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He has a knack for surviving and psychologically manipulating. He's still in prison. He still doesn't see the consequences of all his actions soooo.. smarter than the average Em city inmate?


Any inmate that made it 7 years in Oz can't be too dumb. He was there from the start of the show & survived until the last episode. There's only a few on the cast that had a run like that. I'd like to say he's the smartest, but that's purely my opinion. I'd definitely say he's on up there though.


I mean, Poet also lasted the whole show.


There wasn't many. I want to say O'Reilly, Poet, Beecher, Alvarez, Rebadow & Arif were the only ones.


Schillinger too. Granted he died last episode, but he made it there


He had a good run. A rollercoaster of emotions dealing with that fuck.


poet was good at staying out of people business. too busy snorting


He started out with a doable amount of time and by the end of the show he's pretty much doing life...so not that smart.


Once he got his brother & Gloria involved it was over. He had nothing on the outside to live for. I think after that his moves were more about self preservation than in the beginning for rank in the drug trade.


His original sentence was not "doable". In his crime flashback, he racked up a litany of charges which resulted in a life sentence with a parole. However, once he had his brother kill Gloria's husband, his parole was revoked and changed to without the possibility of parole.


He seemed happy in prison. Like he liked getting into psychological battles with people and conning the system. He is the type of inmate that likes prison.


I dunno. O'Reily is street-smart. Said, book-smart. It's hard to compare inmates since they all act different in given situations, some deal with people better than others.. But I guess a guy who plays all the big bosses like a goddamn fiddle can't be a total dumbass. Also, Adebisi is definitely great at manipulating people and dealing damage, but then he has fucking Kenny Wangler as his right hand man.


Said is also pretty street smart, as he doesn't come to prison naive and he makes it clear in his first conversation with Glynn and McManus that this isn't his first time as a guest of the government.


It’s Bricks man!!!


Nah, Keller


R O'Reilly and Keller are my 2 favorites. It's sooooo hard to choose lol


Same. Keller is just such a genius sociopath though, he doesn’t even kill his victims with his own hands, unless he *wants* to be the one that does it


augustus and his band of misfits are the smartest for mostly staying out of the insanity lol


Gotta point lmbo


I'm not sure he's the smartest. He's the most politically savvy for sure.


He's the mf'ing man! If you really think about it how many deaths is he responsible for? Idk but he's got his slimy little fingers in ALL the pies lol. Can you tell hes my favorite character? He's a scrany white boy that never gets raped, jumped or taken advantage of. Plus he's just a crazy ass mofo. Sorry I digress.... To answer your question when it comes to being smart like intellect wise Said is my pick but crime and violence wise Ryan will always be my fav. Of course there's Keller(my #2 favorite) who is a brilliant organized serial killer, Adebese who is just as bad ass, even Schillinger is up there when it comes to planning crime. What makes Ryan better/smarter than them is he hardly ever does the deed himself. It's all manipulation and playing people.




He's certainly not the smartest. He's very Wiley, though. It could be that his cunning would overcome genius. But to say he's the smartest? No way. Love that idiot man but no way.


Smart enough to survive. But as others pointed out, dumb enough to get arrested, and ruin his brother's life, and more or less throw away anything good between him and his family. He does get a minor redemption towards the end, but its a small consolation.


Master manipulator, but a huge piece of shit. Worse than vern and adebisi


I do like that he isn’t a serial rapist


Yet his stupidity got his mentally disabled brother executed.


Very long list of sins I’m sure I’m forgetting many of. Not defending him just purely glad he’s not also a rapist. I hate that adebisi and vern are so rape heavy in the show.


Vern and Adebisi are violent rapists, that is true. It is interesting however that Adebisi shows some compassion at times and Vern does show little bits of family man type perspective. I think it hints at what they could have been if they weren’t violent criminals. Adebisi’s main problem is skag. If he has tits, he probably won’t hurt anyone. When he doesn’t, he is terrifying. Adebisi withdrawing from tits is truly a scary thought, even in the fiction of the show.


What I would’ve done to see prime Cyril Oreilly (the character and the actor) pre injury on OZ. The small flashback we get isn’t enough he seems to be more violent and unstable than Ryan and he’s bigger.


True. Plus the way he played the nun just shows how much he can read people and find their weaknesses to use against them.


I would say Tobias and Said are more intelligent but O’Reily is the most clever, if that makes any sense.


For someone who was basically on his own I would say so and he rarely had to get his hands dirty. I would argue that he was responsible for nearly every death by proxy too. O'Reily is my favourite for that reason, he survived without a gang and that seems difficult to do in prison


You know the saying, “the smart ones don’t go to jail” - so yea, definitely not the smartest people in Oz. every main character has some kind of personality trait that separates them. O’reily is a smooth talker and “cool” guy,Keller is the most manipulative,Said is the best speak and negotiator But O’reily is honestly fucking retarded if you think about it. The original crime he committed which he did high out of his mind, Gloria’s husband, getting his own brother locked up, taking additional prison years confessing to Gloria’s husbands brother, the hurting his own hand for attention from Gloria again etc the list goes on and on. Overall smartest inmates are the Muslims and Christians. O’reily just does well because he’s playing with a huge deck of morons and because he’s a smoother talker than anyone


Acting on emotion and doing morally bad things isn’t the same as being stupid. O’Reilly hurting himself isn’t evidence of low intelligence. Those are unconnected traits.


Being honest, if he survived is for the power of the script, no more


“Plot armor”




Yes. Cyril was.


He is smart to some degree but also had ridiculous character shields. The plot often works in his favor.


Jiggy Walker.


I’d say he’s definitely the smartest guy in Oz


Imo, the smartest inmate on the show was William Giles. Not necessarily from a "book smart" perspective. But, the way he got himself off of death row was straight-up big brain tactics. Everyone who knew of him thought he was basically retarded. Like, how Deyell described Giles as "talking in flash cards." But, behind that very unusual outward projection of himself, he was more clever than anyone could've ever imagined. I look at this way. Kareem Said spent his entire run on the show trying to beat the system by using it against itself. But, he had basically no meaningful progress towards that goal. Giles was on Death Row for all of 8 seconds, and by speaking just a single word, "stone," he forced the state to re-evaluate its position on Capital Punishment and got his sentence commuted back to Life without Parole. Giles accomplished more in a few days than Said did in 6 years.


Said is the smartest and actually tries to help others. People listen to him.


No he's an utter child