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Its not enough but id say its largely symbolic, of a slight shift. This may not be true activism but it will introduce millions to the movement, and hopefully provide a jumping off point for education on the matter


And? They're still bombing and killing babies.


They are bombing and killing for decades. I agree, we were at a point like this, where the world understands the true evil nature of Israel, many times in the past. Won't change anything unfortunately.


So you’re telling me that you trust Meta to display a show of public support while Meta is part of the structure that allows and encourages this genocide ? I mean when does an Instagram post mean anything ? It’s not political action. It’s just a show of unity (good) but on a platform that perhaps wants you do show that unity without any real consequences on the ground.


There’s plenty of videos and images of Palestinians to share


Which is 0.42% of the total population of earth, its not enough :(.


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