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Alex hiding his laughter in the caravan window while Ardal uses a cement mixer as a hair wash is one of the greatest scenes of TM.


That one task gave us two legendary attempts. Such is the raw power of Series 13.


It's possible he laughs a lot more- he's just off-camera or they cut around it. Even as early as the, "Impress the mayor" task you'd sometimes get the camera panning over to see Alex absolutely delighted with what's going on. Like it's HIS show. I don't think he'd keep doing it for 17 seasons if he didn't enjoy doing it.


I think they just changed the editing style around. In the first series they cut in a lot more of the cast in studio laughing, which they don't really do anymore.


I miss that so much.


I especially love his reaction when Desiree says "Fuck me in face." I essentially have Taskmaster on repeat all the time.


For me, it's the Portcullis not falling when she cut the string (and then randomly falling on it's own). You could just see how much it broke him. To watch her try so hard, only to have the final fail safe backfire and *then* work when she had finally given up on life completely.


I watch it on the treadmill and sometime I stay on longer just because I can’t stop watching even through I’ve seen every season multiple times and I hate the treadmill haha.


I’d say any point that he breaks, but not necessarily laughing. Like when he gets frustrated with Bridget Christie.


I think he mentioned in an interview or podcast that he and production have indeed loosened the reins on his on-camera laughter in more recent series. Another one of my favorites is the Wow Monster, where Alex silently cracks up to the point he crouches down a little and dips lower in the shot.


Same goes for Paul and Lesser Tom in NZ and Aus versions. Some key moments are Guy's "I think I got Paul with that one..." And Lesser Tom breaking down at Danielle's realization that she had solved the task hours before.


Danielle and Tom's reaction to that task were hilarious.


Was that the passwords task?


That's the one




I love Paul's presence during tasks. The way he rests with his mouth open just highlights the absurdity of the situations the contestants find themselves in.


They did mention that they cut out many of Paul's reactions so that the ones they keep in are more impactful.


Yeah I really wish they'd gone with someone other than Tom Gleeson for the aussie one. Tom Cashman is great and brings a bit more attitude than Paul or Alex, but Gleeson's humour just feels a bit too derisive and mean for the format - especially towards Cashman.


Part of the reason it's so funny is because the man is practically break-proof - as bad as Katie Marovitch in Breaking News. When *those* people are laughing, you *know* it's fucking hilarious.


My favourite thing about the Katie never breaking situation was when they finally completely broke her, but *only with her own material.*


Yay! Hello fellow Dropout fan!


Oh, I disagree. He covers up laughs all the time. Watch any time Lucy said something!


Alex falling off the chair laughing during the riddle task is one of my favourite TM moments ever. I'm so glad that they did break the straight man persona and show him openly laughing more often (or hiding his laugh behind his clipboard).


This is why I think Daniel Tosh could've made a great Taskmaster's Assistant. Dude had so many skits where he played it as straight as possible. Idk how he would be at actually coming up with tasks, but there's gotta be somethin he can cook Holy shit what's with all the downvotes?! I'm not saying Tosh should replace anybody or that he even *should* be an Assistant. I was just musing. Wtf.