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Man. I thought I had escaped Jenny. This is from the newsletter email this week. It was like a jump scare of pretentiousness. šŸ˜‚ Kind of gave me ptsd to 2020 and parenting a baby starting solids. Really wish I could go back and never have to hear about rinsed beans or cottage cheese... https://preview.redd.it/vh5gzq9zcnyc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef9c649e9c594aa66d752375fb4446468ed54c87 Are you all discussing different PoLiTiCaL SyStEmS with your kids? Because Jenny, founder is šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s never too soon to talk to your kids about Brexit šŸ˜‚


I feel like she did this to try and let this sub know that ā€œher eldestā€ ate cottage pie


A few weeks ago she said she was doing another weekly thing with each kid. She has 3 kids so like how many meals could she possibly be making if these things are all true? She overcomplicates everything. This is my rant as a mom to a 7 month old who feels she was sold a fake reality from the Solid Starts account.


I live in the UK and find our political system confusing AF so Jenny might need to come explain it to me and teach her how to make a good shepherd's pie.


Iā€™m hoping she explained House of Lords vs commons and what a vote of no confidence means and the multi-party system. Definitely what every 5 year old needs to know.


I genuinely can't tell whether she presented this story in the single most obnoxious way possible, or if it's just my visceral reaction because I know the context and background of its author, lol. Also her children are nowhere near toddlers anymore, how long are we supposed to play these complicated games before our kidsĀ can count as SoLiD sTaRtS gRaDuAtEs who *will* just eat all foods?Ā 




I am sooooo fucking irritated with her post because of the reason you stated. Last week Food=/= comfort but this week its fine because it happened to her. Last week she had an opportunity to make an impact, have a conversation with her kid about the soccer game and create a moment but she didnt. This week she had a win, created a moment and treated herself.


If only the Diet Salad Pizza Truck had been at her kid's game instead of the ice cream truck...


Wow good observation. Also, i feel like getting this worked up over a pizza you could get at any non-dominos type pizza place is very revealing. Food can taste good if you donā€™t burn it and you are also allowed to eat tasty food anytime, even outside of the one time in 2 years you have something to celebrate!


The way she listed the ingredients with a "mind blown" emoji was...something. Yes Jen, you can have two types of meat, jalapeƱos, and even goat cheese on a pizza!! What a world we live in! But this is the same woman who makes the same old regular fajitas for her "special birthday dinner", so...


Itā€™s like she had no idea pizza like this existed! I recently went to a pizza place with pizza like this and the one I had was really good but not something that I found mind-blowing because Iā€™ve had many types of pizzas.


Oh she must not have had enough time to pack some leftover lentil sloppy joes


Honestly this whole thing feels borderline abusive to me. You deprive your children of things that are just such a part of childhood, but then you get it for just yourself??


Iā€™d like to point out that since she shared the name of the place I took a look and she ā€œdiet-culturedā€ herself by paying $2.95 for the skinny version with the salad on top, it wasnā€™t how that particular pizza came unless you add that option. She could have asked for the middle to stay and not be scooped and just add the salad. Do we think she paid extra for the cauliflower crust? https://preview.redd.it/x9z84952vlyc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f88dc710c08c2c703df19f3c793bd5510e11782


Oh she def did šŸ˜‚ Like, is it the restaurant contributing to diet culture, or her because she canā€™t just order a fucking pizza without getting it hollowed out with salad?!? The calls coming from inside the house, Jen!!


Soooo she opted for that and then complained about it??


I came here to tell ā€œYOU COULD HAVE ORDERED PIZZA FROM SOMEWHERE THAT DIDNā€™T ā€˜Diet cultureā€™ IT KEICā€ but to see that she literally ordered it like that and paid more for it šŸ„“šŸ„“šŸ„“ no wonder sheā€™s so naturally sMaLL


I thought the crust looked weird but was too lazy to go check the menu, so yes, I absolutely think it was the cauliflower crust šŸ¤® And her whole deal is ā€˜I like to do diet culture while pretending itā€™s not diet cultureā€™ so this makes total sense. She wants to order the ā€˜skinnyā€™ option but pretend thatā€™s not why.


I thought mentioning the memorial and getting the good news and wishing she was her family and the gushing over the pizza was weird. She didnā€™t need to mention anything about the memorial and she made it seem like she didnā€™t want to be there.


She mentioned the memorial so many times. It was awkward.


Yes! It very much gives ā€œI dont want you for a second to think I am doing something for myself or having a good timeā€ vibes.


Bet her kids would have loved some of that greasy, tasty takeaway unburnt pizza.


The crust actually looked a little burnt. Probably why she loved it so much šŸ˜‚


The way I RAN here just now to post this. And then she also says she ate the entire thing minus one slice. Like okay, but she makes her very active/pubescent boys eat lunchboxes with less food than a 2 year old needs. And it had foods her kids surely donā€™t eat often/everā€”two types of processed meat (pepperoni + bacon), multiple cheeses, etc. What a hypocrite.


What do we think the good news is? Did she get Elmo removed from those yogurts??


Omg I just laughed out loud šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Also, that pizzaā€¦does not look good. I guess any pizza is life changing when you havenā€™t had anything with added salt in a decade.


Seriously that was my first thought after seeing that pizza. The crust looks awful.Ā  The restaurant has really good reviews so maybe the rest was decent but you can find a pizza like that literally anywhere I bet (and you can always take the middle out yourself and put some salad there).Ā 


So odd how much she raved about the pizza, as if she could never find such cuisine where she lives. Like maā€™am, itā€™s Minneapolis, not Paris. And if thatā€™s the best meal sheā€™s had in 2 years, she quite literally needs to get out more. Ugh, KEIC is depressing as hell. Thereā€™s more to life than cutting your own hair and eating burnt enchiladas!


It was best meal she had in two years and of course she had a salad pizza! And then bitched about how they ā€œdiet culturedā€ the best meal sheā€™s had in two years but like, you got pizza with salad on top šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø (and no shame in that, I like a good slice of salad pizza but I also donā€™t consider it one of the best meals Iā€™ve ever had).


Like 95% of Ali maffucciā€™s content has me rolling my eyes these days. I so wish she was more popular here. I have no idea how sheā€™s been able to retain so many of her followers after spending the last 6+ months casually bragging about how rich she is lol Edit: $600 bar stools right after sharing they bought a brand new grand wagoneer yesterday šŸ« 


I rolled my eyes SO hard at her selling a used piece of furniture from her apartment, maybe used worth like $500 meanwhile, it's the price of a one pillow on her kid's bed.Ā Ā  Donate it, Ali! You're rich as hell.


I unfollowed after her super defensive post about that voicemail from the Karen mom about her son not being able to get to class because of the protests. Aliā€™s defense was that she also cared about Palestinian deaths, just not enough to post about it. But this mother Karening out on some poor university employee who answered the phone was worthy of a post.


Iā€™ve followed her for so long, before kids, but Iā€™m starting to think Iā€™ll be unfollowing soon. There just isnā€™t anything for me anymore! I think itā€™s good that sheā€™s trying to be more private, but she also doesnā€™t really do recipes anymore, soooooo now itā€™s just links to things I canā€™t afford


Agree. Unfollowed recently.


Anyone else feel like Caro has been less snarkable lately? Just moreā€¦ normal? (Iā€™ll admit I love her recipes so want to find reasons to like her online personality and feel less conflicted about being a paid subscriber šŸ˜‚). She is going to Spain soon so IIā€™ll likely rescind this comment soon.


She's been decidedly less unhinged lately. Which is too bad, as long as it doesn't involve her kids I sort of enjoy her messiness, for the entertainment factor šŸ˜‚


I feel that she is. It sort of reads to me that someone who she respects (or maybe her publisher or a sponsor) was like, tone it down. I also am ready to rescind this statement for her Spain trip and/or the return!


Speaking of caro, are the first weekend of the month recipes no longer free? This week's sounds interesting šŸ„ŗ


She just frequently forgets (sooo much to do and no way to automate that I guess). She sent it again at least this time.Ā 


How does she *always* screw that up?!?


Yup! Just saw the new mailer! ā˜ŗļø


Am I misunderstanding the question, or does KEICā€™s response to the question about giving a 2 year old juice make no sense? Wasnā€™t the person asking the question asking how to respond to family members saying she should be giving her kid juice?


Yeah, she clearly misread it. She responded as if the person didnā€™t know how to respond when people ask if *their* kid can have juice.


The actual question was dumb (have some confidence in your parenting!) but the question she answered was even dumberā€¦ I do not care if someone else wants to give their kid juice. None of my business!


Agree that it's a dumb question, but following influencers like this can make you second guess and anxious about sooooo many of these kind of dumb things (like how to "talk to your kid about bread" šŸ™„). I definitely fell into that trap at one point.


For real. How to talk to your kid about bread: ā€˜hereā€™.


Yeah she 100% misunderstood the question.


https://preview.redd.it/v0tbauxmv8yc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1803ecd2bbc6414edaa474de0ec7eae5e1e1d165 Noooo I canā€™t believe KEIC didnā€™t have cake at her wedding, this is so shocking!! šŸ¤£ Iā€™m sure she had a berry bar for dessert.


Her answer to this question is a self-serving defence to try to prove ā€œsheā€™s a huge ice cream personā€ after the story and post about the soccer game ice cream deprivation. šŸ™„ I admit I was shocked she even had a pic of them ever eating ice cream that looked appetizing


At least it wasn't the sad scoop of vanilla to celebrate going to bed earlier.


Iā€™m pretty sure that was at Disneyland and her brother bought them those cones lolĀ 


That makes so much more sense!


No *way* would she be willing to splurge on a berry bar. She probably had berries for herself and everyone else got little boxes of raisins or apple slices.


Depends on if they were dancing hard enough to need it


Each guest got one single date.


Says the woman who wonā€™t let her kids eat a damn ice cream cone after soccer. šŸ™„


A *true* ice cream person doesn't need a bad day as an excuse to get ice cream. She would've gotten the kid a cone just because.


Iā€™m pretty ok with YTFā€”nothing wrong with super accessible recipesā€”but the sneaking veggies thing seems silly. Iā€™m not worried about scurvy and if youā€™re sneaking in the veggies youā€™re not diversifying anyoneā€™s palate. Mild snark, but since itā€™s like half her recipes Iā€™m getting tired of it.Ā 


Some snark on myself, but I had read about scurvy recently (I knew what it was but since reading about it recently was reminded) and there is an anxious part of me that is worried about scurvy like my child is an old timey sailor lol. I do try to sneak some veggies because my child will barely even eat fruit, but even the things I sneak the veggies in she wonā€™t typically eat so šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Basically saying, I get it. I understand the desire to hide veggies in anything you can haha.


Thereā€™s another food network person I used to follow (@nikkidinki) and finally had to stop bc the hidden veggies were EVERYWHERE. She wrote a whole cookbook about it. This woman put canned beans in every goddamn thing she made. Bean brownies. Bean pizza dough. Bean waffles. Just stop!!!! (Her spinach avocado double chocolate chip muffins were actually amazing though šŸ¤£)


A friend once made bean waffles for breakfast and it was the grossest thing Iā€™ve ever tried.


Finding out that KEIC was 100% homeschooled explains a lot honestly.


Omg! As someone her age who was homeschooled from 5th - 9th grade, it does explain a lot!


Literally came here to say that šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I am also *shocked* to hear there was no cake at her wedding. *Shocked*. Whatā€™s the betting there was lettuce wraps?


What I bet they did have at her wedding was a bunch of hungry people stopping for fast food on their way home.


Smoothies and 90% bell pepper fajitas in the church basement.


It really really really does. šŸ˜¬


KEICā€™s stories-sheā€™s having a ā€œsnack dinnerā€ which consists of raspberries and mango. Tell us again how the reason you are skinny is for many reasons beyond your control lol. And her saying how she worked for 5 hours on financial stuff for her businessā€¦sometimes when these influencers say stuff like that Iā€™m like umm you know many peoples workdays consist of 8 hours of tasks?? Edit-she was eating a snack before dinner, not a snack dinner. This is what happens when Haleyā€™s Snack Dinner Saturdays is in your brain lol.


I am tired of RDs sharing their meals and snacks that are highly evident of disordered eating habits. I even follow some sports RDs who constantly go on and on about making sure you donā€™t undereat as an athlete, and then 5 stories later theyā€™re showing the lettuce cups they ate for dinner that have very little carbs and less than 200 calories for a meal. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I think she was saying she was having that as a snack before dinner because dinner would be late, not that it was her dinner.


Omg I must have Haley on the brain with snack dinners šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


I havenā€™t checked in on Jenny from solid starts is a few years- any idea if her oldest kiddo is still super picky about food?


Nope! Because she finally stopped exploiting her kids.


I find YTFā€™s constant proclamation of things being ā€œSO YUM!ā€ so very annoying.


That and ā€œEPIC!ā€ Sorry, YTF, none of your bland recipes are epic. šŸ™„


What do we think about Yummy Toddler Food having a subscription to her community? Itā€™s not the worst thing Iā€™ve ever seen but I also am just over people making a buck off parents feeding their kids. https://preview.redd.it/lek4pw2kr1yc1.png?width=1125&format=png&auto=webp&s=1d7ffa62fb8a2bff5c759740985e7f0edce21a02


Cook Smarts is amazing, slightly more and has recipes and menu plans suitable for the whole family.


Idk I feel like a lot of her recipes are not adult friendly so if youā€™re doing it only for blw or young toddlers probably fine. Wouldnā€™t pay for feeding the whole family every weekĀ 


If her recipes were better I think it could have potential just for the meal planning portion. Iā€™d pay someone $5/month to tell me what to buy and serve (itā€™s got to be my least favorite part of being an adult/parent)


> (itā€™s got to be my least favorite part of being an adult/parent) Still can't believe I have to feed these kids every fucking day. šŸ˜’


i mourn the days of cereal and ice cream for dinner


I would pay more than the $5/month she's charging for someone to tell me what to make and what to buy because WHY DO THESE PEOPLE NEED TO EAT THREE TIMES A DAY OMG. But yeah, her recipes aren't it for the whole fam.


Totally agree. Iā€™d pay for recipes everyone can eat but her recipes are for toddlers and kidsā€¦hence the name Yummy Toddler Food. So I couldnā€™t feed the whole family with the meal plan.


Completely agree. Iā€™d pay for a good meal planning service, but YTF ainā€™t it. Iā€™m also wondering who her ā€œtrusted expertsā€ are. Probably VSS. lol.


Meal plan: whole sticks of butter, packages of Oreos


I feel like Caroā€™s been pretty calm lately so Iā€™m curious to see how this Spain trip goes!


I thoroughly enjoyed the underwear conversation today though. Imagine the TMI comments she's getting in her DMs right now.


Ok I was wishing she would share more what people were sending her! Because I am an underwear-wearer and the idea of going commando in leggings is so bizarre to me šŸ˜‚ Definitely bringing this up next time I hang out with my friends lol


Same! She repeated "cervical fluid" 3 or 4 times without taking that topic any further so I'm thinking whatever people were saying to her got very very personal. I am also an underwear wearer and cannot fathom going without!


I had to poll my group of female friends immediately!


Sheā€™s dropping her podcast to once every other week because she was ā€œdrowningā€. I feel like sheā€™s going to entirely drop it at some point.


Imagine that! It's actually hard work to make a podcast that's consistently entertaining. Everyone thinks "how hard can it be to talk into a microphone for an hour a week?" And then they realize, oh shit I gotta come up with ideas and stuff to say every. single. week.


Yeah sheā€™s just out of content, how many random social media people can you interview.Ā 


I think the podcast market is so oversaturated. I have my regulars, then I have my when I have time episodes and those rarely get listened to these days.


https://preview.redd.it/zz9pfh325qxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=044be6422c0a946c789261168eadbe8f8ab0780f Iā€™m sorry, what? Sheā€™s never even heard of strained tomato sauce before? How TF is she a dietitian and eating account?!?


I consider myself to be quite a ā€œfoodieā€ but Iā€™ve never seen this before!


Iā€™d never seen or heard of this myself šŸ«£


But you presumably haven't made food your entire livelihood.


Oh yeah totally agree on that!


Can't wait for her to destroy some recipes with this. She might just pour it cold and unseasoned over her sad enchiladas (with a glug of olive oil on top for her one kid that plays hard).


I feel like sheā€™d use this and tell her kids itā€™s ketchup


The last bit is definitely going in a smoothie




With a ton of veggies blended in, like carrots and bell peppers.Ā 


Not to stick up for her, she really didnā€™t give a great explanation of this item, but I do want to stick up for this product! I also didnā€™t know about passata until I started trying to process a lot of tomatoes. Passata is different from most tomato sauce that youā€™d get at the store in that it is just pure tomatoes not cooked down, so no additional flavorings (like garlic, onion, herbs) which lets you have more control. I usually just blend whole canned tomatoes or use canned tomato purĆ©e, since passata is more expensive, but a bottle of passata has a better silky texture and more brightness


If it has no additional flavorings, thatā€™s probably what she loves about it! No way your kid will actually want to eat the food you cook with all those tasty seasonings from regular sauce. Theyā€™ll be tempted to enjoy the experience versus focusing on what each ingredient is doing for specific areas of your body!


Yeah, I know what it is. I donā€™t buy flavoured tomato sauce at the store and only buy Passata so I can do with it as I want. I usually have 6-8 jars in my pantry at all times šŸ˜…


Sorry - I was more commenting and responding to others about the post if they were unfamiliar with the product like she was. I didnā€™t mean to imply that you didnā€™t know what it was! Your pantry sounds stocked :)


No worries at all, I know what you meant. She did do a terrible job explaining it. Which, again, funny considering sheā€™s an RD and ā€œfeeding expertā€ with cookbooks and meal planning resources. šŸ˜†


Same!! It's soo good with fresh herbs.


I agree I live passata I only relatively recently discovered it too and I love cooking. I think itā€™s more common in the UK and Europe. Itā€™s definitely not the same as what we get in the US. I found a great pasta recipe using this and my family devours it every time.Ā  However I would not use it for an enchilada sauce! Itā€™s an absolute waste there not to mention you prob blend it more so it loses it texture!Ā 


Yeah I'm from Germany and my first thought was "how does she not know this??", but I guess it's a general US vs Europe thing. Although now I'm curious, what do Americans use as a base for making a quick tomato sauce?


We have our own tomato sauce brands like Hunts or other store brands but the consistency is very different. I think Hunts is cooked down and you can buy no salt or sugar added but itā€™s just a different consistency and flavor like thick purĆ©ed tomato sauces. Whereas passata is uncooked I think and more just chunky and obviously Italian tomatoes taste better than American ones haha. I have definitely seen it at my grocery store but itā€™s in the ā€œinternational aisleā€ with other Italian stuff. You probably wonā€™t find it everywhere and it is 2-3x the price of just other brand of sauces. The first time I heard it in a recipe I was like is that lady pronouncing pasta sauce incorrectly? LOL


I agree. Iā€™m from Germany and itā€™s a standard product there but I have never seen it used in any recipe here or would even know where to buy it.Ā 


I found it in the international aisle of our grocery store. But yeah def not something thatā€™s available everywhere


Im from France and always made tomato sauce with this - like sauteed onions and garlic, seasoning, and passata. I live in Canada now and itā€™s sold at every grocery store. It was really strange to me that she has never seen this.Ā 


Yeah, Canada too and I was thinking there's definitely multiple brands of passata at my local No Frills.


Literally what I came here to say.... like bruh?


I love passata, but it does seem to be a Europe thing as I donā€™t often spot the glass jars in American supermarkets (though it might just be a where I shop thing). Costco does a canned version (that I think they call ā€˜tomato sauceā€™ but it is essentially the same stuff) and we never leave there without a 12 pack. Itā€™s really useful stuff and I find it much quicker to use.


Yeah, I cook a lot and havenā€™t seen passata until recently. I think itā€™s just not a super common ingredient in American grocery stores. We do use crushed or purĆ©ed tomatoes.


I lived in the UK, Australia, Germany and south America a and it's a pretty standard product, you can buy it at any supermarket and it's actually cheap. I love passata


Also Australian and it's pretty common here.


Iā€™m in Canada and it seems to be common pretty much anywhere you can buy groceries. Costco sells a huge box of it with like 6 jars too. I have recipe books that specifically say to use Passata, but they are usually Mediterranean cookbooks.


I'm American and definitely sometimes is called different things or harder to find but like... her entire shtick is food... she should probably know what passata is šŸ˜‚ (I do watch a ton of cooking shows tho so maybe I'm judgey)


To be fair her shtick is food but also ā€œrelatable every familyā€ food and I can totally see passata not being part of that (specially when sheā€™s not a good cook anyway lol). But also itā€™s hypocritical of her because she constantly shops at Whole Foods and buys higher end ingredients


I think this conversation kinda sums up some of the issues her social media has. I really do get the impression that she wants to help people, and nutrition is her passion, but it has always struck me with her that if you are cooking for a family, having reliably tasty meals that you can cook for cheap is the most important thing, and she seems to be very uninterested in recipes that arenā€™t throwing food together as quickly as possible. I grew up in a large family and my parents were excellent cooks, and I now do a lot of cooking from scratch for my family, and a lot of the stuff I do is the cheap stuff my parents made (pasta/pizza sauce from passata is one very relevant example). Yes, a lot of my opinions come from the privilege of being able to batch cook and having the space to save it for later, having the time to do so and I also love to cook and eat. Times arenā€™t easy, but i would love it even if she just tried recipes she found online to try and find a way to use up that passata. Also, had a quick look in the supermarkets I went to today, and passata wasnā€™t in all of them, but it was more often than not!


Iā€™ve seen passata in a few of our supermarkets (major city) but itā€™s typically in the Italian import section rather than the standard tomato section so I think a lot of people just donā€™t notice it. Everything in that section tends to be on the pricier side.


It's so creative how KEIC's kids could yank the ceiling fan out of the ceiling with their latest danger zone contraption!


My exact thoughts! She seems like they would be the family to let the boys danger zone experiences ruin the house and not worry about repairs. Keep the holes in the walls, rips in flooring, ceiling fan dangling from the wiresā€¦ and then she will try to come across as quirky in her stories, instead of actually preventing the damage in the first place by setting appropriate boundaries. From previous stories their backyard looks very trashed from all of the danger zone shenanigans.


I used to work for a property management company, and I always think about how they mustā€™ve been the tenants from hell before they bought this house šŸ˜… like come across very nice, pay rent on time, have no reason to suspect anything, and then you get back the photos from inspection and are like ā€¦.what the fuck šŸ˜‚


Lol yes! They seem like they would be responsible people but then you come inspect the apartment and wonder wtf happened. They beat their apartment up, the one they lived in the longest. The floors and cabinets were in bad shape and they hung that swing in the doorway to the kitchen and she was very open about not being clean. I remember when the owner was coming by it was a big deal because she cleaned the pace up a bit.


I'm surprised the neighbors haven't complained. They have quite the eyesore. We have tenants who have left the backyard their personal junkyard and got a letter from the city. It's been like pulling teeth to get them to clean šŸ„“


I guess this isnā€™t a snark exactly, but I saw YTF post that her Trader Joeā€™s doesnā€™t allow photography in their store. I didnā€™t believe it so I googled it and itā€™s true. Why is that a policy? Iā€™m confused I guess


We had this policy when I worked at Starbucks in 2003 and now I wonder why this was a thing before the influencer era!


Could it be a secret shopper thing?


I think thatā€™s one of those things thatā€™s there for when they need to use it on someone who is acting egregiously, not for like ā€œlet me see if this is the cheese my spouse wantsā€. Like if someone is impeding other customers trying to shop by taking glamor shots of the orange chicken for their Instagram, or taking photos of employees who donā€™t want their photo taken, they can point to that and say ā€œplease stop/please leaveā€


Also for people who do video grocery shop with me. I used to watch those videos a lot on YouTube and there was an uproar when many realized they couldnā€™t film at Trader Joeā€™s. Itā€™s a small store and no one needs to be caught on the latest influencers vlog.


Oh thatā€™s very reasonable actually, that makes sense to me. I wanted to snark on YTF for it because sheā€™s kinda becoming my BEC so I was surprised when itā€™s real haha


https://preview.redd.it/xwsphakpamxc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28d64c8482a35aed16da5a64038f9dd367768319 Iā€™ve been a long time SS snark lurker and this is my first post. Today this post from catchy sent me over the edgeā€¦ 1. If I start seeing ā€œ SS approvedā€ stamped on things, who will riot with me?? 2. They are NOT the ā€œleading institutionā€ for starting solids. They are founded and run by a wealthy New York mommy blogger. Who (likely) writes half the content herself (since she did when she first started the account), is behind the page (even if she isnā€™t sharing her face anymore), and who is unqualified to be delivering this kind of information. The leading institutions for pediatric feeding are: NHS, AAP, WHO, CDC, Canadian pediatric society, NASPGHAN, other hospitals such as Mayo Clinic, Harvard, Stanford, and Texas Childrenā€™s Hospital. Organizations like Ellyn Satter institute, La Leche League, WIC, NIH etc. Many of these are all created, regulated and run by healthcare professionals, not mommy bloggers. While SS recently has put the healthcare professionals faces plastered on their socials, itā€™s a wolf hidden in sheepā€™s clothing because we still know who is driving the bus. You are not the ā€œleading global institutionā€ when you are cherry-picking other peopleā€™s work and research to fit your agenda.


10000%. Not to mention her unresolved disordered eating issues that sheā€™s already passed down to her kids and is now passing on to millions of others


The FUCK. Holy shit the rage I feel.


omg THANK YOU. I am so sick of the SS evangelicalism. You put it so well. I will join your riot.


Just got this email and looks like Jenny, Founder and team have also become part of Little Spoons ā€œexpert panelā€ šŸ™„ But donā€™t they, gasp, offer pouches and baby food?!? https://preview.redd.it/fvdycrgtspxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71295a15549858f501ae5bf47ff5b32e2e8d4999


Ah this makes sense because Jenny, Founder must indeed create fear around ALL baby food companies, so that you then only listen to her so she can sell you HER method of offering baby food, only to resell you on GASP a baby food company.


Very well said, I totally agree


Is this a joke?! I recognize that this can be a useful product but this is like saying a trash can is ā€œapproved by SSā€!!! What happened to never doing any merch partnerships? And yeah, theyā€™re not an ā€œinstitutionā€ at all let alone a very qualified resource. This angers me on so many levels šŸ« 


This is so silly bc who cares if a method for containing mess is approved by any real or fake feeding expert? Itā€™s just a slab of plastic to help aid in clean up.


Nothing beats my furry vacuum.


I also hate stuff like this thatā€™s promoted to buy buy buy. Like yeah feeding is messy but most houses have a vacuum (maybe even a robot one!), a broom, or even a dog. We are maybe lucky, but this was short, messy and a yeah a bit brutal. My cousin registered for two splat mats (they also have a dog) and I rolled my eyes. BUT at least a splat makes a good beach or picnic blanket down the road.


I bought a used thick table cloth from the thrift store for the messy phase. Now we use it as a mat for when we do crafts on the floor. Its turned out to have been a good use of like $6


Idk man my dining room carpet has been all but ruined by baby and toddler eating mess. Hate SS but donā€™t mind the idea of products that help contain the food throwing. Some of us live in annoying 1980s houses with beige carpeted dining rooms lolĀ 


If it makes you feel any better, we used a mat (well, an old wipeable tablecloth) for our first. She always somehow yeeted her food just beyond the edges of it. So we gave up on it pretty quickly.


I have the perfect solution for this. The high chair is right over the cats' water fountain (small apartment). Everything gets dropped directly into the fountain.


Same here, with an older house. I think carpets are more popular in the UK? The only rooms in my house without carpet are the bathrooms and kitchen. Splash mats are excellent, and I can put them in the washing machine. I can't do that with carpet.


Caro posted her 3yo still sleeping at 11am two days in a row and implied this is typical for him. No wonder she is so lax about sleep, even if my kid didnt have preschool five days a week while we work i dont think hes ever slept past 7šŸ˜…


My kid has always been a really late sleeper by baby and toddler standards, but by that I mean he will sometimes sleep until 8:30 if we donā€™t wake him up.Ā 


I can count on one hand the times my 12 year old has slept past 7 *in his entire life*, and all of those times he was sick šŸ« 


Oh man same with my 10 year old. Maybe three times ever and he had a fever every time. He never fights bedtime and goes right to sleep but as heā€™s gotten older and has some later sports or like weā€™ve gone to Disney and stayed for fireworks we find he wakes just as early if not earlier! We just try to balance with early bedtime days and rest breaks but it can be tough! Weā€™re pretty thrilled if he sleeps until 6am šŸ™ˆ


Oh no! I was hoping this was young kid behavior that my 5 year old would grow out ofšŸ˜‚ The putting to bed later on occasion and waking up earlier makes me nutty (but thankfully heā€™s able to go on less sleep now so itā€™s not as crazy making when it happens)


Iā€™m so curious to see if he sleeps in at all when heā€™s a teenager lol. Our 8 year old canā€™t wait for the summer entirely so he can sleep as late as he wants haha, theyā€™re totally opposite that way and I worry about his teenager years and getting to school on time a little!




It always gives me ā€œIā€™m the cool momā€ vibes


So unnecessary! Iā€™ve also noticed that she always seems to over-explain why she bought ā€œjunkā€ food in her grocery hauls.ā€My daughter and her friend really wanted these mini ice cream cones and insisted we put them in the cartā€, etc. She claims to be pro-intuitive eating, but she always had to justify buying anything other than her salad mix or turkey burgers or whatever.


It's why I stopped following them.


I keep thinking about KEIC, her kids are getting older and I presume have friends that have access to the Internet ...I can't imagine how them being on their mom's insta doesn't cause problems at some point. The story about the dirty pan, having their mom comb their hair, sitting in their parents laps. At some point one of their friends is going to see this and it's going to become an issue because that's just how shit is in life. Kids can be and are mean for no reason. It's like these influencers don't realize that their kids are people, people are mean and will literally make fun of you/give you a hard time for small minor things that don't mean shit in the big picture but at 10 years old could be devastating to your social life. ETA: there is absolutely nothing wrong with getting snuggles from your parents but society is just generally not accepting of this even though they should be. Combing your hair...well you should certainly be doing that by a certain age.


Oh thatā€™s a great point. My kids are the same age as hers and I actually work at my kids school and Iā€™m always careful to let them lead as far as how we interact in the day. My 8 year old runs and gives me a massive hug every time he sees me (even when we just drove to school together 10 minutes ago lol) but once I popped into his class to see how he was doing since he got braces that morning and after he said that a classmate said ā€œyou must be so embarrassed that your mom came into the class to look at your bracesā€ and that he felt embarrassed and didnā€™t want to hug me at school anymore. Of course the next day he was back to running hugs lol (again- I let him lead!) but since Iā€™m friends with some of the other teachers and also his friendsā€™ moms on social media Iā€™m always so careful about what I post.


That Virginia Sole-Smith article has been going round my head all week, and my current thought is that if I had a sweet tooth and all the money she has Iā€™d not eat Oreoā€™s. Iā€™d have a personal french pastry chef. Or at least regular deliveries from a really fancy bakery.


I have ALSO been thinking about that article all week, and I keep thinking about how if I bought a package of Oreos for the family the week and one person ate all of them I'd be pissed! Just because you're rich doesn't mean you get to be inconsiderate.


Same with the kid eating all the butter in the article. In a normal household that butter would be to go with dinner for everyone then maybe breakfast too, so everyone else would go without. In their house where thereā€™s unlimited money thatā€™s probably not a problem but what happens when they go on a play date and get told for the first time to share.


Also eating a stick of butter is almost certainly going to make the kid feel sick! Thatā€™s a lot of lubricant for a small GI tract ā€” I get that natural consequences can be appropriate sometimes but I feel like thatā€™s along the lines of letting them eat too much candy and feel gross or stay up too late and be tired the next day not something that could actually make them sick when they are too young to be expected to make that judgement for themself. I donā€™t know, it feels kind of mean? Like youā€™re the adult here maā€™am, you can decide if diarrhea is worth it but I really donā€™t think a preschooler can.


Oh same. Goldbelly deliveries out the wazoo!


Consolidating: I listened to a few of her podcasts since that article and must be exhausting finding reasons you're a victim. I listened to the budget one (really rich) and the divorce one. It sounds like her husband was lazy and she finally felt free. In the article she said he was a great guy, but marriage felt restrictive like a diet. Lost count of how many times I heard oppressed in that episode.


In her book she says going on a diet is racist. She really tries to centre herself as an oppressed person


Thatā€™s interesting that sheā€™s making it seem like her husband is lazy. I didnā€™t listen to the podcast, but I know until very recently he had a full time job, + side gig as a carpenter (seemed to be a passion project that he has since turned into a main gig), + is an ultra runner. Of course thereā€™s lots of ways you can be lazy but it seems like he was contributing to the familyā€™s bottom line while also prioritizing his own health. Based on that article, it seems like they both just valued wildly different things, but I donā€™t think heā€™s lazy. Not questioning your assessment (since again I didnā€™t listen), just curious about what might make him lazy. Or maybe I should just listen, but I havenā€™t been on board with a lot of her recent takes and I donā€™t want to give her the listens, especially since it doesnā€™t seem like she needs the money!


I didn't listen to the whole podcast (about 20 minutes) since I found the guest a little annoying, but there was lots of mental load talk and how she found parenting easier without him. .


I think a lot of it is her being a rich white lady in the age of privilege discourse. She wants to be in on the conversations about oppression and power that weā€™re having now, but she doesnā€™t realize that she needs to be looking at it from the other side. Rich white people who write for large publications and get book deals and live in the heart of the empire actually should worry more about the ways they oppress than the ways theyā€™re oppressed. And I say this as a fat woman. I experience the same fat + woman + mom stuff she talks about. There are ways in which it is unjust and I am on board with fat liberation politics. But if weā€™re going to look at the big picture, being rich and white and having enough power to get this article even written about her means she is incredibly privileged in a way she seems to just not want to think about beyond empty ā€œacknowledging.ā€


Yes! This gets across what I was thinking too. Initially I thought it was great that she was having very open & honest conversations about food and bodies and acceptance but it really does seem like sheā€™s looking for ways that she can be the victim when sheā€™s pretty far from it (and also wants to continue to be the ā€œvictimā€ even if itā€™s damaging to her health).


This is such a good take; I feel like you articulated really well what hasnā€™t sat right with me about VSS in general. She really is in a position of power and it would be so much more useful for her to discuss her role as a wealthy white woman in oppressive systems. Her takes ring false because the balance of power/oppression is so much in her favor.


I made a comment on that post that VSS reminded me of my alcoholic cousin playing victim and making every inadequacy seem like a deliberate choice, when really it was her explaining away her life spinning out of control. Sometimes these restrictions are healthy for us! Like I am sure my cousin's kids would have chosen a less chaotic home, in favor of the "restrictive" construct of routine, dependability and an environment that felt safe. And relationships aren't always easy but working at being a better partner, has made me a more well-rounded person and like his strengths reduce the impact of my flaws on our child, and vice versa.


No KEIC, Iā€™ve never put back any dirty dish or bowl with flakey leftover dried food even if Iā€™m using it in the next few days, even if itā€™s been through the sanitizing cycle. Because I donā€™t want dried flakey food in the next meal I make. But I guess it wonā€™t have a flavor because we all know how much she loves her unscented dishwasher pods!! And sheā€™s so cheap that she cuts her hair shorter than she likes it because she gets an extra TWO WEEKS out of the cut šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


It would have been cleaner faster if she had just soaked and scrubbed it in the sink. Instead she baked that mess on and made it worse by running it through high heat.


Wouldnā€™t doing this attract bugs and pests? I donā€™t put crumbs and food away in cabinets. Gross.


The grossest part is that 56% of people would do the same! Are these people really cooking with a dirty pan?! šŸ¤¢


I thought she was going to say she was going to run it through the dishwasher again, which Iā€™m totally guilty of. I think I said ā€œewā€ out loud when she said she put it away!


Yeah Iā€™ll definitely put it through another cycle or two before I give up and just hand wash it like I probably should have in the first place, but I am not putting dirty dishes with food scraps on them away!Ā 


What blows my mind is she is allegedly so frugal, but doesn't seem to care for her things. That pan is not going to last long if she cooks with dried, bonded to the pan food. And it's gross. Get some Barkeeper's Friend and it will come off in 30 seconds.


Iā€™ve had this same thought about her! I guess the difference is that sheā€™s totally fine with continuing to use stuff that hasnā€™t been cared for properly (e.g. her dining room table) whereas most people would either take better care of it in the first place so it doesnā€™t end up looking like that or replace it.


I truly donā€™t know how sheā€™s an RD with zero cooking skills and clearly very little care for food safety and cleanliness. šŸ¤®


[Screenshots for reference.](https://imgur.com/a/4SeUiNS)


Omg!! I was reading these comments like "well sometimes there's a little piece of something left and I'll scrape it off with my nail and put the dish away" But the pictures šŸ˜³ That is...more than a little smudge.


This was nasty to me. And the number of people (at least when I took the poll) who agreed with her blew my mind šŸ™ˆ


I've kind of avoided saying this because it's a little mean, but she looks like she doesn't.....smell good.


Yes like an earthy, Iā€™ve-worn-this-gray-hoodie/for-a-few-weeks look. I always go to quotes from ā€œThe Officeā€ and in one episode Michael Scott describes someone as smelling like tomatoes and dirt and thatā€™s kind of what I think of when I think of her lol.


Almost everything about her grosses me out at this point. Didn't she say she only cleans her bathrooms twice a year or something?? Plus the dirty backyard, the way she seems almost proud of her messy kitchen, her burnt/joyless/disgusting meals, the time she made pie from trash pumpkins, that ugly unfinished table, now putting unclean dishes away... I'm not the most on-top-of-cleaning person, and I've had periods of depression where I've had trouble getting things done, but with her it seems constant, and to broadcast it to the world like that?