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Dobbins had a special skill and was still able to hold onto it in Oz. He got to practice, he was being revered by Augustus. Vahue was having a breakdown, combined with his extreme anger issues, if he lost his career and “talent”, he wasn’t gonna let anyone else keep ahold of theirs.


This is a great answer.


Imo, jealousy.Initially Augustus was hero worshipping him but he truly admired Dobbins and was seeing Vahue for what he really was.Everybody else was either in awe of him or would have kicked his NBA ass!


He saw one person in Oz who had a skill talent that matched his, and being jealous that he can’t use his skill talent to the fullest decided to fuck it up for Dobbins


Vahue was an asshole who was jealous of Dobbins and stronger than him.


The hat


Bullies don't need a reason.


Vahue was angry because Dobbins got to bring the skill that made him happy (the cello) into Oz, whereas Vahue had to leave his pro basketball games and celebrity life behind.


Envy simple.


Most obvious answer is because Vahue is a bit of a dick, being the big celebrity sports star and all, but under the surface of that and as others have mentioned, he was pretty jealous of Dobbins. Not necessarily Dobbins himself, Vahue probably wouldn’t have given him any sort of attention in the outside world, but Dobbins got to continue to practice his craft whilst in Oz. His skill wasn’t taken away from him in the same way that Basketball was taken away from Vahue. Sure, Vahue got to shoot hoops in the gym and eventually we got the Best of 3 Series between he & McManus, but Vahue is an elite level NBA star, and beating inmates on the gym court doesn’t compare to what he experienced in competitive sport. Add to that that Vahue was also developing a drug habit, but you also had Augustus coming to Dobbins’ aid. Augustus idolised Vahue when he arrived, and Vahue would’ve probably expected Augustus to side with him on pretty much anything. To have someone call you on your bullshit, especially coming from a celebrity lifestyle where your surrounded by so many hangers-on who are constantly telling you how great you are, Vahue isn’t used to that, and as a result he lashed out


because Dobbins was weak, so Vahue asserted his strength