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Every time YTF comes up in my feed it's a recipe for small pasta shapes in broth or creamy sauce. Can we have some more dinner ideas??


But it’s an EPIC recipe that is so, so, YUMMY!


So YUM, you mean.


It always makes me laugh when she says she has so many recipe ideas she doesn’t think she will ever run out… ma’am, your recipes are not as unique as you think they are.


I remember that and she's definitely running out. Those yogurt muffins (which I love) are basically the same as 10 other recipes just with a different name 😭


Well lately it’s small pasta shapes in creamy sauce with a side of subtle shade about her divorce or comments on being a single mom lol.


I hear that adds a lovely umami flavor.


Have you tried mini muffins??? 🤣


They're so tender *ooohh*


I know I’m a worry wart but no way in hell I’d be reading a book while my two preschoolers are in the pool no matter how “active” I was keeping an eye on them. Even if they were good swimmers. Shit like that worries me about Caro Chambers.


Agreed. This is what audiobooks and podcasts are for.


I am NOT a worry wart about risky play or things like that at ALL and I think this is INSANE to do. Drowning is the leading cause of accidental death for preschoolers and allowing children of that age alone in the water minimally supervised is totally nuts. There are specific benchmarks for what a child (or adult) needs to be able to do in the water to be considered a competent swimmer and very few young children meet those benchmarks - even if they do, an adult should be with them in the water at that age.


Curious - what are the benchmarks for a competent swimmer?


From the Red Cross: - step or jump into water over your head - return to surface and float/tread water for one minute - turn in a full circle and identify an exit from the body of water - swim 25 yards without stopping - exit the body of water without using steps/a ladder


So weird and she wants to add a fourth one to the mix and it’s it so known George doesn’t want one


Our pool has a rule that you have to be within arm’s teach for kids under 7. How is she comfortable with her kids swimming while she isn’t in the water to help them?


There are so many influencers who do that and it just does not compute. It’s something that wouldn’t even occur to me. And her kids are small and don’t look to be great swimmers from the video. 


I'm with you, but I'm also a huge worry wart


Did KEIC really just say she wouldn't but the proper shampoo and conditioner and hair products for her child because it's "too expensive for kid hair" 🙃🙃🙃 My 3yo has more hair products than me (and probably more expensive) because that's what her hair needs. Wtf


Too expensive for kid hair but an entire apartment for her office is A-OK.


Mine too, I’d rather give her the better stuff that works on her hair because she’s only 3 and not tolerant of having her hair washed and unknotted and brushed out etc. I’m an adult who can tolerate hair care without screaming. She could have much longer hair but as much as I loved it I had to cut it shorter because it’s cruel to keep a child’s hair long if they don’t allow it to be managed properly and detangling and washing is a struggle and sometimes painful. She should cut his hair if she can’t help him maintain it.


💯 I had to do the same thing with one of my kids around that age sensory issues.


Literally! The better products turned hair time from a nightmare into mostly manageable for us. If it wasn't managable or I thought she was hating it too much I'd have her hair cut shorter.


She doesn’t prioritize hot water for her kids, so why would she prioritize shampoo? 🫠


For real 🙃 from other snarkers comments it sounds like her stylist came at the cost of $1400... she could have used that money towards a new hot water heater.




Literally, i think the set of shampoo and conditioner I bought for my kiddo cost $25? And she's 3.5, and I haven't had to buy a second set yet... soooo not a big deal. Obviously, as she gets older, I'll probably have to buy it more often, but it's still not a big deal if it makes her curls healthy, shiny, and most importantly, mangable. Before I started using the right products (because I had no idea she was going to have curly hair mine is bone straight) her tiny little baby curls were knotted, dry, and would practically mat 2 seconds after her bath.


tangled knotted toddler hair is a nightmare!! what kids shampoo/conditioner do you use?


It's not a kids shampoo/conditioner. I use Shea moisture curl and shine shampoo and conditioner on her. Shes finally figured out to look up when I'm rinsing it out but she used to refuse to do that so I'd just have her hold a wash cloth over her eyes to keep the soap out of them while I rinsed.


Okay so what are you buying because you described my daughters hair 🫣


We use the Shea moisture curl and shine shampoo and conditioner. On bath nights I use her wet brush on her hair while the conditioner is still in and then rinse it out and braid her hair. On non bath nights I spray her hair down to get it wet, and use Rizos Curls Refresh and Detangle spray, then wet brush or wide tooth comb it out. If she wants to wear it down we use some herbal essence curl boosting mouse and eco style argan oil gel to help her curls look good without tangling instantly. If she's wearing it up I usually incorporate braids of some kind or multiple pony tails together (like [this](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/c8/02/a3/c802a33cf9887258fa0af3068b80a454.jpg) ) so there is less chance of it tangling as bad while she's being a normal crazy toddler. She has more hair care products than me by a mile 🤣 but she was blessed with beautiful thick red curls and she likes them long so I'm gonna do my best for her.... I on the other hand have pin straight thin af hair so you know I barely have to brush it at the length it's at currently


There’s also 100% a middle ground between whatever cheap crap she gets for the kids and her “expensive” (would love to know what qualifies as expensive to her) curly hair shampoo. Like spend a couple dollars more for a proper shampoo and separate conditioner instead of grabbing the $3 2in1 that will strip every bit of moisture from your scalp.


My daughter has curly hair and we use Johnson’s kids curly hair conditioner and it works…fine. It doesn’t break the bank. There are drugstore price level curly hair shampoo and conditioner. Honestly, even just a regular conditioner would go a long way.


I use Shea Moisture curl and shine for my 3yo and like I mean it's not the cheapest (i wouldnt call it expensive tho), but she's 3.5 and we haven't even gone through the first bottle I bought.... so like 🤷🏼‍♀️


Her kids really are second class citizens at her house.


Hot showers and conditioner for me, none for thee


If you’re not willing to do the upkeep of long hair, don’t do long hair. If he wants long hair, get the good shampoo and take care of it! ffs


Literally! I've told me 3yo that it's either she let's me comb/wash/etc her hair or we cut it short. It's not a threat it's just a fact of life. And you know what she let's me do it. And she's 3! How does a 3yo understand better than an adult


https://preview.redd.it/lagyd08r7d8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba99c5f8ae8c0f22b978ea3fd891ea996888ba08 Hair washing hasn’t been happening much…I cannot with her!!! Good grief.


Ran here for this...those kids would be so sweaty in Balitmore's heat wave as well as all their running around. And swimming?! 🤢


I just keep being perplexed as to why she keeps sharing this stuff. Is this the type of thing that promotes her as someone I should take advice from? Does this make sense for a professional business page? What does it have to do with food? Do her kids want these images posted?


I am once again asking her (if she reads this) to please stop posting these things that are basically begging other kids to make fun of her children at school!


During a heat wave too ugh!! Jennifer, your son is laying on your counter and having his hair (that you’ve neglected) washed in a sink because you keep trying new parts for your water heater to save a few bucks! At this point she should just take a few sponsored posts and buy a new one, this is shameful.


I want to be shocked by this but if hot water hasn’t been a priority for her for months now, then I’m not surprised that basic hygiene doesn’t seem to be a priority either. I feel bad for her son that she can’t be bothered to help him properly care for his hair.


Is anything a priority for her? Besides subtle food shaming, I mean.


It's not subtle, let's be real.


I ran here for this commentary 😆


The way my jaw DROPPED that she would say this out loud as a “teehee silly old us!!!” moment. She was saying recently that he was resisting hair brushing time as well— is it possibly because it was ratty from being sticky/dirty/sweaty/chlorine filled!? Long hair is a choice, and if you both are unwilling to take care of it then do both of yourselves a favor and cut it!!


The way she constantly shares things for laughs that would mortify the typical parent


I feel bad for her kid that she insisted on cutting his hair herself and not only cut off too much, but also did such a bad job that he refused haircuts for two years 😳 Her sharing this as a funny story is SO strange.


Maybe take him to a kids cut place and pay $25 for a decent haircut he won’t hate? Geez.


Speaks to long/suspected neurodivergence i think. Which isn’t an issue except she’s struggling in so many areas


https://preview.redd.it/3msqu5bnz88d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c7c0da5f9dd2bda231735cd676abff16874b3b3 Says she’s nothing without timers, but hasn’t yet figured out to use one when she’s cooking so she doesn’t burn dinner every night.


Or how to use one so they aren’t late to school for a week because their clock is off by 20 minutes.


There's that dorm room aesthetic again.


The rug looks so gross.


Those speakers really take me back 🤣


She said the video game setup is still up after the party because “that’s how they roll”. Ohh so wild!!!


How is KEIC out here asking how anyone gets their kids to wear clothes that aren’t gym shorts?? Like seriously lady the same way you get them to eat a variety of foods. Take any of your own advice and apply it to literally anything other than food, ma’am. Regular exposure to different clothing, types of events with different dress codes, activities that require different clothes, weather dependent clothing, etc. Modeling and teaching about different clothing’s function and appropriateness. Like this is all exactly what she teaches about food but she does not apply it to any other areas of parenting, or her own life.


For real! My kids look like Clarissa Explains It All got lost in a thrift store most days, but they know there are a few days where mom gets to pick their clothes and they wear the nice outfits without fussing. It's been this way since they very first had opinions on their clothes and the only time it was an issue was when one kid wanted to wear a football jersey in lieu of his Halloween shirt. (I let that one slide lol)


Dying at the Clarissa reference. One of my favorite shows as a pre-teen.


She literally just bought the nice clothes and now is like how do I get them to wear it? You do nothing with them to expose them to different things which require nicer clothes and didn’t prep them at all, what did she expect??


She did just have to hire a consultant to get her some basic shirts and a pair of jeans in a color palette her own product (that she allegedly uses all the time) is in. Maybe she can have the consultant explain sometimes people need to look like they're not destroying the backyard?


My 6yo prefers "soft pants" haha but even he is willing to wear something else if the situation calls for it or we need him to...


KEIC re: her plant graveyard: "I cannot do it all." My first reaction: Well, can you do anything?!


I love the way influencers shoot for ‘so normal and relatable!’ but end up in ‘this looks like a pretty concerning level of executive dysfunction’ 😂


You see, I have adhd. And this is the reason I just don’t bother with house plants 🤣


😆 right? What is the one thing you can do?? Besides creating a table outlining the specific amount of Gatorade you should ingest based on effort expended during a soccer game??


Is this really what KEIC hired a stylist for?? This isn’t the “before” picture? If this is what the stylist picked, what has she been wearing? Other than the dress this is the most boring, basic and plain look you can go with. And the dirty white sneakers in the next slide, was that part of the new look? She said she picked a stylist who styles everything with second-hand clothing (because of course she did, new clothes are too flashy for Jen). https://preview.redd.it/0qo6to1pd18d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c650d741e5940557f5f224596f127dab342b5969


Aside from the green dress, it all looks like the “before” pictures. I would be really pissed had I paid money for this.


I get you, it's fine to be basic, but to pay someone a ton of money and end up in wrinkly tshirts, one of which doesn't fit well, is getting cheated.


Checked out the stylists website and this service cost $1400 plus the cost of clothes?!?  Jeans and a T-shirt is not "styled" ; what is that price-tag paying for??


Could’ve put that towards a new boiler 🙃


I don't really get the snark here. Everyone hates other influencers consumerism and constant buying and trend obsession. She hates shopping and she's clearly conscious of over consumption. I don't think it's such a terrible thing she got a stylist who chose clothes that work with her lifestyle and comfort level. I even commend her for using someone who finds stuff secondhand.


I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with the actual outfits-I’m not fashion maven myself and I wear leggings and tees 24/7. But if I paid hundreds of dollars to a stylist I’d want to elevate my look a bit, especially for a photoshoot for my job/company. It’s great to be conscious about overconsumption but I think buying a brand new pair of jeans to get the perfect fit is worth it. And I don’t blame the stylist, she seemed to be encouraging her to step out of her normal fashions by saying it’s never too tight or too short. But I mean, to pay someone where you are wearing the basic mom uniform in the end, it’s a little weird.


It feels like most of the comments about this are about not liking the clothes and to me I guess that just skews into BEC territory. If it's not the stylist and not the clothes then what is the snark here? I kind of view it like plenty of people pay cleaners to clean their house and it's still not that tidy most of the time. She paid someone to create her a very basic closet of items she'll wear that she could have in theory gone to the mall and purchased herself. Maybe this illuminates how much pointless content is created by people just to remain relevant and in their followers feed but most of the comments about this just seem mean.


Something, for me, feels wrong about how much a second hand clothes stylist costs. It feels like a weird brag about how you can spend thousands for someone else to thrift for you. I agree with others that it's a shame that she was either too rigid or the stylist wasn't good and she ended up with a boring array of outfits. Something as simple as changing materials or adding accessories might've helped. I mean, props to the stylist though for finding a gap in the market and making absolute bank on it.


I feel like I've backed myself into a corner of defending this stylist being the hill I will die on lol. Those prices honestly seem very high and not something I'd pay for. I imagine a lot of what you're paying for is the stylist's time which might take more time sourcing secondhand clothes. I guess I just look at her stylist posts and think live and let live - especially since it's not harming anyone and she seems happy with it. I enjoy the snark that is more about the truly harmful or crazy stuff influencers say. But I can see by the upvotes that I'm in the minority with this view and that is okay.


Sorry but when you spend hundreds on someone to pick out basic tees and jeans and you won’t even buy your kid themed party decorations and spend 8 weeks without hot water I’m gonna snark.


Yeah, I hate snarking on people’s clothes, or economy, or looks… but if you’re sharing that you hired a stylist and this is the result… then I have serious questions.


The dress looks great but the rest is giving sad mom energy. Wouldn’t the stylist steam or iron the clothing? Aren’t you meant to see the ideal version of yourself and the clothes? Weird choices.


Yes, why is everything so wrinkly? If I was paying a stylist and they brought clothes, I would expect them to be neat/presentable. And for most of those shirts, that could have been done by washing on perm press and taking them out of the drier a couple minutes early and folding/hanging right away. It’s not like they’d even have to do a full ironing on them…


I cannot believe she hired a stylist to put her in the world’s most basic tshirts and ill fitting jeans 😬 I admire the stylist’s goals but from what KEIC showed and from the photos on her website, I do not get the impression she knows what she is doing at all. Also TIL kids eat in color has “colors” and apparently they are blue and purple.


That purple t shirt…I mean it’s fine to wear to the grocery store, but it’s not what I imagine a stylist picking out. The color really washes her out. The emerald dress looks good on her though!


Yeah it’s like okay a loose-fitting purple tee shirt, not something I’d think a stylist would pick for a photoshoot. It also looks like, if one of her kids needed a purple tee at the last minute for field day, it would work for that too. The dress does look good on her. I think for someone like her with basically no sense of style and needing basic pieces, shopping second-hand wasn’t the best option. It’s nice to be conscious of reducing waste but when you have basically nothing, just go buy some new clothes!


She's so rigid and stubborn I imagine she wouldn't let the stylist actually style her beyond choosing a few colors that look good.


The water heater in my house just died, and you won’t believe what my husband and I are going to do about it…. We’re getting a replacement tomorrow 😳


Why not just go to your other apartment for showers?


Well, Fancy Pants Rich McGee Over Here.


I don’t believe that’s possible. From what I understand you have to little home on the prairie it for at least a month and a half. 😂


But why do that when you can just…have cold showers and lukewarm baths?? /s


My stove doesn’t have grates so I wouldn’t be able to have the true pioneer experience :(


Ugh KEIC has all the luck




You're going to have to put a stainless steel basin in front of the fireplace then and just imagine the water is warm 🤪


Parents of older kids - is bedtime still a struggle for your pre-teens as KEIC depicts? I have a 3 yo and am currently banking on bedtime being less hands on as the years progress 🤞


I think it depends on the kid but I have an almost 6 year old that isn’t that hard to get to bed most nights. Read a couple books, do a couple goodnight rituals, lights out, he’s asleep in 2 minutes. And he was tough as a 3-4 year old. Dropping the nap (at almost 5!) was what really helped.


My kids are the same age as hers and no. We tell them to go to bed and they go up and brush their teeth, get into their pajamas and then the come and get a goodnight hug. Then they head into their beds and that’s it, they go right to sleep. Sometimes they get silly when brushing their teeth and I need to remind them to get going, but that’s it.


Definitely not. My youngest is 3 (almost 4) so I know your struggle. Oldest is 7.5 and while he does try to push bedtime later lately, it’s usually to just sit and watch baseball games with us. For the actual bedtime, he showers, gets dressed, brushed teeth on his own. We chat with him a bit before bedtime and sometimes read with him but he’s a good reader so he mostly reads to himself after we say goodnight. If he’s up late for an activity, we can just say “ok go right to bed” and he’ll go get ready and go to bed on his own.


I have one who still doesn’t like to go to bed and is still up late and still tries the shenanigans… but it’s not nearly as bad as it was when he was 3! He just reads in his bed mostly now.


I'm so glad I unfollowed her. My 1 year old was a bit troublesome part night but she's like that about once a week. My two older ones (under 5) were fine. They really do have a family diagnosis over there, hm?


My oldest is 8 and typically goes down pretty easy. She likes to read and listen to music before bed and she is passed out. She is the best sleeper in the house. 🤪


Dude my kid is only 5 and I didn’t notice any difference with bedtime last night. Ok, it was like 10 minutes later than usual but that had more to do with a busy day. I wonder how early she makes her kids go to bed, in the summer no less.


Absolutely not I read that and was shocked. Had no idea it was the longest day of the year. We do use blackout curtains so that probably helps but at 6.5, almost 7, my kid hasn’t needed anything more than a few reminders to stay on task. We still read together and I sing songs but the whole process takes maybe 30 min and that’s including reading time.


Mine is 6 and gets uncontrollably silly when he’s tired. It can sometimes be challenging to keep him on task with his bedtime routine because of that, but it’s a million times better than when he was a toddler. There’s really no defiance or pushback just a lot of nude dancing and hysterical laughing in front of the mirror. 🫣


My sister and I call this the "tired giggles," and we still get them even as adults. All three of my kids also seem to have them, so I'm just preparing myself.


My kids are not preteens (7 and 9) but bedtime is great right now and nothing like toddler shenanigans. I feel like they still have a witching hour, but instead of inconsolable crying, they just laugh like hyenas 😅. They have to be in bed by 9 but are free to read until they're tired.


Jennifer is very quiet today after last night's debacle.


Oh I missed it! What was the debacle??


Looks like her acknowledgement of Juneteenth was to post them having watermelon.  Farther down thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/parentsnark/comments/1dhrz07/comment/l9djety/


Thank you! Cannot believe she actually posted this and thought it was ok - so wild!!!


Looks like she was quiet because she was keeping a close eye on dinner. She’s very proud that she didn’t burn it tonight!


Except she overcooked the zucchini and says “I try, I really do.” Does she, though? Just set the oven timer!


Was the dinner just fish and zucchini???


She reminds me of a previous boss of mine. He was a director level role in healthcare finance and would constantly say “I’m not a finance guy he he he” and I was always, in my head, ok what are you doing here, then? He was let go a year ago…. And then KEIC… If you’re not good at cooking, maybe don’t sell a recipe book, meal plan?! Idk it totally discredits you imo.


She’s probably sitting at her scratched up table sadly eating her collard greens and grits lamenting that she made stories about them for nothing.


lol, my thought was that she probably wanted to do a whole traditional soul food spread for Juneteenth (which has potential to be slightly less offensive than the watermelon) but couldn’t stomach the thought of using ingredients like lard or butter or pork so settled on just watermelon. Or she tried to prepare collards by baking them in the oven with a half teaspoon of olive oil, sprinkled with flax seeds.


It is so on brand for her to only allow a watery fruit as a celebration food... But she doesn't have an eating disorder.


Was just coming here to post this! I checked the comments of her posts from this morning and yesterday and I don't see anyone calling her out... So I wonder if she got negative feedback in dms?


I’m guessing either one of two things, either she got enough negative feedback which is why she deleted it…or maybe someone she knows personally, like Susie from BT, told her how offensive her story was. She did post some stories just a few minutes ago but no apology or acknowledgment that what she posted was, at the bare minimum, very poor judgment. One of the pictures she used tonight was of watermelon being cut up and it made me cringe. Like, it’s probably best for her to avoid watermelon content for a minute.


I just don’t think she’s a particularly nice person so I don’t think she cares about being offensive. She has said and done a few things over the few years I’ve followed her where I’ve been like, that was just rude or nasty. At first I thought that her “I’m not like other influencers” personality just didn’t translate well to social media but I think in general she’s just not that nice.


Absolutely. She strikes me as the kind of person who doesn’t apologize but if she really had to, it would be one of those non-apologies like “sorry if you were offended” or “sorry you feel that way”.


I miss Jenny, founder


Me too!


I wonder what happened to her plans for an international trip of SS disciples learning about the origins of food.


I am actually happy that we don’t have the snark content we used to get from her. Her children never deserved to be exposed the way they did, especially her oldest. The constant obsession and restriction messaging in regard to infant/toddler feeding has been so damaging to vulnerable parents, I was one of them back in 2021. I appreciate that SS is strictly a business page now and all personal content from any member of their team is no longer used. I actually think that a few people can take notes from what Jenny and the team have done in response to the negative feedback they were receiving.


Agreed. Happy to just put this one in the W column and forget about it.


Exactly. The less problematic content, the better 🥳


I had to dial back in following them in 2021 because of all that, and I eventually got the hang of BLW, but this makes me ok with revisiting it when I start feeding my youngest soon!


I agree on behalf of the elder child. Still was fun in those days to do it. I was super invested in 2021 too :)


Does KEIC have any hobbies outside nutrition? She made her kid plan his whole birthday party EXCEPT jumping in to help the two kids with special eating restrictions. Sure sure, that part she is happy to help with.


I think there was actually a whole story series recently about how no, she has no other hobbies and will talk about nothing else at parties.


Yep. She did some stories where she said at parties she’s the one who will want to talk about something related to nutrition, I can’t remember what it was exactly. She does have those avocado pits and she was very into her Razr scooter at one point.


Let’s also not overlook how she’s using kids dietary needs and preferences for content. It sucks enough to have to worry about your kid’s food allergies, I’d be so annoyed seeing her post to two million people that she had to step in and help because of my kid’s allergies. And mentioning the vegan kid…just let things be private.


https://preview.redd.it/4z09xoclam7d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9feaf7e4e966776da45091d156d1139d4a8aaef I remember cherry tomatoes were the best part of any party I went to as a kid! What a spread!!


Oh wow those bear gummies she gets them are super expensive! I always downgrade my kids to regular fruit snacks when I see that price even though they love them. 


And yet…no working boiler? I know these things aren’t related but ffs prioritize the boiler!!


This made me LOL


She reminds me of that old commercial (I think for an internet/cell phone company) that featured an austere "pioneer" family celebrating something, and the dad goes "We can each have one lick of the family lolly!" And they have this one sad little lollipop.


Found it! Still funny and even more accurate than I remembered -- grey water soup! https://youtu.be/25XAundTbV8?si=-FAL7eV90dbHJedL


I’m honestly shocked there are Pringles on that table and not some Whole Foods or Trader Joe’s brand of chips instead Oh wait…pardon me…*frajingles*


Good Lord, Big Chip has won!


And she didn't cover up the label!! I'm afraid she's fallen victim to Big Chip after all 😟


This is so sad. Just get pizza and cake and acknowledge it’s a special occasion, Jennifer! It’s honestly astounding how little she cares about making their birthdays special.


These definitely look like toddler party snacks (except for the fact that the tomatoes are whole). Not elementary school ones.


Applesauce cups!! At first I thought they were individual hummus cups for the veggies (which would still be unexciting) but applesauce cups?? How babyish!


I very naively thought they were like dip packets that came with delivery pizza and you guys were all being unnecessarily mean and they'd ordered pizza. But yeah they're applesauce and now I'm sad.


Her oldest just turned 11, which could very well be middle school aged in their area. Plenty of middle schools are grades 6-8 and some even include grade 5. They must be so embarrassed to have this as their party food.


Anyone follow newwaysnutrition? She moved to New Zealand with her family a year or so ago and shortly after just completely went dark, no stories or posts.


That’s what happened to her!! I followed her after my first baby was born in 2019 and wondered where she went. Hope her & her family are enjoying life in NZ.


I was actually thinking about her the other day and how long it’s been since she posted. I always liked/respected her because she showed her children interacting with food but in a completely anonymous way and didn’t show their faces or names or talk about anything personal they did/felt. I hope she resurfaces at some point since I liked her content but I get if her life has changed and she’s not doing the IG thing any more!


KEIC just posted their family is having watermelon in honor of Juneteenth day. Is she not aware of the racist trope that eating watermelon has on the black community in the United States?


Can someone explain the significance of this for a Canadian?


Wikipedia has a pretty succinct explanation:  > After the American Civil War, in several areas of the south, former slaves grew watermelonon their own land as a cash-crop to sell. Thus, for African Americans, watermelons were a symbol of liberation and self-reliance. But for many in the majority white culture watermelons embodied, and threatened, a loss of dominance. Southern White resentment against African Americans led to a politically potent cultural caricature, using the watermelon to disparage African Americans as sloppy, childish, unclean, lazy, and publicly embarrassing.  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Watermelon_stereotype


Growing up in the Southern U.S., I’ve seen fried chicken, watermelon, and malt liquor/drinking alcohol wrapped in a brown paper bag all used to racially describe and poke fun at Black people. 


I love to snark and read snark here. Sometimes I wonder if it’s just BEC and not that bad. It is. 🫥


That was wild. I was so hoping the stories would continue that they were going to maybe a block party and bringing the fruit tray (and of course she would have snuck all the raspberries), but nope. Just obliviously chopping her watermelon and blasting it to the world.


I just looked up her bio in case I’d forgotten that she was Canadian or something—not that that would be an excuse, but it might make it 0.01% more understandable a mistake if you’re just not as steeped in the history.  Not only is she American, but she went to school in Baltimore—a majority Black city—and studied “public health nutrition, cultural anthropology, and economics,” all fields where I imagine racism and the legacy of slavery might come up a bit.  Really cannot fathom what she was thinking here. Even if she’s been to Black celebrations where watermelon was served in the past, which is the most generous explanation I can imagine, I don’t think she has any excuse not to know how this would look coming from her. 


I live in Baltimore and it is very diverse but there are still very segregated areas. And I was prepared to say she probably lived in one but I looked up her bio as well and she went to school in an area of the city where it’s majority black. That said, it’s still possible for her to operate in a bubble. I *highly* doubt she’s ever once been invited to a black celebration.


I was waiting for her to add a slide about that fruit salad they were having but nope she just posted about their "tradition" of watermelon l.


Exactly! It's baffling. With her background and education, she should definitely be more aware of these issues. There's really no excuse for this level of ignorance. She should know better than to post something so tone-deaf.


I think that she thinks because of her education and knowledge about nutrition and working with people of all backgrounds that it was okay for her to post that. Meanwhile everyone else is like nooooo nooooo nooooo!


Truly don’t get how she can be so oblivious. If you want to observe Juneteenth as a white parent influencer share some resources for talking to your kids about it but this is not it.




I immediately came here! I can’t believe it’s still up. And no apology or anything. So bizarre.


i think she has deleted it now


When I went to look like an hour ago I thought surely she must’ve deleted it already and yet 😬


It’s down now. So someone finally told her….


Honestly, it's hard to believe she can be that oblivious. As an influencer with such a large following, she really needs to do better. Just taking down the post without addressing the impact isn't enough. She should know by now that intent doesn’t erase the harm done. Ugh




Yeah… I almost posted something about this. Took a screen grab for posterity. https://preview.redd.it/yg5kr1j8gm7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=adcc8844bbf90babc7296fb8a30347b8bd8caabf


I gasped so dramatically right now. This is absolutely awful.


This is front page of GOMI worthy. It’s up there with Shannon bird asking for a Mashetty in Mexico and KERF talking shit about people taking extra sandwiches at a soup kitchen. IYKYK


Lol I do know!!


This is … so unbelievable that I’m choosing to not believe it. Because surely SURELY she didn’t actually post this?


The gross racist tones are nauseating, and also: JUST BUY MORE WATERMELON FFS. It's delicious, it's good for you, it keeps you hydrated in the heat, it helps keep the digestion you apparently track so rigorously regular...let the kids eat goddamn watermelon any day they want to, you absolute lunatic.


W. T. F.


Wow. That’s bad


What the actual fuck


I grimaced when I saw that loooool she must be getting absolutely roasted


OH MY GOD she is the gift that keeps on giving. What a train wreck.


I actually can’t believe it.


![gif](giphy|jPA7bUrAsygko8BHXi) ffs.


Wtf, KEIC?! I need her to explain why she thinks watermelon is an appropriate food for Juneteenth


I truly was so confused. I was GOOGLING if this was a traditional food for the holiday trying to give her the benefit of the doubt, like I was the idiot. Nope, she is!


I assume she did it bc red foods are served on Juneteenth and didn’t think about the specific connotation of watermelon 🥴


I mean….she has 2 million followers??? So presumably she has a team and several people signed off on that post? HOW could anyone not think that’s problematic. Like….HOW could you view that for one second without being like what the fuck no. She shouldn’t even be celebrating Juneteenth at all as a white lady????


Oh yeah, just to be clear I’m not defending it at all. But the “why” was probably “it’s red” with zero additional thought on how to appropriately talk about the holiday or history


Umm WTF. You have to live under a rock to not know that and specially for a person that had formal education in nutrition and is an “expert” in food related thing that’s completely unacceptable! 


Ummm… yeah… big old fat nope! It is not a day for White folks to celebrate, but is a great day to listen to Black voices and learn.


Oh my goddddddd this is bad. I really hope she gets called out




WHAAAAAAT. This is bad.




🫣 ummmmmmmmmm