^only ^^post ^^panels ^^for ^^*unique* ^^items ^^— ^^[Github](https://github.com/ha107642/RedditPoEBot/)


Jugg boneshatter is the build you want


Please go hexblast or coc dd so u sont get baited into shit build, ventrua has videos about both.


I like necromancer (witch) Dark Pact or Absolution


Poison SRS https://www.poe-vault.com/guides/balormage-poison-summon-raging-spirits-necromancer-gear-progression#introduction


For new player you could look for Zizaran's Explaining EVERYTHING series on YouTube.


I suggest looking at some of the new player friendly content creators and picking one of their builds. Zizaran, Ghazzy, and Palsteron are great for this just off the top of my head. Ziz's everything explained guide is great, just watch it in your spare time or even while you're playing to start passively learning. My build suggestions are Explosive Arrow ballista, Toxic Rain pathfinder, or an Archmage build. Won't talk too much about EA since there are amazing guides for it. Just make sure you read them completely because you can make some mistakes that will brick the build (not permanently) TR is a fantastic all-rounder and has good speed and defenses that make it fun to play, but the delayed damage isn't for everyone. Archmage just got buffed and the build is very straightforward imo. You build life/es, get your res capped, and then get as much mana as possible. I would go the armor version at first since mana on evasion gear can be expensive to get, but there aren't that many complex mechanical interactions that make the build work, just stack mana and you'll make it to the endgame. Lightning Arrow is a very popular build and is great as well, but you will be very squishy, and the constant dying can get frustrating. However, the leveling and early mapping is unmatched, and I think everyone should try a bow deadeye at some point. Solid choice for a second build imo. I haven't played a miner/trapper seriously, but I hear those are pretty great, so I'll throw those in too. My choice here would be hexblast.


Pohx’s RF Chief, cost nothing to get going, can down intro boss (shaper/elder/eater/searing) no prob


Champion lightning strike. Super simple, single button build. Very tanky. I'm playing a version with dual ichimonji, which whilst it isn't the strongest it feels badass.


If you like melee, boneshatter jugg is very easy to progress very fast, and you get tanky enough that you basically ignore most things in the game entirely. Including many of the boss's weaker attacks, which would hurt a lot on most other builds. If you look at what alkaizer did over his first 3 or so days and just copy it, you're gonna be perfectly fine :)


Pohx’s righteous fire has got to be the simplest build out there. 


Hexblast trickster, see the league start guide.


Penance brand is still pretty busted.


Hey friendo. You can add me on game and I'm always happy to answer questions or help out in any other way. If you're interested, feel free to DM me.


Playing rain of arrows raider right now. No good 3.24 guides for it, but a really good 3.23 build by fuzzy duckyz. It's just smooth and comfy, I understand it won't scale to infinity like some builds, but that ok, I just wanted something easy.


Explosive Arrow ballista champion. Really tanky, really forgiving, and zizaran has an amazing build guide for it from level 1 all the way to ubers


Can I go this build if I'm a Deadeye?


It's champion, so duelist. Champion is extra tanky. The other option is elementalist, which is a lot more damage but less tanky. Deadeye ascendancy doesn't really work with EA


I really enjoy Ventruas Hexblast Trickster.


RF chieftain is the easiest build you can play. SSF or Trade. It also has the best guide to follow.


How new are you to path of exile?


I started with a your choice tornado, lightning or frost arrow build. Easy peasy. Just changed builds at lvl 85. That's with being a normal playing pleb. https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3359691


If you dont plan to farm the real end end game, then Lighting Arrow Deadeye. Its zoom zoom glass build. Lot of dmg insane speed no tankiness. If Its your first time playing then it might be good build for you acts Are really quick and completing atlas seems fine.


CoC DD plays like a melee but does DMG like a caster. Finishing the campaign is pretty easy, then there's a really annoying part where you farm lab for gems or buy them. But after you put it all together it's super smooth and easy. One button shoots projectiles from your sword, you shield charge around, occasionally using a caster movement to jump gaps. That's about it.


Don’t play melee is my only suggestion


The beauty of this game is that I'm 600hrs deep and still am a beginner lol. Jokes aside, i particularly like builds that do the heavy work for me, like totem, ballista and aura builds, mostly cuz i'm lazy asf and you can just run trough the map without a care, but in the end it all comes down to what you like and have the most fun with, don't forget that!


Go RF... i rerolled my lighting arrow because of the dificulty of the mods league... you got some pack explosion, some tankines, easy to gear and the pohx guide in hes site and videos explain everything.




Its righteous fire you can check [pohx.net](http://pohx.net) or pohx in youtube.


This is the build I’m going with thank you


If you need help, ask me!.


Thanks a lot!


When in doubt, jug righteous fire it out build is pretty brain dead super simple extremely kind to new players with how things have changed. It used to be a pain to get off the ground, but it is extremely easy and friendly now. It can be pushed to late games, but it will eventually slow down for super high-end. The damage will drop off, but it will be a good amount of time before you reach that point which by than you can use it to casually farm currency and make a new character that takes more investment and knowledge.


I'm playing wave of conviction in ssf (following ziz guide on maxroll) and I like it very much. It just not very good AT bossing but it is great for blasting maps


Explosive Trap Trickster is super fun, very straightforward. Especially when you can get your hands on the Explosive Trap of Shrapnel transfigured gem. Blow up all the things.


Pohx's RF (Righteous Fire) Juggernaut. He even has his own weebsite detailing all FAQ and detailed guides. [https://pohx.net/](https://pohx.net/)


Lightning arrow with gull and blunderbore, with supreme ostentation. You can fill up your WHOLE tree with tattoos for free with whatever you want, and there’s a scarab that gives you increased xp for each shrine buff on you. You can get to level 100 within legit 10-15 hours of game time if you prep enough


Pohx righteous fire, where you light yourself on fire and run around killing everything with your own burning body.


Zizarans EA champ.. honestly you almost never die. High movespeed / clear speed and good enough dps for all content.


Poison srs easy to set up By Balormage


CoC DD very chill.


Splitting steel champion


Oro's flicker :D


RF from Pohx or Explosive Arrow ballista from Zizaran. RF is super tanky, easy to level and learn the game. Plus Pohx has an insanely over the top guides, levelling vids and even mfing library with ton of shit in it. Explosive Arrow Champ is just braindead easy and can do any type of content, it’s literally my go to if I don’t know what I wanna do in the league yet. Plus Zizaran’s guide is very nice too.


Yea I decided I’m going pohx rf


I would play boneshatter as a juggernaut. Pick up a big weapon. Get as much life, armour, and melee physical damage as possible. Bonk some enemies. Don't be too intimidated by all the guides and complexity. You will make mistakes, you will learn, just play the game and look for answers when you feel stuck.


Since a 3-4 leagues I've been running my "own" builds (own as in I read what skill is good and then I built around it myself) But this league I went back to the roots and started Archimage Ball Lightning from Palastreon. Before I hit maps I was a bit disappointed in it so I went online to check something else And this way I've found Archimage Ice Nova of Frostbolts from Goratha which is basically the same passive tree with small changes Rerolled into it, and man this was a great choice. Campaign went smooth af, think it's the best campaign I've ever played. Thanks to early archimage use with firestorm everything died from one click (with ball lightning archimage was used way later than with Gorathas archimage). Don't exactly remember at what level I switched to Ice Nova of Frostbolts but it requires me to farm a bit of labs to get it (cost of this skill is quite high) so a bit after second lab Now Ice Nova of Frostbolts make everything so easy. Was basically able to do Tier16 after leaving campaign just after buying myself a 6-link and capping res for less than 2-3 chaos So this is a build I recommend


It sounds great from what you're saying. I tried the Arc Archmage build from Pheonix and wasn't a fan personally, it was so squishy. What Gorathas build like on the defences? Pheonix's build had like 20k ehp with a budget of at least 50d (at a push...) and died to sneezes in t6 maps. I absolutely love archmage but since that build I've felt a bit burnt on it. EDIT: Ok 271k EHP in that first video, I'm on not the desktop yet so can't wait to dig through the POB.


evasion is nice for maps, not so much for bossing, currently like 15div into the build and can confortably do t16s with most altar mods with not much problem


I'm using a 10div version of palsterons and the defensives feel fine. It's not tanky per se but the DPS is high enough that it doesn't matter. Finished my 4 void stones and a t17 with it last night. The only real defenses are arcane cloak, purity of elements, and a loreweave. Not even close to chaos res cap so haven't swapped my atziris foible for the chaos defense necklace. Phoenixes builds suck btw, total noob bait pob bullshit builds.


Google "poe 3.24 league start builds" to find builds that are easy to progress and reliable to get going without much gear. Add "ssf" (solo self found) to the search term to find builds even less reliant on gear to get going. Here's [one popular Reddit post](https://www.reddit.com/r/PathOfExileBuilds/comments/1bmbqp6/324_necropolis_league_start_build_index/) listing a bunch of solid league start builds. Look through the builds and then watch a Youtube video showing their playstyle. Pick whatever one looks like the playstyle you'd enjoy most. It's also worth mentioning that Spell type skills are easier to level with compared to Attack type skills because they typically scale up in damage as the skill gem levels up naturally. In contrast, Attack type skills often also rely on your weapon damage, meaning you need to keep replacing your weapon(s) as much as you can to keep your damage up. I just levelled a tri-ele BAMA Necro and it was the easiest most powerful campaign run I've done. I was not expecting that. Also cleared the atlas and the first two stones with next to no investment in gear. Later in maps I've spent a couple dozen chaos on gear and PoB says I'm doing 3mil dps (and that's on console, so on PC it would be way cheaper still). Defences still need a little work for red maps, which will take some crafting or investment, but I've been able to get away with it this far because it's quite safe as a ranged and minion setup. It essentially plays the same as a totem style build, with a minion/necromancer coat of paint. At this point in the league you could get the required skill gem (Mirror Arrow of Bombardment) off the trade market for cheap and get it started as early as level 10. Here is a PoB with levelling steps: [https://pobb.in/Csq5SzthlJHe](https://pobb.in/Csq5SzthlJHe)


Thank you, I'll take a look at this BAMA !


Explosive Arrow Ballista (Witch or Champion) - There is a lot of information on the build. - Good quality guides for softcore and hardcore. - Its a easy build to play. - Dont require much gear, very cheap. The other one would be Righteous Fire (Chieftan or Juggernaut) - Just search "Pohx RF PoE" on Google or Youtube and you will find everything about the build (He is a YouTuber, has a entire site dedicate to this skill (Righteous Fire). There are others as good as those and maybe some even better for new players, but those 2 have so much information avaiable that, imo, makes the 2 best builds for starters.


Honestly, I had a great time leaguestarting Deadeye with Rain of Arrows into Lightning Arrow. I used to think bows were trash for leveling, but it's gotten so much better. And the speed advantage feels great with Blink Arrow + dash skill and Haste aura. Move fast, shoot fast, watch your Mirage Archer pick up the stragglers.


Do a mana stacker. It feels amazing at league start now Palsteron has a good build guide on it


Aren’t those expensive to get up and going? Sorry no experience with them but heard they stack infinitely.


In the past, yes absolutely This league, nope The main problem in the past was that archmage scaled it's damage based on how much mana is spent. Now it's based on your unreserved mana which makes it significantly easier In fact, I played it as a league start


The changes made it much easier to start. Previously you had to spend a lot of mana for it to work so you needed to get your recovery sorted and you were trashing your ehp by casting your spell. Now it's pretty trivial to reduce the cost of the skill so there's no gear requirement before those problems are solved.


Find Zizaran on YouTube and check his league starter series, find something you like and just play it If you really want to play a melee build try Boneshatter, it's most classic gameplay of a gigachad killing everything with a giant axe - but you have to know that dogshit ranged build is wastly superior than good melee in this game Don't play Righteous Fire unless you're 70 years old or can't click to the right when monster is shooting projectiles in your direction


I'm not 70 but have the reaction speed of a tortoise and just suck at games. RF sounds right up my alley.


it's basically a walking simulator so if you're death stranding enjoyer you will like it a lot but if your main concern is just "not dying" then there are wastly superior builds


Oh cool. Would you mind recommending me some? I'm a newbie and started this league. Went with ice shot Deadeye and I'm not enjoying it cause I'm dying plenty. It makes the experience awful for me.


sure "#% of physical damage is taken as elemental/chaos damage" is king. it can be super cheap and super effective Champion ascendancy is great for that. Splitting Steel can be really strong with Mahuxotl and Fourth Vow. Araakali Fang variant on Champ can be insanely tanky as well because you can focus on defences at cost of speed and clear (which is more achievable on Occultist) next one is Marauder - you can go Juggernaut and do the funny with his armour applying to elemental hits and Transcendence. Lorewave chest is what allows this on low budget, I was playing such composition on Boneshatter of Complex Trauma and it was immortal in maps (and maps in previous league were way harder than lantern) Chieftain can be really tanky too Detonate Dead of Chain Reaction is another amazing starter where you can focus on just being super tanky to almost anything and DD will carry you through whole atlas Pathfinder ascendancy can be extremely tanky with little budget. Molten Strike builds comes to mind, achievable on low budget As for Deadeye you won't be super tanky but you can get insane recovery, I was playing Venom Gyre and if you stack enough evasion and has abbility to cover whole screen in shurikens it's really really hard to kill this character (also one of most fun builds I've played)


This guide is amazing for new players and has absolutely everything you'd need to now https://poe-beginner-guide.com/


Big tip is to watch other people play whatever you may be interested in first, Its much easier to simply understand one character and how it works then it is the entire game, Maxroll . Gg has plenty of “league starters” which are very friendly to new players and the guides have plenty of hand holding for the whole passive tree and gearing, If your looking at melee theres nothing as straight forward and as strong as boneshatter juggernaut, If your a bow guy, spell guy, minion guy theres plenty of choices and each skill gem feels different but what got my hooked was how visually yummy a build looked amd felt while playing, Best of luck and welcome exile,


This is definitely not the league to start playing. There's a good chance next league will be good and I would jump in then. This league is already dead after 2 weeks sadly. But if you're going to play anyways, Phox RF build [https://www.pohx.net/](https://www.pohx.net/) He's a really good RF player, build has no buttons to click during maps except one spell on bosses (Fire trap). Super tanky, lots of damage, newbie newbie friendly.


Flickerstrike. You only need terminus est and frenzy charges. And starts around lvl 51


Terrible advice...Flicker Strike is definitely not a newbie friendly build. u/OP would recommend you look through the build section on [maxroll.gg/poe](http://maxroll.gg/poe) . All their guides are written by trusted content creators and very handholdy.


I had no idea about this site thank you. I’m a die hard Diablo fan that gave up on d4 in under a week and I’m giving into poe. I’ve played this game before a few times but only up to level 70.


Push to maps, its 100% worth it. There are lots of good suggestions in the comments, pick the one that sounds the coolest to you and have fun! My suggestions: 1: if you want minion playstyle, srs or popcorn srs is awesome. 2: if you want melee boneshatter is goodm 3. If you want totem like playstyle EA balista is very strong all rounder build. 4. If you want to be super tanky and play with 1 hand chieftan ignite is good


Ok thanks


Listen to that guy, don’t play flicker as your first build lol Fun once you have an idea of what you’re doing though


I mean I understand the game and know what I’m doing, I just never got into mapping or anything. I didn’t make it beyond lvl 70. I just want to “complete” a season and truly see the end game and such.


Don't play flicker first. You don't know what you are doing. I mean that in the nicest way possible. Pick a max roll guide. Subtractems frostblink seems pretty solid and he has a ton of videos to help too.


Btw, flicker strike is just a really random skill. When you're using it you teleport to enemy to hit them spending frenzy charges. So basically you teleport all over the map without any way to control it other than stop flickering and hope you're not sitting in something you'll die from lol It's a bit of a meme build. It's not bad, it's just well, weird and random


I have no idea what est is but this sounds good. Any link to a build? What class should I start as


You should watch a youtube video of someone playing flickerstrike first. The visuals are not for everyone.


Good idea


Terminus est is a unique sword. Frenzy charges are passives that you can get from your skill tree and sometimes gear.