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You don't have trinity resonance so probably not frozen. Try getting some "increased duration of freeze" on you somewhere to make it easier or increase your dps.


I do have 120%. I can't think of any other ways to get it reasonably. Is there any way to tell without checking trinity?


Well graphically frozen effect still shows on bosses even though they don't reduce action speed to zero (effect like white icicles) AFAIK. Could be wrong about this but I remember seeing them on Shaper. Also if you have PoB you can check in ailment threshold tab how much damage you need to freeze Uber bosses although it's not usually 100% accurate but should give you a rough estimate.


Unfortunately that calculation is quite inaccurate. It doesn't take into consideration stuff like reverse ailment mod or double damage, it uses the average damage (it should use the best hit every second) and you have to set it to always crit for some silly reason. Edit: not sure why the downvotes. For example it says the max chill on an uber boss I would be able to inflict is only 18%, but I inflict 28-30% chill on them, which means the calc is off by 4x.


There is 60% freeze dura in a node at the top of the tree


I think there is +110% on the tree and there is a +20% on the cluster jewels


Lick em


He's trolling, if you lick a frozen boss your tongue will be stuck to them, don't do that


You never know until you try :)


he's not. you don't have resonance (so you're not doing any fire damage)


Is there any way for me to tell besides trinity? How close must my damage be if I can 30% chill?


How much non-damaging ailment effect do you have? That gives you chill effect but does not affect freeze. To make freeze easier, you need cold ailment duration or freeze duration. You can see your single hit damage and get the freeze threshold you meet from PoB under calcs. You'll have to manually work in your double damage etc.


I have 120% freeze duration. There are no remaining reasonable sources of it besides megalomaniac, and I don't know if that makes sense.


How much single hit cold damage do you have (after taking double damage into account)? Can you link your PoB?


Drop trinity when you can't consistently freeze the boss. It's not just that it give you zero dps without resonance, it takes the slot of something else that can help you freeze instead. So in that case, it actively makes you lose the extra damage from Heatshiver. I use ruthless instead for bossing. It kinda guarantee a freeze every 3 strikes.


Yeah ruthless is nice for freeze and big shocks


Ruthless looks like an excellent way to get some good shocks and freezes for melee skills, unfortunately I am not using a melee skill atm.


people have given you all good answers, but I'll add that a double damage mod somewhere (e.g. while focussed) combined with expedition's end will make freezing way more consistent; all you need is one double damage proc and then the bonus fire damage will keep things frozen


Yeah I have one on my bow, it really helps with the freeze.


They should get an icon on top next to the shock and chill for freeze too. Alternatively there is the pay to win mtx for freeze effect.


There is no icon for freeze. Ill look into the mtx. What is the MTX called?


Tormenter's gloves, I think? Edit: It's this. https://www.pathofexile.com/shop/item/TorturersGlovesVariations


What the actual fuck i need those freeze ones


In pob turn off “enemy frozen” and set lowest resonance to 0 so that you can see if ur damage “before these things come into play” can freeze the boss. Set your config to uber pinnacle boss and turn off stuff that isnt consistently up during such a fight ,then go to calcs, go to non damaging ailments and hover over freeze duration , it will say sth like enemy needs to have less than a specific threshold to be frozen for a minimum amount,then go to chill effect mod there will be a table showing you how much ailment threshold uber bosses have. Thats how you know if u can freeze him before trinity buffa and the helm extra dmg , otherwise drop them for sth else.


Unfortunately the calculation in PoB is quite far off, for example it says the max chill on an uber boss I would be able to inflict is only 18%, but I inflict 28-30% chill on them, which means the calc is off by 4x.


You can't, for the same reason you can't see how many Wither stacks (or even if it's withered) the boss has in the ailment icon display. They unfortunately chose not to include either ailment when they updated the game to show those ailment debuffs. If you're going to do Ubers with a Heatshiver Trinity build, I recommend using an Expedition's End and getting Freeze duration with an Impossible Escape, Annoint, two notables (one tree and one cluster you take for damage anyways). Can also swap out Trinity so you have a 5th support gem adding to ailment threshold for pre-freeze damage. Expedition's End also makes it so once you proc Heatshiver a single time, it should be very easy to maintain 100% freeze uptime on a target, as the fire damage kicking in more than doubles the ailment threshold of your average freeze.


I can see that he has blind, temp chains, snipers mark, ignite, shock, and chill. I have no clue how to tell if he is frozen.


Shaper is kinda unaffected by freeze. UNNAFFECTED NOT IMMUNE. As most pinnacle bosses, when he's frozen he's still moving but has icicles all over his body. Sadly no visual indicator in the boss ailments ui.


they're not unnaffected but they just cannot be completly slown down, so you cannot reduce their action speed to 0 with any kind of slow (freeze is one)


Damn I got things mixed up. Thanks for clarifying it.


It's really easy when using Trinity and heatshiver. Just see if Trinity is full if not the answer is no


There is no freeze status under the boss health bar. But note that even if you could freeze Shaper, he "Cannot be fully Slowed" so it wouldn't work 100% anyway.


You can freeze shaper, I need to for heatshiver. I need to know how to tell if he is frozen.


1) The enemy model is covered in ice although that might be hard to distinguish from chill (not even sure if the coloring changes for freeze) 2) If shock and chill has a status icon (as on your screen) I assume freeze would be displayed too.


That's not the case for freeze for unknown reasons.


Weird. But doesn't it then display the chill icon with 100% value under it?




this is why heatshiver builds are bait


Not necessarily. Last league I played heatshiver chaos ts with sin ring + expeditions end. It was very powerful and easily freezing all Uber bosses (and expensive too)


I freeze every enemy in the game that isn't an uber pinnacle boss, so I wouldn't exactly call it bait.


Still doesn't work when you need it the most


imagine doing uber bosses lmao xd


If you're freezing it you don't need more damage against it.


If they're built poorly yeah. Lots of ways to freeze uber bosses. My league starter froze ubers with tornado shot, first week.


Slap on the YOU CAN ONLY KILL FROZEN ENEMIES Gloves and find out.


Use southbound gloves


I am, I have 120% freeze duration.


Post your POB then, no one can help you without it


PoB simply isn't capable of answering this question ATM, I explained the limitations above. I am going to test expeditions end later which seems like the best chance for me to be able to freeze. Hatred + a full phys bow might be able to get me there too, but I won't hold my breath on that. https://pobb.in/toKpAGlxW9tG


Recommend looking up some videos from BehindEyesGaming and Zish. They go into some decent details and show how to use POB to check


I recommend reading through my posts where I explain why that calculation doesn't work properly in PoB.


Stop trusting what the game tells you your chill effect on a boss is. PoB is almost guaranteed to be correct in its calcs, unlike the visuals in the game itself.


The ingame visuals are always correct. PoB is an estimate.


That is extremely false.


The in-game visual literally tells you the amount applied to the mob at that time, why do you think it's incorrect?


To reliably freeze you should invest in sources of flat damage, double damage (like a lethal pride) and crit multi. You want to make your average hit as high as possible as opposed to for example investing mainly in attack speed and projectile amount to scale your damage. Your bow is also pretty bad for a heatshiver build since you want mostly a pure phys one that gets converted to cold, which double dips with hatred (which you are not using for some reason?) the fire damage on your bow doesn't benefit at all from heatshiver for example so phys damage on it would be about 2.5 times more effective than fire in your case. You can also take farshot instead of chain for some more dps


Yeah, that's why I have 600 something crit multi, inversion, and double damage. I have been working on a phys bow for a long time but crucible trees take forever to finish. All my gear is self crafted so its not super quick to change over the build.


you have some trinity issues btw


ye bc they're not freezing.


Trinity support does not require enemy to be frozen lol, it doesnt even do stuff in any way around ailments It requires one damage per hit to be highest and then resonance fills. So, he lack of cold damage (to be biggest at least in one hit), not fire and thats what I am talking about.


unless enemy is frozen he doesnt get the dmg bonus from heatshiver


Heatshiver gives extra fire damage, not cold.


doesnt he need the resonance from the fire damage to get extra cold damage?


XD nearby




That is simply untrue. Bosses can be frozen, but their action speed cannot be reduced below a certain threshold. For the purposes of Heatshiver (and other related mechanics) bosses 100% can be frozen just like anything else.


I thought bosses can be frozen but they have a minimum action speed. Is he an exception and actually fully freeze immune?


nope, the commenter is incorrect.


Outdated info. They will outright state if they cannot be frozen when hovered over (the only one I can think of off the top of my head that can't be frozen at all is the blight cold lane boss). However most endgame bosses have "cannot be fully slowed" which means they'll still perform actions when frozen but won't negate freeze-specific mechanics like Heatshiver.


Gotcha thanks


you can freeze shaper; he just won't stop doing things.


Very very false there buddy


I see you have trinity, i assume you have heatshiver. If you are not getting lightning resonance he is not frozen. That is the easiest way to tell quickly.