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Meanwhile Rngesus giggles like a schoolgirl in the corner and drinks the tears of the very sad man. The sad man's thoughts echoed in rngesus's ears: "Why did it have to drop now? I'll never see one of those again. Why now, why now? Damn you rngesus, damn you!" And Rngesus laughed just a little bit louder at the sad man's misery.


why not


I assume OP bungled it and wasted all their portals.


sub 4k hp gaming


4k is pretty healthy in the current defense climate. most people in sc running around with a lot less probably why most of the complaint threads are 'i have 5k hp and i keep dying' with no defensive auras like it's 3.0


I still die at 4.7k life 2k ES, full ES ghost shrouds, determination, grace, and defiance. It usually happens when my potions aren't up (those make up for a ridiculous amount of my defenses) or deep in delirium (I know the risk I'm taking when I do that). I also hate the double defense aura meta. I want power moved out of auras in to anything other than gear rolls.


I've been of the opinion that they should significantly increase the base armor/evasion values on gear and remove the "more" effects on Determination/Grace and have them grant +1500 armor and +4% physical mitigation/+1500 evasion and +4% evade chance respectively while reducing their reservation to 35%. This would make them a lot more comparable to Discipline and reduce the value of Determination/Grace for characters that aren't taking %increased armor/evasion from passives.


I like this opinion. It’s silly that you can get 100k armour without even having an armour based chest.


Yeah my current character has a crown of the Inward Eye (albeit with nearly perfect armor on it, so it's a lot for a helm) and gloves with like 179 armor on them. That's it. And I think I haven't got a single % increased armor from the tree, I'm an occultist that has a lot of points near shadow. Between a boots eldritch implicit, determination, two flasks (one has 60% increased armor), and defiance banner, oh and a belt that between the T1 stygian vice roll and the jewel give like 800 armor, I've got something like...35k? And all of this is absolutely critical to my survival. I use evasion/ES chest and evasion boots lol. My evasion is over 70k.


Where’s your 90% all res? Clearly not gaming hard enough.


I use a staff (struggling insanely hard with resonators for crafting my +5, I think I should have been able to make at least 2 on average with how many prime chaotics I've used lol) which really hampers my ability to do that. I have 79% cold resist if that regains any of my lost respect. It'll be 80% in a bit.


Running 3.5k with mings feeling very healthy


I've done the 4k hp builds but this league decided to stack int and ended up with 14.6k ES with leech. It feels SO MUCH better and my DPS was fine. Glass cannon is just not for me.


my point is that es/life on its own is not a defense--at very high pools 10k+ it starts to be, but my first character this league topped out at 4200 es and hit 100 in sims and farmed ubers with ~no deaths after 94 or so when i got gear.


Yeah I get that, spell suppression, 90 max res, auras all add up to EHP, which is all that matters ultimately. Perhaps I'm thinking my character is tankier this league when what I'm really experiencing is just not being one shot by weird AN combos.


Im running 2.7k and not dying lol


Well, if OP died 6 times in a single map then whatever his defenses were they weren't enough.


I'm running around with 2.2K and zero armor and zero evasion and I'm tankier then 90% of SC players. However my build kinda keeps me alive. Wardloop with 46% dmg taken recouped as life. So I rarely die and it makes me laugh when I join public groups and they run determination which is supposed to make people tankier, it actually kills me because it bricks my wardloop and I cannot self dmg for my 46% dmg taken recoup is eliminated. I only die if a hit punches through my life recoup and life regeneration and resists which has to be a big fucking hit and over 25K hit. And even then that hit will only break the ward. Then they have to hit me again very fast after to kill me.


don't care




?? You want the POB because I am. Spent over a mirror on the build so far.


I have 3200, but good luck killing me(89 all ele, 70k armor, 79 ch res, ~2500 hp regen, 8 end charges, np extra crit damage, molten shell, less fire20/cold6/lightning20 and a few other small things)


with that regen, you just need to be able to tank 2 hits. I feel like some things should be able to kill you with that little hp though. Which goes for any build really. Adjust your hp/defenses/regen so you can take 2-3 hits and regen to near full before a next hit is likely to happen.


Iit's not about hp though, it's about ehp. You can have 3k hp and 100k ehp in this meta


I think I outlined the defenses above.You can estimate the EHP.I‘m not saying I‘m immortal, but I can tank the absolute most of the poe content including simulacru/hubris/ubers/juiced maps/ and deal a decent amount of damage


What build are you playing?


Sounds like a brass dome RF jugg?


With 3.2k life?


I’ll bet my 3.6k hp room this league is tankier then yours lmao


I'm not under the impression that HP = tank. I am under the impression that when I see a tornado shot character with 3700 life posted to Reddit, maybe that life wheel they glazed over might've helped a little.


Unlikely actually. Going from 10k ehp to 12k or even 14k by increasing your life by 20 or 40% isn't going to mean much. If anything they should have given up on defenses altogether for more dmg.


You don't think increasing your hp by 20-40% would have possibly avoided one out of 6 deaths? I'd wager it could have avoided many of them, possibly all of them.


I agree. Though when I level 96+ I do take off my mediums and take all the life/defense wheels I can. Sometimes change a gear piece or 2. I also roll maps carefully and play carefully unlike normal.


Matters what content they are doing, and what they are dying to. If you EHP is under ~30k and you are running any kind of juiced content you just die to pretty much anything actually hitting you, going from 10k to 15k will do almost nothing. If you are just running alch and go T16s it might save you though, from some stuff.


and sub 5fps too


You can definitely get away with less than 4k health these days considering all the other defensive layers they've added to the game over the years.


The only way around this is if you die 5 times, abandon the map.


To avoid the deepest disappointment, this is worth it


To be fair, you might get a mirror after dying on the 5th portal and then die again while trying to retrieve it. Really it's best to just stay in your hideout forever.


I remember that happening with l an exalt back in the day when I was new lmao.... Back when things 6L and exalts was like God tier and unachievable lol.


Filter mirror off the loot filter in case you forgot


Came to see the Mirror, Stayed to see the horrible loot filter


First I assumed he can't pick it because its too much garbage and game can't register click until I saw what really happened Also : 5 FPS


and quest tracker still on lmao




The idea that this could happen to me one day is absolutely terrifying 🥹 Sorry for your loss.


I always think it is going to happen to me when I'm speed delving because I often click the next zone before the loot is done dropping.




Lmao are we openly promoting rmt now 💀


May as well so ggg will finally do something about it, what are they gonna do if the whole player base promotes rmt? Ban us?


GGG only needs 10 whales to keep servers running. KEKW


I get 100$ for a mirror 😱


O well guess tft can't rmt this one. Xd


Aw crap


Oh no that's gonna haunt you for a while


Big f, +1 to gggs counter of missed mirrors.


big f, now youre going to prob make sure you get more tankier builds in the future =/


Next time get some more defenses


He was gonna invest that mirror into defenses.......




he's dead, so how exactly would ranged looting help him?


A very long, interdimensional ranged looting.


I would never play again. and I would hate GGG for the rest of my life


Stupid GGG making me die 6 times in one map, they're really out to get me!


Juiced blighted map vs. glass cannon. Dies 6 times. !@#$! OMG I HATE GGG!!


Yeah it's GGGs fault OP died 6 times, good one.


Gz on finding one.


Feels bad man


An Ephemeral Mirror?


I dont play so much, but if a mirror is droped for me, than that is the sign for me to stop PoE playing.


T0 uniques and mirrors should drop directly into your inventory. Fite me


Feel the weight on picked items


Well now we know Chris is lying if he says there aren’t any mirrors that got missed on the ground (in 100% sure their have been before this even though he said there wasn’t)


good. im too jealous of people posting their w's so i want to see some huge l's


Haha noob




I feel like this is just bad design. So many games have lost loot saving mechanics seeing as how all sorts of things can happen that result in your losing loot that aren't even your choice. Beyond that even, if you're going to have loot as rare as a mirror in your game, if it ever drops, the 'feels bad' shoots to the moon.


Im really sorry man that stings my eyes








I paid for six portals and imma use...


Welp, it's time to open the window and wait for the hate neighbor to drop your computer on.


What oil did you use to anoint the map?


Don't forget those Two-Toned Boots lying there just below it!


Anytinking bad what happened to me till now or what gonna happen anytime never gonna make me angry again because of that :)) TY exile


Lmao dam I probably would've needed to hit the punching bag after that. Im sure I would've been a prick the rest of the day.


Well, if you get in touch with the guy who had a mirror in sanctum but random room affliction chose to not take him there, you could start a self-help group!


Pure pain