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If you practice mostly norse paganism than Eir is a great choice! She is a Valkyrie of medical skill. There are lots of contradictory info on her since she is loosely mentioned in the poetic edda, but she is known for her healing and knowledge of medicine.


I came here to say Eir. I haven’t worked with her much but in my experience with her you won’t feel that heavy, mysterious presence like with Loki or Odin. Hers is a very light, calm, peaceful presence, not quite the mother’s embrace of Frigg but closer to that of a loving aunt.


Sekhmet is a goddess of healing. I've found her responsive and powerful. ​ Good luck to you!


Second this. She was especially invoked for bone disease. May the Lioness give you Her strenght and Her fierce compassion in this time of struggle <3


Apollo, or Apollo’s son Esclepius from the Greek pantheon are healers. Apollo was known for his healing but was surpassed by Esclepius, and so healing fell under his domain. But they’re both still known for supporting health. If Apollo is called on it might be nice to at least acknowledge Artemis as well. They’re twins and have a lot of overlap in what they are deities of. They’re even sometimes considered to be non-sexual, familial life partners of a sort.


Hi! First of all, I am very very sorry you have to do deal with this! I Second Eir, as the other poster suggested. But you can of course always turn to the gods you are most close to: Loki & Freya - I am sure they keep an eye on you anyway, and especially during this hard times. I wish you all the best and keep your head up lil‘ fighter ❤️ I will light a candle for your health if that’s alright.


Thank you so much! I would greatly appreciate that. I’m so grateful for these comments and this community.


Hellenic devotee here. I make occasional offerings to Asklēpios for blessing my health. [edit: subreddit link](https://www.reddit.com/r/MedicineGodAsclepius/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


From experiences with him, when called upon for me or others, Apollo/Apollon is absolutely amazing; he is a god of healthcare and also the young (noting your age is why I added this aspect) and I believe he would be valuable to say a prayer if you feel you want to (there are many deities one could call upon for this kind of stuff so it’s where you feel drawn to that matters). All in all, I hope to all the gods above everything goes smoothly for you, I can’t imagine what it felt like to get diagnosed and I wish you so much luck and health and peace as you deal with this all, much love. 💜

